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Activision/Bungie game revealed by court (4 MMO sci-fantasy FPSs, more) [OP Updated]



Destiny I - Fall 2013
Comet I - Fall 2014
Destiny II - Fall 2015
Comet II - Fall 2016
Destiny III - Fall 2017
Comet III - Fall 2018
Destiny IV - Fall 2019
Comet IV - Fall 2020

With smatterings of DLC (presumably) everywhere. Seems a little... I don't know, crazy? Hitching your wagon to Activision until 2020, at that kind of workload, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in terms of the quality Bungie will be able to impart on these games, and of their ability to hang onto their company culture and sanity if and when things get tight. I hope everything goes flawlessly for them.

Don't tell they are working on Call of Duty: Space Warfare.
Probably the biggest issue (realistically) is that review scores =/= sales. Like someone pointed out earlier, Fallout New Vegas sold millions of copies and was undoubtedly hugely profitable for Betheseda, but no bonuses were paid to the developer because they were one point short on Metacritic.

Yeah, but, i mean, it's a bonus. I'm sure the contract is good enough that they don't need the bonus. People have bonuses for arbitrary things in all walks of life.


It's a different thing now, though, because it's been made public. Game reviewers who read this story will now have that at the back of their heads when they start writing the review in 2 years. I'm not even suggesting there will be pressure from Bungie on them; but reviewers who have positive feelings for Bungie and want to see them succeed might feel an indirect obligation to inflate the score; those who for whatever reason don't and want to spite them might feel the opposite. This grants them a degree of indirect control over the developer's financials. And given the typical objectivity, maturity, and fanboyish tendencies of most game reviewers, I'm not sure that's a good thing.

Why is it disgraceful to have a bonus for a well reviewed game? I feel like I'm missing something. It may not be a perfect science but it's as close as we're gonna get to judging if a game is "good" or not in the eyes of critics.

Only takes one lazy reviewer for some small French gaming site to give a gave a shit score for whatever arbitrary reason and suddenly the average metacritic score is knocked down because of it, despite the rest of the reviews being postive. And thats a fair deciding factor for whether a bonus should be awarded or not? C'mon.


Personally as a customer I am totally ok with the Gamerankings bonus. The contract does not say that if below 90 they get no bonuses. What they lose is a especific bonus that is strcitly tied to the Gamerankings average.

By the way, with a similar contract, Treyarch and IW would have not received the "quality" bonus for Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3.
I really don't understand why they left Microsoft.

I think they wanted to own their own IP, which is fair enough.

They'll own it now. They'll also be contractually obliged to release a dozen iterations of their new IP by 2020 on a strictly regimented timetable, which will ironically probably make them completely sick to death of it.

They'll own the IP during and after this development gauntlet. I can't imagine they'll care for it very much by the end though. If I was working on the same franchise, year in year out, for that long, I'd want to desperately move on.


Sure hope you guys aren't tired of playing shooters!

Holy shit.

1 a year plus DLC, plus timed exclusivity.



Selling 5 million units in 6 months shouldn't be that hard a task, specially with a talented studio such as Bungie and massive marketing backed by Activision, but it's going to be a 360-exclusive, so I think it will be quite hard to pull off.
I looked for some numbers and here's what I found out:
-Four 360-exclusives reached such milestone: Halo 3, Halo Reach, Gears 1 and Gears 2.
(Not enough info about Gears 3 yet, but it shipped 3 million in its first month)

- Only Halo 3 and Gears 2 did it within 6 months, though. Reach took more than a year to reach 5 million
Link was about US sales alone; couldn't find anything about worldwide sales within such period.


Personally I find it kind of surprising that the majority of GAF doesn't own all 3 consoles at this point.

I know most people who play games don't buy that many games a year but this is GAF.

Are there still a lot of people loyal to one console maker?

A decade ago this would have had more merit. Nowadays buying another platform is pretty much solely because of 1-2 stray titles or first party fandoms, so it's hardly a necessity. Most people also have way more to play than they can handle as is. It's not even slightly surprising someone even huge into the medium could easily get by on just a 360 or a PS3.

I'd probably go PC only if I wasn't so terrible with purchases, but I'm weak and there's always something to tempt me.

More on topic, I'm really curious about this game even though I haven't really enjoyed a Bungie title post the original Halo. I hope it's more of a genuine swing at an MMOFPS or at least something more creative than a traditional corridor type game with scant MMO elements. Things like Planetside had LOTS of potential.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
So Bungie leaves MS because MS had them by the balls, only to get their balls scooped by Activision.

I'm still gonna call BS on this one. I don't think they would want to crank out that many games/expansions. That's just waaayyy too intense IMO.
Targeting 5 million in the first 6 months might be pushing it just a bit.

If it was 360,ps3,PC I could see it getting 5-7 million but 5 million only on Xbox and its a new IP at the tail end of a generation when the new systems will be announced and maybe even released. ehhhh.

I hope they wont be disappointed if it only sells 3-4 million.


5 million in 6 months when the video game industry is on a downward slope and your exclusive to one platform? Not a smart idea. I could see if it was HD consoles/PC/720 but 360/720 when a lot of the people that own a 720 being overlap may be quite a bit tougher.

And it's an MMO.

Good luck.
Woah that bonus thing about the 90 gamerankings.com/metacritic section.

When the game comes to press, the reviewers will now explicitly know the score they must grade it in order for Bungie to get their bonus.

I can't think of a situation where this has happened before. Its fucking fascinating.
So, this is kinda crazy. Does it basically confirm the 720 for 2013?

Anyways, as far as contracts goes, I dunno how 'good' this is for Bungie, it reads to be very limiting.. maybe its because they own the IP with it?

Destiny will be a very interesting game, I really hope it shows up at e3.. Also, Marathon? Holy shit, that should be its own thread also. wow. Lots of info..I wonder what else can be dug out..

How did this leak out?

rdrr gnr

This is the most interesting gaming leak I think I've have ever read. This is what money does to people. I just don't see this being as successful as they want without tens of millions of dollars of marketing. I also love how Activision can just cancel contract. I 'd love to see Respawn's deal with EA.
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