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Am I crazy or does the Xbox one have the worst menu layout ever?


Junior Member
lol I've been using my Xbone since launch. I know what the indicator is, thank you. I'm just pointing out the flaws and why people hate it.

Also, just turned my Xbone on again to play with the ui in response to this thread. Realized another reason the ui is such shit: holy hell is it slow as fuck in response time. A good 10 seconds in before it would even register my controller inputs. No wonder it gets confusing as all hell when you try to move the indicator and it doesn't move for who knows how long then suddenly your two steps into a sub menu you didn't want.

And the full resets every other week are so tiring. Just about every time they release an update even things get screwed up so bad I have to full out unplug the dam thing for thirty seconds and replug the thing so it fully resets, since doing the 'restart console' doesn't fix the issues most of the time. Been this way since launch.

Well you've had your console for a while but heres a few things.

The console taking "10 seconds" to respond to an input, sounds like there is an issue with your console. Maybe full of dust or something is going. Clearly, I don't think it needs to be said, but that is not normal.

You getting weekly console updates without being in the Insider Program is not normal. Considering they only release public builds once a month.

Thirdly, you don't have to pull the plug on your console and leave it unplugged for thirty seconds to reset it. Do a 'Hard Reset'. To do it, while your console is on, press and hold the Power Button for like 10 seconds (OG Xbox One beeps after the amount of time, Xbox One S doesn't make a sound).


The Xbox menus are universally awful.

Designed by Bloody Stupid Johnson.

This. Whoever designed menus and user interface stuff for Microsoft consoles is a blithering idiot with no sense. The whole damned screen may as well be reserved for ad space over my actual enjoyment, because the stuff I came here for is always pushed aside or second billed to all the extra shit they hope I get drawn to and buy instead.


Well you've had your console for a while but heres a few things.

The console taking "10 seconds" to respond to an input, sounds like there is an issue with your console. Maybe full of dust or something is going. Clearly, I don't think it needs to be said, but that is not normal.

You getting weekly console updates without being in the Insider Program is not normal. Considering they only release public builds once a month.

Thirdly, you don't have to pull the plug on your console and leave it unplugged for thirty seconds to reset it. Do a 'Hard Reset'. To do it, while your console is on, press and hold the Power Button for like 10 seconds (OG Xbox One beeps after the amount of time, Xbox One S doesn't make a sound).
It's not 10 seconds for every input, it's 10 seconds after everything loads and it stalls for like 10-15 seconds before it actually starts registering inputs. Both my Xbone and xbkneS have the same issue.

Hard resets don't always work unless you use the unplug method. Believe me I've done it all.


I only have a PS4, so cant compare, but i Just wanted to chime in that for me to add someone to a party, i have to go to menu, go to party, press invite, select friends, press invite, select private or public party, then go back to my game.

Why the party menu doesnt immediately go to selectable Friends and selecting friends shouldnt take more than pressing a button goggles the mind.

But they have designed it already and i suppose thats enough?
Honestly, it seems like some of you posting haven't had your Xbone very long or are posting out of ignorance or naivety, and I mean no disrespect here. But did you really miss the weeks of Doritos/mtDew ads all over our console home screen the last couple years?? So fucking shitty to see on the front page of your game screen.

This post is over the top. The ad block is annoying but it's not all over the main console screen. It goes about 2/3s of the way up the right side of the screen and it covers about 20% of the screen. One ad is almost always about the free games I get because I am a gold subscriber. Should the ad block go? Yes. Is it the worst thing ever? Not even close. Here is a link to a recent start screen picture so others can judge.



Why are some of you still replying to some of these posts? When you see a turd you don't step in it do you? You avoid it same principle applies here


It's not 10 seconds for every input, it's 10 seconds after everything loads and it stalls for like 10-15 seconds before it actually starts registering inputs. Both my Xbone and xbkneS have the same issue.

Hard resets don't always work unless you use the unplug method. Believe me I've done it all.
Changed your DNS?


I don't get Doritos or Dew ads at all. The last thing I saw that wasn't a game or gaming related ad was for a movie or something that had either just come out in theaters and had related movies on sale in the Xbox Store.

Maybe it's targeted ads or something?

I know I'm going to say this now and then tomorrow my shit is going to be covered in dew, lol.

edit: For instance, right now in the 4 tiles I see:

-Game of Thrones coming ad, which is console related as I'll be watching that shit on the HBO app as soon as it comes on.
-Games with Gold Tile
-Forza 7 advert (mentioning the 'play 4 days early thing'
Thats the top of the Home Screen.

