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31 Days of Horror 7 |OT| The October Movie Marathon


Alright, these are my options for theatrical viewings at the end of month. They're each playing multiple days (Oct 27-31) as well.

For sure I'm seeing Suspiria and maybe The Old Dark House, but they are all tempting.

I feel blessed, I don't get too many opportunities to see classic films in the theaters. I did catch Halloween a few years back and it was incredible.
Literally all of them.


Movie 1 - Dracula (1931) [NEW]
Movie 2 - Dracula 2000 [NEW]
Movie 3 - Dracula (1979) [NEW]
Movie 4- The Creature from The Black Lagoon [NEW]
Movie 5 - Dracula's Daughter [New]
Movie 6 - Son of Dracula [New]
Movie 7 - El Bar [New]
Movie 8 - Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula [New]
Movie 9 - John Carpenter's Vampires [New]
Movie 10 - Blacula [New]
Movie 11 - Dollman vs Demonic Toys [New]
Movie 12 - Frankenstein 1931 [New]
Movie 13 - Bride of Frankenstein [New]
Movie 14 - Corpse Bride [New]
Movie 15 - Little Evil [New]
Movie 16 - Alienate [New]
Movie 17 - Mary Shelley's Frankenstein [New]
Movie 18 - Cult of Chucky [New]
Movie 19 - The Babysitter [New]
Movie 20 - Freddy vs Jason [Rewatch]
Movie 21 - The Mummy (1932) [New]
Movie 22 - The Invisible Man [New]
Movie 23 - The Body Snatcher [New]
Movie 24 - The Mummy (2017) [New]
Movie 25 - Happy Death Day [New]
Movie 26 - The Wolf Man [New]
Movie 27 - Uncaged [New]
Movie 28 - The Batman vs Dracula [Rewatch]
Movie 29 - Scream Blacula Scream [New]

Movie 30
- Final Destination 2 [Rewatch]
Movie 31 - Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man [New]

I forget how goofy the Final Destination movies are, but they are like guilty pleasures.

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man is a bit of a misnomer of a name, but I guess they do technically meet... even if it's Frankenstein's daughter... and the monster is around to do battle with the Wolf Man for like 3 mins.

That said enjoyable movie and the chemistry between Frankenstein's daughter and Talbot is pretty solid and random musical interlude.

#22 - The Hills Have Eyes Part 2 (FTV)

I think I have a new loser for the worst FTV of the challenge. What the actual fuck is up with this movie? Apparently Wes Craven hated the film so much that he disowned it, and only made it because he needed some cash. Production was halted 2/3rds of the way through the film. This piece of shit was revived by the studio after the success of A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Wes added flashbacks from the first film to pad the runtime. Even the fucking dog has a flashback to attacking cannibals in the original film.

This is a perfect example of a movie that never should have been made. The Hills Have Eyes 2 is a waste of time, and nothing in it can compare to the original film. There's no tension, the acting is only slightly better than Troma films, you don't give a shit about the characters, the cannibals look more like wrestling rejects than scary cannibals, the death scenes are pretty nonexistent, and it followed the same old tired horror tropes we'd seen countless times before this film was thought of. I hated this film, and I hope to never lay eyes on it again. It's not even good in a cheesy 80s B horror film kind of way. I need a palette cleanser.

3 shitty films brought back to life and Frankensteined into even shittier films out of 10.


