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50 GOP Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’

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pretty sure this is unprecidented. I mean they didnt even have one former republican president talking at their convention.

the best they could do was resurrect bob dole.

And I'm pretty sure Bob Dole was only doing it because he's a GOP loyalist. He probably did it as a personal favor to Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan, not Trump.


Multiple Homeland Security chiefs, their deputies, a whole host of national security personnel, as well as well known intelligence figures. These are basically the Republican security apparatus of the last several Presidencies.

What she really needs is Powell, Rice, and Kissinger to speak up.

Boy could you imagine if Powell or Rice said something?


No. Like everything in this election cycle, we are seeing unprecedented and historic events. This is an election that will be discussed in political science courses for the next 200 years.

Unless he wins. Then it will be discussed in history courses of other nations for a thousand years during the "Fall of an Empire" section right after the portion devoted to Rome
Don't worry about it, he doesn't really know what's going on in those briefings.

LOL. Imagine Trump in a security briefing, when the briefing contradicts his favorite conspiracy theories.

Next day press conference: "Our own agencies don't know what's going on!". Because they didn't talk about Scalia's "murder" or the terrorists sneaking nukes into the US while disguised as Mexicans, or whatever.


This whole election is why we need to change the way things work. There shouldn't just be two candidates in the final phase. Everyone should still be running. Cut out the need to be rich in order to run and livestream debates/rallies on the internet. Use technology.
This whole election is why we need to change the way things work. There shouldn't just be two candidates in the final phase. Everyone should still be running. Cut out the need to be rich in order to run and livestream debates/rallies on the internet. Use technology.

Having a ton of candidates is why Trump got this far to begin with. The system needs some changing, but I'd rather not change it to one where a fascist can win with 25% of the vote.
More votes? Debatable. Doing just a little more to ensure his supporters will show up? Definitely.

His main supporters have proven they will stand by him no matter what. This isn't going to affect their turnout, nothing will short of him raping someone while shitting on an American flag on live TV, and even then...I won't be 100%.



Globalism is a weird thing to talk about because if youd ask any supporter of trump, I dont think Globalism would be one of the first things theyd say. Theyll aay they dont want immigrants or want their jobs back, but those are some aspects of globalism...
Check out freerepublic.com sometime. It's the black beating heart of Trump support, and there's a large contingent that talk about the Cheap Labor Express -- businesses, corporations, and multinationals, who abuse laws to provide themselves cheap capital, whether that be through immigrants or by creating trade deals for cheap capital in other nations.

Lots of racism, too. Lots.
His main supporters have proven they will stand by him no matter what. This isn't going to affect their turnout, nothing will short of him raping someone while shitting on an American flag on live TV, and even then...I won't be 100%.

Yeah, there's nothing that's going to dissuade his core supporters. When you hear people like this (warning for volume and language), no amount of sobering analysis of Trump's foreign policy or economic policy is going to dissuade them in the next 90 days.

But dissuading his most fanatical supporters isn't necessary for Hillary to win with a comfortable majority. Hillary isn't trying to swing that hard to win voters.

Hearing the GOP foreign policy establishment come out strong against Trump and driving home how dangerous his presidency might be could go a long way to influence the vote of some of Trump's tepid supporters. The ones who are alarmed by what he says on a daily basis, maybe uncertain or embarrassed to even be considering a vote for him, but are considering a Trump vote just for SCOTUS seats or just out of party loyalty.

It may not necessarily drive those wary conservatives to Clinton, but it might drive them to Johnson or a write-in vote.


Did the GOP wait until after the nomination because they thought it would look like the party was less divided if they implicitly agree to a Trump nomination and then passive aggressively attack him rather than doing a brokered convention and, I guess, alienating voters who think Trump is the "will of the people"?

I'm confused by how there was lots of talk about a brokered convention and all this discord in the party until all the other candidates started dropping like flies and it was only Trump, then it's not until after the Republican convention where the unrest is popping back up.
Having a ton of candidates is why Trump got this far to begin with. The system needs some changing, but I'd rather not change it to one where a fascist can win with 25% of the vote.
Some countries do two rounds. One with multiple candidates. If there is no candidate with more then 50% of the vote, there will be a second round with the two candidates that got the most votes.


Sounds like a bunch of bitter dinosaurs, scared of change that will undermine the system of cronyism that they've all benefited from for far too long.
Did the GOP wait until after the nomination because they thought it would look like the party was less divided if they implicitly agree to a Trump nomination and then passive aggressively attack him rather than doing a brokered convention and, I guess, alienating voters who think Trump is the "will of the people"?

I'm confused by how there was lots of talk about a brokered convention and all this discord in the party until all the other candidates started dropping like flies and it was only Trump, then it's not until after the Republican convention where the unrest is popping back up.

