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Anarchy Reigns(NA/EU) |OT| Sega, I wish I could hate you to de- *$30* I LOVE YOU SEGA


Just got done playing some more death ball, gotta say its been my favorite multiplayer mode that Ive tried so far. The others Ive more or less gotten my ass handed to me.

MMXZER0 on xbox live, though I'm done for the night


I love everything PG.
Is this worth it for sp only? Must have been asked plenty, sorry 'bout that

I can't speak for the lower difficulties, but Hard gives you some good boss fights (with 2-3 exceptions boss fights are generally limited to 1v1 or tag battle "human" fights which I like in games like these). It is a real nice challenge if you try to clear them with no "retries"/deaths. It also has plenty of neat missions which surprised me at times. I think the single player is quite good overall.


I love everything PG.
Is this worth it for sp only? Must have been asked plenty, sorry 'bout that

I would say yes. It's fun, got variety, and offers you some freedom to mess around. It's not up to par with Bayonetta or Vanquish at all, but it's a fun SP that's easily worth $30. I probably spent more time in the SP than in the MP.


Unconfirmed Member
And consider Platinum Games is by far my favorite developer.

I'm of the same opinion

I just completed the trophy pack for my US copy yesterday. Beat hard in one sitting and wondered how I ever died on that mode.

Then I got stunned by a spin attack bosses rarely do and killed by a cutscene KWH and remembered

Like arcade fighting games, CPU just runs into shit in certain situations. or will just stop blocking for no reason. Even on hard

It's an easy Platinum Trophy at the very least. but at the most it's Platinum's worst single player offering to date. (Which is to be expected as the focus is on Multi)
As much as I enjoy the game, the bosses were pretty damn easy on the normal difficulty imo. Hard is actually making them a bit of a challenge, which is nice.

But man, Deathball is fun as hell


Rate my Garuda dickery, I don't know combos for him yet I just like being an angry robot guy


When it comes to Garuda/Gargoyle you only need to know four things.

I. Know your launchers. They are Heavy (Triangle, Y), the Weak after heavy (Square, X), dash attack (tap forward twice Triangle, Y), j.H (Triangle, Y right after a jump). You can convert into the combos I'm about to list from any the above.

II. Both whack bots have two main combos that you need to know.

1. Heavy, Weak, j.H, 2 weaks in the air (just mash it out if you wish), two weaks on ground (do only one against lighter characters), Killer Weapon Weak x3.

2. Heavy, Weak, J.H, 2 weaks in the air, 1 weak on ground, jump cancel J.H, Killer Weapon Heavy* before landing after the j.H.

III. Conversions

Garuda and Gargoyle are big characters. Their Heavy on ground has SA frames. It will most likely go through people who are spamming weaks on ground. Be careful because you can still suffer from clashes/trades/stun and it's not safe so you can be punished if dodged.

I know that if you block a 360 attack your first thought will be to mash out Heavy. Now this will work depending on the 360 attack you block, but it won't work all the time. What you can do instead after blocking a 360 attack is weak (make sure you hold forward), jump as soon as it connects (this is a jump cancel) then do j.H. This works on everyone that's not a Rin sister. Keep that in mind. People who know about this already will try to 360 attack after your weak. You can block after the weak as a test or if you already jumped use Killer Weapon Heavy on the way down. You might clash instead of being hit.

Notice the two combos from section II don't contain the other launcher I mentioned which is dash attack. You can only start something off of dash attack if you hit with the tail end of it. If you do then you can do either:

1. Weak, Weak, Killer Weapon Weak x3

2. Weak, jump cancel j.H, Killer Weapon Heavy before landing OR Weak (once or twice, I recommend once especially if your opponent is small) Killer Weapon Weak x3.

If you're playing teams and your team is already juggling someone then you can omit the launcher if you wish and just do the other stuff, but try to do Killer Weapon Heavy if possible so you don't push your opponent out. If you have the meter for Killer Weapon Heavy then don't even bother doing combos at all. Just do that instead if you think it will kill or almost kill and you're close enough to the action already.