1. It Follows (New) - Liked this movie, it was a good time. (**1/2)
2. The Conjuring 2 (New) - Enjoyed the first, and this was also enjoyable. (***)
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1978) (Rewatch) - Love this movie, not graphic but it's filmed so well. RIP Tobe Hooper (****1/2)
4. The Last House of the Left 1972 (New) - It was a fun movie to watch, but was hoping for something more. (**1/2)
5. The Texas Chainsaw 2 (Rewatch) - I can appreciate the black comedy, but I prefer the more serious tone of the first one. (***1/2)
6. Halloween (1978) (Rewatch) - Horror classic, showing these to my sons for the first time. They loved it. (****1/2)
7. Cult of Chucky (New) - Pretty average but wasn't too bad. I do enjoy these somewhat if only to have something new to watch in October. (**)
8. Tales from Halloween (New) - Pretty cheesy but it had its moments, good thing the stories were so short that if it sucked it was over quickly. (**1/2)
9. Night of the Living Dead (1968) (Rewatch) - Another classic, the acting seems to show its age a bit. RIP George Romero. (***1/2)
10. Hell Night (New) - Decent cheesy 80s horror. (**1/2)
11. Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (Rewatch) - Fun movie to watch. Zombie comedies are an awesome genre. (****)
12. The Wolf Man (1941) (Rewatch) - One of the weaker Universal Monster films, but still liked it. Love this for nights when I'm short on time. (***1/2)
13a. Dawn of the Dead (1978) (Rewatch) - Been a while, and this movie is so good. Great mixture of gore, comedy, and social commentary. The only thing is that the gore has held up well over time. (****1/2)
13b. Friday the 13th Part 3 (Rewatch) - Fun movie, I recreated the 3D by piecing a film from the two different lenses and it's fun in 3D. It would be nice to have an official 3D release. (***1/2)
13c. Friday the 13th Part: The Final Chapter (Rewatch) - Great "end" to the series, one of my favorites in the series. (****)
13d. Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (Rewatch) - Great restart of the series. Best Tommy by far. Would have been nice to have Tommy vs Jason a few more times. (****)
14. Halloween II (1981) (Rewatch) - Really like this movie, although it does seem to drag in some parts. The boys loved this one as well. (***1/2)
15a. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (Rewatch) - Halloween watching tradition for me. It's cheesy as fuck but the song is catchy. Probably my first introduction to Halloween as a kid. One of my sons hated it because there was no Michael Myers, threatened not to watch anymore Halloween movies unless he's in them. The second son liked it. (***)
15b. The Purge (New) - Movie was ok, I expected a lot more killing to be honest. (**1/2)
16. Blair Witch (2016) (New) - Not all that thrilled with this one, I think it really fell flat compared to the original. I love the tension build up of the original, which was totally lacking on this one. (**1/2)
17. Bride of Re-Animator - (Rewatch) Love these movies, over the top gore! It's been awhile since watching this one so it's almost like watching a new movie. (***)

Had to do mini reviews as I'm busy with school, but at least I've been able to keep up to this point.

Edit: Apologies for the formatting, I noticed it's pretty ugly after posting it. But don't have time to fix it right now.



#18 - Freddy vs Jason (2003)

Freddy enlists Jason Voorhees to wreak havoc among some ‘teens' but as Jason turns out to be taking all the credit Freddy turns on him and they battle it out. Kind of. This marriage of two iconic horror franchises accumulates to this lukewarm pile of blandness. The early 2000s style and the occasional cartoony approach to the movie, combined with parts of the dialogue (which are some of the worst I've heard this month) don't do this thing any favors at all. At least Robert Englund his hamming it up, but he doesn't really get the one-liners or situations to really shine. This causes most of the attempts at humor to fall completely flat and be almost offensive at times. Jason is pretty non-existent throughout. There are some decent kills, but not really anything too impressive or inventive, neither are the characters or the story, it just rehashes some stuff both previous franchises into something that ultimately left me mostly unsatisfied but it found itself a little niche so I didn't completely hate it. 5/10


36) Pandorum (2009)


It's safe to wake up now.

Dennis Quaid sits in a chair for 90 minutes.

Kidding aside, this was a pleasant surprise given the poor critical reception the film got; I can see why it appears to have a cult following. I wouldn't say it had much in the way of scares, but plenty of thrills, and they made the most of a modest budget. The industrial ship environment feels tangible and legitimate, with a gritty claustrophobic air, like if the dark winding corridors of the Nostromo in Alien had been turned into an entire colony ship. I particularly liked the slimy cable filled ventilation shafts, which felt like characters were being pulled through the arteries of some giant creature. A very cool visual there.

The plot is a little convoluted for a sci-fi thriller like this, but I give props to them for not skimping out on effort in that department. It does owe a lot to films like Event Horizon, particularly the titular pandorum sickness, and some of the action scenes are somewhat incoherently shot. I also found the monster design a little disappointing, and would have liked something more interesting looking than what were more or less space LOTR orcs.

It's not perfect but I'd give this an easy recommendation as a solid good time.

