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2D vs 2.5D: Which one is better?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
SappYoda said:
Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins is one of the best looking games on PSP


Lol, that's pretty hideous...


Yeah, I always thought UGnG was pretty ugly. Bad representative.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
yea, ITT: the Nostalgia Army are strong and defensive as hell

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh afd aj sdnfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaldnn oad sja aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjnwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao

Please stop assuming that I'm a fucking idiot who can't differentiate nostalgia from reality. This is revolting.


The Take Out Bandit said:
"2.5D" is bullsh*t.

Just call this spade a spade. It's 3D pretending to be 2D.

It's pulled off in some instances, never by Capcom/Dimps/Eighting; and I still feel there's a massive amount of room for improvement as 3D pretending to be 2D isn't convincing as actual sprite work. Stuff looks like real time Donkey Kong Country / Killer Instinct (at best) and that sh*t is just garish.

Give me more bold visual stylization than what we're seeing now and it will be tolerable. Until then, it will always be as Bufallo Bill making a girl suit and playing pretend.
What about Mega Man Powered Up and Ultimate Ghouls and Ghost? They're technically 2.5D and I think they look great.
Where the hell is Vanillaware's next game? This thread just makes me want to replay Muramasa again.

Raging Spaniard said:
Except that no game looks like a clip from the Simpsons show, the images youre using to make your point valid have no place in this discussion at all.

However, and since you brought that game up I'll give you an interesting fact about The Simpsons game (my old studio worked on it). During development EA made a movie sample to prove how well the characters could work in 3D. What they did is take a clip from the show and substitute 2D Bart with a 3D Bart, then showed it to the people that make the show.

They didnt even notice the difference.

I dont think the video is available online, so youll have to take my word for it ... but trust me, in the end is about the talent of the people involved, not the medium. Its like saying acrylics are better than watercolors or gouache.

Sounds interesting to see. Do you know of a video that's comparable?

Not saying that their word is incorrect, but people said the exact same shit with countless CGI creatures and how they looked just like real life. An example of this is with the Chronicles of Narnia they showed two videos side to side to people, one of a real-life lion walking down a street and another of the render of Aslan, and people couldn't tell the difference. Yet when it went to the screen he was clearly CGI.

SappYoda said:
Ultimate Ghosts n Goblins is one of the best looking games on PSP



Looks pretty good.
apana said:
Does everyone agree that 2.5D games are more popular thatn 2D games? Not much discussion in here on that topic.
That probably has to do with the game themselves and the franchise attached to it, rather than they use polygonal or not.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii vs. Muramasa

Why For?

When done properly, I prefer 2.5D. But only when done properly.

Klonoa, NSMBWii, DKCR are examples for me of done properly.


Chet Rippo said:
That probably has to do with the game themselves and the franchise attached to it, rather than they use polygonal or not.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii vs. Muramasa

So NSMB would have sold just as well if it was just pure 2D? What about DKCR? I don't know why but I doubt that, probably Nintendo doesn't believe it either.


2.5 is generally ugly as hell.

apana said:
So NSMB would have sold just as well if it was just pure 2D? What about DKCR? I don't know why but I doubt that, probably Nintendo doesn't believe it either.

I dunno, but if the public only cared about something being "advanced", why didn't Galaxy sell more?


Gravijah said:
2.5 is generally ugly as hell.

I dunno, but if the public only cared about something being "advanced", why didn't Galaxy sell more?

What holds Galaxy back is actually having to navigate in 3D space. 2D is accesible but 2.5D also gives the impression of it being modern.


hyperbolically metafictive
i prefer 2d, which has more personality and artistic identity to my eyes than 2.5d, but i'm all for good 2.5d -- it's primarily about keeping 2d gameplay styles alive, and if that involves polygons, fine with me.


Flying_Phoenix said:
An SNES rom just went platinum...

Those games are classic. 2D Mario isn't the best example, they could go with gameboy graphics without color and it would still sell millions. It's a matter of how much, NSMB is the fastest selling game ever on a single platform.


Willy105 said:
I greatly dislike the term '2.5D'.

Everyone knows what it means. It carries no baggage. It is... what it is. It's not like other words, such as, for example, "epic" or "visceral" or "casual" or "accessible". It's just a term that described a certain mix of visual and gameplay styles. 3D graphics and 2D gameplay.

So... why?
Fugu said:
I think 2.5D has a lot of untapped potential, but almost as a rule 2D looks better. Nintendo does some good 2.5D (The Super Smash Bros. series looks great, for example) but I think that's about it. Capcom is increasingly convincing me that 2.5D is a horrible idea, because all of their 2.5D games look absolutely dreadful.

The funny thing about opinions is that trying to contextualize them like this to invalidate them doesn't really contribute anything, especially for those of us that fall in the giant deadzone between "entirely nostalgic" and "not nostalgic at all".

