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A game so amazing it spoils others games


Chrono Trigger ruined other RPGs for me.

I was very lttp so played it on DS for the first time and loved every second of it.

I try and play the FF series now and then and it just feels like a bag of shit compared to CT.


Unconfirmed Member
No racing game will ever compare to the experience of F-Zero GX for me.

I can't take Final Fantasy Explorers seriously when my copy of whatever latest version of Monster Hunter is close by on my end table.

And I don't think I'll ever play a fighting game like I play(ed) Smash.

No other gunplay is as satisfying

I have played, many, many fps over the years and Destiny just nails it like no other game. Good call.

Another one for me is the combat in Bloodborne. It literally made me laugh at Witcher 3 and turn it off after my first try.

I think to an extent WoW has spoiled most other MMOs for me.

Also Bad Company 2 - nothing (including BF3 and BF4) has come remotely close to giving me the enjoyment, social interaction, straight up addiction like BC2.


Unconfirmed Member
I nearly forgot WoW, but I'll add that to my list of spoiling all other hotkey MMOs. Guild Wars 2 spoiled me on all other 'action combat' MMOs.


Panzer Dragoon (whole series).

I can't play any game that makes dragons a prominent part and not want that game to be PD.


So, I like The Witcher 3, it didn't change my life or anything, I don't even think it is the best game of last year, but I like it.

While it didn't rock my world, it totally raised the bar for its genre. Trying to play Fallout 4 at the same time is pretty damn hard. Skyrim would probably be impossible. Basically, all Bethesda games look like half-ass efforts in comparison.


For me, Xenoblade Chronicles X is the evolution of JRPGs. I can definitely go back to older JRPGs, but they're just not...quite as good.
Single player:
-uncharted 2
-god of war 3
-gta v

-mario kart 64
-super smash bros
-wrestlemania 2000
-twisted metal 2
-killer instinct gold
-super puzzle fighter


Counterstrike - doesn't need explaining

Asheron's Call - I could write a book about what made this game so great. Even WoW failed to reach its greatness.

Twisted Metal 2 - sure the genre is dead, but no car combat game after it was nearly as good.
The Last of Us: The Thread

For a period of time I had to take a break from games after beating TLoU because I found everything to be a bit lackluster.

The same happened with Bloodborne.
I second that.

Tip: don't you ever play Tomb Raider 2013 for the first time right after TLoU. The contrast is jarring and TR won't come out of that one unscathed.


Destiny and Bloodborne more recently.
Funnily enough, although I never really got into the Souls franchise, I thought I'd be able to fall in love with it after Bloodborne won over my heart but I'm having a hard time liking DS2 SotFS. I'm very hyped about DS3, though. I'm loving the BB influence. :D


Got to be TLOU for me. Honestly stories and the way characters make you feel just feel so lame and cheap in comparison to me now.

Such a high end produced game.

Call Of Duty 4 pretty much ruined every other multilayer shooter for me too.
quake 3

it literally spoiled the player base for every other arena FPS because every time something came out half the people (sometimes including myself) would be whining about how much better quake 3 was and then the new game would be dead within a week

and that still happens today


The Witcher 3 ruined open-world and action RPG for me. Set the bar too high for any other game.

Halo 5 mp for console fps. The gameplay is superb even though i hate how 343 is handling DLC and quality of content.


Played through Witcher 3 (loved it) and recently tried playing rise of the tomb raider

I can see it is a well made game but the dialogue, story, world. It just feels stupid and not believable at all. Bad cutscenes move into cover based shoot outs. Exploration is more like a tutorial (ohh look here a "hidden" tomb). Design just lacks heart but ticks boxes.

I would have been fine with most of this stuff. But witcher just raised the bar in so many ways i cannot enjoy rotr. Dont even get me started on fallout 4, witcher made me loose all interest in bethesdas games.

This happen to anyone else?

The W3 ruined wrpg for me too, i need a long pause from the genre to be able to forget how a game like that should be done.

Then the never ending Diablo 3, it's loot mechanic, skill, equipment management is a constant pain when i approach another loot based game, be it Destiny or the Division, the problem with Diablo is that Blizzard keeps updating and adding stuff (for free, FREE) and I'm not able to leave it behind my back and enjoy the other loot games.


The NBA 2k games are far from perfect but going one year back or god forbid two or three years back is really jarring in terms of feel and handling.


I don't really get thinking another game is so great it ruins others, when it's a completely different game to start with. The Notion that The Witcher 3 ruined other RPG's is silly when most RPG's aren't really like The Witcher 3. Anyway, I do have one...

New Vegas and Fallout 4. I love Fallout New Vegas, it's IMO the best Fallout game (closely followed by 1 and 2) and I was really hoping Bethesda would at least take hints from New Vegas for Fallout 4. But nope, every single thing New Vegas added or improved on was completely ignored by Bethesda. Good job, guys.

In fact, immediately after I finished Fallout 4 I went back to New Vegas and enjoyed it much more.


Witcher 3 - Playing Fallout 4 after that was a mistake.

Spec Ops: The Line - didn't feel any satisfaction playing any other military shooter afterwards.
I'm not sure if this has ever happened to me. I do my best to judge games on what they are, rather than on what they aren't. I can imagine people who are affected by this can have trouble playing retro/older games. What I do get though is fatigue if I've played too many samey games, though amazingness does not enter this equation.


The Witcher 3 made me realize how dated Bethesda's approach is. I stopped playing fallout 4 about 10 hours in, after having sunk 40-80 into their previous two.

The God

I don't think I've ever played a game that ruined other games for me. I don't compare games like that. Even with sequels like Arkham Knight, which is way better than the first two games, I could still go back to Arkham City & Asylum and enjoy them.
quake 3

it literally spoiled the player base for every other arena FPS because every time something came out half the people (sometimes including myself) would be whining about how much better quake 3 was and then the new game would be dead within a week

and that still happens today
Well yeah theres very little fast fps coming out and theres always something missing. See the abomination that is shootmania


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Chalk me up to the group of people for who Witcher 3 didn't help Fallout 4's cause. To be fair, it's mostly Bethesda not helping Fallout's cause.

I had to adjust a bit after running through Journey 4-5 times in two weeks time. I mean, there's nothing out there like it. The atmosphere, the music, the fun dunesurfing intermezzos, the thrill of running through it all with someone somewhere behind their screen.. Nothing really out there really scratching that itch.

God, I really hope someday someone releases something like a level editor for Journey as sophisticated as LittleBigPlanet and people go wild building new worlds to meet up and explore.


this is the right answer + Dragon's Dogma.
It is really difficult to get into action-RPG combat after playing Dragon's Dogma. Even the Souls series and Bloodborne don't really compare. That is actually really weird though... I still like the Souls series more than Dragon's Dogma but the combat in Dogma is really easy to get lost in.

Chrono Trigger has certainly ruined me on traditional jRPGs and I would say Planescape Torment did the same for IE-type games.


Dark Souls/Bloodborne for Gameplay Loop/Reward

Persona 4 for its character attachment

Bayonetta for its speed/dexterity

Catherine for its delivery of story



I have switched between UT / CS / Quake and Battlefield since ~ 2000 and played all big franchises (without COD) but I can't be bothered with the other titles right now.

Sorry UT reboot, DOOM and Battlefield 5-12
I played witcher 3 then soon after started xenoblade X.

I don't think I've ever dropped an RPG so fast. Witcher 3 did everything I care about a significant amount better.
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