#18 - Freddy vs Jason (2003)

Freddy enlists Jason Voorhees to wreak havoc among some ‘teens’ but as Jason turns out to be taking all the credit Freddy turns on him and they battle it out. Kind of. This marriage of two iconic horror franchises accumulates to this lukewarm pile of blandness. The early 2000s style and the occasional cartoony approach to the movie, combined with parts of the dialogue (which are some of the worst I’ve heard this month) don’t do this thing any favors at all. At least Robert Englund his hamming it up, but he doesn’t really get the one-liners or situations to really shine. This causes most of the attempts at humor to fall completely flat and be almost offensive at times. Jason is pretty non-existent throughout. There are some decent kills, but not really anything too impressive or inventive, neither are the characters or the story, it just rehashes some stuff both previous franchises into something that ultimately left me mostly unsatisfied but it found itself a little niche so I didn’t completely hate it. 5/10

It's ironic that in a team up two very 1980's franchises and the team up in the 2000's is the most dated of the films. The Stoner character right out of a Kevin Smith movie, the rave party, the screamo nu metal soundtrack. It hasn't aged well. At least it has Englund giving it his all as usual and my 00's horror queen Katherine Isabelle.
Do people consider "May" as horror or horror like?

Very much so. It's a good film to watch around Halloween as well.


#23 - Manhattan Baby (FTV)

I really would've preferred the alternate title "Eye of the Evil Dead". Anyways, this one was a bit of a surprise. Since it's one of Fulci's lesser known films, I wasn't expecting much. I got a little more than that. It's light on Fulci's trademark gore scenes (although the end has a hilarious one), and the story can confuse the hell out of you. But for the most part it was easy to follow. It's pretty much Fulci meets The Exorcist, except the possession is passed on through a jewel instead of a demon. The soundtrack was better than expected since they used a lot of remixed tracks from The Beyond. At 85 minutes, it didn't overstay its welcome nor was it ever boring. Recommended if you like possession stories that leaves you guessing, but has some decently creepy scenes.

5 zombie birds ripping chunks of your throats out out of 10.

EDIT: Make that 6/10. After thinking about it some more, I wouldn't mind watching this again. It's above average.
October 18
Film #21
Blood Feast


Almost all films widely described as being so bad they're good always just seem plain bad to me, and I can never work out why anyone would voluntarily put themselves through such torment, just for the laughs. Blood Feast however is an exception. Pretty much everything about this film is horrendously, spectacularly bad, but the overall effect is actually pretty fun.

Telling the story of Mr Ramses and his exotic Egyptian catering business, Blood Feast is notable for being the first splatter film, and there definitely is a good deal of red paint all over the place. (It was also the earliest movie to make it onto the UK's video nasty list, which to me demonstrates just how stupid that list was in the first place.) It's a tale of dodgy eyebrows, human sacrifice and dinner parties, and has a universally terrible cast amateurishly destroying a wince-inducing script. The direction is pretty shocking too, and not in a good way.

Verdict: Despite featuring some of the worst acting I have ever seen in my life, I really liked it. But I can't bring myself to say I recommend it though.

Films I've watched so far


October 18
Film #21
Blood Feast


Almost all films widely described as being so bad they're good always just seem plain bad to me, and I can never work out why anyone would voluntarily put themselves through such torment, just for the laughs. Blood Feast however is an exception. Pretty much everything about this film is horrendously, spectacularly bad, but the overall effect is actually pretty fun.

Telling the story of Mr Ramses and his exotic Egyptian catering business, Blood Feast is notable for being the first splatter film, and there definitely is a good deal of red paint all over the place. (It was also the earliest movie to make it onto the UK's video nasty list, which to me demonstrates just how stupid that list was in the first place.) It's a tale of dodgy eyebrows, human sacrifice and dinner parties, and has a universally terrible cast amateurishly destroying a wince-inducing script. The direction is pretty shocking too, and not in a good way.

Verdict: Despite featuring some of the worst acting I have ever seen in my life, I really liked it. But I can't bring myself to say I recommend it though.

Films I've watched so far

Two Thousand Maniacs is pretty bad...ass too. Just ignore the Robert Englund remake. That was just bad.

That was the first bit that genuinely made me laugh out loud.

The one thing I'll give credit to Blood Feast for doing is that it does eventually end.

Yeah, I did like it, but it's definitely one of those short films that feels quite a lot longer!

Two Thousand Maniacs is pretty bad...ass too. Just ignore the Robert Englund remake. That was just bad.

Watched the original for the challenge last year. Good stuff,
though I have to admit to liking the Robert Englund remake better...


