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ACG: Why do some creators get Horizon Zero Dawn review copies and other's don't?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
*walks into thread about to complain about it being a complain video, sees its not a complain video*

Ok, then. I will watch


The best reviewer on the internet and more importantly, one of the nicest too. :)

I just realised he's the only reviewer I watch/follow on YouTube. I follow Giantbomb and Jim Sterling as well but not for their reviews.

I think it's because he values good sound design more than most which is a big thing for me, I.e the Dishonoured 2 review highlighting some pretty bad sound design which I guess no one really mentioned but him?


Thanks gents.
I was just getting slammed with requests for data.
It was nice to have some industry folks pop in right after I posted it and basically say "Yep"

Some of the greatest folks I know are a couple smaller reviewers from here, or Cosmic or Dreamcastguy and so forth. I know the BIGGER folks will be getting copies always. But sometimes one of these new channels getting a bone thrown to them is amazing.

Would've loved to see his review.
I will be doing so!


I know the BIGGER folks will be getting copies always. But sometimes one of these new channels getting a bone thrown to them is amazing.

It all can be rather strange. I'm somewhere in the middle between up and coming channels and big folks and there's a lot of stuff we get glossed over from time to time. Nioh was one of those that I bought out of pocket and wanted to review because I felt so strongly about it; no review code from TN/Sony.


It all can be rather strange. I'm somewhere in the middle between up and coming channels and big folks and there's a lot of stuff we get glossed over from time to time. Nioh was one of those that I bought out of pocket and wanted to review because I felt so strongly about it; no review code from TN/Sony.

I hear you man. It happens. I just felt it was interesting and enough people were asking.

Great video, and as someone who deals with this stuff too, so on point

Keep the great work you do Karak

Thanks. I admit I subscribed to a couple smaller channels today purely due to this lol


Is ACGs review out? One of my most looked forward reviews

Thats a big negative sir.
It all can be rather strange. I'm somewhere in the middle between up and coming channels and big folks and there's a lot of stuff we get glossed over from time to time. Nioh was one of those that I bought out of pocket and wanted to review because I felt so strongly about it; no review code from TN/Sony.

Also if you ever want to come to the podcast for reviewers/youtubers feel free to PM me here.


ACG has become my go to channel for games. I really enjoy his delivery and honest opinions. Keep up the great work Karak!


I hear you man. It happens. I just felt it was interesting and enough people were asking.

I definitely agree with you there. There's a lot to your piece that I can agree with and I'm still such a newcomer to the industry.

Sometimes there are companies that won't give you the time of the day for so long, then you hit the right note in a review that's perfectly timed when they're looking your way or talk to the right person and it's like turning on a light switch.

There's one company I work with that sends codes every time, without fail, and I wish I had the time to cover all of their games. All that I had to do was email the PR company, introduce myself, and start a little rapport talking about how I was fans of their games when I was growing up.


ACG has become my go to channel for games. I really enjoy his delivery and honest opinions. Keep up the great work Karak!

agreed. I'm pretty close to making threads for (some of) hi reviews, just to increase exposure. If people do it for Angry Joe, why not for ACG?
Good guy ACG/Karak, top gaffer too.
I really don't sub to many people on YouTube but ACG has a sub from me..

As said in video watching other YouTubers really can help, learning and being open to learn, this will always give you an opportunity to make your content richer.

About review copies requests, I'll share a tip I got from a PR contact. If you can, make sure your email goes out at local time to the time zone it's going to. Sending an email to a Spanish developer at midnight local time, you willl have slightly less chance of a quicker reply than between business hours. Sometimes you can get the email through at the right time. Right place, right time.

Nice video though and keep up the good work.


Yup, love this guy's channel. Really good content. The reviews are up there with peak Game Trailers/Easy Allies quality in terms of video reviews (though I always wish the sound category was about a third as long as it tends to be, but that's my personal opinion)


Maybe he comes from a country where there are already too many reviews? Sony cannot give review codes to Everyone.


I find this topid super interesting, especially from the viewpoint of a YouTuber as opposed to press. Certainly Sony will (and did) send codes out to some YouTubers, but I wonder if part of their thinking is looking at some channels and just saying "we know they'll review this anyway, they can buy it themselves". Also, I wonder what tools (if any) they use to try to correlate which YouTubers' reviews actually translate to customers, as opposed to just content for the audience. Someone like Angry Joe for example, his reviews are always really well thought out and well produced, but for some reason I don't know if many people use his reviews as an actual guide in the "should I/shouldn't I buy this" question. His reviews always just strike me more as entertaining content than something a potential consumer will look to to guide their purchase.

I dunno, I could be completely wrong, I'm just thinking out loud.
Glanced at the comments, noticed Angry Joe didn't get one. Generally, I see the purpose of review copies being the whole "early" part. Them being free is just a neat bonus. Critics are given early viewings of movies, television, and in this case, video games, so that they'll release their reviews for those things either before or really soon after they release in order to drum up easy hype, advertising, and to give potential buyers that aggregate score before they buy the product, and not after.

Angry Joe's last relevant review was for RE7, and released 14 days after the game had already come out. Might as well let him buy the game at launch like everyone else than waste an early copy on him. Two weeks after release, Angry Joe's review isn't going to conjure up any new opinions that'll influence a large enough crowd to go pick up the game. By that point, people are likely just waiting for a price drop, or aren't ever gonna get it.

