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Africans in Russia ( Yeah...)

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agrajag said:
^ That's some real bullshit. Skiptastic. First of all, I am a Russian, and I'm not scary at all. Second, I've never seen a black person in Moscow. Second, Russians are a lot less racist than Americans. We never considered people of other nationalities lower than human (in fact that was always something Commies liked to throw in US's face during the Cold War). Third, everyone in Moscow has been assaulted at least once, not just black. My mom got assaulted in broad daylight in public for having a "jew nose." The really big problem there is anti-semitism, if anything.

I don't think the argument 'everyone gets assaulted' really helps. You are just promoting the image of Russia as a lawless, barbaric dump no foreigner should ever set foot in and native Russians should strive to emigrate from.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
harSon said:
To answer the question, humans are simply capable of horrid things, had the roles been flipped (Africa being the economic super power in place of Europe), I'm sure we'd be in a similar situation with Whites being ill treated.

Unfortunately, this is true. Well, at least we're not the bad guys in this alternate universe.

Imagine! A World with USA ( United States of Africa) Where Africa helps people get their equal rights and freedom for all. Feeds the poor and stands up for justice. *teary eyes*

By the way, Eastern European girls are among the nicest girls I have ever met.
as mild Canada may be, racism is alive and well here. It is more common between friends who say stupid comments.

heck, I got Italian-Canadian friends who make negative comments whenever they see a White Girl with a Black Guy.
I heard it too many times from my own friends. And they even thought me derogotry words in Italian on how to describe black (mostly related to food like lots of Italian insults are related to food).

I wouldn't want to know what woudl happen to a Black guy who dates a White girl in Russia.


Instigator said:
I don't think the argument 'everyone gets assaulted' really helps. You are just promoting the image of Russia as a lawless, barbaric dump no foreigner should ever set foot in and native Russians should strive to emigrate from.

But why try to sugar coat it?


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
gutter_trash said:
I wouldn't want to know what woudl happen to a Black guy who dates a White girl in Russia.

We will never know this.


Anasui Kishibe said:
the post above me is just one big LOL. Prove me racism is dead in America and I will believe half of the bullshit you've just said

what the?
show me where I said it is dead?
I am just pointing out it is a bigger problem in Europe, which is quite clear the moment you look at the treatment of blacks, muslims and gypsies

which is exactly what I said here:
Overall racism is a much bigger problem

how the hell you came from that to the conclusion that I have said "racism is dead in america" is simply beyond my understanding


Anasui Kishibe said:
the post above me is just one big LOL. Prove me racism is dead in America and I will believe half of the bullshit you've just said


He didn't say racism was dead in America. I don't think anyone would say that.

He's just saying America is probably a little ahead of the curb when it comes to race relations at this point.

Prime example: Obama

While France is bannig burkas and creating ghetos for Muslims and certain European nations have legit political parties run by neo-nazis, America voted in a black man as their leader.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
gutter_trash said:
as mild Canada may be, racism is alive and well here. It is more common between friends who say stupid comments.

heck, I got Italian-Canadian friends who make negative comments whenever they see a White Girl with a Black Guy.
I heard it too many times from my own friends. And they even thought me derogotry words in Italian on how to describe black (mostly related to food like lots of Italian insults are related to food).

I wouldn't want to know what woudl happen to a Black guy who dates a White girl in Russia.

Yup, there definitely is. And it's really prevalent around white only and almost white only neighbourhoods and small towns.


Anasui Kishibe said:
the post above me is just one big LOL. Prove me racism is dead in America and I will believe half of the bullshit you've just said

I don't think he's saying it's dead in the U.S. Just that assimilated minorities are treated better in the U.S. than in Europe. Racism still exists but treatment and tolerance is better in the U.S. than in Europe.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
America needs to start giving Africans, permanent settlement rights in the USA. We'd build the shit out of that country and become one huge fucking nation USAA United States of America and Africa.

50 states?
How about 103 states!
At least we treat people right here in England...

People are screwed up everywhere and it looks like nothing will change that in the near future,Just do your part and teach your kids well and maybe just maybe someone's generation in the far far future will live with equality.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
At least we treat people right here in England...

People are screwed up everywhere and it looks like nothing will change that in the near future,Just do your part and teach your kids well and maybe just maybe someone's generation in the far far future will live with equality.

