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Anyone else buy a PS3 just to watch movies?


Maybe there is some substance to the proposition Blu-ray (and its winning the format war) is spurring new purchases...


Shadow Moses said:
20+ Blu Ray movies
2 Games (NG:B & HS) - and I've not got past level one of either game.

I just can't stand the PS3 controller and the so-called triggers. Worst triggers ever.


there are also attachments for teh triggers

there are also mods to throw them into 360 shells.

if it is such a huge problem for so many of you, youve already taken such a big dive in purchasing the damn thing, fix up controllers to your liking and stop making excuses.

Its sad that soo many awesome games deserving of sales are being ignored, and K&L sells 1 million. good lord.

ALSO, blacksite? perfect dark zero? Vampire rain?

and youre saying that UNCHARTED isnt worth it?


I bought mine right after the Warner Blu-ray announcement, becuase I had the HD-DVD add-on for the 360.

I was going to get one later, when LBP released, but I guess to answer your question, I bought it for the blu-ray player mostly. I cant imagine buying a big-thirdparty title on the thing seeing as how all my mates have a 360, and the community is bigger anyway.

GT, Uncharted, and a few others I will purchase, but mainly a blurayer I guess.


Primarily for games, but im finding blu-ray movies to be a VERY nice addition.
Maybe shoulda done a poll with this? woulda been interesting info.


More or less yea. The Blu-Ray thing was a big incentive, although I really got it for upscaled backwards compatibility.


moku said:
I was going to get one later, when LBP released, but I guess to answer your question, I bought it for the blu-ray player mostly. I cant imagine buying a big-thirdparty title on the thing seeing as how all my mates have a 360, and the community is bigger anyway.

the community may be bigger but its a misconception to say that the PS3s isnt EXTREMELY healthy.

Its always easy to find full and awesome games for warhawk.

resistance is one of the healthiest FPS games ive played in terms of quality and quantity of community.

These games arent gimped, youre gimping them.


not an idiot
I want one to play Blu Ray movies, but since the quality game selection is so paltry, I've decided to wait till it gets a better selection, plus probably a price drop.
Only 1 game and thats HEavenly Sword. Just ought Sunshine on Blu Ray. Looks nice.
360 is what I do most of my gaming on these days.
B-Ri said:
the community may be bigger but its a misconception to say that the PS3s isnt EXTREMELY healthy.

Its always easy to find full and awesome games for warhawk.

resistance is one of the healthiest FPS games ive played in terms of quality and quantity of community.

These games arent gimped, youre gimping them.

I bought Warhawk when it first came out and have a couple of friends on my PSN bl but it's just no comparison to XBL. I just felt isolated compared to when I purchase online games on 360 so I would up trading it in a few weeks later. Every male around my age at work has a 360; it's almost like peer pressure to get the newest games on 360 to play with your friends/co-workers. There's a few odd man out PS3 owners but slowly they wind up wanted a 360 as well so they can "jump in" as well.


MWS Natural said:
I bought Warhawk when it first came out and have a couple of friends on my PSN bl but it's just no comparison to XBL. I just felt isolated compared to when I purchase online games on 360 so I would up trading it in a few weeks later. Every male around my age at work has a 360; it's almost like peer pressure to get the newest games on 360 to play with your friends/co-workers. There's a few odd man out PS3 owners but slowly they wind up wanted a 360 as well so they can "jump in" as well.

and home is coming to change that

and games are supporting the XMB friends list already like they should have been.


B-Ri said:
the community may be bigger but its a misconception to say that the PS3s isnt EXTREMELY healthy.

Its always easy to find full and awesome games for warhawk.

resistance is one of the healthiest FPS games ive played in terms of quality and quantity of community.

These games arent gimped, youre gimping them.

Nowhere in his post did he mention that the PSN's community isn't healthy or that the games are gimped, unless there was a stealth edit in his/her post.

B-Ri said:
and home is coming to change that

and games are supporting the XMB friends list already like they should have been.

Amen. A little late, but better then what we had before.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
bought it for games only. Blu-ray was a bonus, I buy HD DVDs:lol

I have like 21 HD DVDs and about 9 or 10 BD movies.

