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Anime from the 80's and 90's were the best. Look here for some recommendations.

John Blade

Isn't most "Japanese Anime" nowadays actually outsourced to Korea?

And yeah, I much preferred the grittier "hand drawn" and dirty look of the 80's/90's anime compared to the flat-shaded "Flash-looking" animation we get these days.

Quite a few are to keep the cost of production down a bit when making anime either for TV or movie. Not saying that is bad but you do lost a bit of touch but that is something is expected when animation start to go into digital.


Is there a list anywhere of essential 80s/90s anime by genre?

Not really, although I can personally offer suggestions on a number of fronts.
This thread is a good start.
I think it's more accurate to say that this thread is a start.
Isn't most "Japanese Anime" nowadays actually outsourced to Korea?
No. Parts of production have been outsources to South Korea for decades, but they're a bit fancy these days. If you want really cheap work you send it somewhere further afield, like Philippines (based Toei).


Some of my all time favorite media is 80s and 90s anime. For example: Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion. Fucking hell, it's time for another set of rewatches.

Then there was stuff like Sailor Moon, Ranma, Card Captor Sakura and Love Hina which I enjoyed immensely too.

I bet at least some of this stumbled over the turn of the millennia but whatever.


Thanks to this thread I got the original Patlabor OVA on blu-ray last week and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's totally swerved by my expectations in that it's not just a bunch of retro mecha battles. It's actually sort of silly in spots (in a good way) and very focused on the characters. I love it.

Helps that the blu-ray is a really good transfer. Gonna check out the movies next and get into the full series.


Thanks to this thread I got the original Patlabor OVA on blu-ray last week and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's totally swerved by my expectations in that it's not just a bunch of retro mecha battles. It's actually sort of silly in spots (in a good way) and very focused on the characters. I love it.

Helps that the blu-ray is a really good transfer. Gonna check out the movies next and get into the full series.
Movies are quite different to the OVA and really cool. The series is completely different to either.
What is everyone's opinion on Devilman?

The original manga is a masterpiece, with less toilet humor than usual in lots of Go Nagai works and some small formal experiences here and there that almost reminds you of his master Ishinomori's works. Its best animated adaptation is probably the 1980's OVAs (plus the Amon one from 2000 if you want a conclusion).

There are also lots and lots of spin-off, derivated works, manga series which share the same demonic themes... it isn't easy to explore and the quality varies a lot, but it can be a fun activity.


The original manga is a masterpiece, with less toilet humor than usual in lots of Go Nagai works and some small formal experiences here and there that almost reminds you of his master Ishinomori's works. Its best animated adaptation is probably the 1980's OVAs (plus the Amon one from 2000 if you want a conclusion).

There are also lots and lots of spin-off, derivated works, manga series which share the same demonic themes... it isn't easy to explore and the quality varies a lot, but it can be a fun activity.

Recommend me some of these spin-offs and derivatives. Would want to check some out.


I remember watching Wasted XIII when I was younger and being really confused. I had not seen any Patlabor stuff at the time, either so maybe that was why. The only thing I remember about that movie is a large, green monster with breasts.

I loved the first two movies, so I was excited to see WXIII.

It was a load of crap inspired, I assume, by jealousy over EVA.


What is everyone's opinion on Devilman?
The original manga is a masterpiece, with less toilet humor than usual in lots of Go Nagai works and some small formal experiences here and there that almost reminds you of his master Ishinomori's works. Its best animated adaptation is probably the 1980's OVAs (plus the Amon one from 2000 if you want a conclusion).

There are also lots and lots of spin-off, derivated works, manga series which share the same demonic themes... it isn't easy to explore and the quality varies a lot, but it can be a fun activity.
Recommend me some of these spin-offs and derivatives. Would want to check some out.
I'm a big fan of Devil Lady. 26 episodes that aired from October 1998 through December 1999.
Directed by Toshiki Hirano (Rayearth) and showrun by Chiaki Konaka (Digimon Tamers, Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Narutaru, Giant Robo, The Big O).
I pretty much adore anything with Konaka's fingerprints on it.