England is great man. Out of all the European countries I've been to. England is the most hospitable and welcoming to foreigners no matter who.
yes, England is good with foreigners, but it's not all fine and dandy over here as well. Ultimately it all comes down to how you've been raised. I've been raised as an extremely tolerant chap, and I dont mind dissing my black, asian, Christian friends* because they do know it doesn't mean fuck. Real racism is another thing

*obviously they call me names too, and noone gets offended because it's really all a fucking laugh

Geneijin said:
I don't think he's saying it's dead in the U.S. Just that assimilated minorities are treated better in the U.S. than in Europe. Racism still exists but treatment and tolerance is better in the U.S. than in Europe.

this is a bit more reasonable. But saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" sounds WAY too easy. I've got friends from Oregon and they fucking hate everyone, they also pretend they don't know I'm jewish


Trucker Sexologist
Instigator said:
I don't think the argument 'everyone gets assaulted' really helps. You are just promoting the image of Russia as a lawless, barbaric dump no foreigner should ever set foot in and native Russians should strive to emigrate from.
You mean that's not the case?


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Anasui Kishibe said:
this is a bit more reasonable. But saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" sounds WAY too easy. I've got friends from Oregon and they fucking hate everyone, they also pretend they don't know I'm jewish

Yeah, that's a bit off. You can be born a red-blooded American and still be hated to the core. Plus, there's no definite "American" way to act.
Jibril said:
England is great man. Out of all the European countries I've been to. England is the most hospitable and welcoming to foreigners no matter who.

Self deprecating :D Most people treat each other fine.But we still have tons of lowlife racists.Mostly geared towards the Arab and Muslim nations I feel.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Self deprecating :D Most people treat each other fine.But we still have tons of lowlife racists.Mostly geared towards the Arab and Muslim nations I feel.
I'm a Black Muslim...so I guess I fucked up pretty badly huh... :lol


European nations have legit political parties run by neo-nazis

this is another funny thing
there are issues with minorities here that need solving, the problem is no moderate political party is wiling to even talk about them, so what do people do? They turn to the only party that is actualy wiling to talk about them which usualy is a far right party, so the support for them is constantly growing, problem is their idea of solving those problems are retarded.
A quite nationalistic guy run 2 time for president, in the first election he got some 8% now in the second one he got around 20%. And that's a guy that's basicly calling for deportation of minorities

in order to actualy promote understanding in europe the moderate political parties need to stop going "lalalalala can't hear you" when people demand a discussion on some issues, but hear them out, invite both parties to a discussion and find a solution that will benefit everyone

this is a bit more reasonable. But saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" sounds WAY too easy. I've got friends from Oregon and they fucking hate everyone, they also pretend they don't know I'm jewish

which is why I said 1 sentence latter this:

In Europe you are seen as European if you have the family tree to prove it, fully assimilated immigrants aren't accepted in Europe by as many % of people like they would be in the US

with saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" I didn't mean you are seen like this by EVERYONE. But from my personal experiance the % is quite higer than in Europe. The sense of nationality in the US isn't as dependent of your family tree as it is in Europe since it is one big melting pot, while the nations in Europe are a lot more homogeneous, where even sucefully intergrated minorities are seen first as from where they came from. A turk that acts compleatly as a german is still seen a turk, while in the US he would be seen by more poeple as an "american"


DeaconKnowledge said:
Hate isn't rational? It doesn't make sense to assume Russians are anti-Semites and then in the same breath assume they're not racists as well. usually those two things are peas in an ignorant pod.

Not necessarily. First of all, it is faulty to assume that "Russians are anti-Semites." There are anti-semites in every country. Second, people hate other groups of people for varying reasons. In summary, it doesn't really make sense to assume things, ever.

Instigator said:
I don't think the argument 'everyone gets assaulted' really helps. You are just promoting the image of Russia as a lawless, barbaric dump no foreigner should ever set foot in and native Russians should strive to emigrate from.

That is exactly what I am saying.


Jibril said:
Serious question. Why are black people so hated? It's not like black people ever enslaved Europeans ( or any other ethnic group) then took them to work on plantations or something..

I can't for the life of me figure it out. Maybe non-black GAF can tell me why people they know ( who aren't fond of black people) hate us.

I mean, when I ( Much like most of GAF I presume) look at other people,caucasian,asian middle-eastern etc. I don't get a feeling of hatred towards them.

So why do you think?
Social psychology.

Humans are social animals that thrive in groups. From the ancient past natural selection has favoured those who can cooperate to gain more than separate indivuals could ever achieve. The competitive nature of humans is not mainly about competition between individuals but competition between rival groups of people.

People have a need to belong to social groups however loosely constructed they migh be (family, nationality, place of residence, political affiliation...). These people work as psychological back up and/or safety net. You feel at ease and safe with people who are "like you" or "like minded" whether the feeling is sound or not. This is only one part of it as there is also cooperation between groups of people as sometimes working together is more beneficial.

We feel safe in our small social bubble. People of other groups are there threatening this bubble, as they bring about them things that are not shared by individuals of your own group. How do you address this threat and which groups you consider "hostile" and which are friendly. It's upbringing and social climate.
Racism is a huge problem basically everywhere in the former Soviet and Eastern bloc. One of my good friends who is black and had to grow up there can testify to that.