I keep playing Uncharted now, and Snakeball has attracted some of my attention.


I bought it for games and I'm actually surprised at how many bluray movies I've bought since. I never used to buy movies on dvd before either, so I guess it's the high resolution video that finally got me. I have a few games too, but for the past few months, I've pretty much just used my PS3 as a bluray player and to play Skate. Haven't really touched the other games yet.


Junior Member
Nope, I much prefer playing games than watching movies to be honest. So far I only have Ratchet and Uncharted, but I've only owned the console for less than a month, so I expect that to quickly grow.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I bought mine for games only (since i only had a 21inch SD tv at the time, no real need for hd movies) but once I got a HDTV, it was nice to get blurays as a add on feature.

My bro bought a ps3 for sports games and playing them online for free. He basically just plays madden 08 and nba 2k8

My father on the other hand is thinking about buying a ps3 to just play blu-ray movies (and just to have the bonus feature of playing video games for my nieces when they might be over seems cool to him)


I bought mine primarily for BD playback. DId try a few games though:

Resistance- decent but got bored with it
R&C Future- awesome game, would recomend\

Since then though bought about 15 or so BD's and no more games.


MechDX said:
I bought mine primarily for BD playback. DId try a few games though:

Resistance- decent but got bored with it
R&C Future- awesome game, would recomend\

Since then though bought about 15 or so BD's and no more games.

whats wrong with motorstorm? how far did you get into resistance?


Man I am the complete opposite. I've got one Blu-ray film (The Island). Between COD4, Uncharted, Conan, RB6 Vegas, NBA Street Homecourt, Warhawk, etc., I've put a lot of hours into my PS3 for gaming. Probably a couple hundred. It seems like people always discount multi-platform games for PS3. It's like they don't count for some reason. COD4 mp is awesome... Conan is the most underrated game of the year.

Btw, I'm a PS3 only owner and have no regrets about missing out on the other consoles. I've had a ton of shit to play this year. I still haven't gotten around to Ratchet, Timeshift, The Orange Box, and quite a few more.

It seems that people who say this type of thing that's in the OP also own a 360 and then buy all the multi-platform games for 360. So this is why they think their PS3 is collecting dust and "PS3 has no games" when in reality their libraries are 90% identical.
I think if you have a 360, the PS3 loses a lot of appeal for games since some of the best games are multiplatform.

And vice versa... some of the best 360 games are multiplatform.

I decided to get multiplats on PS3 and keep my 360 with silver. This means my PS3 gets a lot of gaming use. If I went the other way, I'd get a lot less, but still a fair amount. COD4 on 360 would cut into my PS3's gaming time, but I still play Warhawk most of all.


^ I've always thought that a high % of people who have a PS3 also have a 360. It seems like I'm a rare breed only owning a PS3. Everyone seems to have had a 360 first and then got a PS3. A gaming website should do a poll on this... I bet it's like 30 to 50% of PS3 owners have a 360. This could also be why multi-platform sales are lower... along with the installed base advantage. They're buying the 360 versions. This is where the "PS3 has no games" thing comes from... the multi-platform games are ignored... it's like they don't count for PS3.


B-Ri said:
whats wrong with motorstorm? how far did you get into resistance?

Motorstorm felt nlike I was playing Moon Patrol in 3D.:lol R:FoM, I actually stopped playing because I just cant stand the DS2,Sixaxxis for FPS'ers. If SOMEONE would make a 3rd party PS3 controller for the PS3 with offset analog sticks I would probably give it another try.

I also like to play my shooters online. First thing I noticed when I went online with Resistance is 60% of the users dont use mics. I prefer team based games and no communication between team mates makes them rather boring.
MechDX said:
Motorstorm felt nlike I was playing Moon Patrol in 3D.:lol R:FoM, I actually stopped playing because I just cant stand the DS2,Sixaxxis for FPS'ers. If SOMEONE would make a 3rd party PS3 controller for the PS3 with offset analog sticks I would probably give it another try.

I also like to play my shooters online. First thing I noticed when I went online with Resistance is 60% of the users dont use mics. I prefer team based games and no communication between team mates makes them rather boring.

