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A game so amazing it spoils others games


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Half Life 2 and Stalker ruined linear and open world shooters for me because none of them give me the same feelings like those two did.


probably gonna get some flak for this one...

gothic soured me on every western rpg that i played after it.
yes, its janky, buggy and has weird controls. still, my no.1.

i still play other rpg's, but i often find myself, looking for stuff and comparing it to gothic...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
probably gonna get some flak for this one...

gothic soured me on every western rpg that i played after it.
yes, its janky, buggy and has weird controls. still, my no.1.

i still play other rpg's, but i often find myself, looking for stuff and comparing it to gothic...
Gothic 2 is one of the best rpgs ever made.


probably gonna get some flak for this one...

gothic soured me on every western rpg that i played after it.
yes, its janky, buggy and has weird controls. still, my no.1.

i still play other rpg's, but i often find myself, looking for stuff and comparing it to gothic...

Nothing wrong with this. I feel the same.
But witcher just raised the bar in so many ways i cannot enjoy rotr.

Weird comparison - they're very different games. You could argue the other way around that ROTR's vertical exploration, ability to make jumps, swing from ropes, etc. meant Witcher 3 felt like a boring "run along the ground" game... which would be just as daft because they're different games doing different things.

W3's somewhat unstructured sprawling open world actually annoyed me - as have other similar games where you feel like you end up just working through the quest list in order, fast travelling back and forth between regions because there's so much spread out everywhere and you can't really feel the "flow" of the quests properly.

Back to the main question - most of GAF probably would say Halo CE because every other Halo game since then has been shit apparently hah. For me though I'm going to be controversial and say Candy Crush. Every other "Match 3" type game I've played since just lacks polish or that simple but beautifully presented hook (even including most of King's other games). The only one that's possibly been close is Jewel Quest because it's at least got a bit of variety in it.
It's pretty much a cliché at this point but bloodborne and dark souls for me. I can't play other third person fantasy games without thinking I should just be playing one of those instead. Hell even dark souls 2 (which I have many issues with) I want to play more because of the fundamentals it has that sit so damn well with me.

Even dragons dogma which gets high praise here I couldn't get into. I tried. Like 16 hours tried. But I just couldn't get into it.


Although it's probably been mentioned countless times in this thread, the Witcher 3 can easily ruin any game you choose to play right after finishing it.

Tip: Play the Witcher 3 last if you're planning on playing multiple games back to back.
The World of Warcraft has pretty much stopped me from playing any other MMO; I played it for way too long, it was far too good and any other MMO after that not matter what they add or change just hasn't come close.
The first RPGs that I invested any real amount of time into were Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger. Every JRPG I've played since those two have been disappointing on some level. I think I'd appreciate the genre a lot more overall if I hadn't started with those games.


Neo Member
Bloodborne. I've not quite finished The Witcher 3 but I've played it over 90 hours. I took a break from it to play Bloodborne - I finished the main story and I've got one boss left in the DLC. I'm afraid to go back to TW3 combat after this.


Tales of Graces f gameplay is too good.

Graces F combat is so good it made me wonder why I ever bothered with the Tales games that came before it.

As for the rest,
TLOU pretty much ruined all other story-driven games.
No other SRPG has held my attention for more than an hour after discovering Disgaea.
Atelier made crafting in all other games unbearably boring.
I'm sure it's been said a bunch of times already, but Dark Souls/Bloodborne essentially ruined all other real-time RPG combat for me. I tried playing Skyrim after I had finished Dark Souls and I just couldn't do it. It felt so terrible and unsatisfying.

FFXI ruined all other MMO's for me thenceforth. Going from where a single xp mob could wipe an entire party of 6 people if you're not careful, to the majority of MMO's that have you slaughtering xp mobs rapidly en masse solo without any effort (is there really any "experience" to be gained from effortlessly slaughtering countless enemies who can barely scratch you?)... I just couldn't get into it.


I'm sure it's been said a bunch of times already, but Dark Souls/Bloodborne essentially ruined all other real-time RPG combat for me. I tried playing Skyrim after I had finished Dark Souls and I just couldn't do it. It felt so terrible and unsatisfying.

FFXI ruined all other MMO's for me thenceforth. Going from where a single xp mob could wipe an entire party of 6 people if you're not careful, to the majority of MMO's that have you slaughtering xp mobs rapidly en masse solo without any effort (is there really any "experience" to be gained from effortlessly slaughtering countless enemies who can barely scratch you?)... I just couldn't get into it.

Maaan, are you me or something? I agree with both games.
GTA V. I loved the world; just getting into a car, plane, helicopter or jetski and driving/flying wherever with music from the radio stations playing. I could do that for hours.

Few games make me wish I could wipe my memory of it and start again but this is one.

Hyun Sai

After finishing Final Fantasy Tactics and Xenogears, I stopped playing Japanese RPGs for years and never could get into one seriously since.
God of War 2's truly epic story and ambition (especially it being on the PS2).
Brood War for RTS balance.
Melee for fighting games.


Xenoblade Chronicles X might have come to ruin any other game that even attempts at open world or even just large levels in general.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
Learning how to play Puyo Puyo ruined a number of puzzle games for me, Dr. Mario and Puzzle Fighter being the most notable ones.

Opposite of most people, getting back into traditional fighting games has made it nearly impossible for me to enjoy Smash. Melee is probably my most-played game of all time and now I can't endure it for more than ten minutes.
I hear this about Souls titles and it saddens me that people are so singular minded they can't enjoy other action based games/rpgs because another series is so good.