Day 18,

18. Ravenous

Was looking for something similar to Bone Tomahawk, and remembered this. Some issues with the movie being the poor editing, and tonal clash in the first half of the movie between what was going on and the music (though I quite like the score) behind it. But the strength is the story and its twists. And holy crap I did not recognize Robert Carlyle in this movie whatsoever, until I was reminded watching the credits at the end (and his name was right there in the beginning). Anyways, the movie was right up my alley, a character driven horror set in the old American West. I enjoyed this, warts and all.


#17 [Rec]

A modern 'zombie' classic in my eyes, gf less impressed. I enjoy the twists and turns, even the semi-lackluster explanation for the cause. I think if I had gone with Quarantine first, my girlfriend might have enjoyed it more, but I felt, I should go with the original first (ironic given that one of my first films was NOTLD90. Anyways, always fun to see zombies done in other cultures, and I think this film and most of its sequels do quite a good job.

Roronoa Zoro

Gold Member
18: Freddy's Dead: the Final Nightmare (new)

Freddy has killed all the kids in his home town aside from one, and he's looking to move on to other things! Does he have a kid?

Boy this one REALLY fell off the cliff of absurdity. And I'm saying that after marathoning these movies. The whole middle section was basically a giant NIntendo advert where Freddy talks about power glove, great graphics, and beats his high score while killing a kid with a video game. Has some of the most OTT cringey one liners as well and while it's sillier than F13th, this series has more variety and a more fun nature of kills to me. Definitely an easy marathon. Now just New Nightmare to go which I've heard good things about!


Psycho 3 Honestly this is a bad movie. I'm also glad I watched it if for nothing else Jeff Fahey was pretty cool as this out for himself asshole. I do think that some of the ideas they explored were pretty interesting. In part two you have the murderer returning home. So he's in this house and actually scared of it, not because of what happened to him in it but because of what he did. Part three elaborates a bit on the back end but also explores more of the ideas started in part two. The downside is that its not really well made. If it would have had the same crew that made part two I think this would have been just as good but it really turned out poorly overall. This is more what I expected of part two but its cool. Fun experience either way.

I give this one two and a half stabs because it's not worth three full strokes.



Crashing this plane... with no survivors!

18. The Slumber Party Massacre - Slashers are like comfort food to me; you know what you're going to get. SPM originally started as a parody, which makes sense with how ridiculous it gets. At one point, there are seven consecutive scenes of murder fake-outs, including the classic "cat jumping out" moment. The kills themselves are pretty boring and unimaginative when they actually happen. There's also obviously a ton of unnecessary nudity and a twenty-something playing a preteen character. I thought it was charming how dumb this was.
18. The Babysitter (2017)

I have to give it to the filmmakers on this one, at least they tried to do something different. For what it is, The Babysitter is an enjoyable flick. It definitely threw me for a loop in terms of character development. I didn't expect things to turn out like they did, that's for sure. The movie is a lot more comedic than I expected it to be, but that's part of the film's charm in my opinion.
It's not that scary, but I had a good time with it.
14 | Halloween III: Season of the Witch | New!

So this was alot better then I expected it to be. I had already heard all the negative critics around it and was told to skip it but decided how bad can it be. So I went in with the expectation of it not being a Michael Myers movie but just a general Halloween movie in general and honestly I really liked it alot. The main characters do a well enough job throughout the movie although they moved a bit too fast for my liking. The concept was cool and I would have loved if this was spun off into its own series on Halloween anthology films instead of them just going back to Michael Myers with 4. My main complain was the dumb ambitious ending and
how they kind of just dumped Ellie off. Did Cochran turn her into one of those android things or did he killer he and make a copy of her? Also if she was an android type thing then why did not stop Dr. Challis when he was sabotaging the factory? Just too many unexplained stuff when the movie ended

15 | The Thing (1982) | Rewatch!

Decided to watch this due to the Halloween vs The Thing debate and this still holds up just as good as Halloween does. The special effects still look solid and Kurt Russel is a badass in this. I think I'm going to have to go with The Thing though. Just feels like such a tight and more balanced film all around. Not that its a knock against it but Halloween spawned off so many Slasher type movies that it kind of diluted the genre while The Thing just stands out on its own. Such a tough choice though and you can't gone wrong with either of them. Debating on watching Prince of Darkness and In The Mouth of Madness just due to the fact I have not seen them yet and have a nice hype effect going from rewatching The Thing.
If someone had a gun to your head and you could only choose one, would you choose Halloween or The Thing?
The Thing and it’s not even a debate for me. There’s other slasher movies and there’s just nothing else that builds a mood like The Thing.