Damn that's EXACTLY how I felt. I got bored with RFoM and wasn't to found of Motorstorm but I fell in love with R&C and Uncharted. I'm really looking forward to PS3's 2008 lineup, I hope not too many of the games get pushed back like 2007.

kbear said:
^ I've always thought that a high % of people who have a PS3 also have a 360. It seems like I'm a rare breed only owning a PS3. Everyone seems to have had a 360 first and then got a PS3. A gaming website should do a poll on this... I bet it's like 30 to 50% of PS3 owners have a 360. This could also be why multi-platform sales are lower... along with the installed base advantage. They're buying the 360 versions. This is where the "PS3 has no games" thing comes from... the multi-platform games are ignored... it's like they don't count for PS3.

DMC4 is the first game I have even considered buying on the PS3.
B-Ri said:

there are also attachments for teh triggers

there are also mods to throw them into 360 shells.

if it is such a huge problem for so many of you, youve already taken such a big dive in purchasing the damn thing, fix up controllers to your liking and stop making excuses.

Its sad that soo many awesome games deserving of sales are being ignored, and K&L sells 1 million. good lord.

ALSO, blacksite? perfect dark zero? Vampire rain?

and youre saying that UNCHARTED isnt worth it?
excuses? i'm sorry, but there should be no reason you have to mod it just so the triggers are actually nice to use.

and why are you talking about blacksite, pdz and vampire rain? :(
I got it for a variety of reasons, upscaling DVDs and PS2 games were more important to me than actual games. Hopefully this supposedly epic 2008 will add a feature to the machine for me.

kbear said:
^ I've always thought that a high % of people who have a PS3 also have a 360. It seems like I'm a rare breed only owning a PS3. Everyone seems to have had a 360 first and then got a PS3. A gaming website should do a poll on this... I bet it's like 30 to 50% of PS3 owners have a 360. This could also be why multi-platform sales are lower... along with the installed base advantage. They're buying the 360 versions. This is where the "PS3 has no games" thing comes from... the multi-platform games are ignored... it's like they don't count for PS3.

Yea, pretty much.


B-Ri said:
the community may be bigger but its a misconception to say that the PS3s isnt EXTREMELY healthy.

Its always easy to find full and awesome games for warhawk.

resistance is one of the healthiest FPS games ive played in terms of quality and quantity of community.

These games arent gimped, youre gimping them.
I understand what your saying, and dont get me wrong, I love my pstriple. The problem is that people I know, in the flesh, have a 360. Even my dad has a 360, so when he buys a game thats multiplatform, theres no way in hell I would buy the PS3 version.

I can see my PS3 purchases bieng limited to games I just cant get on the 360, and certain mulitplatform games that people I know wont play. My bro is getting a PS3, so that may incourage my game purchases.

I look forward to home, and LBP, as well as GT5.

I have so much to play between all three, I cant complain.(Not to mention my DS wich is my fucking workhorse. When i'm not gaming at the couch, and use the bathroom, no rest for the weary becuase my DS is getting hit in there.

I swear, my whole life is one big fucking videogame aaarrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!


Does maths and stuff
Bought it for movies (own 0 games) but I'll definitely be picking up some titles this year. Already got DMC4 on pre-order.
DarthWaiter said:
Before the PS3 came out, a lot of people prophesied that the PS3 would take off similar to the PS2 because of Blu-Ray on the PS3 a la DVD on PS2.

Well here I am, owner of a PS3 with 30 Blu-Ray movies and not a single PS3 videogame.

So I'm asking, any others on here with a PS3 and not a single game for it?

I'm pretty much in the same boat. I bought a PS3 today and was REALLY hard pressed to find a game to buy. I settled for Motorstorm.

This thing is going to be a media center primarily... not much else.

Mister D

Initially bought the PS3 for bluray playback since I already had an Xbox 360. Since having two Xboxes crap out on me, I decided to buy any multi-platform games for the PS3. Since MS extended the warranty, I now buy games for each console based on personal preferences and features for each title. I use the PS3 for gaming, movie playback, and it's kickass media streaming capabilities. I'll probably end up with a similar amount of games for both consoles since I'm really picky and weird about what games I buy and sometimes don't even care about the "huge" games like Halo 3 and the like.


