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A good fps on PSP: do you think it is possible?


After you have seen/played Coded Arms on PSP, do you think it is possible to have a good (as good and fun as the epical Goldeneye on N64) first person shooter on this tiny machine?

Technically I'd say yes. And wifi multi could be sooo funny.
I've dubts concerning controls.

What is your opinion about this?



Unconfirmed Member
I'm also sceptical about how control would be on a PSP FPS.

Guess I'd have to try one to know for sure.


i've been playing games since i was a nipper - i'm sure i can adapt to another control method.

(yes, i think the PSP could have a great FPS)


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe I've just spent too long on PC FPS's and not enough on console FPS's in general, but I've never really managed to convert to using a pad :(

Either that or just too many illicit substances, might explain why I'm back into "twitch gaming" at the moment :lol


Possible sure, but who's interested with the PSPs control set up? There's already too many FPS games leaking onto a consoles, keep them off portables.


Halo FPS control is the norm now for consoles, but for those who played Goldeneye, Turok on the N64 and MDK on DC, didn't it feel ok to play Coded Arms on the PSP (Type C on the controls option IIRC)?

It's as if nobody even remembers that control scheme anymore...


Don´t hit me for my bad english plase
It's difficult.

A duke nukem 3D remake with PSP graphics would be great. I remember 3 different control schemes on the ps1 version, and at least one of them worked pretty well :)


Gold Member


EA had Bullfrog port Quake III to the PS2 and they did it at 60fps. They need to take that PS2 port and slap it on the PSP ASAP.
Pretty much all FPS on the N64 and Dreamcast used the buttons (C butons on N64 and ABXY on DC) for movement, and the stick for aiming, it worked great back then, and works great now, Coded Arms played fine like that, just took a little while to get used to it again, after playing so many xbox FPS :p

I think Timespliters would make a great PSP FPS, maybe they will make one :p
ManaByte said:


EA had Bullfrog port Quake III to the PS2 and they did it at 60fps. They need to take that PS2 port and slap it on the PSP ASAP.

Worst load times ever.
fps would of course work on psp, but the gameplay would have to change. the focus will have to differ from twin analogue set-up games, ie: Z-axis gameplay.

it should be return to Doom-style fps, very fast paced, the skill and fun factor should be in trying to defeat huge quantities of enemies in well designed levels.

the concept will be very important too, as in the case of Doom, killing daemons on Mars with a shotgun and chainsaw as your beauty weapons.

it doesnt come better than that.
Yeah worst load times EVER on Quake III PS2. ESPECIALLY after playing the hella-quick Dreamcast version. Plus, the DC version had much better music. That shit STILL rocks!


Templar Wizard said:
fps would of course work on psp, but the gameplay would have to change. the focus will have to differ from twin analogue set-up games, ie: Z-axis gameplay.

it should be return to Doom-style fps, very fast paced, the skill and fun factor should be in trying to defeat huge quantities of enemies in well designed levels.

the concept will be very important too, as in the case of Doom, killing daemons on Mars with a shotgun and chainsaw as your beauty weapons.

it doesnt come better than that.

Very interesting suggestion.
Maybe the solution, as you say, is to semplify the game mechanic and give to people great graphics.

I don't know if it is possible to let u "move your head" while you are playing and not to make the game too hard to be enjoyed...

It could be interesting see some kind of fps killer application (on console of course) work on PSP. I think a Goldeneye with full controls (Z-axis included) couìld be funny in any case.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Coded Arms' type C control is decent once you get used to it; it's the level design that could be better. :)

Ghost In The Shell SAC is out next week for PSP...it's a FPS. Got scores of 7 and 8s in Famitsu IIRC.
Lyte Edge said:
Coded Arms' type C control is decent once you get used to it; it's the level design that could be better. :)

Ghost In The Shell SAC is out next week for PSP...it's a FPS. Got scores of 7 and 8s in Famitsu IIRC.

I tried multiple and ended up liking type A control the best.

The controls were not the problem with the game. The repetative levels and gameplay is what hurt it.

It's funny, for the first hour, I kinda liked it, then for the next 3-4 hours, I really thought it was a chore, but at the end, upgrading the weapons and having some weapons that just tore through folks was damn fun.

Don't have any friends to play online, so I traded it in.

The levels kinda gave me a Metal Gear vibe (bland, green, industrial), which makes sense as it was Konami


What I want: (ports ahoy)
Based on PC versions, keep the improvements of the PSX version and fuck the ommissions
Add the PSX coloured lighting...make the game darker
Keep the music in tact but leave an option for PSX Doom music
No missing areas or enemies
Doom 2 final boss
Hell...add in the N64 game too :b
Ad Hoc/Infastructure

Blood and Hexen (same requests)
Add in coloured lighting
Be very faithful to the original
New multiplay levels


"GAF's biggest wanker"
In playing Coded Arms, one of the interesting things I noticed is that, where I'd normally play an FPS with freelook controls inverted, I found myself wanting to play without inverted controls in Coded Arms. I'm not sure if this was because I had freelook mapped to the analog stick which meant using my left hand for freelook rather than my right, or because of the immediate co-location of the screen with the controls (making it feel like it made more sense to press up to look up).