If someone just empty jump like a dumbass then you also jump and do 2 weaks in the air. If they connect, you can go into the stuff from section II minus the launchers. For example:

Two weaks in the air, (one weak on ground, jump cancel j.H, Killer Weapon Heavy) or (two weaks on ground, Killer Weapon Heavy x3)

IV. Dash attack loop

I'll focus on the set up for the loop because it's better than the combos mentioned in the above sections for the sole reason that it builds more meter. The dash attack loop is (I'm not mentioning the other launchers for a reason. They'll mess up the loop):

Heavy, Weak, j.H, one weak before landing (the timing is difficult, practice), weak as soon as you land (I recommend mashing it out), jump cancel, j.H, one weak before landing, weak**, jump cancel, j.H, weak before landing, 2 weaks on ground, dash attack, two weaks, dash attack, one weak, dash attack.

I realize it's hard to describe, so click this to see me do some of it.

You shouldn't be going for the dash attack loop, but what you do want is Heavy, Weak, j.H, one weak before landing (the timing is difficult, practice), weak as soon as you land (I recommend mashing it out), jump cancel, j.H, one weak before landing, weak. This will build about 3.5 bars, but really all you need is two so after the last j.H you can do Killer Weapon Heavy. :D

*Ending a combo with air Killer Weapon Heavy works for Garuda only. For Gargoyle it's not supposed to, but online it does sometimes. Do air Killer Weapon Weak for Gargyole instead if you think energy ball won't work.

**On lighter characters you have to stop right there and dash attack. Good luck trying to link something after that. You probably can, but most of the time you won't.


Get around using dash attack or the lean extender perk. Gargoyle has another option that will be mentioned below.

Lean extender perks breaks your ability to jump cancel which is why I don't use it. Jump canceling is too important to these two characters. Sadly, in Team Battle mode if you are in the Spec Ops position then lean extender is forced upon you. No jump cancels. :(

(J.H, 2 weaks in the air, 1 weak on ground, jump cancel J.H) is a corner loop. You start juggling someone in a corner then I recommend you do this unless you are fighting with "honor". It won't take that many reps to kill.

The setup for the dash attack loop (j.H, one weak before landing, weak as soon as you land, jump cancel, j.H) loops everyone around the cage in Cage Match mode and during duels. I recommend going for it every chance you get unless once again you are fighting with "honor". If you do manage four or five reps before dropping it then congratulations, you've done more damage than any combo you can do will net you and you've taken a big chunk of time off of the clock.

Cage match mode is the only mode where you should be going for the dash attack loop. Why? Because you can use it as a wall carry then go into one of the above.

Once you unlock Gargoyle, use him instead of Garuda. Gargoyle can do everything Garuda can and he has a Killer Weapon Weak in the air that doesn't suck ass (one of the best). Gargoyle's Killer Weapon Weak in the air is fast, cover good distance, auto-tracks whoever you lock on to, next to no recovery time so you can spam it, and nothing beats it outright 360 attacks included once they are already out. You only need to hit someone's guard twice with it to break it if someone's not using perks. Since this is the fastest attack in the game, you can use it to run away. As long as you have the space to start it and you have the meter to spam it, no one can catch you. It's perfect for chasing people as well since if the attack misses you'll go in a circle and land right in front of the person you are chasing. As you can see, this attack makes Gargoyle feel very different and is the main reason I use him over Garuda. Choose wisely.

Super fucking pissed at the game today.

Would it kill PG to release a balancing/fixing patch (adding join in progress in the process)?


They said it's up to Sega so most likely no. :( What made you salty by the way? On improving the online I'd like:

1. Abolishing Ranked Matches. Almost no one plays it and the leaderboards are pointless.

2. Invitations for Teams will always put you on the host's team if possible. The team your friend is on doesn't matter. Fix that.

3. Let the user set what region the game is hosted in. When you host a game, the region will be selected for the game depending on the region of the game. You can't choose where you want to host. I've thought about double dipping just because of this since I have a Japanese copy. As a result my games are hosted in the Japan region and no one joins them. :( You can search for the region you want to play in so you think you could change the region you could host in too.

4. I want to say set you up with teammates based on rank, but rank doesn't really mean shit.

It'd be cool if they added these, but they aren't necessary:

1. Counter of how many people are online by mode.

2. Spectator mode.

3. Mute button for the mics/headsets.

On improving the gameplay there's too much to list. This game is a mess, but a very fun mess.
garuda/gargoyle conversion off a dash H

Very useful since it's guaranteed and has such good range, plus it's an H attack so it beats out stuff like KWH charging or throw charging. Running grabs are tempting but I don't think they should be a staple. A lot of inexperienced players don't realize you break at the end of the run, not as soon as you get grabbed, so they'll eat it repeatedly, but I don't think it does enough damage to be worth it if they're healthy.

