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Are you ashamed of being a gamer/nerd in public?

That's cause your examples were bad and showed your lack of perspective there. OR maybe moving the goal posts as the other poster suggested. I suspect it is the latter or you could have come up with better examples (but of course you realized those examples still painted you in the same light you seem to be trying to backrack from).

OR I actually made my point rather clearly several times, but no one really responded to it specifically only peripherally (and quite aggressively), so in an attempt to explain myself further, I had to devolve into crazier and crazier scenarios which are fairly easy to criticize when you ignore the underlying basis for those examples.

I fell into a form of argumentum ad absurdum, which is totally my own damn fault, where people arguing against you won't actually attack your fundamental point, but the exaggerations you used to make it - thus encouraging you to explain those examples, which cycles into more arguments that have nothing to do with anything - which distracts from your original, and usually largely valid, point - which ultimately discredits the person through peripheral arguments without addressing their actual argument whatsoever.

Here, I'll give you an example...

Does it make you judgmental for judging me for appearing to be judgmental?
Okay, so I'm going to be 32 in a few weeks, and I'm a pretty big gamer (hell, I post here), and pretty much anyone that knows me knows it. So it's from that perspective that I gotta say there are a lot of crazy antagonistic voices in this thread and it baffles me. I mean, you can choose whether or not to be ashamed of it or not (personally, I wear gamer shirts in public and talk to people about video games without any problems at all) but don't fucking come in here and pretend that it doesn't happen or that people are somehow the spawn of fucking satan for making a snap judgment about the gamer nerd camped outside the gamestop on a Saturday morning.


Hell no. I'm 44 and I wear Aperture Labs t-shirts and don't care who has a problem with it. I also don't mind being called a gamer. If you want to golf or sit in a fucking bar or work on cars or build robots fine, do it. Just like I'm going to indulge my favorite thing.


Get Inside Her!
I like video games a lot but I absolutely will not refer to myself as a "gamer." There is some shame involved, certainly. I think I project my own self-consciousness on others and how I think they would perceive me.

I also don't really like defining myself by my hobbies anyway. I like some stuff, but I don't like being a "stuff-liker." I'd like to think there's More To Me than that.


You need to use commas, unless you do have 30 children who are married :p

Maybe he kisses them on the lips?

And no. I jam on my Vita all the time.

I remember when kids used to look at shit like that and be "woah a wild vita!" now they just quickly glance before playing on their kid proof amazon tablets :(
Highshcool is the pits and teachers for the most part don't give a shit.

But don't be ashamed of what you enjoy it's your life and you deserve to enjoy it how you see fit. What grade are you in? I know this won't make things better but once you're out of there you won't have to deal with that to such an extreme degree.
Junior so I got 2 more years of suffering... :(
Nah man...people are into more weird, shallow stuff than gaming. I do hate that so many people think gaming is just about mario jumping on turtles or shooting stuff. When I tell them about an awesome story and that's its a video game and not a movie, all the interest just gets shot down. Kinda annoying not having as many older friends share my passion, but not embarrassed about it. The is the age of self expression right.


I don't wear gamer apparel and I only talk about video games when the subject is part of a natural discussion.

But I'm also not going to get self conscious about it. Basically, I'll treat it the same way as another other sort of media when out in the public, even if have a larger investment in it.


I wear gaming related shirts most of the time (hell, I'm wearing an Okami T-shirt as I write this), don't care what others think of it. My girlfriend isn't a gamer and more or less puts up with it, occasionally lamenting that I could dress smartly a little more often.

On the same token I don't talk about games to those who aren't interested in them. I see no value in ramming my interests down other people's throats.

But ashamed? Never.


I don't mind being seen as a "gamer" in public, my only annoyance is people who are so hooked on being "gamers" they embarass themselves. I've been at house parties where people literally recite memes to each other and squeel over LoL. That kinda stuff is cringe nightmare material.
I purposely hang around other gamer nerds and girls because my ninja gaiden black skills automatically make me the alpha in the room and gives me my choice of hot gamer sluts to bang. I usually just take them all with me while some cinematic gamer betas sulk back and consider experimenting with homosexuality for the night.


dont give a fuck what people think of me... im 33, married with a daughter... i have a Darksiders tattoo, Deadpool Tattoo, Death Note tattoos...sometimes wear game related or geek related shirts (mostly punk band shirts... but i have a few adventure time/darksiders/deadpool shirts) ...oh and i bring and play my vita EVERYWHERE.





Iono... do i look like a loser? (probably... but i dont give an efff)



I'm more ashamed at the culture that's surrounded gamer/nerd/geek hobbies. As though one should be incredibly loud and proud of the fact that you're wearing a Star Wars t-shirt or that you've got a triforce tattoo.

I'm in the 'enjoy what you want, just don't throw it in my face' camp.

