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Annoyed Gamer: Getting Ready for Xbox One



Marcus Beer gives some tips leading into Microsoft's big launch. (15:27)

Beer talks about Resolution Gate, how it personally affects him as an owner of both PS4 and XBox One, mentions Neogaf's threads about Rare and how MS is treating Rare shoddily. And then takes the Internet to task about how the internet is treating journalists.

And Marcus Beer, I am one of those people who criticized Sessler for his contradicted stance. If you truly think I'm hiding behind my name/nick, I will gladly and proudly post my name here. My name is [name redacted], and I thought your argument about internet anonymity just missed the mark.


And then takes the Internet to task about how the internet is treating journalists

Sick of this circling the wagons mentality.

It should be the press and the public in one camp, with the press serving the interests of the public, and in turn getting rewarded by page clicks depending on how good they are at doing their jobs (asking the questions people want answered)

It's not your job to play it down the middle so nobody looks bad, CALL IT LIKE IT IS.

Shit's getting worse than political coverage these days

Edit: For the rest of his piece, good points made. The Rare article was just depressing and a sign of MS mismanagement.
I really wish media members would address the decent posters making good points instead of addressing the trolls. Take his Adam Sessler point for example.

-Adam says 1080p isn't what matters about next gen.
-People point out to him that he earlier said these new consoles better be 1080p and 60 fps as an expectation.
-Other people called him all sorts of really terrible things because that is unfortunately par for the course of the internet.
-When it comes to a response from Adam or somebody speaking in behalf of Adam, only the latter troll party gets a response. The same goes from Marcus and his own trolls here. Why not address the good posts and not feed the trolls?


Looks like he's only giving attention to the negative comments.

I've read many great arguments regarding Sessler's points and how contradictory he's been. But do Sessler or Beer give any reaction to that?

Hold on. He's doing what he told Phil Fish not to do....

He's getting pissed off at haters giving him abuse. Yet, he tells other people to "man-up" and "take it" because it's part of the package of being on the internet.

Oh, and my name is Farrow Fox. You can find me on Twitter and Youtube.


And Marcus Beer, I am one of those people who criticized Sessler for his contradicted stance. If you truly think I'm hiding behind my name/nick, I will gladly and proudly post my name here. My name is Sonny Taing, and I thought your argument about internet anonymity just missed the mark.
Agreed. I've heard much better arguments about internet anonymity. This was just clearly conducted to rustle some feathers or Marcus doesn't have a firm grasp on the concept.


I know it's nick pick, but video title bias?

Last week Growing concern on PS4
This week Getting ready for Xbox one

Talking about killing it will title huh?


If you say something but can't back it up, then get called out on it, just say "IT WAS ONLY A RUMOUR!" and then it's all alright.

You can say anything as long as you tell everyone it's a rumour.

I heard a rumour..


Hold on. He's doing what he told Phil Fish not to do....

He's getting pissed off at haters giving him abuse. Yet, he tells other people to "man-up" and "take it" because it's part of the package of being on the internet.

Oh, and my name is Farrow Fox. You can find me on Twitter and Youtube.

Twit him that...
No, Marcus, not all people were upset because you criticized a console (some people were, no doubt). A large part of that anger came from mouthing off about a rumour from unnamed sources that turned out to be complete bullshit the very next day when someone actually did the work to find out if it was true or not. But I guess that's the difference between a talking head and a journalist.
If you say something but can't back it up, then get called out on it, just say "IT WAS ONLY A RUMOUR!" and then it's all alright.

You can say anything as long as you tell everyone it's a rumour.

With all due respect, that is one terrible post and your feet smell bad.



Sick of this circling the wagons mentality.

I had to stop watching at that point, and I'm generally a fan of his show. He's not the first one to try to dismiss all criticism of himself like that. Were there Sony fanboys who gave him crap about last week? I'm sure of it. But there were also legit reasons to criticize that episode. He just assumes that everyone who had issues with the episode must have been a fanboy and refuses to consider the possibility that he was wrong.

It's disappointing.


Hiding in anonymity? I'm Commander Shepard and this is my least favorite employee on GT.com.

Seriously Marcus, get a grip. Why don't you have a conversation with us? Here, right now. These BS rumor-threads get closed very fast if you can't provide or name sources. People would call you out, even if it was about the Xbone. GAF isn't pro-PS4 but pro-gaming, remember that.


