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Angry Joe Quantum Break Review.

I'm at act 4 and struggling to continue. The story hasn't gripped me and the powers can't elevate the run of the mill gameplay. Nowhere near the quality of Alan Wake which is a shame.

5/10 seems about what I'd give it so far.


Your being disingenuous. He was clearly looking at a game that didn't play by its own rules to encourage freedom and player experimentation. He hated the linearity of the game because the design of the levels made it too obvious that there was a single path with no real room for going off the beaten road.

He loved Last of Us and that was linear as well. Difference is, it had a lot more collectable mini search points and side paths to break up simply going in one direction which this game does not have.

He makes a valid point that if your going to encourage the player to time manipulate stuff, suddenly confining that to small sections is bad game design, especially when concerning the exact same situation you were already able to manipulate through a predetermined setpiece.

All his points were very nitpicky:

"Why can't I climb this truck when I can climb that other truck over there?"

"Why can't I use this power to open this door? I can use it to kill 50 men, but I can't use it to open this door?"

Nitpicky points like this can be applied to every game. Games do halt your progress and ask you to get through in a very specific way. If he wants to make a point about it being too linear and scripted then that is cool. Coming up with petty nonsense about not being able to climb a truck or open a door before obnoxiously laughing about it is not really conveying that point very well.

And constantly talking about immersion when he is live streaming, commentating and pretending to be asleep whilst playing the game is laughable.


All his points were very nitpicky:

"Why can't I climb this truck when I can climb that other truck over there?"

"Why can't I use this power to open this door? I can use it to kill 50 men, but I can't use it to open this door?"

Nitpicky points like this can be applied to every game. Games do halt your progress and ask you to get through in a very specific way. If he wants to make a point about it being too linear and scripted then that is cool. Coming up with petty nonsense about not being able to climb a truck or open a door before obnoxiously laughing about it is not really conveying that point very well.

And constantly talking about immersion when he is live streaming, commentating and pretending to be asleep whilst playing the game is laughable.

If you can climb a truck in level 1, and you can't climb the same one in level 2: how is that NOT bad game design? You literally telling a player he can do something, then to take it away because you don't want him to do it in a next part?

That is linearity in the bad sense: game designers deciding what a player can an cannot do on a case-by-case basis.
Too bad it is.

It's not another classic by Remedy.

But, to each his/her own...

Lol yes.

See, I can do this too. Driveby is too easy. I agree with Joe's opinion on this one and he explained them with a lengthy video. If you don't know how to make a compelling counter argument, here is a pro tip:
back it up with examples.

Still trying to see what your points are rather than calling the game "average" (which is not) and being cocky by playing with the spoiler tags.

Spoiler: I can do that too.


If you can climb a truck in level 1, and you can't climb the same one in level 2: how is that NOT bad game design? You literally telling a player he can do something, then to take it away because you don't want him to do it in a next part?

That is linearity in the bad sense: game designers deciding what a player can an cannot do on a case-by-case basis.

Yup, a lot of games might do this to an extent but it's disguised better. QB does a terrible job of this.


I did. But not very long. Gunplay feels terrible imho. And I'm not 'claiming it' I actually saw it. My best buddy played through it in ~4 hours. If you want (and have the time) you can watch how this guy here completed it in under 4 hours on his first playthrough.

Interesting but his live stream of him playing from start to finish is over six hours long and he said he skipped all the episodes (~80 minutes of additional story). Personally it took me 10.5 hours on normal. I think 4 hours is possible but not indicative of what most people would get on their first play through.

EDIT: How long to beat has it at 9.5 for the main story.
I remembered someone in the last Average Joe thread questioning wether or not '5' was an average score on a 1-10 scale. Last weekend when I was bored I averaged out the score of his last 60 game reviews and ended up with 5.25, so people can't argue that 5/10 isn't an average score for Angry Joe.