-Fourth tile down below is "This Week on Xbox".

Thats pretty fucking typical, though the one none-gaming ad isn't often. Those are literally the only spots with "ads" on the entire console. Saying it's all over is just loose hyperbole.
lol give it some time. I always get the worst non applicable stuff for me and my son, Doritos, dew, fcking princess ads or sports stuff I couldn't care less about.



I always think that the console manufacturers should look to the original Wii or the new Apple TV as the place to start, and work from there.

Just keep it simple. If you want to divide different games and apps, folders and tabs are a thing that is possible.

I don't think any of the console UIs are particularly great in this current crop of consoles, but the Xbox One's is far and away the worst: Ads, still quite labyrinthine, not very customisable.

I don't much like the horizontal scrolling of the PS4 and Switch UI. I think it works better on Switch because that system makes better use of the space when you press up and down on the d-pad - plus that system's OS simply has less to do on it - but PS4's UI is just getting more and more bloated and they are somewhat hamstrung by those game hub pages that cause more usability issues than the ones they solve.

Plus there's that fucking Singstar thing on PS3 that I'm really bitter about. And what SCEE have done to the TV section, which is completely and utterly ruin it. Sony are just as guilty of UI sins themselves.

All I want from a console UI is simplicity that focusses on the end user. For apps and games, just give me a grid of icons. Let me move those icons into any order I want, let me "Star" certain apps and games as favourites so they take priority in automatic updates and the like, so they are always ready for me when I switch my system on. Let me put games and apps into folders. And unless it is a mission critical icon that would render the system unusable if it vanished, let me hide any and all icons that I don't want or use that are only cluttering the experience up.

Divide those grids into pages/tabs. Maybe have one for Games, another for TV/Movies, one for Music. Maybe as system functionality expands, more tabs can be added. For portable systems like the Switch, maybe a "Books" or "Comics" tab could be added, as I imagine many people would like to do those things on their Switch in portable mode.

There should be other more bespoke tabs too, such as one for Settings that doesn't use a grid but maybe has a menu. Or maybe it is a grid of different settings icons? I dunno. Of course there should also be spaces for the Store, Online Services (like achievements/trophies, friend list, messages, chat invites and stuff) and any other useful things.

And with the exception of Settings, which is mission critical, all tabs/pages/whatever should be able to be hidden on a profile-by-profile basis. That way, if you have a partner who isn't interested in games but likes to use your console for Netflix or music or whatever, that kind of content can just get out of the way for them.

And for the love of god, no adverts on any of the main pages. None. Zilch. Keep them on the Store when I'm actually looking to buy something. Best case scenario, let me sign up to alerts, or news, or information channels, so I can keep up-to-date on products and services that matter the most to me. I just find it so annoying when my UI is cluttered with crap I don't care to use, just because the company who made the box did a deal with someone else to push that junk into my face. That's not the kind of shit I want when I switch on my console.
I only have a PS4, so cant compare, but i Just wanted to chime in that for me to add someone to a party, i have to go to menu, go to party, press invite, select friends, press invite, select private or public party, then go back to my game.

Why the party menu doesnt immediately go to selectable Friends and selecting friends shouldnt take more than pressing a button goggles the mind.

But they have designed it already and i suppose thats enough?
I'm confused, are you talking about the Xbox party chat? Because all you need to do is start a party, then go to your friends list and press X on your friends to invite to party.
Why are some of you still replying to some of these posts? When you see a turd you don't step in it do you? You avoid it same principle applies here
If the turd is sitting there quiet, then sure. But when that turd starts spewing diarrhea all over, then it's time to figure out why and hopefully help that turd realize what a shit it is.
lol give it some time. I always get the worst non applicable stuff for me and my son, Doritos, dew, fcking princess ads or sports stuff I couldn't care less about.


To be fair those ads are all game related, and that's not even an image you have taken yourself it's from a youtube video From January 2016.


To be fair those ads are all game related, and that's not even an image you have taken yourself it's from a youtube video From January 2016.
The relevance of the image is what matters. Complaints about the ads are all over the place. That's just one example, the ads have been way worse than what is shown in that image.

Honestly I'm not sure why any gamer would stand proud of that kind of shitty practice. The guy that started the banner ads even apologized for it back in 2014.