Anyway, the most hated group in the world is the Roma. Even GAF devolves into a Nazi rally when they are discussed.
chum, I agree with lots of your points. Europe isn't used to immigration, while America is just one big migrant boat. It will take years, decades even. It's also because Europe has a millennia-old culture, and its history has never seen something like what's already happening

just merely pointing out that I found some of your assumptions exaggerated, and this

"with saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" I didn't mean you are seen like this by EVERYONE. "

is a little contradiction. Let's just toast at our little misunderstanding shall we

Get'em McBain!


Anasui Kishibe said:
chum, I agree with lots of your points. Europe isn't used to immigration, while America is just one big migrant boat. It will take years, decades even. It's also because Europe has a millennia-old culture, and its history has never seen something like what's already happening

just merely pointing out that I found some of your assumptions exaggerated, and this

"with saying "In the US you are seen as american if you behave like one" I didn't mean you are seen like this by EVERYONE. "

is a little contradiction. Let's just toast at our little misunderstanding shall we

ofcourse, I understand what you are saying and I didn't word my post very well, it's kinda late^^


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The Experiment said:
Anyway, the most hated group in the world is the Roma. Even GAF devolves into a Nazi rally when they are discussed.

Seriously, GAF turns into Stormfront when they are mentioned.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Yes. But even the Roma hate black people. So black people are still the most hated.


Purkake4 said:
Fuck you too! Russia isn't Eastern Europe, it's Russia.
Cry moar.

Seriously, I can only think of a handful of countries (outside ''black'' countries) where a dark man can live peacefully. So maybe I shouldn't be so rough on eastern europe, they're just ahead of the curve...


My parents were thinking about taking a trip to Moscow over the holidays, but I don't think that's going to happen now :lol
Jibril said:
I'm a Black Muslim...so I guess I fucked up pretty badly huh... :lol

Nah the only way they can identify someone as a Muslim is if they wear a turban anyway:lol I don't think the average idiot on the street know the difference and would not care If he/she was a Sikh or whatever.

Myself I've only ever seen one racial attack in England,it was a group of kids(18-20 yr olds) and a Pakistani man.Most of them will just yell shit from afar.Every foreign friend I know has experienced it in some shape or form(Mostly Chinese/Japanese)

I must stress though all this also applies to English people who dress/act or look different too.I have seen plenty more beatings of natives who dress different than I have for just being foreigners.As I said before people are just fucked up.
Jibril said:
Serious question. Why are black people so hated? It's not like black people ever enslaved Europeans ( or any other ethnic group) then took them to work on plantations or something..

I can't for the life of me figure it out. Maybe non-black GAF can tell me why people they know ( who aren't fond of black people) hate us.

I mean, when I ( Much like most of GAF I presume) look at other people,caucasian,asian middle-eastern etc. I don't get a feeling of hatred towards them.

So why do you think?

I think that it's because of the old european ideas that africans were sub human. This belief somehow holds on among ignorant and un educated people through out the world.

Interestingly enough I was reading about General Patton's belief during WWII that Russians were not really white and could not be trusted or reasoned with etc etc.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Lebron said:
My parents were thinking about taking a trip to Moscow over the holidays, but I don't think that's going to happen now :lol

Black People warning each other over the internet. We got psychic connections man.

*fist bump*

Say hi to your parents for me mang.


Pterion said:
Cry moar.

Seriously, I can only think of a handful of countries (outside ''black'' countries) where a dark man can live peacefully. So maybe I shouldn't so rough on eastern europe, they're just ahead of the curve...

Which curve would that be?
Choke on the Magic said:
Interestingly enough I was reading about General Patton's belief during WWII that Russians were not really white and could not be trusted or reasoned with etc etc.

Patton was one of the biggest fucking racists that ever lived. Great commander but a piece of shit man
Anasui Kishibe said:
Patton was one of the biggest fucking racists that ever lived. Great commander but a piece of shit man

That's for damn sure! But that was for the most part a socially accepted view unfortunately. You should read the speech he gave to the first black tank division.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Choke on the Magic said:
That's for damn sure! But that was for the most part a socially accepted view unfortunately. You should read the speech he gave to the first black tank division.

Link please :lol
Choke on the Magic said:
That's for damn sure! But that was for the most part a socially accepted view unfortunately. You should read the speech he gave to the first black tank division.

I will, thanks. I'd also like you to read his letters where he described the Jewish. One'd think a guy like him would get along pretty well with Hitler


Choke on the Magic said:
That's for damn sure! But that was for the most part a socially accepted view unfortunately. You should read the speech he gave to the first black tank division.
got a link to this by chance?
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