What time is it?
Claiming "you will be ignored" while dedicating a segment of your show towards that vocal minority seems backwards.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
Last week - Rumor: PS4 is overheating
This week - But I said rumor
in 3-4 years during this cycle we will be playing games at 720p at 30fps as the devs push more pretty things on screen.

the PS4 and XB1 can not keep up with 1080p at 60fps gaming as there parts are not replaceable. the PC will leave them behind and the only way they will be able to keep pace is a lower res and 30fps.

end of..... if you want 1080p at 60fps get a PC or a good stream machine :)
It's sad when the so-called "vocal minority" is the only group in this conversation concerned about facts, reality, and good journalism.


people always talk about anonymity providing people cover for being idiot assholes but even sites that have moved to Facebook comments you still get people acting the same way even with their real name attached


Guy is just an attention seeker slash troll.

His job is to be a talking head. To have an opinion. That's what he does.

Your comment isn't contributing to his cause whatsoever, and really, validates his point towards the end about not having a genuine discussion.

You don't have to watch him.
I have no respect for Marcus Beer. His schtick is tired and he has completely lost perspective.

The "Oh look at everybody picking on poor little me and innocent, defenseless nerd Adam Sessler" plea is completely void of intellectual substance. It is a smokescreen. It is totally a last-ditch appeal to people's emotions to avoid having to actually consider the genuine issues and complaints we as a community of gamers have presented.

His job is to be a talking head. To have an opinion. That's what he does.

He doesn't have an opinion. He has a defense mechanism.

He is choosing to disregard valid opinions. If he actually wanted to debate opinions, that'd be great.


I hear this idea of having a civil discussion a lot, and yes, that is fantastic. But games personalities and games journalists have so few ways to really interact with the rational part of their audience. Twitter is not the place to debate anything, nevermind topics that demand a great deal of technical analysis. A discussion in 140 characters is incredibly limiting, and so the ideas get condensed and statements quickly get hyperbolic. It's also much easier for less generous members of the community to spend their time swearing or making threats in that format, and thus encouraging people like Adam Sessler to entirely shut down a conversation and recede into their own opinion without giving it much more thought. It's the same thing with YouTube comments - these are places with historically terrible discussion value. Stop reading them and believing that is your audience.

Instead, there needs to be a forum of actual discussion. Even if they don't take the time to respond to each and every article on email or lengthy forum post, they can read them, they can understand them and then perhaps they can construct their own follow up. The issue here is not that people are angry Sessler doesn't care about resolution - it's that he's refusing to acknowledge the faults in his argument, and the hatred he's received is an escalation of this arrogance. That does not say the level or tone of the hatred is anywhere near justified, but I believe he should acknowledge the part of his audience who disagrees and isn't being bitter and angry over it. The audience who would like to have that discussion, but want to do it outside of somewhere like Twitter, but haven't been gicven the option to do so.

At the end of the video, Marcus tells us to discuss with him on Twitter, but Twitter is not going to work for discussion. If people like he and Adam and any other journalist would like to have a conversation, please open avenues for that conversation. I can't guarantee everyone who enters it will be polite and respectful, but most will, and most will have thoughts far more intelligent than anything that can come from Twitter or from YouTube comments.


I didn't care for him before, then I heard on a podcast that he would discipline kids by hitting them. That's when I decided he was a fucking idiot.


He's doing exactly the same mistake than others.
"At the end of the day, we want good games."

Why yes, we do. But the "resolutiongate" is not about this. That's irrelevant. It's comparing the SAME games with the SAME gameplay (which might be super fun or boring as fuck depending on one's personal preferences) running much better on one platform than another.

So yes, it might just be "drivers". Although this somehow ignores the fact that the PS4's situation is not fixed either, and so games will look better and better, as they do for any platform ever.
It might be that it's more rushed. But I doubt that Dice or IW started working on a PS4 versions months before the XB1.
It might be that the architecture is less friendly than the PS4's, but that will never change, just likely it never did for the PS3 and the 360 was lead platform in 95% of cases across the whole gen.
And there are other technical parameters that are also fixed and won't improved over time. See eSRAM.

So he's mostly talking about a different issue that has nothing to do with the debate in the first place.

Agreed about Rare though. He's spot on. Microsoft ruined that amazing team.

As for the anonymity stuff... we'll he's sort of right. But it shouldn't matter in the first place since, as he said himself, it's a vocal minority of idiots resorting to personal attacks.
People like him also "hide" behind their popularity and reach. They can afford to put up a video which will be watched by thousands of people, or tweets or whatnot, so I'd think they have a some sort of responsibility not to just throw crazy rumours out there without a little bit more research and thinking. But maybe htat's just me.

edit: "Little Big Adventure". lolz.
Watched it earlier, 2nd half of the video are going to rustle some jimmies.