If you want an extra nudge, scope out Toshiyuki Watanabe's opening theme.
I'm a big fan of Devil Lady. 26 episodes that aired from October 1998 through December 1999.
Directed by Toshiki Hirano (Rayearth) and showrun by Chiaki Konaka (Digimon Tamers, Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Narutaru, Giant Robo, The Big O).
I pretty much adore anything with Konaka's fingerprints on it.

And the anime plays on a very interesting atmosphere - heavy, saphic, jixed; almost like some of those older Dario Argento movies. Basically, it's the story of a passive and introverted young woman who attempt to know - and master - her savage inner self and the power that comes with it.

The manga is much more similar to the habitual mix of Go Nagai's trademark violence and sex - with a lot of non consensual sex and rapes; so many in fact that it was a real problem for a lot of fans and it really detract from the reading. On a brighter side, the plot in the manga is much more complete and coherent than the shorter anime, bring some really nice cameos (the visit in Hell, especially), and features one of those attempts from Go Nagai to draw Gustave Doré-inspired illustrations (again, Hell).


Not sure about that one but I really hope Gangsta is good (despite the dumb name). Don't really see anything else to look forward to.
I like 80's and 90's anime more as well, outside of a few stellar modern shows here and there. But I do think modern anime has better soundtracks.


Patlabor 2: The Movie is out on Blu-Ray July 21st in the US if anyone is interested. Screenshots alone on the Amazon page make it look far better than the DVD version, which had poor MPEG-2 compression. It looked far nicer on Laser Disc, in my opinion.

Edit: Speaking of Laser Disc, anyone collect anime on there? I've got quite a few and no one I know personally that appreciates the format.
Edit: Speaking of Laser Disc, anyone collect anime on there? I've got quite a few and no one I know personally that appreciates the format.

I have a few, with at least one masterpiece (the Dirty Pair Project Eden movie), some obscure OVA, but so far I've never really got into collecting them. When I eventually do, I plan to buy first thing Patlabor 2 and Kaze no tairiku on this format, and that End of evangelion box. Then, track down a copy of Download.
Edit: Speaking of Laser Disc, anyone collect anime on there? I've got quite a few and no one I know personally that appreciates the format.

I bought one from Berserk for the artwork alone. I got it framed too.


I have a few, with at least one masterpiece (the Dirty Pair Project Eden movie), some obscure OVA, but so far I've never really got into collecting them. When I eventually do, I plan to buy first thing Patlabor 2 and Kaze no tairiku on this format, and that End of evangelion box. Then, track down a copy of Download.

Nice! I've always wanted that one. I've got Patlabor 1, and 2 and recommend them. Nice art, video and sound are 5/5 imo. I've seen a few Eva boxes for about $100 on Ebay if you shop there. I bought a Mobile Suit Gundam Vol1 LD box set from Japan and had no issues purchasing internationally.

Off the top of my head I have English and Japanese versions of Akira (English is a Criterion!), AD Police collection, Battle Angel, Bubblegum Crash collection, Demon City Shunjuku, Detonator Orgun collection, Ghost in the Shell, Harmageddon, Lensman, Oh My Goddess collection, Project A-ko collection, Maddox/Riding Bean, RG Veda collection, Super Atragon, Tenchi Muyo The Movie box set, Urutsukidoji Perfect collection, Venus Wars, You're Under Arrest Vol 1.

There are so many others I want to get, but places like eBay hike up their prices on common discs. I think I paid between $5 to $15 for each of those except for Urutsukidoji and Akira Japanese version.

I bought one from Berserk for the artwork alone. I got it framed too.

