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Any Black Ops 2 Wii U Reviews or Impressions?

no at all o_O

Does it make any noise at all during multiplayer matches? My disc drive seems like it's continuously seeking to find something.

Also, just got an AGR... called it in, it landed on top of a flat stair case railing (it's like a 3 foot high flat thing) and the whole AGR disappeared. I was soooo mad.


Just played my first matches tonight online with Freezie KO!

No lag or anything, all went flawlessly. I didn't do too shabby either for my first night either! Overall I'm very impressed, not a ton of people online but matchmaking for TDM was still very quick.


Junior Member
Played several matches using Wiimote and Nunchuck. Everything went smooth.

...Than my WiiU hardlocked...for the third time this week.
Just played my first matches tonight online with Freezie KO!

No lag or anything, all went flawlessly. I didn't do too shabby either for my first night either! Overall I'm very impressed, not a ton of people online but matchmaking for TDM was still very quick.

Pharros, you wrecked it. Proud to be on your team. FoxMcCloud was in our party too. I played with him a lot on Wii.

The matches ran pretty smooth. I did have some spawn issues (like 3 seconds from spawn to death) on Plaza, I think. But other consoles are getting those too.


Does it make any noise at all during multiplayer matches? My disc drive seems like it's continuously seeking to find something.

Also, just got an AGR... called it in, it landed on top of a flat stair case railing (it's like a 3 foot high flat thing) and the whole AGR disappeared. I was soooo mad.
no sound at all.

played some zombies online

sadly this will have to do for zombiu not having online
Add me. Malvingt2


I haven't played too much of this yet, but I'm probably going to wait for the Wiimote update before putting more time into the MP. Game feels pretty smooth though.

Does it make any noise at all during multiplayer matches? My disc drive seems like it's continuously seeking to find something.

Mine does this too during a match. I'm not sure if I should be worried :\
I've been playing a decent amount, but I have a few complaints. I can't log into the forums on CoD's main site or I'd post these there. If someone posts in the thread that Treyarch is monitoring on their forums, I'd appreciate if you could copy paste these to them.

1. The invites in this game are really hard to see. The invite notifications flash at the bottom of your screen for a few seconds in plain white text and then disappear. I've missed invites by blinking.

2. I find the turret and the killstreaks (Dragonfire, Lodestar, whatever the chopper gunner is called) to take some time getting used to with the remote. I don't know why the settings are way more sensitive than whatever the standard cursor sensitivity is. There should be a way to adjust the speed/sensitivity of this.

3. Spawns. I know this is an issue with the other consoles, but I've been having some really bad ones lately. I think as I've learned the maps more, I'm understanding more where enemies shouldn't be spawning in proximity to my character. Patch needed ASAP.

Still having a lot of fun with the game, but these are some gripes.


Graphically, the game’s engine shows some wear, but its decent graphics are complemented by a tremendous art design. Featuring minimal brown and bloom, Black Ops II is a surprisingly colorful game, moving from lush jungles to bright deserts and futuristic compounds. It’s a wonderful change for the series, and I hope it sticks in future installment. The game runs fine on Wii U, though I experienced some occasional slowdown during cut scenes.

Black Ops II on Wii U may amount to the same experience as on other systems, but it remains an impressive game. The aging multiplayer could use more of a twist, but the campaign is top-notch, and even Zombies mode manages a few new things. In the first of what will likely be many appearances on Nintendo’s new system, the franchise delivers.



-Best Call of Duty campaign ever
-Great art design
-No cut corners on the Wii U version
-Tries hard to change up the formula
-Use of the GamePad for local multiplayer


-Limited GamePad use overall
-Multiplayer could stand for a few more changes


another review.


Anyone getting constant audio cut off during cut-scenes?

The only fix I've found is exiting story mode. Booting Zombies and then going back to story mode.
Official forums say a hotfix patch is up with the missing Wii remote settings (Cursor Sensitivity). Anyone try this yet? Any other changes?

I'm at work. Can't test it yet.


Off screen gamepad play was pretty cool. But with that and the pro controller options, no custom button mapping? Weird, considering the remote and nunchuck control scheme has it.