Based on time with Coded Arms, the biggest challenge for an FPS on PSP seems to be adjusting the accuracy and smoothness of tracking with the analog pad. Coded Arms didn't have it set as precisely as I would have liked by default but I was able to tweak the controls to better suit my preferences.


shantyman said:
Did... Did you say "epical"?

I noticed that too. Zuh?

Also, I didn't like how Coded Arms played. Got a good fifteen minutes through the beginning parts in store and the controls were too "loosy goosey" in my opinion. I'm sure someone can make a great FPS on the PSP, but only if they can get the controls super tight.
Any kind of precision-based movement seems to suffer with the PSP analog pad. The Tiger Woods swing, moving Pac-Man around in Namco Museum, surfing w/the browser, etc.


Unconfirmed Member
teruterubozu said:
Any kind of precision-based movement seems to suffer with the PSP analog pad. The Tiger Woods swing, moving Pac-Man around in Namco Museum, surfing w/the browser, etc.

I actually prefer the 'nub' and have greater fine-grained control with it than I do either my DS2 (Too loose by far) or my Xbox controller (Better, but still too loose).


Vennt said:
I actually prefer the 'nub' and have greater fine-grained control with it that I do either my DS2 (Too loose by far) or my Xbox controller (Better, but still too loose).
Agreed. Accuracy with the nub isn't a problem with me. Doesn't stop me from using the D-Pad over the nub every chance i get, though. I don't like the feel of it, I guess

edit: no...that's not it either since there are more than a few console games I use the D-Pad with (over the analog stick) =\



"Controls for MDK 2 (DC) were horrible."
... they were? i finished MDK 2 on DC with no problems what so ever.

it was so inoffensive, i don't even remember what the controls were!


yes, that talented of a member
i think a fps would work, but it would have to be a metroid prime or jumping flash platforming feeling shooter.


DCharlie said:
... they were? i finished MDK 2 on DC with no problems what so ever.

it was so inoffensive, i don't even remember what the controls were!

D-pad for the movement and analog for the camera IIRC - it was so unintuitive and awkward, it put me off the game.



MDK2 and DC Quake 3 (I think) had similar setups: Right four buttons as WASD and analog as orientation. It made perfect sense at the time, too. Miles better than any console FPS setup prior, too.


Tain said:

MDK2 and DC Quake 3 (I think) had similar setups: Right four buttons as WASD and analog as orientation. It made perfect sense at the time, too. Miles better than any console FPS setup prior, too.
Yep. No idea WTF izzy is talking aboot, here =\


Cloudy said:
How about a good game or two for starters?

And I troll? :p

We both know PSP has good games, don't start that.

But about FPS, I'm sure it can be done, but it'll probably take a shitload of crappy ones to get there. PSP isn't exactly made to handle FPS controls.


I don't think the PSP is well-suited to FPS or free-roaming 3D action games.

I think the system can do a good 3D action game, but it should be linear in design, like Crash Bandicoot or Sly Cooper 1.
I'm not too into the nub at all. It's good but not good enough IMO. At least its an option, and one that Nintendo didn't feel like providing in DS for various reasons... but I don't feel its as responsive or sensitive as a real analog stick. At least not in the games I've played with it.

Could FPS be done well on PSP anyway? Absolutely. I still play the N64 FPS' with half broken analog sticks for movement, and C-buttons for free-look. Its a tired setup but the games are still enjoyable.

My only concerns would be: if enemies were too quick, or erratic in movement, and that couldn't be matched evenly by typical player skill with the nub/d-pad, and the general content and length of the game. They should know what they're going after: pick up and play frag fests, maybe over infrastructure? Or something more intellectual and slow paced, in which case, why not put it on PS2?


I think control coul dbe done decetly on PSP, you just need to go back to basics and use a Doom 1&2 style engine (Just left and right turning, going front and back, a button for strafe and a button to fire. The l&r buttons could change weapons.)


no, and I'd prefer if developers would stop wasting time trying to make one. If course I have not found any console FPS satisfactory, much less a handheld one.*


*(MP being the one exception, and really it was more of an adventure game than a shooter)


I'm a pretty ardent non-FPS fan, but I'm trying out Coded Arms via Gamefly and I can see this game spending quite a few long bus rides with me. It's not without its issues, though. I don't actually have any problem with the default control setup; it's the lock-on that I'm not warming up to. What's the point of a lock-on if it drifts away when the enemy moves a little bit to the left? And if you have to re-load, forget it. I'm just going to have to turn the lock-on off and hang with the extra challenge.
Eh, I'm a Doom whore and I couldn't even get into to the PSP port. Maybe the lack of music had something to do with it though. The nub certainly doesn't help. I've been playing Tecmo Super Bowl, North & South, Hatris, Punch-Out!!, Shadowrun and Actraiser more than anything. :D

Anywho, for those interested in ports look no further:

Doom: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/doompsp.shtml

Heretic: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/hereticpsp.shtml

Hexen: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/hexenpsp.shtml

Quake: http://psp-news.dcemu.co.uk/quakepsp.shtml
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