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Anyone else think Star Wars fanatics that get upset by special editions are crazy?

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
My uncle works at disney and he told me the original theatrical cuts are coming out on 4k ultra hd just in time for the star wars 40th anniversary
So they should have come out earlier this year...?


Since you asked:


I earned this body with dedication, not with marking out over little pshew pshew laser sword movies
Never be overshadowed by your own fabulous hoodie.

That's my life motto and it's served me well.


I mean, it depends on your age. For those of us old enough to remember when Star Wars came out, there was a time when "owning" a movie and being able to watch it whenever you wanted was still magic. Even after VHS became common you still had to catch Star Wars on network TV to tape it, with commercials and everything. When it did come out on VHS to rent/own, it was many, many years later. Fast forward to the late 90s early 00s, and DVD re-releases become a reality. Cleaned up and "HD" versions of movies we loved as kids, finally available for us to enjoy and share with our kids.

And what does Lucas do? He shits all over them. Changes key scenes, flat out ruins others, inserts a fucking musical number. AND refuses to sell the movies unaltered. So yeah, it does feel like someone literally fucking with your childhood. Here's this thing you've been waiting to enjoy for decades, and we pooped on it. We have aversion without poop, but you can't have it. Because reasons.

If you are too young for that to make sense - imagine in 20 years if Nolan somehow uses technology to delete all existing HD versions of the Dark Knight Trilogy, and to the only one you can watch with any fidelity he adds a musical number, and uses CGI to make Eric Roberts crawl from the car wreck, only to HILARIOUSLY slip and fall off a bridge into a pile of manure. Also The Joker is now voiced by Gilbert Godfrey, to match the director's original vision.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
it's coming out in time for the last jedi, they just gotta get the cg on bothan #4 on hoth just right before they release it

it's coming bro, i would never lie to you bro
I'm holding my breath!!


Junior Member
If you are too young for that to make sense - imagine in 20 years if Nolan somehow uses technology to delete all existing HD versions of the Dark Knight Trilogy, and to the only one you can watch with any fidelity he adds a musical number, and uses CGI to make Eric Roberts crawl from the car wreck, only to HILARIOUSLY slip and fall off a bridge into a pile of manure. Also The Joker is now voiced by Gilbert Godfrey, to match the director's original vision.

This is hyperbole. And I wouldn't be upset if Nolan changes The Dark Knight Trilogy.


Yub Nub sucks, every other change is pretty dumb though and it's incredibly ironic how George Lucas ended up dramatically changing films (some of which weren't even his) despite his outspoken views against the alteration of films and the importance of creator's intent.

lol George Lucas can do what he wants because it was his franchise. lol "weren't his" film. Are you implying that George Lucas had barely any involvement in those movies? Yeah fucking right.

Seriously, Is this the things Star Wars fans say to themselves to make themselves feel better that George Lucas, the man they hate so much, created the franchise they love to much?

Those films are non-canon and they don't matter anymore. It's sad that some people just can't get over that and accept reality.


I don't think his examples are that much of a hyperbole.
Yeah they're really not. The Vader no scene alone is Youtube-parody level.

Just a nauseatingly awful sabotage of a really effective scene—maybe the defining climactic moment of the series.


Not at all, the Special Editions are much worse than the original films, but the biggest problem aren't the Special Editions themselves, it's that the originals aren't available (legally).


This is hyperbole.
As someone who didn't grow up in the days of original Star Wars, I don't think it is, at all.

Like, I saw Jedi Rocks before I knew about the mostly-functional scene it replaced, and even then I thought it was on that level.

SE are still good films on the whole, but it's a big downgrade.
The old 90s SEs don't bother me. The Tina Turner alien and the cantina band are about equal in silliness to me. I still haven't bought them on bluray because of the newer changes are a step too far but I don't hate every fiber of George Lucas because of them.


Junior Member
I just re-watched the "Nooo" scene in RoTJ.