Official forums say a hotfix patch is up with the missing Wii remote settings (Cursor Sensitivity). Anyone try this yet? Any other changes?

I'm at work. Can't test it yet.
I saw no difference (version 20.91.8), but I haven't been following the updates.
I saw no difference (version 20.91.8), but I haven't been following the updates.

We got a hotfix, but not only did it not add the extra settings, it added new glitches! WTF. There's a thread on the official forums:

1. Climbing objects becomes impossible with Wii remote. The player HOLDS A, but what happens is the game reads this as you feverishly TAPPING A and continues to make the starting animation over and over. You can't mantle.

2. The hitmarker becomes messed up. No matter where you aim, the hitmarker lands in the center of the screen, not over the target you hit.

3. The weapon pick-up button is ignored. For instance, I have my weapon pick-up selected to "inventory." The prompt on screen is correct ("Hold left on D-pad to pick up MTAR"), but when I hold left, nothing happens. I have to hold A.
There are other issues being discovered too. You can't move Sentry Guns and hosting sometimes causes the Wiimote cursor to jitter/teleport. :/


I was playing this on Wii U today and noticed that in Local Multiplayer mode it says that it accepts up to 4 players, does that mean 4 player split screen on one console or do you have to use system link?

*EDIT: I just tried this out, it actually supports up to 4 players. Nice.


lol how did they mess up the game more with a hotfix?

Sucks was enjoying the wiimote gameplay after messing around with classes to make it more fun to play.
lol how did they mess up the game more with a hotfix?

Sucks was enjoying the wiimote gameplay after messing around with classes to make it more fun to play.

No idea. Supposedly the hotfix was to give us Double XP. Who cares about Double XP when I can't climb over objects?

What a mess.


I have to say, even though I don't really like DA controls (especially since there are only botton layout presets instead of full customization), using it for the off screen play is quite alright for some casual play on the bed.

And yeah, with remote controls being kinda broken right now, I might as well go with this since it's just more frustrating to play with broken controls.


I have both the 360 and WiiU versions, and I feel there's a bit more analog stick deadzone with the WiiPad/Pro. With the 360 version, the response is crisp and instant, as with previous CODs. If I switch between the two versions the difference is quite noticeable. I wonder if this is that ~16ms delay for streaming to the WiiPad or if Treyarch can fix it with a patch (the delay is also there when playing with the Pro controller and on a TV). I don't feel any perceptible input delay when playing something like NSMBU. Also, I played the WiiU version before the 360 version and immediately felt the wonkiness in the aiming, which is partly why I then bought the 360 version to see if I was just imagining things.

Anybody else feel that slight delay or extra deadzone when playing with analog stick aiming? It does not render the game unplayable, but I'd like it if they fixed it.


So, based on the language on the GamePad in double screen mode "One player uses the gamepad, ALL OTHER local players use the TV" I figured you could play with three or four players and have one on the gamepad and two or three on the TV but I tried it yesterday and soon as the third player was added the option was removed and the GamePad only worked as a "dumb" controller. Anybody know if there's a way to get this working?


Picked this up yest.

Loving the split screen online , esp with 2 actual accounts.

So awesome.

Player count is too low but hopefully by xmas there will be a lot more players...

Also i saw someone simply destroying with the wii mote today , makes me want to practice it.
He was so precise i couldnt beleive it...i thought controller might pwn wiimote but guess not.

it was also kinda blowing my mind to use the camera and the gamepad with a wiimote...


Tried it for the first time tonight, and it works pretty well. I have only played the Wii games before, so the graphics and sound are of course better than I'm used to. But it doesn't have much to say when you're in the thick of it - the gameplay is the same as before. Played 6 or 7 matches, and only one of them had a little bit of stuttering for a few seconds. Love how easy it is to change between the pad and remote/nunchuk. I play with the Wii remote/nunchuk, and place the pad beneath the tv so I get the full map in front of me at all times. Forget to look at it, though!


How can you tell what they're using?

Looking at killcam , its extremely obvious whos using a wiimote and whos not.

They move a lot faster when they aim , like a whoooole lot faster.

Movements that just arent possible on a controller.

Also the arms of the player in game on the killcam move differently as well.
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