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30 Harshest Insults By One Filmmaker To Another

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MrHicks said:
tarantino writes/directs amazing scenes/dialogues
maybe even the best in the bussiness

not talking whole movies here just sections/scenes

the opening of inglorious basterds for example is simply amazing
(the jew searching milk scene)
Naaw Sergio Leone had him beat years ago.


Herzog's insults were hilarious. He has so many good quotes:

To booing audience at the Berlin Film Festival: "You are all wrong."
"I shouldn't make movies anymore. I should go to a lunatic asylum. "
"I am someone who takes everything very literally. I simply do not understand irony, a defect I have had ever since I was able to think independently."
"People think we (him and Klaus Klinski) had a love-hate relationship. Well, I did not love him, nor did I hate him. We had mutual respect for each other, even as we both planned each other's murder."

And Klaus Klinski on Herzog:

"Herzog is a miserable, hateful, malevolent, avaricious, money-hungry, nasty, sadistic, treacherous, cowardly creep...he should be thrown alive to the crocodiles! An anaconda should strangle him slowly! A poisonous spider should sting him and paralyze his lungs! The most venomous serpent should bite him and make his brain explode! No — panther claws should rip open his throat — that would be much too good for him! Huge red ants should piss into his lying eyes and gobble up his balls and his guts! He should catch the plague! Syphilis! Yellow fever! Leprosy! It's no use; the more I wish him the most gruesome deaths, the more he haunts me."
Bergman is/was the greatest director ever, but I disagree with him on Antonioni and Welles.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions though, and it's nice to see great and canonical artists being as petty as the rest of us.


The fact that I had to ask myself "Who is Vincent Gallo?" probably explains why he's so angry with anyone with a high profile name.


rakhir said:
Funny thing is: Copolla did movie with Gallo in 2009 - Tetro
I'm wondering if Copolla just did not know that Gallo shitted on him and his daughter.

Actually I'd much rather doubt the source of those quotes.

I can recognize some of the quotes in the list, but unless every quote is backed with a source, they can be made up.

ryan13ts said:
The fact that I had to ask myself "Who is Vincent Gallo?" probably explains why he's so angry with anyone with a high profile name.

He starred is that parasitic fat, pig father's last movie, don't you think the source is a bit suspect?


IMO, The Departed is just as good as most of Scorcese's earlier stuff. The only films that I'd say are unquestionably better are Goodfellas, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver.
Vincent Gallo should shut the fuck up until he makes a halfway decent movie. His best moment so far is Chloe giving him a blowjob and it's only good cause I've always wanted to see her in pornogoraphy.
Those guys are pretty right on Tarantino, imo.

I've enjoyed a couple of his films, but the way he does dialogue drives me crazy sometimes. There are stretches of his films that feel less like conversations happening in the world they occupy and more like a gigantic bulletin board saying "OH HEY BY THE WAY I'M QUENTIN TARANTINO AND I WRITE CLEVER DIALOGUE FOR MOVIES LOOKIT"


Gallo was good in Palookaville, a great dark comedy from the mid 90s. I don't think I've seen him in anything else otherwise besides Goodfellas.

More Godard hate here. Well, not hate, just was never that taken by any of his films outside of Alphaville and Bande a part.
People here are ridiculous to think a stupid quote from Clint Eastwood somehow validates their hate of Spike Lee. What's truly funny is Spike was correct. Black soldiers did indeed fight, though when Clint portrayed it in film every single soldier was white.
This rightfully hurt the many surviving black veterans and Spike simple spoke up on their behalf. When handed a legitimate criticism what was the best Clint could muster?
"That guy should shut his face."
Whoo yeah, go Clint, you tell that "hack!"

Oh yeah, fuck y'all about Godard. Alongside Griffith and Welles he is the most important and influential filmmaker in the history of cinema. It's funny Tarantino's whole style is a cheap pastiche of Godard and the same of you who are quick to put Godard down are more than likely Tarantino fans.
Lars von Trier on Susanne Bier

"For a long time I thought I was a Jew and I was happy to be a Jew, then I met Susanne Bier, and I wasn’t so happy. But then I found out I was actually a Nazi."
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
People here are ridiculous to think a stupid quote from Clint Eastwood somehow validates their hate of Spike Lee. What's truly funny is Spike was correct. Black soldiers did indeed fight, though when Clint portrayed it in film every single soldier was white.