Are you people serious? That scene really upsets you? Vader saying no as the emperor is about to kill Luke destroys your childhood?



I just re-watched the "Nooo" scene in RoTJ.

Are you people serious? That scene really upsets you? Vader saying no as the emperor is about to kill Luke destroys your childhood?


Weren't you just talking about hyperbole on this very page? who's "you" in this case?


I just re-watched the "Nooo" scene in RoTJ.

Are you people serious? That scene really upsets you? Vader saying no as the emperor is about to kill Luke destroys your childhood?

People mostly aren't saying that that single change destroys their childhood. Weren't you just complaining about hyperbole? (edit: sniped)

But, it's the climactic moment of the entire trilogy. Any damage there is kind of amplified.


Junior Member
Weren't you just talking about hyperbole on this very page? who's "you" in this case?

Star Wars fanatics have literally said that Lucas destroyed their childhoods, though maybe not in this thread. That scene is one of the complaints. I honestly do not see the big deal.
He took movies that were great, and added stuff that actively diminished what made them so great. He messed with history and tarnished the legacy of Star Wars.

So no, it's not unreasonable.
They're bad changes.

I don't know why it offends people to say they're bad changes.

I am guessing it is because the SE versions were your childhood and you hate people talking badly about them.
Star Wars fanatics have literally said that Lucas destroyed their childhoods, though maybe not in this thread. That scene is one of the complaints. I honestly do not see the big deal.

The imaginary people you're having a fight with must be feeling very burned right now.


Gold Member
I mean, is George Lucas adding some scenes/CGI really something to be upset by?

Yes. Lucas' unfettered creativity was held in check by others during the development process of Episode 4 and 5 because he had too many ridiculous ideas that pushed the running time too long or detracted from the movie/series as a whole. He dispatched with many of them by Episode 6 which is why we ended up with the sappy happily-ever-after ending and Ewoks. Those were quintessential Lucas constructs. E: There was a good article on this somewhere and I'm trying to find it; I think it was an interview with Lawrence Kasdan (e2: or mayve Irvin Kershner) about ESB where he explains Lucas always kept trying to push in big scenes but writers and other people involved kept Lucas' ambition in check.

Going back and editing in things he wanted decades after the fact illustrated precisely why his fellow writers and editors steered the direction of Episodes 4 and 5. They added unnecessary length to the films, they didn't add anything of any significant meaning, and Lucas fucking around with CGI and tossing them into the old remastered films made them look worse (consider the added CGI in Mos Eisley where you go from an old shot that is all models and old SFX work to newly injected CGI.. it makes the whole thing cheap).

If they ever released a blu-ray version that was just remastered pre-Special Edition originals without the "I can do whatever I want now" bullshit by Lucas, I'd buy them in a heartbeat.

Dead Guy

Two things I've always scratched my head about regarding Hayden in this scene.
- He never wore those robes
- Vader redeemed himself as an old man, why is he like 23 again?

That's because they literally took Hayden Christianson's head and planted it on the old actor's body.


Junior Member

But who said that that scene singly destroyed their childhood?

Because that's what you were seeming to claim.

I did not mean that that single scene was the sole complaint. But having just watched it, it is a ridiculous one that makes me take other ones less seriously.

I don't think you're trying to understand anything.

I'm understanding that some die hard fans or more unreasonable than I had realized.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I just re-watched the "Nooo" scene in RoTJ.

Are you people serious? That scene really upsets you? Vader saying no as the emperor is about to kill Luke destroys your childhood?


Was it really necessary to wait 30 years before adding a clumsy NOOOOO to a scene that already worked perfectly? Of course people are going to hate it. Not only is it unnecessary but it drowns out one of the best music cues in the series.


Junior Member
Was it really necessary to wait 30 years before adding a clumsy NOOOOO to a scene that already worked perfectly? Of course people are going to hate it. Not only is it unnecessary but it drowns out one of the best music cues in the series.

Is it really necessary to get upset about something so trivial?