1. (New) Jason Goes to Hell (Vudu)
2. (New) Trick 'r Treat (Blu)
3. (Rewatch) From Dusk Till Dawn (hulu)
4. (Rewatch) The Faculty (hulu)
5. (New) My Bloody Valentine (3d Blu)
6. (Rewatch) Sleepaway Camp 3 (vudu movies on us)
7. (New) Tag (Netflix)
8. (New) Pumpkinhead (Amazon prime)
9. (Rewatch) Final Destination 5 (3-D Blu)
10. (Rewatch) Piranha 3-D (3-D Blu)
11. (Rewatch) Sleepaway Camp 2 (Vudu on us)
12. (Rewatch) Zombieland (blu)
13. (Rewatch) The 'Burbs (Arrow Blu)
14. (Rewatch) Scream (Vudu)
15. (Rewatch) Mars Attacks (hulu)
16. (Rewatch) Devil’s Advocate (Hulu)
17 (New) Hatchet (Hulu).
18. (New) Night of the Living Deb (Netflix)
19. (New) Cult of Chucky (Netflix)
20. (New) The Babysitter (Netflix) Hot damn we have a winner here. Robbie Ammell deserves an award for how enjoyable he is and the whole thing is so good.
Haven't kept up with watching a horror movie every day but I have checked out many that I've never seen before.

-Hellraiser- Was nothing what I had expected, but I enjoyed the movie and it's many layers of monsters. 3/5

-Rec 1 and 2- Really enjoyed rec1, thought it did a great job at building suspense and character development, really impressed me with what seemed to be a tight budget. Enjoyed the second one as well, but story-wise just wasn't as intriguing. 4/5 & 4/5

-Sleepaway Camp- Strange film, a large portion of the film seems to focus on the drama of camp, but I enjoyed the slight mystery in it and the twist is well worth it. 3/5

-Silence of the Lambs- Enjoyed the film, great acting and pace, only thing I didn't enjoy is the "90's" feel of the movie, if that makes any sense. 4/5

-Texas Chainsaw Massacre- Really enjoyed this film, keeps up tension throughout the film, does a great job of building suspense and creating actual jump scares without the well worn out tropes that plague the genre. Just a really good movie. 5/5


7) | [REC] 4 | via Netflix streaming

I loved the first [REC], thought the second was competent but unnecessary, explaining too much of the backstory of the first. I watched the third earlier this month and it was good fun - stylistically different but very well made. I'd put [REC] 4 somewhere between the first and third.

The film is pretty meticulous about setting up pieces in the first act, and you can almost hear every one of them click into place. Everyone is on a big fishing ship in the middle of the ocean. The captain is on his last voyage. A storm on the horizon. The power generator keeps getting overloaded, creating pockets of total darkness. The carrier for the devil virus is on board.

Ready, set, outbreak.

While I didn't like the turns the story took in part 2, this film leverages them well and brings all the story threads from the series to a close. The pacing is kept quite brisk, and while the broad strokes of the story were clear early on, it still managed to surprise in some of the details. I was particularly pleased with who made it to the end. Solid performances and direction, and much more elaborate infected make up. There's pulsating skulls, massive gaping bloody jaws, and some great sound design to accompany the usual sprinting infected not-zombies.

All in all this was a very fun series.


#9 - Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary

Pretty cool idea. Does the silent pastiche thing well, while still remaining fun and playful.


19) Rec. (2007)


really recommend it, as it was shot using through a "found footage" similar to the Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield.



October 18, 2017:


18 of 31 - Battle Royale 2

A movie about a group of kids who are forced to band together to take out a notorious terrorist who was one of the two only survivors of the first Battle Royale...

As it was nice to see Shuya and Noriko return from the first Battle Royale, I felt the second movie did not have the same impact as the first. All kids are outfitted with explosive collars (like the first BR) but are also giving combat gear. The rules are different. Instead of every kid for themselves (like the first BR), the kids are "paired". Should one die the other dies as well. Also, should one stray too far from the other, they both die as well. Again, instead of all kids going after each other, they are tasked, as a team split into attack divisions, to try to infiltrate the compound that Shuya has taken over on a remote island as a base. Much like the first BR, this leads to many early deaths due to mishaps and fear due to inexperience of war.