The relevance of the image is what matters. Complaints about the ads are all over the place. That's just one example, the ads have been way worse than what is shown in that image.

Honestly I'm not sure why any gamer would stand proud of that kind of shitty practice. The guy that started the banner ads even apologized for it back in 2014.

No they haven't and they're not intrusive and usually point people towards gold benefits. Stop spreading shit.

You hammer on about ads on the Xbox dash, but what about the actual sponsored advertisements throughout your PS4 news feed? I wonder why you see no mention about that on here.

Its also like how you never hear about the horrible P2W loot crates in Sony's 1st party AAA's, yet people bash MS for their micro transactions which are simply cosmetic.

This forum is becoming less respectable by the day.
I really liked what they had when they refreshed the interface in late 2015 (I think). But then the Guide launched earlier this year and it's now a mess.

The problem I have is the Xbox One now has effectively two home screens. There's the one you boot to, which is fully featured, and then there's the Guide, which shows up every time you press the home button thereafter. They need to drop one, as it's confusing and stupid to have to load the "old" home menu just to access things like your capture library or OneGuide (which for some reason don't even show in Recents!), everything should be available from the Guide.

The older system also gave you a much better sense of context. If you pressed Home, your running game would collapse into a live thumbnail, which was great for games which kept running in the background during load screens and so on. You knew where you were. That's all gone now.

I don't find the Xbox One interface to be slow once stuff is loaded into RAM, at least. On initial load, opening "My games and apps" takes an unacceptable 6-10 seconds for me, but then it's instant thereafter.
The relevance of the image is what matters. Complaints about the ads are all over the place. That's just one example, the ads have been way worse than what is shown in that image.

Honestly I'm not sure why any gamer would stand proud of that kind of shitty practice. The guy that started the banner ads even apologized for it back in 2014.


Yeah I don't agree that the ads have become worse at all, also that image is not even a bad example. You'll notice in that image no account is signed in so no personalisation is taking place, so they show you ads for a sports game, a racing game and a puzzle game.

I'm not saying the xbox ui is perfect by any means but you seem unable to back up any of your criticisms and it sound like user error or exaggeration on your part.

Also about the article he doesn't apologise for the adverts or the advertising mechanism just for the mountain dew ads.


No they haven't and they're not intrusive and usually point people towards gold benefits. Stop spreading shit.

You hammer on about ads on the Xbox dash, but what about the actual sponsored advertisements throughout your PS4 news feed? I wonder why you see no mention about that on here.

Its also like how you never hear about the horrible P2W loot crates in Sony's 1st party AAA's, yet people bash MS for their micro transactions which are simply cosmetic.

This forum is becoming less respectable by the day.
Well, first of all this thread is about the Xbone ui? Ps4 ui issues are a whole mother topic. Not sure why you bring that to the discussion- though I have plenty of issues with ps4 ui as well. One of the reasons I use my Xbone In the first place is apps like plex and Netflix are so much better. If only the dam ui wasn't so unresponsive most of the time. And no it's not the dns or connection issues. We just hooked up 1G/sec bandwidth with our new ISP and the issues are the same.

But that's neither here nor there.

Ps4 def has sponsored ads, but they aren't in your face first thing like Xbone ui. You actually have to go to the store or hover over certain tabs to see them. Xbone is so much worse in this regard. Last summer we all had a picture of some dude sitting on top of the ad bar no less eating Doritos for some Doritos promotion. That was in your face ridiculous. I'm sure you can remember.

I'm not sure what loot crates and such has to fo with this convo, but I will say the ridiculous stuff you have to buy in halo5 war zone is equally as awful.

I've been using my Xbone for s long time now. So some of what bothers me may not bother you, but I'm honestly just tired of the ads, tired of the multi menus, and think it should be streamlined and simplified.


The relevance of the image is what matters. Complaints about the ads are all over the place. That's just one example, the ads have been way worse than what is shown in that image.

Honestly I'm not sure why any gamer would stand proud of that kind of shitty practice. The guy that started the banner ads even apologized for it back in 2014.


again, just use the guide... there are no ads.. its much faster, easier to use and everything one place. I only use the guide


Well, first of all this thread is about the Xbone ui? Ps4 ui issues are a whole mother topic. Not sure why you bring that to the discussion- though I have plenty of issues with ps4 ui as well. One of the reasons I use my Xbone In the first place is apps like plex and Netflix are so much better. If only the dam ui wasn't so unresponsive most of the time. And no it's not the dns or connection issues. We just hooked up 1G/sec bandwidth with our new ISP and the issues are the same.