I mentioned this in the other thread, but I think it's a combo of two things: The GOP didn't realize how bad Trump's numbers would tank in a short amount of time, and there was probably some kind of hope, perhaps something Trump said himself behind closed doors, that his behavior in the primaries was more for show, and he would pivot once the general election started to becoming a more traditional candidate. Both of those hopes pretty much tanked right after the DNC, and the ensuing fallout afterward, where Trump behaved exactly as he did in the primaries.
Did the GOP wait until after the nomination because they thought it would look like the party was less divided if they implicitly agree to a Trump nomination and then passive aggressively attack him rather than doing a brokered convention and, I guess, alienating voters who think Trump is the "will of the people"?

I'm confused by how there was lots of talk about a brokered convention and all this discord in the party until all the other candidates started dropping like flies and it was only Trump, then it's not until after the Republican convention where the unrest is popping back up.

The idea was that they would all join behind Trump during the convention, forget everything they said leading up to it, and ideally move forward as a "unified" party.

But the RNC was essentially a wash. Cruz refused to endorse, Trump's wife plagiarized something Michelle Obama wrote, and the whole convention was awash with fear and loathing. It doesn't help that Trump's speech at the end was seen more negatively than positively, at least according to Gallup (a first in 20+ years).

Combine that with Trump's temper tantrum at the Khans, and you're left with a candidate who is now looking to be toxic with a significant number of voters, while putting other candidates at risk as a result.


I think I'm loosing count of the amount of Republicans signing letters slamming trump on various things he's said.
There was one in march, another a couple of weeks ago I think, a letter signed by a bunch of military veterans slamming his insults to the Khan's which included Palin's son in law and medal of honor recipient Dakota Meyer and now this?
I can't keep track of all these letters.

Mr Swine

I really really hope Trump goes all out and tells the voters that those that warn about trump being a national security risk are not true republicans and they duke it out
Unless he wins. Then it will be discussed in history courses of other nations for a thousand years during the "Fall of an Empire" section right after the portion devoted to Rome

That would be the US' Nero moment.

The real fall has been going for a while now.
Honestly what is absolute lunacy is the blatant and open bullshit that is being spewed right now by the Trump surrogates concerning this letter. You guys can't have it both ways.

They are openly calling these foreign policy people losers, people who made mistakes, failures, blame, etc. etc. Then when asked if they are now blaming the Bush administration and remove from the blame it is, nope not at all. The Bush administration isn't at fault, Obama is. Well fuckers you don't get to have it both ways at all. You either call the guys a failure and responsible or you don't.


All these guys coming out of the woodwork now? Where were they when the GOP primaries were happening?


Water is not wet!
It'd probably have more effect if Larry the Cable Guy spoke out. The people currently supporting Trump hate Bush Senior almost as much as Hillary. They are firmly convinced that this is a battle between globalists and Americans, and that most of the establishment Republicans are globalists. They're also white nativists, but they frame the discussion as globalists versus Americans, and Bush Senior is definitely a globalist for them.

i was listening to Hannity on the way home and this is accurate. There must have been half a dozen callers in 10 minutes all saying that the Repulicans trying to undermine Trump are all fake conservative globalists. To them a statement like this is done because the RINOs want to hold onto that Big Government power.


Unconfirmed Member
Glad to see some sanity returning to the party.


Shared this on FB and within a minute got a reply from someone saying that Barack and Hillary were first to put the nation at risk and that this was "just another NYT hit piece", despite NYT just reporting the facts that the GOP is shitting itself at the prospect of Trump. It's true what they say, that the man's supporters refuse to listen to literally anything that paints him in an even slightly negative light.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I've never been more excited to read a book than I am to read the inevitable best selling book from a high ranking Trump campaign official. It will be fascinating to get a behind the scenes peek at how insane his campaign must be from the inside.
Back when Zell Miller (a Democrat, some would say in name only) took the stage at the Republican National Convention in 2004 and stumped for Bush, I thought that was the most humiliating thing to happen to a major American political party ever. This is worse than that.
I mentioned this in the other thread, but I think it's a combo of two things: The GOP didn't realize how bad Trump's numbers would tank in a short amount of time, and there was probably some kind of hope, perhaps something Trump said himself behind closed doors, that his behavior in the primaries was more for show, and he would pivot once the general election started to becoming a more traditional candidate. Both of those hopes pretty much tanked right after the DNC, and the ensuing fallout afterward, where Trump behaved exactly as he did in the primaries.
"Don't worry you guys, believe me, that was all just a show for the primary voters, believe me. They ate it up and they love me and now we're all going to come together in this convention, it's gonna be great you know, this convention, it's going to be great. So they ate it all up and now we're going to come together and I'm going to pivot, and I mean really pivot, I'm going to have the best pivot, it's gonna be great. You know a lot of people really dislike Hillary. They do, they really dislike Hillary and I'm going to pivot and bring in all those people and the independents, we're gonna have the best independents, believe me. I'll tone it down and act more presidential and we'll all come together and crush Hillary together because that's what we're going to do because we're unified and we're together."

*Muslim man insults him in epic speech*

Even with all this shit against him, aren't we just one terrorist attack away from him winning? Or have we passed that point in the way that too many people think his judgement will make things worse?
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