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A perfect example of the type of person who shouldn't be a cop.

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Permanently A

Junior Member
The trial took place last week in Los Angeles September 13 through September 15 before the Honorable S. James Otero. After hearing the evidence and viewing a small portion of the video evidence provided by Mr. Sheppard, a jury of 8 persons found in favor of the sheriff’s department.


The Kree

The trial took place last week in Los Angeles September 13 through September 15 before the Honorable S. James Otero. After hearing the evidence and viewing a small portion of the video evidence provided by Mr. Sheppard, a jury of 8 persons found in favor of the sheriff’s department.

This is exactly why I will never stop generalizing law enforcement as a group of scumbags. They've got guns, they've got body armor, and they've got the justice system. Don't talk to me about your hurt feelings. I don't care at all. You all suck.


Tears in the rain
The trial took place last week in Los Angeles September 13 through September 15 before the Honorable S. James Otero. After hearing the evidence and viewing a small portion of the video evidence provided by Mr. Sheppard, a jury of 8 persons found in favor of the sheriff’s department.

Justice system needs a reform. Top to bottom. Shit is rotten to the core.


That was making me nervous.

Having a gun pointed at your head by anyone would put me on edge, my gut instinct would be to do anything to get it away from me, which would likely have me shot in the first place


That was making me nervous.

Having a gun pointed at your head by anyone would put me on edge, my gut instinct would be to do anything to get it away from me, which would likely have me shot in the first place

It's true, when you see a gun in your face you really do react without thought. I was mugged, and the dude pointed a gun in my face, and my instinctive reaction was to push his hand away. In retrospect I'm damn lucky I didn't get shot. You just don't think, it's a gut reaction.
The title uses the singular "type of person", but that whole department sounds like a collection of everything wrong with the system.

"Please just let me taser him!"? Is this real fucking life? Holy shit.

And of course the victim is black. I don't know why I even bothered to check.


Something sort of similar happened to my dad and brother in Turlock, CA. They were repairing a fence in an alley and a cruiser pulled up on them. The officer got out and aimed his gun at them. My dad immediately demanded the officers Sargent and the situation deescalated from there.

Karma caught up with the cop a few weeks later when he was indicted for stachatory rape.
This is so fucked. I've had a cop put a gun to my temple before and scream at me. I have nightmares about it where he actually shoots and I wake up suddenly.

Considering the circumstances in which it happened. I wonder sometimes if I was black if I'd be dead right now.


This story pissed me off. But at the same time I am also really relieved it didn't end with that cunt deputy shooting the guy.


I'm honestly baffled at how something so cut and dry is presented and the cops still get off scot free.

The dude with the guy was just itching to use the gun to intimidate. Maybe didn't really feel ready to shoot, but he absolutely wanted to scare the shit out of the victim and was power tripping. He didn't like being confronted like he was (as the piece of shit that he is).

What worries me most is that they're caught on tape conspiring, and one even begging to use the taser. Just for that alone all those motherfuckers should be fired at least. In a reasonable setting, they would have had the book thrown at them.

Fuck that jury, too. This is one of those times I wish their names were made public and shamed (though it's not just unrealistic, but dangerous. still feel they deserve it).
No words. Especially when it's a full dismissal of the charges with that evidence; if that's not enough, what on Earth is?

Though I'm sad to I admit I was expecting an execution rather than a lawsuit at the end there... Seems all too common these days.


Absolutely horrifying read. I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying of an ordeal that would have been.

Even after you comply and you have reason to be in the area, even if you are clean, have nothing to hide and follow their instructions you still are fucked.

This complying argument is absolutely bullshit when shit like this is done shamelessly with very little to no consequence.

Why did I read all this shit thinking "haha, these fucks are going to get NAILED."

I know better.

Same. Now I'm just infuriated.
How the hell did he not IMMEDIATELY get told to stand the fuck down? Hell, I think he should have been fired on the spot but I know better than to think that would happen. Still though.

Also why do so many power hungry assholes tell people to do something, then drop it, only to bring it up later? Then, when you say you'll do it, they say "no don't do it" and act like you're playing with them? The whole "I told you to get out of the car, no don't get out of the car you're gonna wait now" thing is what I'm referring to. He asked him to step out of the car once briefly, but then the whole hand on the wrist thing became the subject but he never bothered to address that. I've seen that a ton from people in positions of authority and it's a huge pet peeve of mine.


wow my heart was racing watching that video. the cop's finger was on the trigger ready to kill the guy for no fucking reason. absolutely horrifying.