Black soldiers didn't fight on Iwo Jima


1. I could read 1,000 of these fucking quotes. MOAR!!!!
2. Surprised to not see my boy Lynch's name mentioned once. I'm sure he gets tons of hate.
mamacint said:
Black soldiers didn't fight on Iwo Jima
Are you sure Clint? Or are you being loose in your definition of "fight?"
Facilitating soldiers is still being part of the fight as far as I'm concerned so they did indeed fight on Iwo Jima.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Are you sure Clint? Or are you being loose in your definition of "fight?"
Facilitating soldiers is still being part of the fight as far as I'm concerned so they did indeed fight on Iwo Jima.
Well Spike, they were in non-combat roles, and they certainly weren't part of the group that raised the flag, which was the focus of the film.
Being in a non-combat role still means risking your life, for which they deserve some sort of recognition, rather than being white-washed from the revisionist history Eastwood tried to push. Black soldiers had a vital role in the fight, each and every one of them was overlooked, they spoke up about it and Spike Lee voiced their concerns.
How does this make Spike ignorant rather than the critical darling Clint?
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Being in a non-combat role still means risking your life, for which they deserve some sort of recognition

...and why is a movie telling the story of the 6 soldiers who raised the flag in the famous photo the place to do this exactly?
You forgot Uwe Boll on Spielberg!

Spielberg gets sloppy. We saw that with War of the Worlds (why the fuck the older brother survived?) and also in parts of Jaws, E.T., Munich etc.! My performance in Postal as 'Nazi Theme Park Owner' outperforms easily Ben Kingsley in Schindler's List!
mamacint said:
...and why is a movie telling the story of the 6 soldiers who raised the flag in the famous photo the place to do this exactly?
So you really only see six soldiers throughout the entirety of the film?
Look, if you're going to posture about being historically accurate, then you damn sure should be historically accurate, that's all.


Puddles said:
IMO, The Departed is just as good as most of Scorcese's earlier stuff. The only films that I'd say are unquestionably better are Goodfellas, Raging Bull and Taxi Driver.

There are few things a filmmaker can do that are less interesting than remaking a movie, but remaking a movie that was released just a few years earlier (2002-2006) is high on the retarded ideas list.
Other recent examples of foreign movies that were Hollywoodized for those who don't read too good: Christopher Nolan's lame-ification of Insomnia (1997-2002), Let the Right One In (2008-2010), Dragon Tattoo (2009-2011), I'm sure there are there are other non-Scandinavian films that I'm forgetting...
At least Gus Van Sant's horrible Psycho remake came many decades later. I was worried about Werner Herzog remaking Bad Lieutenant at first (and not just because Abel Ferrara's original was so lousy), but that's how it's done (meaning, not a remake at all).
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Look, if you're going to posture about being historically accurate, then you damn sure should be historically accurate, that's all.
which is why you see black soldiers on screen in the film in historically accurate roles, shit for brains

black Marines (including an all-black unit) are seen in scenes during which the mission is outlined, as well as during the initial landings, when a wounded black Marine is carried away. During the end credits, historical photographs taken during the Battle of Iwo Jima show black Marines
I agree with the stuff said about Tarantino and Smith. Although David Gordon Green comes off hypocritical seeing as how his latest films are just as dumb as the fanboy shit Smith puts out.

Also, Vincent Gallo is one salty mother fucker, lol.
In this thread:

30 quotes from creative people with a creative horizon of zero, which they use to disregard other creative efforts and display a huge deal of envy over other peoples success.


mamacint said:
which is why you see black soldiers on screen in the film in historically accurate roles, shit for brains

"black Marines (including an all-black unit) are seen in scenes during which the mission is outlined, as well as during the initial landings, when a wounded black Marine is carried away. During the end credits, historical photographs taken during the Battle of Iwo Jima show black Marines"

spike lee = pwned



The official website for Vincent Gallo merchandise

VINCENT GALLO evenings, weekends escort.


wish, dream or fantasy with VINCENT GALLO, ladies only

Have you ever watched a movie and fallen in love with one of the actors? The way they looked or a character they played? Afterwards you thought of them over and over. Daydreaming, imagining things, sexy things. When I was very young I was madly in love with Tuesday Weld and Charlotte Rampling. On my 14th birthday I went to see the film Rolling Thunder and had my biggest crush of all on the actress Linda Haynes. I wished and wished and wished everyday that I could meet all these girls. I thought of a lot of sexy things with Susan Blakely after seeing her in Lords of Flatbush. In my mind I could do with her anything I wanted to do. So believe me, I know and understand what it's like to wish and dream about spending time with a movie star. Doing things that couples do. Couples in love. At least couples where the guy is hot and knows how to handle a chick.