Imagine growing up with the VHS tapes where Luke screams (except they reuse the Emperor's scream in the next movie) after he defiantly jumps and rejects his father like me and several of my friends. Thankfully they changed that but I don't think there has been a change as bad as that other than Vader's lazily added in "no" in Jedi.


i was somewhat indifferent about it.

Then Lucas added the prequel "noooooooooooooo" to RotJ.

Then I understood the frustration of the previous changes.

That's because they literally took Hayden Christianson's head and planted it on the old actor's body.

It's footage from his costume test

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So OP is basically saying that people who have a bunch of valid complaints about the ridiculous changes made overtime to these films that end up undermining what made them good in the first place are fanatics.....?


Junior Member
So OP is basically saying that people who have a bunch of valid complaints about the ridiculous changes made overtime to these films that end up undermining what made them good in the first place are fanatics.....?

You can not like them but actually getting mad is just ridiculous.

Fox Mulder

Just release theatrical cuts for the people that want it. Avatar comes with like 3 cuts, there's fucking 5 for blade runner.

This wouldn't even be a thing if the people that want it could buy it.


Neo Member
Was it really necessary to wait 30 years before adding a clumsy NOOOOO to a scene that already worked perfectly? Of course people are going to hate it. Not only is it unnecessary but it drowns out one of the best music cues in the series.

I'm also pretty sure it was only added as a huge middle finger to prequel haters.

The "Nooo" in RotS is constantly made fun of.


Is it really necessary to get upset about something so trivial?
As I said, it's literally the climactic moment of the trilogy. Any issues there are a big deal, even if they'd be minor in other places, which is debatable.

It actively feels like a shoehorned prequel connection (to a badly-maligned moment, which creates issue by association), and it disrupts the audio rhythm of the scene.


Junior Member
As I said, it's literally the climactic moment of the trilogy. Any issues there are a big deal, even if they'd be minor in other places, which is debatable.

It actively feels like a shoehorned prequel connection (to a badly-maligned moment, which creates issue by association), and it disrupts the audio rhythm of the scene.

Vader says out loud what he was saying in his head anyway. So what.


Usually when people complain about a new thing it's pretty easy to dismiss because it doesn't ruin your ability to consume and enjoy the older thing you liked better.

However in this case being upset is perfectly rationale, these changes which are pretty universally terrible and unnecessary have supplanted pretty much all legal avenues to consume the superior, original versions.

I can see why people are upset. That doesn't make them crazy at all.
I did not mean that that single scene was the sole complaint. But having just watched it, it is a ridiculous one that makes me take other ones less seriously.

I'm understanding that some die hard fans or more unreasonable than I had realized.

The most egregious ones that make them less than optimal when rewatching the OT, are the following:
Noooo - It takes a moment that was heart gripping and emotional, and makes it ridiculous by having Darth Vader enunciate his thoughts like he's Franksteins' monster.
Jedi Rocks - Completely ruins the tone of the sequence. Jabba's Palace isn't that dingy or scary once you've had a cartoon dance number. Ruins the tension.
Young Anakin ghost - We just saw Sebastian Shaw and how broken Vader was, which made the transformation so much more satisfying for Vader's arc. Reverting back to Hayden is just offensive.
Greedo shooting first - It makes Han Solo all the less unpredictable and scummy. Him shooting first made him interesting, and set up the universe as being dirty and exciting.
Mos Eisley CG - Just poorly made, doesn't mesh.
Jabba the Hut in ANH- Not the same Jabba as in ROTJ, and it lessens the tension when you do see Jabba. Scene also ruins the flow and has no purpose in the movie.

These are my gripes. The remaining changes are acceptable - great.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I'm also pretty sure it was only added as a huge middle finger to prequel haters.

The "Nooo" in RotS is constantly made fun of.

George was either trolling or he must genuinely believe that everyone watching is on the autistic spectrum and can't understand Vader's emotions without some exposition. Maybe George is a bit autistic himself.
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