That's gorgeous. I thought of grabbing some too, but the price wasn't right at the time.
Off the top of my head I have English and Japanese versions of Akira (English is a Criterion!), AD Police collection, Battle Angel, Bubblegum Crash collection, Demon City Shunjuku, Detonator Orgun collection, Ghost in the Shell, Harmageddon, Lensman, Oh My Goddess collection, Project A-ko collection, Maddox/Riding Bean, RG Veda collection, Super Atragon, Tenchi Muyo The Movie box set, Urutsukidoji Perfect collection, Venus Wars, You're Under Arrest Vol 1.

Very, very nice collection. I'm jealous :)

Initially for me the reasonning behind LD collecting was to acquire titles that have never been rereleased in DVD (because of rights, and\or lack of interest); my first purchase has been a bunch of Utsunomiko episodes, and I spent years looking for a copy of To-y and the infamous Bronze Catharsis clips.

The major other reason for me has been the La Blue Girl - eien miko mido LD collection, as to my knowledge - and apart for the numerous scenes that got cut in almost all western releases - its the only edition on the market to feature a complete version of episode 6 ;D


Subscribed. I'm not a massive anime watcher, but the ones I have watched and enjoyed generally have been from this era of hand drawn animation. There's something very organic about it.


Very, very nice collection. I'm jealous :)

Initially for me the reasonning behind LD collecting was to acquire titles that have never been rereleased in DVD (because of rights, and\or lack of interest); my first purchase has been a bunch of Utsunomiko episodes, and I spent years looking for a copy of To-y and the infamous Bronze Catharsis clips.

The major other reason for me has been the La Blue Girl - eien miko mido LD collection, as to my knowledge - and apart for the numerous scenes that got cut in almost all western releases - its the only edition on the market to feature a complete version of episode 6 ;D

Thanks! Years of patience and luck. I started the same way. On occasion, it would be cheaper to own an anime on LD than on DVD, too. I would love to have To-y. I hadn't heard of it until I saw it on YouTube and was instantly a fan. I didn't know that about La Blue Girl. It's the same with the Urotsukidoji Perfect Collection if I'm not mistaken. Future DVD releases were edited or missing scenes.

I'm still trying to track down all of Gal Force, Golden Boy, Sukeban Deka Vol 2, and a few AnimEigo, Manga Corps, Central Park, or Image Entertainment releases. Over the years I've found sites like this or this Patlabor-centric one that tried to catalog anime on LD, but they're long forgotten. Really nice to see some of the covers and release information though.

I may go ahead and take some quick photos and share. The art on a few are incredible. You can't replicate that on a dvd/blu-ray case.

Edit: Also, anyone back the Bubblegum Crisis or Otaku No Video Kickstarters? I've got the premium set of Bubblegum Crisis. What an incredible transfer.


I remember watching Wasted XIII when I was younger and being really confused. I had not seen any Patlabor stuff at the time, either so maybe that was why.

I know that feeling. I remember seeing Adieu Galaxy Express 999, Tenchi in Love, and Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer on Scifi Channel way back in the day when they had their Saturday Anime block. I had no idea back then that they were based on TV series. I was really confused watching them back then.
Thanks! Years of patience and luck. I started the same way. On occasion, it would be cheaper to own an anime on LD than on DVD, too. I would love to have To-y. I hadn't heard of it until I saw it on YouTube and was instantly a fan.

I have had a passion for Atsushi Kamijo art from back in the days when I first read his Sex/Next stop and it was my first manga that wasnt Dragon ball or Ranma but looked like some kind of oniric road movie, Kitano's Sonatine drawn in glorious 80s/pop black & white.


Him being a guest illustrator on Space Dandy was one of the best surprises of the show.

I didn't know that about La Blue Girl. It's the same with the Urotsukidoji Perfect Collection if I'm not mistaken. Future DVD releases were edited or missing scenes.

Indeed, some of these 90s series have been left in the state of a mess. Its already bad that US editors never corrected the awful editings from the time of their first western releases, but it becomes a pain when there are distinct differences in the JP releases with bonus scenes exclusives to some LD collector editions few people have heard about.