Did you just say DKCR looks like crap?

That's just fucking stupid.


Fafracer forever
Raging Spaniard said:
Its always up to what the art team thinks looks good and the skill level of the people involved.
That goes to a point. But art is by its very nature defined by the limitations of expressive medium.

That aside, regarding the issues of cost - overall production of 2D games tends to run a fair bit lower then modern 3D games, for too many reasons to discuss here. But that rule of thumb would likely reverse if someone tried to do AAA budgeted 2D title.


Rolling Girl
I would have bought Muramasa for my Wii a long time ago if that rumor of a PSN/XBLA port didn't get loose at that conference.


From my experience, the reason you see more polygonal 2D is because the memory requirements of 2D in hi-def are a huge barrier (on consoles).

3D animation files can be fairly small, so most of your memory is spent on the model and textures, which are needed only once. But in 2D, if you have a large character at a high framerate, you have to stick all those frames into memory somewhere, and it's a very difficult balancing issue. Even Vanillaware games, as beautifully handpainted as they are, need to do some intensive memory management trickery such as polygonal characters to minimize texture usage.

Fighters lend themselves to hi-def 2D since you usually only need to load two characters at once. There's a reason why there's so little hi-def 2D with large characters out there... it's simply more difficult to balance. And of course, you're limited to what you can do with camera movement.

Back to the OP's question, I will always prefer 2D. I'm starting to hate '2.5d' games. You lose the benefits of 2D visuals, and the benefits of a truly 3d world. I'd rather go one way or the other.


Since I only spend initial moment ogling graphics, I don't really care about the vs. comment. I'll take either or. Gameplay is what matters to me.

I like Maverick Hunter X just as much as the original. 77


Noogy said:
Back to the OP's question, I will always prefer 2D. I'm starting to hate '2.5d' games. You lose the benefits of 2D visuals, and the benefits of a truly 3d world. I'd rather go one way or the other.

You make it sound like 2D gameplay isn't a benefit.


If pure 2D is more expensive than 2.5D then why do we see more indie/smaller devs attempting it as opposed to companies like Capcom or Nintendo.
whitehawk said:

They have Secret of mana and Super Metroid as well! O.O
MNC said:
You just reminded me I have to buy Muramasa!

Dat field is looking superb. Also!

Ghost Trick is 2.5D and has gorgeous animation!

You should have gotten it at launch :p

SabinFigaro said:

A Boy and His Blob



Posted again for 2beauD ... I mean true beauty


apana said:
"The term "2.5D" is also applied to 3D games that use polygonal graphics to render the world and/or characters, but whose gameplay is restricted to a 2D plane. Examples include Donkey Kong Country Returns, Pandemonium, Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, Nights into Dreams..., Viewtiful Joe, Shadow Complex, Strider 2, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, New Super Mario Bros.,Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Yoshi's Story, Tomba!, The Simpsons Game (DS), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Rush, & New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

if a game plays like 2D, then it's 2D. if it plays like 3D, then it's 3D.

that's why 2.5D is a lie. Who cares how it looks, it's how it plays.


For some reason I never saw epic yarn as 2.5D .... more like a 2.25D =P

Mama Robotnik said:
Dear god, thank you! They're like paintings!

Interesting to say that !
I always found the Yoshi Island to have the exact same feel as some of the pre-abstract moments of Kandinsk... there is even a painting (wich i could not find in google) wich almost only lacks the eyes on the hills xD

here are some examples of his paintings of that time so you have guys have some idea of what i'm talking


Church in Murnau. 1910


Improvisation 7. 1910

Specialy the right part of this one

Composition IV, 1911 (higher res here)


Yoshi's Island is pretty and is one of my favorite games, graphically but it does... not look like a painting.

Especially when you're looking at a level in its entirety. It's way easier to pick up on the repeated assets.

JEKKI said:

if a game plays like 2D, then it's 2D. if it plays like 3D, then it's 3D.

that's why 2.5D is a lie. Who cares how it looks, it's how it plays.
2.5D is not "a lie". It is a term with a very specific meaning, invented - I assume - and adopted - I know - by the gaming industry, to describe a very specific subset of video games.

And unlike cel-shading (another term with a very specific meaning), it is rarely misused, so there should be no room for disagreement or controversy, outside of the realm of "do you like it?" What is it with you people?


JEKKI said:

if a game plays like 2D, then it's 2D. if it plays like 3D, then it's 3D.

that's why 2.5D is a lie. Who cares how it looks, it's how it plays.

Are U high? The world is a lie, 2.5D is the truth.


Nose Master said:
Fuckin hate 2.5D. Always looks like shit. (NSMBW is one of the only exceptions)
You must be trolling because NSMBW is one of the ugliest to come out in the past few years. Even accounting for the fact that it's on Wii.


well this is what I dont understand,

let's say Shadow Complex is a 2.5D game becoz you can shoot enemies in the background,

then does that make Quackshot a 2.5D game as well since when you walk past a building, people can throw things at you out of the windows that are part of the background?

or is Bart vs. Space Mutants 2.5D since a lot of the game's interaction (in the 1st stage at least) is background manipulation?