But that's neither here nor there.

Ps4 def has sponsored ads, but they aren't in your face first thing like Xbone ui. You actually have to go to the store or hover over certain tabs to see them. Xbone is so much worse in this regard. Last summer we all had a picture of some dude sitting on top of the ad bar no less eating Doritos for some Doritos promotion. That was in your face ridiculous. I'm sure you can remember.

I'm not sure what loot crates and such has to fo with this convo, but I will say the ridiculous stuff you have to buy in halo5 war zone is equally as awful.

I've been using my Xbone for s long time now. So some of what bothers me may not bother you, but I'm honestly just tired of the ads, tired of the multi menus, and think it should be streamlined and simplified.
Doesn't matter if you've got a 1TB connection, if your DNS has high latency, it will drag everything down. Try Googles.

The only reason I say this is as someone who uses Plex on his Xbox a lot (with a 24TB library) its my favourite, and most responsive place to use it.

Something is wrong.

The reason I state this is because you get these threads once a months where people bring up the same shit and yet, the PS4 has the same or even worse issues which dont even get brought up in discussion.


Wait people think the Gold Hub is an ad? Lmao

It's literally a hub for all things gold, if you have gold. Extend. Redeem. See when it expires. See deals of Gold. See Games with Gold. See free weekends.

If they didn't have it I bet those exact same people would be here complaining that you have to go all the way throug the store and dig deep to find those exact games because they're so hidden


Also about the article he doesn't apologise for the adverts or the advertising mechanism just for the mountain dew ads.
The fact he is apologizing at all says everything. I have nothing to prove here. It's obvious by the posts on this forum there are plenty of issues with the ui. If your ok with blaring advertisements on the front page of your GAMING rig, have at it, Opinions and all that. But I am if the opinion that it is a SHITTY practice.
There are two ways of doing ads, and I'm surprised MS still uses the old way where they show paid-for ad space content. The PS4 actually has a lot of advertising across its pages but users often don't see it as such or notice it because it tends to be recommendations based on content you're looking at - e.g. similar games, or DLC you can buy.

Similar pages on the Xbox One OS (like a game's hub) are relatively clean compared with the PS4 equivalent because MS isn't recommending similar content in the same way.


Yeah right, god forbid someone critizes your favourite console, let's hope they all get banned.

Favourite console

I'm a gamer I don't have time for favouritism of a console lol they don't pay me 😂 I play games regardless of what console/PC they are on



Doesn't matter if you've got a 1TB connection, if your DNS has high latency, it will drag everything down. Try Googles.

The only reason I say this is as someone who uses Plex on his Xbox a lot (with a 24TB library) its my favourite, and most responsive place to use it.

Something is wrong.

The reason I state this is because you get these threads once a months where people bring up the same shit and yet, the PS4 has the same or even worse issues which dont even get brought up in discussion.
Well I'm a UI snob and have a lot to say about it when it comes up. Equally for the pS4 rubbish that won't even let me put Plex on the xmb or IN A DAM FOLDDR so I can access it or any of my other media apps without scrolling all the hell down to the right and into their horrid mess of apps menus.

Tbh, the ui's this gen overall have been largely disappointing.

Off topic - that's quite the library you have there leeh, you should share ;)


I'm not sure what loot crates and such has to fo with this convo, but I will say the ridiculous stuff you have to buy in halo5 war zone is equally as awful.
Not to derail convo too much but you've barely played Warzone if you think you need to buy anything or that its awful.


Not to derail convo too much but you've barely played Warzone if you think you need to buy anything or that its awful.
When I was really into it, it really felt like a 'need' if you wanted to be competitive at all. But things may have changed since then.


When I was really into it, it really felt like a 'need' if you wanted to be competitive at all. But things may have changed since then.
I've been playing H5 since day one, I've never bought a single req pack and I've never felt at a disadvantage because of it.

Anyway, this is completely unrelated to the topic.


Well I'm a UI snob and have a lot to say about it when it comes up. Equally for the pS4 rubbish that won't even let me put Plex on the xmb or IN A DAM FOLDDR so I can access it or any of my other media apps without scrolling all the hell down to the right and into their horrid mess of apps menus.

Tbh, the ui's this gen overall have been largely disappointing.