The second half? I was two minutes in before I was already rustled by the level of complete and total bullshit he was spouting. I guess it's great that he's started doing "research", but if I was his journalism teacher I'd send him back to 101 until he shows he's learned a passable amount about credibility of sources and critical analysis.

Also, just as a general rule: as a "journalist" your videos should never include a statement along the lines of, "I don't even know if they're at the studio anymore." Your job is to know what you're talking about. If you're drafting a video and you find yourself saying "I don't know..." about something that's publicly available information, stop the video and go find out. Journalism isn't as hard as you're making it out to be, Marcus.

And while I agree that people shouldn't be using racist/homophobic remarks as part of the dialogue, I distinctly remember Mr. Beer blocking several people from his Twitter who were trying to carry on a perfectly reasonable dialogue that simply didn't fit his chosen narrative. The backlash against "internet anonymity" strikes me as a particularly childish attempt to wriggle out of responsibility for being caught out unable to defend his position in a logical and effective manner. "Oh, sure, I got schooled on the internet, but it wasn't by a real person so it doesn't count."

Sure, Marcus. Whatever you need to tell yourself.


Marcus, you go off on the trolls that hide behind anonymity, the people that just shout and swear and that cant have a real discussion (an easy target if you ask me)

This doesn't really accomplish anything, those people are always going to act like that.

What you left out was the initial spark that lit the fire of those assholes. The fact Sessler contradicted himself in the footage found by Tripon (brilliant work pointing it out) Sessler made a statement that he "damn well expected next gen to be 60FPS 1080p"

Fair point, one that I share. The issue was that in his recent video he does a 180 on this viewpoint and tries to play down the fact that the Xbox One cant achieve that standard he himself set, while willingly ignoring that the PS4 can meet these standards. He started acting very evasive and used terms like "uprezzed 1080p" to defend Microsoft and saying things like "Resolution doesn't really matter, it's all about the games" (another point I agree with)

This argument had NOTHING to do with the discussion going on, it felt like Adam was embarrassed to say Xbox was running at 720p. It came off as very apologist for MS.

So, we took him to task and asked What's the deal? why have you completely changed your opinion on resolution?

His response was to call us the equivalent of chemical weapons dealers...

Can you see why some of the more emotional of us might have given him shit for this?
For clarification, I'm more than happy to come forward and tell you my name if need be, hell a google search of my Nick brings up my facebook page and my twitter (both public) and I'm happy to put my name to everything I say on both twitter and NeoGAF.


Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?


I continue to stand by my opinion that shows like Annoyed Gamer serve no purpose.

I get his point about the bile, and.. truthfully, I agree. Some of the crap fans tweet at devs/journalists is just outrageous. But then I remember the source, and the fact that Beer does the same thing. Don't be a hypocrite Marcus.


I continue to stand by my opinion that shows like Annoyed Gamer serve no purpose.

I get his point about the bile, and.. truthfully, I agree. Some of the crap fans tweet at devs/journalists is just outrageous. But then I remember the source, and the fact that Beer does the same thing. Don't be a hypocrite Marcus.

Their purpose is to get page clicks and get internet rage going.
sessler expresses a desire for 1080p and 60fps. then he tells others that it doesn't matter.

marcus is allowed to get angry at people. but doesn't want others to express their crticisms.

i see...
Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?

Because Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw and John "TotalBiscuit" Bane both made their fame by having an accent and being cynical, so if you're British/Australian and want to talk about games, it's an easy style to bite. To be honest, I haven't seen anything from him that even vaguely justifies the monicker, so I assume it's 100% branding.
I don't find it very interesting to focus on those handful of people that did some name calling. You can do that with almost anything, it doesn't invalidate the criticisms people had and still have towards Sessler's language massaging for the Xbone and Marcus' own overheating rumour.


Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?

Yeah, it's really getting old IMO.

Just the overall negativity in internet gaming culture as a whole is getting old.
Why do all of these internet personalities have to be "annoyed" or "angry". What's with all of the negativity? Why not just enjoy your hobby and be happy about the great games that are releasing?

People don't want good news unless it's about a baby panda or some shit like that. They want to hear how [insert company here] is fucking them in the ass this week and how [insert game here] is the worst piece of shit since ET 2600.
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