Cops are nothing but an organized gang for the most deranged and protected citizens. We need massive police reform and the right-wingers would rather that not happen. For very obvious reasons too.


Wow guys - the police in your country is really messed up :(

And shocking that jurors found in favour of the sheriff's department - what?!


Those are some bad police officers. There wasn't a clear and present danger at any time, and there was no reason for that policeman to keep his gun on him (or even have it out in the first place), especially when the others arrived.

The policewoman wanting to just taser him for some reason is also shocking.



This guy recorded it all and it didn't mean a damn thing. Fucking bootlicking cop worshippers.

guys, I know this went sideways, and justice was not served.

I was just making the point that, without this guy having some currently unusual recording gear in his car, we wouldn't even hear about it. it's a small thing but I want to believe that at the very least, the awareness of this kind of treatment is raised. that's all.
i remember saying years ago in several body camera threads that cameras wouldn't matter

people were acting like i was spouting nonsense

I'd still rather have them than not. If we didn't have video, all we'd have is the word of both parties and people would defer to the ridiculous judgement of the jury here. Even if it hasn't made a difference in courts yet, the mounting videos of misconduct has affected public opinion and will continue to.


Fuck the police and fuck that jury too.

This definitely reinforces the criticisms and hatred towards the police, but the very idea that a jury could all see this (albeit, no blacks unsurprisingly) and still side WITH the police is so damn disheartening.

Just goes to show this problem exceeds past just the police. This shit is ridiculous.


Don't know why I was hoping for a happy outcome. Fuck the police. They are basically just a state sponsored mafia.

Also disappointed in the jury, and can't believe they couldn't get a single black person on that jury.


Gold Member
I truly do not understand why for some officers things must escalate so quickly and without cause or provocation. The default mentality (for this type of person) seems to be that every encounter poses a lethal threat, and while it is fair to be prepared for that slim possibility (which they are by default), it in no way correlates to reality. The attitude going into an encounter should not be one that labels a civilian as hostile prior to establishing that fact. You can be alert to potential danger without carrying that assumption. There are too many officers that are, themselves, troublemakers- ironically.
that dude shouldnt be hired as a hall monitor,let alone given a position where they have to deal with life or death situations if he becomes this shaken from a simple exchange of words
how the hell do these unhinged idiots pass initial psych eval? is it a buzzfeed online quiz you have to pass or what?

Any idiot can be a cop, the vetting is about as minimal as...

"You wanna wear a badge?"

"I sure do."

"Can you spell temperament?"

"Can you use it in a sentence?"

"Fuck it... Bob! Get this guy a gun and badge. Welcome to the club."


Junior Member
guys, I know this went sideways, and justice was not served.

I was just making the point that, without this guy having some currently unusual recording gear in his car, we wouldn't even hear about it. it's a small thing but I want to believe that at the very least, the awareness of this kind of treatment is raised. that's all.

I hear you, I would like for awareness to be raised but until it starts hurting white people of influence, people without easy excuses to dismiss, in unparalleled numbers, it won't matter. A good portion of America is too focused on themselves to be worried about constitutional rights being trampled. And unless you have an industry ready to fund a resistance (gun manufacturers trumping up charges of 'taking mah guns') to save the 4th amendment, you'll have another big hurdle.


Just watching the video without reading, I fully expected the officer to shoot him before the end. Glad to see that didn't happen. Sad to read about the jury. What the fuck??

Ok. Just watched this and it's frustrating. Some context on why the jury might have found in favor of the cops:

  • The jury didn't see the whole video because the judge ruled the rest of it was not pertinent to the case (fucking really!?).
  • The video they did see was an edited version made by the defense.
  • During the trial Ken Sheppard wasn't allowed to ever say "I feared for my life" or any variation of that or else the case would be dismissed. They don't go in to why.
  • The jury had zero black representation and was roughly "60% latino and 40% caucasian".

There's some other stuff in there like during the trial the cops referred to his pelican case holding his equipment as a "gun case", and fudging facts about how the car was illegally searched which could be corroborated by what I would bet was left out of the edited version of the video.


Subete no aware
At this point everyone should be constantly recording any interaction they have with police and stream it live just in case the cops try to break their gear.
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