Off topic - that's quite the library you have there leeh, you should share ;)
Sorry, its for IRL friends only, 10 out of my 10 mates use it ;).

That's rubbish! I've hardly ever used the PS4 UI at all, so the stuff I mentioned is just what I've heard or briefly seen but yeah. I recently got a fire stick and was pleasantly surprised at the app on there.


Favourite console

I'm a gamer I don't have time for favouritism of a console lol they don't pay me �� I play games regardless of what console/PC they are on


Dunno, 90% of gaming related stuff you post in is in Xbox threads and you get really defensive/resort to borderline backseat modding because some people criticize the Xbox One's menu layout.
Lot's of fanboys don't get paid.

Anyway I'm out, have fun "discussing" things further, ie. complaining about people not liking what you like and wanting them to get banned because they agree with OP's opinion.
ITT I found oud MS shouldn't promote its own products on it's service. Apparently showing GWG, Game Pass, or the HBO app is an affront to everyone senses.

Too many adds bro!


The relevance of the image is what matters. Complaints about the ads are all over the place. That's just one example, the ads have been way worse than what is shown in that image.

Honestly I'm not sure why any gamer would stand proud of that kind of shitty practice. The guy that started the banner ads even apologized for it back in 2014.


Except that you posted an image of a version of the dash that no longer exists so I'm not sure how relevant that is.


I'd be exceedingly happy if they would roll it back to blades. That menu system was lightning fast and more importantly, it made sense.

Video: Xbox 360 "Blade" Dashboard Overview

What we have now is just a lame attempt to look like Windows while supporting Kinect.

You can't do blades anymore. The feature list on the x1 privacy options is bigger than the entire blade menu space of the launch 360.

Blades only worked when there were 30 games and hardly any options. You have 20 blades in that paradigm.


The main reason it's not basic as it gets is because of the direction misleads. For example turning my Xbone on I immediately see large ads on the right and smaller icons I want to use on the left. My cursor is on home.

I press to the left to select my Netflix app and a whole other menus pops up with shit all over the place. I press to the right to get out of that menu and I'm navigating the new menu and perplexed. I have to press right twice to get back to where I was, and that's just obtuse. Press right three times on accident cause I button mash and suddenly I'm in mixer menu which who the hell knows what that is and it's officially a clusterfck of a shitshow menu at this point.

Once I'm back to my home screen, I press to the right to get to 'my games and apps' and a whole different section of the menu is up, myganes and apps is gone.

I press the guide button and I'm at a different menu again from all three directions.

There's one simple way to get where I want to go but that's the ONLY way to get there. Down, right, A. There's only one way to get back from the left side menu. Right right. You can't just press right, can't press right right right. Just right right. Not to mention, just to search for games that you want to buy or might already own, you have to hit right right right right down down to get to the search bar. What the hell ms.

Some places if you press b it takes you back to the main screen. Most places, pressing b does fuck all to go back where you were.

It's fine if you like to memorize direction presses for everything you do in sequence, as gamers we do that, but for most ppl this ui is a clusterfuck of side menus and jarring screen replacements that uses 89% blank space on the main menu for some ungodly reason. That is not good ui design fellas.

Lol, this entire post is a mess of all proportions...

I can disprove your entire post but that would just be way too damn long.

Clearly you're here just to spout nonsense about the UI and you've never actually used it properly.

The fact that you said "My cursor is on home." already tells me you've never used the console.

When you boot up the Xbox, it is highlighting your last Game/App you had open.

What made me laugh was this part:

Once I'm back to my home screen, I press to the right to get to 'my games and apps' and a whole different section of the menu is up, myganes and apps is gone.

Are you delusional? My Games & Apps is on the HOME SCREEN. So if you can't open that, then maybe you're the problem and not the UI.


lol I've been using my Xbone since launch. I know what the indicator is, thank you. I'm just pointing out the flaws and why people hate it.

You know where the indicator is? I highly doubt that since you don't even know where your indicator is when you boot the console. You said it was on "Home" yet the indicator is clearly around the last used app/game.

Also, just turned my Xbone on again to play with the ui in response to this thread. Realized another reason the ui is such shit: holy hell is it slow as fuck in response time. A good 10 seconds in before it would even register my controller inputs. No wonder it gets confusing as all hell when you try to move the indicator and it doesn't move for who knows how long then suddenly your two steps into a sub menu you didn't want.