That's really twisting it TBH.

I feel that way, but it's because the Souls series evoke a feeling that is almost impossible to replicate in other games nowadays. It's this feeling of scared adventure... like you don't know what's next, and there is no objective or marker to guide your way. A lot of old school games were like that (I am a huge former EverQuest player... I know timesinks and controller/keyboard breaking).

The Souls games capture that old school "lost in a dangerous world with only your wits to survive" feeling, and it is glorious (think Super Metroid).

I can recognize the greatness of The Witcher 3 for instance, but it still doesn't come close to the feelings that Souls games can evoke.


Dwarf fortress makes every sim/management/builder lacking, limited and unambitious to me.

World of Warcraft spoiled World of Warcraft.


For me it was The Last of Us, too.

Not because the gameplay itself was so amazing, but because it was so real.

I'd go and play Souls and be flying around super fast dodging everything. I'd play GTA and be surviving 30 gunshots while pulling off death-defying car jumps. I'd play Metal Gear and be unseen by enemies right around corners or looking at me. I'd play Uncharted and I'd be punching the heck out of dudes and doing death-defying leaps.

But I couldn't get the grounded, real, slow experience of The Last of Us out of my head. You can do everything Joel would/want to do in that situation. It felt totally real. Hearing an enemy shout in the distance and hunkering down into cover, eyes wide and scanning all around you. The little tense moments. Plus, the AI was excellent and very reactive. On Survivor and Grounded the fights were super intense, especially when you were spotted and took down a dude with a brutal CQC assault then broke for cover again and managed to hide.

Just so many great, real moments and such great, real gameplay. Though I can understand why some wouldn't like it.

The Last of Us: The Thread

For a period of time I had to take a break from games after beating TLoU because I found everything to be a bit lackluster.

Basically that^


I played a bunch of star fox games a while ago, even the ones on land I felt did something interesting. I felt like the conversations between charcters were great and it offered something unique.

And then I played ratchet and clank, that thing that is the good version of everything starfox ever kind of wanted to be. And now its just... eh. I have no hype for starfox zero, I got hype for that new ratchet and clank.

" Aren't the ship sections in ratchet and clank far and inbetween."

YEP. Ratchet and clank wonderful games


I don't have that problem, but after Chaos Theory, I was having a hard time having as much fun with other games. I was craving for more of exactly the same.


I don't have that problem, but after Chaos Theory, I was having a hard time having as much fun with other games. I was craving for more of exactly the same.

I still fondly think of Chaos Theory's level design and mission design and wish almost every game since had it. Thief III: Deadly Shadows and Thief II have level design that good, too, imo. Maybe just slightly worse. And MGSV is actually pretty close when you try to get all the optional objectives.


I hear this about Souls titles and it saddens me that people are so singular minded they can't enjoy other action based games/rpgs because another series is so good.

It's not that other games can't be good, its that soulsborne has just revealed how horrible most designers are at making good combat systems in action RPGs and character action games.

Once you've experienced good combat it's hard to go back.


Bloodborne made Witcher 3 nearly unplayable for me.

CDPR really drew the short straw with that release date. Little did they know. TW3's combat isn't that bad, but with so much of their playerbase coming straight off the back of BB's combat, it stuck out like a giant, heinous, putrid thumb.
CDPR really drew the short straw with that release date. Little did they know. TW3's combat isn't that bad, but with so much of their playerbase coming straight off the back of BB's combat, it stuck out like a giant, heinous, putrid thumb.
Didn't bloodborne sell about 2M copies ? I don't know about TW3 though but I'd assume it's way more (not even including free games for graphic cards too)


Dragon's Dogma ruined part of my enjoyment of Dragon Age Inquisition in regards to third person combat mechanic

Still yet to play Witcher 3 though
For a good while after playing skullgirls nonstop I couldn't help but feel like most other fighting games where missing something, even remember a thread on the skullgirls forums website skullheart about all the stuff people tried to do in other fighting games because of skullgirls. still find it to be a little unappreciated for how great of a fighting game it is with so many great systems. Also Life is strange made a lot of the telltale games feel lackluster in comparison.


The Last of Us: The Thread

For a period of time I had to take a break from games after beating TLoU because I found everything to be a bit lackluster.

The same happened with Bloodborne.

I came here expecting this answer and I wasn't disappointed. The Last of Us did this to so many people it's almost unbelievable.

*warning warning : anecdote time : warning warning*

I have a friend who was a hardcore COD fan, really, he would buy other games but he would always come back to COD and bring the experience down to what he experienced on COD (for example he can compare Need For Speed or Fifa to COD based on how much fun he had, even if they're totally different genres).

And one day I made him buy the game and play it. He loved it so much he has finished it 6 times (afaik) already, he also bought it on both the PS3 and PS4, something even I haven't done.

One day we were talking about it, how great of an experience it was and still is. He told me that for a very long time he had lost interest in gaming altogether, even his beloved COD wasn't as special anymore, because he couldn't find something as compelling as The Last of Us.

This game really was something that I wish The Last of Us 2 will not try to emulate, but build something completely different, yet still memorable.
Probably been said, but after getting into the Dark Souls series so many other games seem to hold my hand far too much by comparison, not to mention having combat that feels like it's been stuck on tutorial mode for the whole game.
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