If you can climb a truck in level 1, and you can't climb the same one in level 2: how is that NOT bad game design? You literally telling a player he can do something, then to take it away because you don't want him to do it in a next part?

That is linearity in the bad sense: game designers deciding what a player can an cannot do on a case-by-case basis.

Idc about his review but you'll be hard pressed to find games that don't have this linearity.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I'm surprised that nobody has yet made an Angry Joe thread bingo card. The first page of every one of his review threads are almost identical.


I remembered someone in the last Average Joe thread questioning wether or not '5' was an average score on a 1-10 scale. Last weekend when I was bored I averaged out the score of his last 60 game reviews and ended up with 5.25, so people can't argue that 5/10 isn't an average score for Angry Joe.

Huh, that's pretty impressive.

The stuff about opening doors isn't about what would make sense in a real-world context, it's about game design. Nobody cares that you can't blow open doors with a grenade launcher in Uncharted because the game never teaches you that you can do that. But if there's one door in the game that opens with a grenade launcher and the rest don't, that's sloppy game design.
Idc about his review but you'll be hard pressed to find games that don't have this linearity.

Do you only mean AAA 3D shooters, or something? Because without even putting much thought into it, off the top of my head, every 2D Metroid. Hell, possibly even every Metroidvania game ever; If you can find a means to get somewhere, you could go there, and if it worked once, it'll work again.


at this point? it's two weeks after launch. Most people who really wanted it have already bought it.

He does not rush his reviews, and when he makes them, he produces in-depth 30min+ videos that really nicely dissect the game. I see him as a great addition to the all the other mainstream reviewers who are targeting reviews that are out on/before game launch.


No surprise really. Watched his livestreams while he was reviewing the game. But he was not paying attention at all. Looking at donations all the time etc. Him playing the game wasnt that great also. Never used any powers at all.


Do you only mean AAA 3D shooters, or something? Because without even putting much thought into it, off the top of my head, every 2D Metroid. Hell, possibly even every Metroidvania game ever; If you can find a means to get somewhere, you could go there, and if it worked once, it'll work again.

I mean most games in general. Sure, you can find exceptions especially in genres like that.
at this point? it's two weeks after launch. Most people who really wanted it have already bought it.

His reviews are not aimed at the laymen or mainstream audience. A lot of gamers on GAF and his subscribers tend to hold out on buying games day one in order to see the full reception. AngryJoe is part of the last section of reviewers that I and a lot of other gamers wait for until deciding on a game. Happened to me with The Division also.


Idc about his review but you'll be hard pressed to find games that don't have this linearity.

There are a lot of lineair games, sure, and as I said in another post in this topic: I love this genre and I don't mind linearity at all. But the good lineair games are excellent in maing the linearity feel natural. A good lineair game sets out the rules, and sticks by them. They won't ask you to climb a truck, then to have a similar truck later that isn't climbable.

Take Uncharted. Those games are very good in signposting what you can climb and what not. Sure, there are cases where you will try to climb something you can't because you think you could, but 99% of the times it is pretty clear (they are often even colorcoded without sticking out). They also follow a certain logic: objects of this hight are climbable, objects of that hight aren't.

It's the same with the Last of Us, where Naughty Dog does it even better imo. It lays out it's rules at the beginning and sticks by it to the end. I never had a case in TLOU where I thought i could climb something but could not, because the level design didn't pick my options on a case-by-case basis.

In Quantum Breaks platform sections it was often not clear what I could and could not do, because Remedy changed the rules constantly. The trainyard was the most jarringe example for me, as I felt like a lot of the containers should have been climbable because previously I had climbed a wall or a truck that was the same hight.
No surprise really. Watched his livestreams while he was reviewing the game. But he was not paying attention at all. Looking at donations all the time etc. Him playing the game wasnt that great also. Never used any powers at all.

He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits. So hes halfbaking playing the game so it got a half-baked score.

It's not a review of Quantum Break, it's a Let's Play highlight reel with a score attached to the end.
He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits. So hes halfbaking playing the game so it got a half-baked score.