Reconstructing a truly complete edition of this one will be *fun*


at last, for christ's sake
You never get tired of posting City Hunter ops ;p


I dont understand people who says that OST are better nowadays. BGC, KOR, City hunter, Macross+, Escaflowne, Cowboy bebop, Project eden, Akira, please save my earth... so many great ost during the 80/90s, its ridiculous.

and Hokuto no Ken (the GOAT theme being Tough Boy), Maison Ikkoku, Lupin the Third, Video Girl Ai...indeed man, indeed. Killer themes

J2 Cool

It was just a better time for anime then. Its peaks were better, and brought in a lot of animation fans but also film fans. Specifically the visuals in Akira, Patlabor, Ghost in a Shell, Bebop. Miss the grittiness of those works. Darker, muted colors, great cinematography, practically thought out worlds. I'm also a fan of the turn of the century's FLCL, Tekkon Kinkreet, Mind Game to some extent. beautiful colors, movement, and liviliness. Not much in anime pulls me in like that anymore.

And Ghibli really live outside of anime, and were of top top quality then too.

Really been craving buying some anime Blu-rays. I have an animation friend just getting into Bebop right now. We looked up the blu-ray on amazon while talking about it last week and it was $30. We both agreed to buy it, checked a few days ago and it was $65. Want that at some point, Akira, Ghibli films.


and Hokuto no Ken (the GOAT theme being Tough Boy), Maison Ikkoku, Lupin the Third, Video Girl Ai...indeed man, indeed. Killer themes

Nope. Heart of Madness. Song embodies Kenshiro.

I have an adoration for Heart of madness


and Purple eyes



Also, Kaze no tairiku is probably my favorite Michiru Oshima soundtrack with Ico :D


This person understands. Ooshima is back this season working on a few shows. Rokka no Yuusha is great.
Nope. Heart of Madness. Song embodies Kenshiro.

This person understands. Ooshima is back this season working on a few shows. Rokka no Yuusha is great.

Heart of Madness it is indeed GOAT, but Tough Boy is right up there IMO, it gets me freaking hyped every time I listen to it. I think it was also more popular in Japan as well since it's easier to find Japanese singers doing a cover of it.
Quality in story have always been "good to bad" throughout the decades as far as anime is concerned. But I think there's a certain charm to the "style" of art seen in the 80s and 90s that the majority of the 00s and after just can't come close to capturing. It just looks... cooler.


Heart of Madness it is indeed GOAT, but Tough Boy is right up there IMO, it gets me freaking hyped every time I listen to it. I think it was also more popular in Japan as well since it's easier to find Japanese singers doing a cover of it.

Way more You wa Shock covers since that is the most well known song from the show.
Way more You wa Shock covers since that is the most well known song from the show.

Well yeah, You wa Shock is the most popular one of course, I was just comparing HoM and Tought Boy.
We should have a Hokuto no Ken OT where we could discuss all these stuff as well and all the different anime and side story mangas etc


Well yeah, You wa Shock is the most popular one of course, I was just comparing HoM and Tought Boy.
We should have a Hokuto no Ken OT where we could discuss all these stuff as well and all the different anime and side story mangas etc

I want to do a Macross OT, but it's too much work. lol


at last, for christ's sake
Nope. Heart of Madness. Song embodies Kenshiro.

This person understands. Ooshima is back this season working on a few shows. Rokka no Yuusha is great.

yeah but that opening, man. When it goes KEEP YOU BURNING with the camera panning across Ken's steel faced glaze you know he's the ultimate badass. I also love the other songs, but as a opening theme it gets you pumped like few others

I would also cite one criminally underrated (or simply unknown in the West) manga/anime, Video Girl Ai. The manga is simply superb, and the OAV is no slouch, although it only covers half of the story. Opening and ending themes are GODLIKE though

intro: Happy Tears (Ureshii Namida)

outro: Ano Hi Ni (To That Day)

not afraid to say I cried many, many tears when I experienced this story
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