Unlike the first BR, we don't get to see the students form clicks and see them die in disbelief as there own peers kill them. We do not see the distrust amongst the different kids and how this distrust prays on their fear and hopes of survival. However, in BR 2, we do see how the teens try to get through and survive together and eventually deal with Shuya and his new terrorist group. The death count is high, the gore is plenty (especially in gun shots and gun shot wounds) and once the kids are fated to pick being winners or losers, the tension is high and runs throughout until the end.

Again, in my opinion, BR had a bigger impact due to its rules over the new ones in BR 2 but BR2 was definitely a fun and recommended watch. -8/10


#01 Serial Mom
#02 [REC]2
#03. Bloodsucking Bastards
#04. Train to Busan
#05 It Follows
#06 Hush
#07 Lights Out
#08 Cabin in the Woods (Re-watch)
#09 Krampus: The Christmas Devil (2013)
#10 The Conjuring 2
#11 Jason Lives: Friday 13th part VI (Re-watch)
#12 The Babysitter (2017)
#13 Sinister II
#14 Tales of Halloween (Re-watch)
#15 Monster House (Re-watch)
#16 Gerald's Game

#17 Day of the Dead (2008) (Re-watch)

Not as good as I remembered? There's a lot of 90's transitions, I'm thinking of the sound and how it's cut, and it's weird to witness in a 08 film. Also, these are infected fast zombies which doesn't make sense to me. Either they're infected, fast and just kill OR they're zombies, slow and eat people.

These are fast infected zombies that kill and eat people. Smart'ish zombies that shoot guns run real fast, jump and crawl on ceilings.

There's som REALLY bad CGI in here with some horrible looking exploding heads. It does have some great zombie makeup though. People turn fast and instantly get rotting skin upon turning.

I thought this was the one with the black gas station attendandt that learned to shoot guns and lead the zombie horde? And I thought this had the dude who keeps testicles in a jar?

But it wasn't. What movie was I thinking of? Land of the Dead?


You watched the remake of Day of the Dead. Going by the poster and year it was made. Watch the Romero original.
18: Freddy's Dead: the Final Nightmare (new)

Freddy has killed all the kids in his home town aside from one, and he's looking to move on to other things! Does he have a kid?

Boy this one REALLY fell off the cliff of absurdity. And I'm saying that after marathoning these movies. The whole middle section was basically a giant NIntendo advert where Freddy talks about power glove, great graphics, and beats his high score while killing a kid with a video game. Has some of the most OTT cringey one liners as well and while it's sillier than F13th, this series has more variety and a more fun nature of kills to me. Definitely an easy marathon. Now just New Nightmare to go which I've heard good things about!

It's Nightmare on Elm Street by way of loony tunes. Even one of the kills features the loony tunes parachute and bed of spikes gag.
just gonna jump in. Watched Half in the Bag and they talked about



fucking good. so entertaining and the practical effect and gore is so entertainingly OTT.

her knee at the end.
Major cringe!

watch it.
27. Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)

This is the film that sends the series on the road to exploitation. Whereas before the sex was, relatively speaking, tasteful, this one it's exploitative and crass.... Has one of the stupidest reveals and twists in horror, the kills though are at times creative but bloodless. Watch as part of the series but never on its own.

28. Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)

Once you get past the ridiculousness of the intro and how Jason comes back this one is fun. A somewhat simultaneous back to basics and new status quo. Running Living Jason is out, walking Zombie Jason is in, but we're also back at Crystal Lake, back at a summer camp and back with Camp Counselors as our canon fodder. Thom Mathews is the definitive Tommy Jarvis, with all due respect to Cory Feldman. A great female co-protagonist to boot. This is a pretty good.

29. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)

It's Carrie vs Jason and I love it. Sure telekinesis is a bit silly but we are one movie removed from a metal rod and lightning creating an undead Jason so roll with it. Also fun fact this was a very LGBT heavy production, four of the male character were openly gay, including the lead male protagonist. Pretty cool. This is my secret favorite of the series. We get the best looking Jason bar none, this is Kane Hodder's debut and he nails it, fantastic body language. Sadly this is one that would have been a classic had it not be hacked to pieces by the MPAA, the kills are groovy and creative but the gore is trimmed and neutered. A tragedy. Also key word: Sleeping Bag.

30. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)

Also known as Jason Takes Vancouver and Jason Takes a Cruise. Like 5 minutes of this movie was actually shot in Manhattan. This one is bad, and nonsensical, it's probably the worst of the Paramount series though I'd entertain arguments about 5. Bloodless, pretty dumb and Jason teleportation is introduced. There is one scene in particular that is so egregious in terms of the teleportation that it renders what i supposed to be a stalk and kill absolutely laughable. Again watch as part of the series, and nothing more. Plus side both the protags are generally likeable.

31. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)

The second not final movie to have final in the title. The best thing about this is that it introduces ridiculous over the top mythos and pretends like it's something that's been there for ever, fuck they even have a little poem like prophecy thing . Here's the deal, this sucks but if you watch the uncut version it's probably one of the goriest entries into the series so that''s kind of fun. The nice thing about this is that it is so dumb and so ridiculous that it's hilarious and the gore is good on the uncut version so it's almost watchable

32. Jason X (2001)

Jason in Space that somehow is a breath of fresh air after the silly Jason Goes to Hell. Kills are fun, we say tragically goodbye to Kane Hodder, we get to see David Cronenberg die and we get to see Jason vs Canadian SCI-FI icon Lexa Doig. I love the costume designs on this film and Uber Jason is dumb but cool. It's fun, and really by the 10th movie that's what you want, fun.

33. Friday the 13th (2009)

I actually really like this take. It's not really a remake of any single Jason movie as much as a combination of the first 4 as you get Pamela in the intro, Sackhead Jason in the pre title sequence, Hockey Mask Jason after that and Jared Padalecki essentially is an homage to the Rob character from Final Chapter. I actually don't mind the underground dwelling, as despite what others say Jason has never been shown to be stupid, so it fits since it's a new universe. Kills are pretty good in the Killer Cut and the protagonists (Jared, Danielle Panabaker and Amanda Righetti) are likeable, especially Jared. I like it, and would have liked that winter sequel.... ah well.

34. Never Hike Alone (2017)

This is a 50 minute short film, it's set in the original F13 Universe (with potentially some alterations but whatever), it's not official ,but if it was it'd be in my top 5 of the series. This thing is damn good, it's basically a two hander (Hiker vs Jason) and it works, the cinematography of great, the little gore there is is solid, it's like if you took a final chase and made a short film out of it. The third act is nuts. If you're a fan of F13 watch this, dont't read about it first, just watch it


Click that link start the movie and don't risk being spoiled because there's some great shit on this that if you aren't expecting you'll love.

That wraps up F13 on to A Nightmare on elm Street (saving Freddy vs Jason as the wrap up for this run), then it'll be Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and then Scream.


Gold Member
watched Would You Rather....

pretty meh. don't watch it. just dumb and thoughtless. not even good would you rather scenarios. i wanted something akin to saw, i got something closer to watching paint dry.

when i saw the cast i was like - oh damn! this might actualll be decent!.....no. its not. their best actors get the least amount of screen time.

two healthy thumbs down


37) It Follows (2014)


It could look like someone you know or it could be a stranger in a crowd. Whatever helps it get close to you.

Now this is the sort of thing I'm looking for. I've heard plenty of good things about this film and I was not disappointed. It forgoes cheap and obnoxious jump scares or a laughable sting-heavy score trying to compensate for the director's lack of talent, as too many recent horror films have been prone to. Instead we get a droning, retro electronic score that builds the mood, and a slow and deliberately shot film that relies on paranoia and dread to deliver its chills.

I must give a specific shoutout to the handsome photography, particularly its superb use of ever spinning camera pans. It's clear they were going for a "throwback" feel to the film, but not in a "HEY IT'S THE 80s CHECK OUT THESE HE-MAN TOYS" way, simply in how it approaches the production and pacing. It takes the oft-parodied slow walking pursuit of Jason or Michael Myers and makes it into an actual antagonist, a mystery entity that walks slowly at its victims, 24/7 without stopping. It's a simple idea, take something that's usually the object of scorn and make it scary again.

In any scene, you're left scanning the background for signs of any figure walking, but smartly the film doesn't give it to you often. It would be easy to do jump scares galore with a premise like this, but the filmmakers refuse to rely on such lame tactics, and the film is so much better for it. It's legitimately a presence that hangs over every scene, even if you don't see it, and I don't feel a lot of horror films achieve this feeling. The Thing for instance is one of the best examples of this, and any horror movie that successfully manages to tap into similar unease is worth watching in my book.

Highly recommended.
I thought this was the one with the black gas station attendandt that learned to shoot guns and lead the zombie horde? And I thought this had the dude who keeps testicles in a jar?

But it wasn't. What movie was I thinking of? Land of the Dead?

The testicles in a jar dude was in Planet Terror.
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