Twig said:
You must be trolling because NSMBW is one of the ugliest to come out in the past few years.

That's what I thought by looking at pics but it actually looks quite good on a plasma tv, and incredible through emulation.
a good developer can make both 2D and 2,5D shine, i can find quality in both ways.

Dark Octave said:
I have a feeling that they would have been greatly supported if they had brought it over to XBLA/PSN.

It never felt like a good fit for the Wii, to me.

yea, because only grey/brown 3D games should sell in retail markets, 2D isn't good enough for that.

it would have sold copies to the target audience on the other platforms as well.


JEKKI said:
well this is what I dont understand,

let's say Shadow Complex is a 2.5D game becoz you can shoot enemies in the background,

then does that make Quackshot a 2.5D game as well since when you walk past a building, people can throw things at you out of the windows that are part of the background?

or is Bart vs. Space Mutants 2.5D since a lot of the game's interaction (in the 1st stage at least) is background manipulation?
A 2.5D game is a game with primarily - and I suppose I must admit that the "primarily" is a bit subjective! - 2D gameplay and 3D graphics.

Tomba!, New Super Mario Bros., Shadow Complex, even LittleBigPlanet.

You may be able to interact with the background, but that doesn't necessarily make it a "3D" game. It still is a "2D" - and once again, I must admit that this part is a bit subjective - game.
apana said:
That's what I thought by looking at pics but it actually looks quite good on a plasma tv, and incredible through emulation.
Well... I admit I haven't actually played it! But it looks atrocious through emulation. Largely because of the mix of sprites and polygons. The sprites were not made for the large resolutions at which people tend to play. They become blown up and straight-up ugly. The crispness and AA of the actual polygons is nice, but everything else still looks... wrong. Playing at the game's proper native resolution, though, with that AA, might be best. O:

Game still looks like a lot of fun, though, and... SOME DAY I'll play it. D:


JEKKI said:
well this is what I dont understand,

let's say Shadow Complex is a 2.5D game becoz you can shoot enemies in the background,

then does that make Quackshot a 2.5D game as well since when you walk past a building, people can throw things at you out of the windows that are part of the background?

or is Bart vs. Space Mutants 2.5D since a lot of the game's interaction (in the 1st stage at least) is background manipulation?

"The term "2.5D" is also applied to 3D games that use polygonal graphics to render the world and/or characters, but whose gameplay is restricted to a 2D plane". Interacting with the background or feeling of depth doesn't make it 2.5D.


so it's an issue of graphical presentation?!?!

it's like asking which do you prefer, ugly games or good looking games??

if u prefer 2.5D, will you like an ugly 2.5D over a gorgeous 2D?

or vicey versa??

this is why I hate the term 2.5D... it's just a lie to make gamers think games are something that theyre not.

I play side scroller game, press A button, jump on heads, press B button, throw fists or bullets, press right, move right, the amount of D's or half D's dont make a difference.


Tain said:
To all of those that don't care about how a game looks: I don't believe you.

The problem is that people usualy gets confused with "how a game looks" with "how much hardware it needs to run it"....

...and this is getting each time more common =/


BowieZ said:
_Alkaline_ said:
Just another GAFer then.
Tain said:
To all of those that don't care about how a game looks: I don't believe you.
Seriously. Such a ridiculous thing to say.

JEKKI said:
so it's an issue of graphical presentation?!?!

it's like asking which do you prefer, ugly games or good looking games??

if u prefer 2.5D, will you like an ugly 2.5D over a gorgeous 2D?

or vicey versa??

this is why I hate the term 2.5D... it's just a lie to make gamers think games are something that theyre not.

I play side scroller game, press A button, jump on heads, press B button, throw fists or bullets, press right, move right, the amount of D's or half D's dont make a difference.
...It's not a lie. It's a term with a definition, used to describe games. When the topic asks "which do you prefer", it is not asking about gameplay, it is asking about graphical style.

You are ridiculous.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If I had to choose, I'd say 2D, but I don't mind 2.5D in general. Some instances I think look pretty good, like the adventure mode in SSBM.


JEKKI said:
so it's an issue of graphical presentation?!?!

it's like asking which do you prefer, ugly games or good looking games??

if u prefer 2.5D, will you like an ugly 2.5D over a gorgeous 2D?

or vicey versa??

this is why I hate the term 2.5D... it's just a lie to make gamers think games are something that theyre not.

I play side scroller game, press A button, jump on heads, press B button, throw fists or bullets, press right, move right, the amount of D's or half D's dont make a difference.

Mostly yes, but there may be a few practical differences.
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