It's not a review of Quantum Break, it's a Let's Play highlight reel with a score attached to the end.

He clearly actually reviewed the game in great detail. Stop trying to dismiss someones opinion entirely just because you disagree.


He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits. So hes halfbaking playing the game so it got a half-baked score.

It's not a review of Quantum Break, it's a Let's Play highlight reel with a score attached to the end.

Ahahahah I honestly can't tell if your trolling or just a idiot now. Yep the dude 'rushes" a 30 minute in-depth video that is beyond the quality and production value of most reviews let alone youtube reviews, for a 2 week old review, for a game he most likely got before everyone else like most press.


I thought the game was decent at best. combat and effects were great, but story and characters are the definition of boring and for a cinematic game that hurts it.

that being said Joe's video is horribly bad. it's like he was forced to make it even though he doesn't want to.

if he doesn't want to make a review video then he just should have tweeted about it.

the most boring AJ review video to date.


Do people have any solid evidence that the only time Joe plays games is when he's streaming? You sure he doesn't use that footage for visual evidence in the reviews? Nah... couldn't be that painfully obvious, its a conspiracy surely.


Very disappointed in Joe . Not from his score because most of his reviews are terrible as is , but I'm disappointed in the way he was calling out Xbox fans on Twitter prior to posting the review. Anything to generate clicks right Joe? Grow up.


He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits. So hes halfbaking playing the game so it got a half-baked score.

It's not a review of Quantum Break, it's a Let's Play highlight reel with a score attached to the end.

Seriously. He took TWO WEEKS since the release before he reviewed it. I don't know if he had his copy earlier or not, but my review copy arrived two weeks before the release. If he rushed it, he would have had his review up in just a few days.

He took his sweet time ànd poses some fair criticism. You don't have to agree with him, but it's pretty lame to wave his bad score away as 'he didn't take his time' or 'he played it wrong'. No he didn't: he played it and made his opinion about it based on what he played. He didn't like it. If you want to argue, please do, it's a message board. But counter his criticism with arguments of your own please, in stead of giving lame excuses.


i'm really shocked people watch this guy. i never understood why and this review didn't change that.

He's entertaining and actually explains what he likes or doesn't like about games and doesn't just blindly praise/hate every game he plays. Most YouTube personalities can't say that.


I disagree with his score. This game is awesome and is a must play. I say that people should play the game and judge it for them selves.

I agree, this thread is a good example of people who think watching a game = playing a game.

well, i said the same thing for The Order.. but wth

I honestly don't get, why this is such a big issue for some people. It's not like the game has an average rating of 50% in general and you could argue, that was unfair and unjustified.
Many reviewers have mentioned the same points Joe does. Some of the game's design choices (gameplay, story, ..) are obviously controversial.
In the end that's just one guys opinion. You don't have to agree.


I've been playing the game for some hours now, and purely gameplay wise, I might have to agree with the score, at least for now. It's sluggish and not very fun to play at all, aiming and moving is imprecise and laggy to the point that I actually feel like there's something wrong with my controller.

I'm loving everything else in it, though, so I'm interested in seeing if my views align with his at all whenever I finish the game. Obviously didn't watch the review yet.

He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits.

He's literally the exact opposite of this lol


Very disappointed in Joe . Not from his score because most of his reviews are terrible as is , but I'm disappointed in the way he was calling out Xbox fans on Twitter prior to posting the review. Anything to generate clicks right Joe? Grow up.

What's wrong with calling out idiots who are trashing him for his opinions on Twitter? I'd do the same thing. Fanboys can suck it. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with 10,000 hate messages for just stating your opinion on a video game.
Very disappointed in Joe . Not from his score because most of his reviews are terrible as is , but I'm disappointed in the way he was calling out Xbox fans on Twitter prior to posting the review. Anything to generate clicks right Joe? Grow up.

Just ignore him then? It's quite easy.