10 seconds input lag? I call BS on that. If you're going to claim something as stupid as this, please show everyone on Gaf a video of this. My console is a day 1 edition and never have I ever seen a 10 second input lag, not even 5 seconds.

And the full resets every other week are so tiring. Just about every time they release an update even things get screwed up so bad I have to full out unplug the dam thing for thirty seconds and replug the thing so it fully resets, since doing the 'restart console' doesn't fix the issues most of the time. Been this way since launch.

Full resets every other week? My console is on 24/7 minus when it restarts for updates.

Funny how you like to bash the Xbox One but you won't mention the fact that you have to rebuild databases on PS4 a lot of the time, that the UI on PS4 gets really slow when connected to the internet but when you disconnect and go offline, it works fine. Or how about the constant.

"Please wait" when selecting stuff on the PS Home screen.

I've got both PS4 and X1, they both have issues, but the amount of hyperbole in these types of threads is over the top.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. Some people just spout so much nonsense.


lol I've been using my Xbone since launch. I know what the indicator is, thank you. I'm just pointing out the flaws and why people hate it.

Also, just turned my Xbone on again to play with the ui in response to this thread. Realized another reason the ui is such shit: holy hell is it slow as fuck in response time. A good 10 seconds in before it would even register my controller inputs. No wonder it gets confusing as all hell when you try to move the indicator and it doesn't move for who knows how long then suddenly your two steps into a sub menu you didn't want.

And the full resets every other week are so tiring. Just about every time they release an update even things get screwed up so bad I have to full out unplug the dam thing for thirty seconds and replug the thing so it fully resets, since doing the 'restart console' doesn't fix the issues most of the time. Been this way since launch.

You're not really pointing out flaws as much as you show what an abysmal time you personally seem to have with the system. You say you have your Xbone since launch, but still can't navigate around the UI?

And that 10 second delay is not normal. Every update messing up your system is not normal. Say what you will about the UI, but these things usually don't happen unless there's something wrong with your setup or your console. And the latter doesn't seem to be the case, since you say the delay applies to both of your consoles.

As mentioned by other posters, that was the state of the UI before late 2015 when the system saw core changes to accommodate (well, become) Windows 10.

Here's a picture of how the OS first looked:


The friends app wasn't made it's own tab until a month or two later IIRC.

Which reminds me, you see the notifications button in the top left corner? Don't you remember how you couldn't actually clear it? The only way to reset that counter was to open it up, and highlight ever single notification in the drawer. And if you had more than a couple of notifications, the console could even lock up!

Sure we can argue the current UX isn't aesthetically pleasing, and I can agree. It's an issue I think all Microsoft teams have right now where there doesn't seem to be a set design language to go off of, even with Project Neon elements rearing their heads in places where it makes them look odd (Groove Music).

If I could, I'd smack the Zune 4 UI on everything!


I actually like the layout/functions of the menu, the store, though, is pretty horrible. I used to hate digging for the Media Player to watch my videos, so I just pinned it. I don't use it anymore though, I just stream whatever it is to my console. I wish disc-installed games had the disc icon like on PS4 though.

I never thought of my dash as dark and colorless either, that might be because of the background I have applied.

If I could, I'd smack the Zune 4 UI on everything!
I still use my Zune HD often (dozensofus.wma). I love the interface.


The interface being so awful and laggy is a big reason why I didn't use my XB1 for almost a year and then just gave it away.

The dude you gave it to is probably enjoying a better faster UI. Should probably of booted it up and installed the update before giving it away.


Thank god some of you dont work as designers on Xbox.
Using blades again? Its funny, please tell me how it would work having a game in background, for example. Blades would cover entire screen.
And taking a photo or a video? should I scroll to a particular blade and then do what? how?
Let alone the community section. Good luck trying to fit all that content on a blade.
Also, check how much space of the screen you lost thanks to blades:


Since its on both sides of the screen, you have between 30 to 40% of the screen unusable for actual content.

Check this also:

You see how hard is to determine in which context the user is moving on compared to modern uis?
Theres even two A buttons on the screen, one on each overlay section.

And check this also:

Username is on vertical position! Having worked more than 10 years designing websites and apps, if I do sth like that nowadays, I would definitely got fired.

Take a look at this video:

See how the blades overlays have two levels of depths. Theres no indication whatsoever in the screen that Im able to do such thing.

Check also how inconsistent is the positioning of the overlays. Some come from the left, others from the right.
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