Some better gargoyle and garuda combos exist, but they cause a re-stand on the lean attack after the second dash H, when they can theoretically 360 attack, but it might be worth going for regardless.
This game is actually great. I LOVE me some beat em ups an this one is so stylish, chaotic, addictive and cool. Played the single player mode so far. Messed with offline multiplayer a little. Seems fun. Trying to platinum this one. I think Platinum Games is my favorite developer of the generation. MGS:R, Bayonetta, Vanquish and Anarchy Reigns. Wow. Keep it up guys.
You "level" up during the match (separate from the player level you see in the lobby) after kill streaks, you gain a longer life bar and more KW meters, but all of that goes away when you die. Could just be that he had more life than you did because he had a 3-kill killstreak already. Also, health regeneration takes a bit to kick in, like it does in FPS games, so if you were getting tagged sporadically in between and he had perfect defense, he'd be constantly regenerating while you wouldn't be.

Guard master lets you block for a long time, which is really effective against rampages. With rampages you have to time your 360 attack for when the finisher for the barrage is supposed to hit, so you get knocked away and have a chance to dodge away from them. If he doesn't make you block a barrage, there's really no way for him to reliably catch you. That's why it's best to rampage when someone's committed to comboing you or if they're otherwise occupied, because 1-on-1 is just a waste of your rampage time.

Certain finishers and all KWH attacks break blocks, but those are easily telegraphed and dodged away, plus the throw break window is massive. Defense is king in this game, if someone is committing to pure defense you just have to let them be and move on. Since all matches are timed they're losing out on points by sitting idle, but you'll be losing even more because you're wasting time along with them, and with higher risk since you're initiating offense. 1-on-1s are almost always a bad idea.

Good tips. Are there any guides out there or something? I'm just starting and I feel so lost. Even basic stuff like do I need to play campaign to unlock characters? Maybe I just need to read through the rest of this thread.
Good tips. Are there any guides out there or something? I'm just starting and I feel so lost. Even basic stuff like do I need to play campaign to unlock characters? Maybe I just need to read through the rest of this thread.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Boodendorf is probably the best channel for AR on youtube. He plays a ton of different characters and has a couple of combo videos/tutorials. Watch his video on defense first, I suppose, although I don't think he'll finish his tutorial series before the community dies completely at the rate he's releasing them :(

You can unlock characters by leveling up in multi, but it's much more efficient to play through the campaign to get them. The single player is a completely different experience from the multi, and it's pretty good if you like cheese and booty shots.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Boodendorf is probably the best channel for AR on youtube. He plays a ton of different characters and has a couple of combo videos/tutorials. Watch his video on defense first, I suppose, although I don't think he'll finish his tutorial series before the community dies completely at the rate he's releasing them :(

You can unlock characters by leveling up in multi, but it's much more efficient to play through the campaign to get them. The single player is a completely different experience from the multi, and it's pretty good if you like cheese and booty shots.

And yeah it's too bad this game is gonna be dead in no time


Is it too late to get into this game now? Will I be corpse camped and air juggled for 5000 hits or something the moment I go online?


Unconfirmed Member
Nah you'll die way before 5000 hits and there's not corpse juggling
Is it too late to get into this game now? Will I be corpse camped and air juggled for 5000 hits or something the moment I go online?

Just play cautiously and try to play in a room with good connections. Mindless and predictable mashing is what most new players try to do and they will suffer dearly for it.
Guys sorry to ask that (was probably asked before) but to get the campaign achievements I have to finish the game 4 times...? i did it once (Black Side - Hard) and now going for White Side - Normal. I still have to do the same messions two more times??? Thanks.


Sega of America
This thread needs some love! So here you go, GAF fans who may have missed out on Bayonetta at launch:

PS3 Bayonetta DLC Codes:


X360 Bayonetta DLC Codes:


Codes are one-time use and the PS3 codes are for North America only. First people to plug them in get them! Enjoy. :)
This thread needs some love! So here you go, GAF fans who may have missed out on Bayonetta at launch:

PS3 Bayonetta DLC Codes:


X360 Bayonetta DLC Codes:


Codes are one-time use and the PS3 codes are for North America only. Enjoy. :)

Thank you Thank you Thank you! I was just about to dig this thread up to see if people thought there was any chance that this was released on the Live marketplace. Thanks again!
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