His content and 'rant' videos are for teenagers imo, nothing wrong with that.


What's wrong with calling out idiots who are trashing him for his opinions on Twitter? I'd do the same thing. Fanboys can suck it. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with 10,000 hate messages for just stating your opinion on a video game.


No.one even knew his score yet. He knew what he was doing when he made that comment. This ain't his first rodeo.


What's wrong with calling out idiots who are trashing him for his opinions on Twitter? I'd do the same thing. Fanboys can suck it. I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with 10,000 hate messages for just stating your opinion on a video game.

That's fine, but he did call them xbots. Kinda childish, to say the least.


well, i said the same thing for The Order.. but wth

I honestly don't get, why this is such a big issue for some people. It's not like the game has an average rating of 50% in general and you could argue, that was unfair and unjustified.
Many reviewers have mentioned the same points Joe does. Some of the game's design choices (gameplay, story, ..) are obviously controversial.
In the end that's just one guys opinion. You don't have to agree.

"But dude don't you understand I spent good money on this game how ever will I be fully validated that I made the right choice unless everyone agrees with me?"

I play alot of games months after they come out only JUST got to Bloodborne, I swear the honeymoon period is real and people can sure as hell get sucked into it, nothing wrong with loving this game or any other but it will be interesting to hear the discussion about this game in half a years+ time.



No.one even knew his score yet. He knew what he was doing when he made that comment. This ain't his first rodeo.


Exactly.. no one knew his score and they were already bitching. That is the point of his tweet.


That's fine, but he did call them xbots. Kinda childish, to say the least.

Imagine how fucking bored he must be of idiots calling him out. I'd say he controls himself pretty well. Some of the responses just in this thread are crazy let alone on youtube or twitter
Very disappointed in Joe . Not from his score because most of his reviews are terrible as is , but I'm disappointed in the way he was calling out Xbox fans on Twitter prior to posting the review. Anything to generate clicks right Joe? Grow up.

i saw that tweet, a grown man calling people "Xbots"

The tit
People tend to hate Joe when he gives a low score for their favorite games, be it star wars battlefront, or quantum break, but in the end I think those people are trying to justify bad purchase with thread bashing.

Omg those real live cut scenes look cringe as fuck.


He rushes reviews out for the viewer hits. So hes halfbaking playing the game so it got a half-baked score.

It's not a review of Quantum Break, it's a Let's Play highlight reel with a score attached to the end.

He waits like many days or weeks before he even puts out his review videos. So no, he doesn't do it for the views. Many reviewers had the same problems with the game. You are just childish and your arguments are childish and trollish.


Imagine how fucking bored he must be of idiots calling him out. I'd say he controls himself pretty well. Some of the responses just in this thread are crazy let alone on youtube or twitter

Yeah, maybe? I don't know, I barely follow him at all, I'm not gonna comment on how he usually behaves on social media.

But a grown man calling others xbots, come on. It should make you roll your eyes.


Of course when you make a comment like that your in for what you get . He got his clicks at the end of the day.

Your point of view is needlessly cynical and borderline childish. Not everyone is out to get you man.

Its fine if you hate AngryJoe, but I think you are way off base here with these accusations. There is zero proof. Based on Joe's personality, is it too much of a stretch for you to think he's perhaps being sincere here?
You know as a guy who has no real stake in the success or failure of Quantum Break, I'd have to say that Angry Joe's review was excellent. It gave me a clear idea of what the game was like, where it fails and succeeds and at the end it gave me a good idea of whether I should buy it or not; I'm not - I was leaving towards dropping a $20 on it down the road.

The industry is rife with reviews that just use increasingly ridiculous superlatives to describe games to the point where a 9/10 means nothing. We should appreciate that there are guys out there like Angry Joe.

Does anyone here remember the shitfit Division fans had over his 5/10 score for the game? Look where that game is now. Big backlash, shallow content, buggy and full of exploits.
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