MechDX said:
Motorstorm felt nlike I was playing Moon Patrol in 3D.:lol R:FoM, I actually stopped playing because I just cant stand the DS2,Sixaxxis for FPS'ers. If SOMEONE would make a 3rd party PS3 controller for the PS3 with offset analog sticks I would probably give it another try.

I also like to play my shooters online. First thing I noticed when I went online with Resistance is 60% of the users dont use mics. I prefer team based games and no communication between team mates makes them rather boring.


Don't know how compatible it is with the Ps3 though


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
I bought it for Blue Ray playback. I have not bought any BR movie but I have rented quite a few.

No PS3 game for me (yet) although I think I might get Uncharted eventually.


Initially yes, I did buy the PS3 for watching Blu-Ray movies. I also bought the HD-DVD add-on for the 360 nearly the same time during launch just so I cover all the bases HD movie wise.
But now, I have about 6 games for the PS3. Would be 7 if only Singstar came out when it's supposed to come out. I bought the PS3 near-launch just because of that as well. But over a year later and still nothing. Lame.


Bought it to play games. Since Black Friday 2006, only retail game I have is Uncharted. If it weren't for BR movies, mainly about nature and animals, it would be collecting dust. Unless something surprise me, my next PS3 game will be MSG4. Talk about a long wait.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I'm with you there.. I hate dual shock analog stick placement.

I'm different, I prefer the PS3 controller instead of the 360 one...

Anyways, I watch movies and play games and am happy with both so far, I already have 12 movies and 5 games (just got the PS3 like a week ago), will add some more games when their GH lineup finally makes an appearance.


Snaku said:
I bought it for both on Friday. Picked up 3 games and got 7 movies, all of which are awesome. Can't really go wrong with Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted, and Folklore.

remember to pop online and grab some of the exclusive psn titles too. (as filler material inbetween the big titles :D )
MechDX said:
I bought mine primarily for BD playback. DId try a few games though:

Resistance- decent but got bored with it
R&C Future- awesome game, would recomend\

Since then though bought about 15 or so BD's and no more games.

I like Motorstorm, no split screen and the load times really hurt the game though, but once you start racing it's fun, and online is fun too, I haven't lagged yet, I also haven't won a race online
Resistance demo was fun, but it was no CoD4, will get it when the price drops
Ratchet demo was fun as well, will get it when the price drops
I got my ps3 for the games. Resistance, SSHD, COD4, Uncharted, and Warhawk. And I play them all too.

I don't understand how you can be a gamer with a ps3 and only use it for movies.

AranhaHunter said:
I'm different, I prefer the PS3 controller instead of the 360 one...

Anyways, I watch movies and play games and am happy with both so far, I already have 12 movies and 5 games (just got the PS3 like a week ago), will add some more games when their GH lineup finally makes an appearance.
Same here.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I definitely game on it more than I watch movies... That said I'm loving Blu-Ray, I've got 42 of the damned things vs 11 PS3 games (Not counting PSN games of course) I love the video capabilities of this thing. It is the best upscaler I've ever had.

Owning a PS3 and not owning any games for it, boggles my mind a bit, but... different strokes for different folks.


I suppose I should add to my comments, I failed to list that I've bought ninja gaiden sigma, warhawk and uncharted. I played a fair amount of warhawk for maybe a week and haven't touched it since, I'm on the military base in sigma and I beat uncharted on normal difficulty. So it's not like I don't play anything, I also rented Lair which was horrible in every way and rented and completed heavenly sword.

It still needs to be said that I bought it for bluray first and games second though.
Captain Pants said:
I definitely game on it more than I watch movies... That said I'm loving Blu-Ray, I've got 42 of the damned things vs 11 PS3 games (Not counting PSN games of course) I love the video capabilities of this thing. It is the best upscaler I've ever had.

Owning a PS3 and not owning any games for it, boggles my mind a bit, but... different strokes for different folks.
I know it boggles my mind too.
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