I find this topid super interesting, especially from the viewpoint of a YouTuber as opposed to press. Certainly Sony will (and did) send codes out to some YouTubers, but I wonder if part of their thinking is looking at some channels and just saying "we know they'll review this anyway, they can buy it themselves". Also, I wonder what tools (if any) they use to try to correlate which YouTubers' reviews actually translate to customers, as opposed to just content for the audience. Someone like Angry Joe for example, his reviews are always really well thought out and well produced, but for some reason I don't know if many people use his reviews as an actual guide in the "should I/shouldn't I buy this" question. His reviews always just strike me more as entertaining content than something a potential consumer will look to to guide their purchase.

I dunno, I could be completely wrong, I'm just thinking out loud.
There's also the thought in mind that giving someone like PewDiePie an early copy of something like South Park: The Stick of Truth won't necessarily result in an official review, but instead an easy 18 million+ views on YouTube. No need to pay people to cut together a trailer. Just give a YouTuber or Twitch streamer a free copy of your game, and you've got easy advertising.


I used to watch the ACG videos before I was more active on GAF and had no idea he was also a user here till I started becoming more active in review threads and correlated Karak with ACG. His content is great and he always, always gives you details that many other reviewers refrain from bringing up. This guy will tell you this game has this list of problems, it's still absolutely a must buy. We need more of that.
Interesting video. Seems times have changed since I reviewed games when I was a kid. I remember being shocked at how easy it was to strike up relationships with companies, given how young I was. Microsoft were great to work with.


Thanks for the link OP. First time I've seen him. Subscribed and liked his video. Seems like a genuinely good guy and appears to be a bit older to which I can relate. I'm 45. Cheers!
Great video. Very interesting. First I've heard of him as well. Just subscribed. Also, intrigued by this talk about his coverage regarding sound in his reviews. Looking forward to checking out the channel!


Also, something to add to the great points made on the video

One big thing that I have heard and learned from publishers and PR companies about this situation is that beeing in sync and real tight with your community is really important.

Channels and websites with crowdfunding programs like Patreon are sometimes way more important for the publishers than the million subs ones. When you have fans that are willing to fund your creations with thousands of dollars a month you show to these companies that your public trusts your work and opinion a lot and most importantly, that they actually do spend money on that market.

Thats one of the reasons why outlets like Kinda Funny, Easy Allies and Giant Bomb get so much attention and respect from these companies (also because many of them have contacts and are friends with industry folk, which lines up with what Karak said). And that its totally fair since they create great content and nurture amazing communities.
Sony done fucked up.

I always watch ACG before buying RPGs. I mean I'll still eventually get this, but we're eurojank lovers so he knows what's up.

agreed. I'm pretty close to making threads for (some of) hi reviews, just to increase exposure. If people do it for Angry Joe, why not for ACG?

I'm down. I mean AngryJoe tends to have skits and scenes of his streaming/playing the game, but folks are making the threads because they like his opinion. And I like ACG's.


Interesting stuff.

Love Karak for helping me decide on a 4k TV that I'm really happy with right now.

I know you're in here so might as well ask. That "yet to be announced" under NDA game with great HDR implementation you mentioned testing a few months back. Has that actually been revealed yet?


listening now, Karak is legit good.

edit: Karak is down to earth in this video like his reviews. great listen. And Karak better own a Harley. :p
Thanks gents.
I was just getting slammed with requests for data.
It was nice to have some industry folks pop in right after I posted it and basically say "Yep"

Some of the greatest folks I know are a couple smaller reviewers from here, or Cosmic or Dreamcastguy and so forth. I know the BIGGER folks will be getting copies always. But sometimes one of these new channels getting a bone thrown to them is amazing.

I will be doing so!

Im going to be honest i was expecting sourgrapes the video. Im pleasantly surprised it was not that, you are a class act sir consider me subbed, great Nioh review btw.


Didn't finish watching all of it, but from what I watched so far I did find interesting.

Are critics and reviewers calling themselves "creators" now? That's rich.

Because they are creators, their reviews and videos didn't magically appear out of thin air.


Interesting stuff.

Love Karak for helping me decide on a 4k TV that I'm really happy with right now.

I know you're in here so might as well ask. That "yet to be announced" under NDA game with great HDR implementation you mentioned testing a few months back. Has that actually been revealed yet?

F*ck fu*ck f*ck.
I wish I hadn't said that lol! No it hasn't. But the moment it starts getting previewed I have a feeling it will be hard to escape that particular discussion.

Im going to be honest i was expecting sourgrapes the video. Im pleasantly surprised it was not that, you are a class act sir consider me subbed, great Nioh review btw.
My thanks man. And nah. Big companies gave me a chance, and pretty much any big youtuber even if they don't want to admit it. I think its totally fair to let some of these guys and gals jump forward and get a huge title on their channel. To me its pretty natural. I could tell for others it didn't see like it though. Especially with the last couple big games. So it felt like a timely vid.


That dude is so chill. Subscribed.

You're in the actual thread, nice vid man.

I'd like to do some youtubing eventually and I liked your positive attitude. Some people are so obnoxious in their content, refreshing to see your calm demeanor.


That dude is so chill. Subscribed.

You're in the actual thread, nice vid man.

I'd like to do some youtubing eventually and I liked your positive attitude. Some people are so obnoxious in their content, refreshing to see your calm demeanor.

Thanks but even for me it can get too much. It is a unique job thats for sure lol.
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