I, Vincent Gallo, star of such classics as Buffalo 66 and The Brown Bunny have decided to make myself available to all women. All women who can afford me, that is. For the modest fee of $50,000 plus expenses, I can fulfill the wish, dream, or fantasy of any naturally born female. The fee covers one evening with Vincent Gallo. For those who wish to enjoy my company for a weekend, the fee is increased to a mere $100,000. Heavy set, older, red heads and even black chicks can have me if they can pay the bill. No real female will be refused. However, I highly frown upon any male having even the slightest momentary thought or wish that they could ever become my client. No way Jose. However, female couples of the lesbian persuasion can enjoy a Vincent Gallo evening together for $100,000. $200,000 buys the lesbos a weekend. A weekend that will have them second-guessing.

I am willing to travel worldwide to accommodate clients. However, travel days are billed at $50,000 per plus all premium flight fees. Scanning for STD's is required as is bathing and grooming prior to our encounter. Detailed photos of potential clients also required prior. An extra fee for security to protect me is charged on top of the fantasy fee. Security fees will vary depending on the details of an encounter and how much security I will need.

Potential clients are advised to screen the controversial scene from The Brown Bunny to be sure for themselves that they can fully accommodate all of me. Clients who have doubt may want to test themselves with an unusually thick and large prosthetic prior to meeting me. You may be surprised just how much you can handle and how good it feels.

This service is available, but is only payable by cash, checks, and/or bank wire. No credit card payments accepted for this item.

Please email your inquiries to info@vgmerchandise.com

Vincent Gallo's Sperm


Price includes all costs related to one attempt at an in-vitro fertilization. (A $50,000 value) If the first attempt at in vitro fertilization is unsuccessful, purchaser of sperm must pay all medical costs related to additional attempts. Mr. Gallo will supply sperm for as many attempts as it takes to complete a successful fertilization and successful delivery. Sperm is 100% guaranteed to be donated by Mr. Gallo who is drug, alcohol and disease free. If the purchaser of the sperm chooses the option of natural insemination, there is an additional charge of $500,000. However, if after being presented detailed photographs of the purchaser, Mr. Gallo may be willing to waive the natural insemination fee and charge only for the sperm itself. Those of you who have found this merchandise page are very well aware of Mr. Gallo's multiple talents, but to add further insight into the value of Mr. Gallo's sperm, aside from being multi talented in all creative fields, he was also multi talented as an athlete, winning several awards for performing in the games of baseball, football and hockey and making it to the professional level of grand prix motorcycle racing. Mr. Gallo is 5'11" and has blue eyes. There are no known genetic deformities in his ancestry (no cripples) and no history of congenital diseases. If you have seen The Brown Bunny, you know the potential size of the genitals if it's a boy. (8 inches if he's like his father.) I don't know exactly how a well hung father can enhance the physical makeup of a female baby, but it can't hurt. Mr. Gallo also presently maintains a distinctively full head of hair and at the age of 43 has surprisingly few gray hairs. Though his features are sharp and extreme, they would probably blend well with a softer, more subtly featured female. Mr. Gallo maintains the right to refuse sale of his sperm to those of extremely dark complexions. Though a fan of Franco Harris, Derek Jeter, Lenny Kravitz and Lena Horne, Mr. Gallo does not want to be part of that type of integration. In fact, for the next 30 days, he is offering a $50,000 discount to any potential female purchaser who can prove she has naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. Anyone who can prove a direct family link to any of the German soldiers of the mid-century will also receive this discount. Under the laws of the Jewish faith, a Jewish mother would qualify a baby to be deemed a member of the Jewish religion. This would be added incentive for Mr. Gallo to sell his sperm to a Jew mother, his reasoning being with the slim chance that his child moved into the profession of motion picture acting or became a musical performer, this connection to the Jewish faith would guarantee his offspring a better chance at good reviews and maybe even a prize at the Sundance Film Festival or an Oscar. To be clear, the purchase of Mr. Gallo's sperm does not include the use of the name Gallo. The purchaser must find another surname for the child.

This service is available, but is only payable by cash, checks, and/or bank wire. No credit card payments accepted for this item.

Please email your inquiries to info@vgmerchandise.com
Science needs to find away to let Gallo and Armond White have a child together. It would be the purest form of troll know to mankind.
mamacint said:
which is why you see black soldiers on screen in the film in historically accurate roles, shit for brains
Then what were all the black veterans complaining about?
I guess they must've blinked during those moments and must have shit for brains too.
Bottom line is, they who were actually there and actually fought, rather than consulting google, say they were not represented accurately. Clint tried making a historically accurate film. He got it wrong and lamely tried deferring his error by 'insulting' Spike. He's the one who should've shut his mouth and got his film right.
xbhaskarx said:

Well that's your problem if you've never heard of him, but how about once Sofia Coppola makes a movie that's not shit, Vincent Gallo has to stop insulting her?
Sure SC might not have a a bag full of masterpieces. But it seems like you think very high of Buffalo 66? As a movie its not better then Virgin Suicides or LiT. Mediocre but hyped, Doesnt belong in an article with quotes from Herzog and Bergman.
xbhaskarx said:
Francis Coppola last made a decent movie in 1979

I used to have this opinion too until I saw Rumble Fish and oh lawd I saw the light. That is a cool flick.

Scorcese put out very interesting flicks in the 90s with Last Temptation and Bringing Out the Dead. (Goodfellas is a given obviously)

And in the last decade The Departed was one of the best thrillers. It doesn't stand up to his classics but it is a damn entertaining flick.

I think Schindler's List is overrated, and Polanski got the Holocaust genre beat with Pianist. But Spielberg's output in the 2000s was his best since Raiders


Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Then what were all the black veterans complaining about?
I guess they must've blinked during those moments and must have shit for brains too.
Bottom line is, they who were actually there and actually fought, rather than consulting google, say they were not represented accurately. Clint tried making a historically accurate film. He got it wrong and lamely tried deferring his error by 'insulting' Spike. He's the one who should've shut his mouth and got his film right.

Is this real life?


Zoramon089 said:
A Burton Batman fan I presume?
I think the first one is moderately good, but mainly it's his dumb implication that not reading comics means you can't make a good superhero movie.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Then what were all the black veterans complaining about?
I guess they must've blinked during those moments and must have shit for brains too.
Bottom line is, they who were actually there and actually fought, rather than consulting google, say they were not represented accurately. Clint tried making a historically accurate film. He got it wrong and lamely tried deferring his error by 'insulting' Spike. He's the one who should've shut his mouth and got his film right.
So your worldview doesn't allow for invalid complaints?

Black vets felt slighted, but they probably didn't give a shit as to the film's ambitions and scope. And that's fine, there's no reason for them too, but there's also no reason for Eastwood to throw in some black actors just to appease those vets. You accuse Eastwood of revising history, but if he'd added in black soldiers in just to appease vets, what would you call that?

You realize that we're currently on the internet. If you know that there were more black soldiers who fought in the war during the battle depicted in the movie I really doubt it would be hard to find some evidence. The link you posted before is stupid. It refers to moments being "missing." Obviously the movie isn't going to include a real-time depiction of every event that occurred. If something wasn't deemed important/entertaining/feasible enough to shoot, all it means is that it didn't make the cut. I don't see how event can be called "missing" as though there were some special obligation to include them.

Do you believe Eastwood is a racist?


PsychoSoldier said:
Those guys are pretty right on Tarantino, imo.

I've enjoyed a couple of his films, but the way he does dialogue drives me crazy sometimes. There are stretches of his films that feel less like conversations happening in the world they occupy and more like a gigantic bulletin board saying "OH HEY BY THE WAY I'M QUENTIN TARANTINO AND I WRITE CLEVER DIALOGUE FOR MOVIES LOOKIT"

Anything specific? There are parts of Death Proof that approach this, but I don't know if it really is the case, or the quoted above gets repeated constantly on boards that I have been effected by it.

Also, his homage-s are a staple sure, but has it ever interfered with the story he was trying to tell? Nope.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Burton set himself up for that comeback, even though the two Burtman movies are the only Batman movies I like :lol

Super hero comics, especially the ones made by Marvel, are mostly fucking atrocious anyway
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