Also, OP, it seems as though you're a little too bothered by what people think about you. The people walking by probably didn't give a shit about what you were doing on your own time and were more bothered by their own lives, troubles, passions, etc.

EDIT: Reading that back I've come across as incredibly tough and angry. That's not my goal. I guess I'm more tired of the posing/attention whoring aspect of our hobby that's sprung up over the last 5-10 years. I'm a little concerned with people who identify as a gamer, geek or nerd. I'd prefer that we're all just people who enjoy playing games or reading Comics.


Gold Member
There are people who like something and people who wrap their identity around that something. The latter people are kind of sad people. I'm thinking of the "I Am A Gamer" video, but it could realistically tie to anything (Patton Oswalt made a movie named "Big Fan" about a sports fan whose entire life revolved around his team).

Gaming is a very popular thing, millions of people play it. It doesn't mean that "cake is a lie" jokes or whatever is something that everyone who plays videogames wants to hear.


dont give a fuck what people think of me... i have a Darksiders tattoo, Deadpool Tattoo, Death Note tattoos...sometimes wear game related or geek related shirts (mostly punk band shirts... but i have a few adventure time/darksiders/deadpool shirts)

Iono... do i look like a loser? (probably... but i dont give an efff)


They look great! Nice shirt too.


People buried in their smartphones get shitty looks too. That's my fucking point.

Bro what will it take for you to stop putting down people because they enjoy doing stuff while they wait? Do you want everyone to pull out the latest New York Times and read the opinion pieces for you not to judge them for petty reasons?


I'm just going to agree to disagree. You don't seem to understand what I'm saying at all. And every time I try to explain it to you, I just end up using examples that you over-analyze and twist back on me instead of seeing the underlying point I'm, woefully, trying to make.


I'd just like to say that I really agree with you dude, you're basically the only person in this entire thread making any sense.

OP wasn't getting looks for being a gamer, everyone's a gamer. It was just how excessive he was being in public. Seems you can't state things like those on neogaf without people going crazy about how you're bullying them, or something though.


Okay, so I'm going to be 32 in a few weeks, and I'm a pretty big gamer (hell, I post here), and pretty much anyone that knows me knows it. So it's from that perspective that I gotta say there are a lot of crazy antagonistic voices in this thread and it baffles me. I mean, you can choose whether or not to be ashamed of it or not (personally, I wear gamer shirts in public and talk to people about video games without any problems at all) but don't fucking come in here and pretend that it doesn't happen or that people are somehow the spawn of fucking satan for making a snap judgment about the gamer nerd camped outside the gamestop on a Saturday morning.

Oh, I'm sure it happens. But just as they are going to make a snap judgement on some gamer waiting in line, that will make me make a judgement based on the fact that they're judging some one for doing something that is harming no one. As they themselves seem to say, you aren't free from judgements ;).

I don't really care to associate with people who are that worried about what other people are doing with their lives.

As I said in my initial post, I don't care about people who would view me badly over looking "too much of a fan of whatever", I have no interest in them. I don't like associating with people like that. It comes off as shallow and elitist. I prefer people who like to live and let live rather than people who are so worried about image and about how other people look.
For whatever reason it seems like avid video game players get sideways looks from non video game players. The way I look at gaming is it's absolutely no different from any other hobby out there. So be proud of who you are.


im not a gamer and im not a nerd

shit's not even a thing anymore

everyone and their mother watches stuff like game of thrones, which I guess at some point would have been considered something super "nerdy"?

and im not a "movie watcher' or a "book reader" so why would I be a "gamer"

I enjoy the media I like, be it books, games, movies, or whatever

I dont even get what "nerd" is supposed to mean anymore

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I don't know if I'd call it "ashamed", but I certainly am hesitant to share my overwhelming passion for gaming to anyone outside of my close inner-circle, and even then I usually don't bring it up.

Primarily because gaming is misunderstood, that's all. It falsely gives some people the impression that you haven't grown up, etc, a bunch of weird shit -- there's still a stigma involved. It's just another form of entertainment, obviously, but studies have shown that acceptance of video games is directly linked to age -- meaning that the older someone is, the more likely they are to look down on you for playing video games. It's a generational thing. Back in the 60s it was Rock and Roll. Our moms and dads didn't grow up with gaming, so there's that hesitancy to accept the alien nature of interactive entertainment.


OP wasn't getting looks for being a gamer, everyone's a gamer. It was just how excessive he was being in public. Seems you can't state things like those on neogaf without people going crazy about how you're bullying them, or something though.

Or going crazy about the fact that you just made yourself look like an elitist snob.

You're going to say that it's perfectly fine for you to laugh at some one and judge them based on how they look and then whine when people judge you based on your own claimed actions?


dont give a fuck what people think of me... im 33, married with a daughter... i have a Darksiders tattoo, Deadpool Tattoo, Death Note tattoos...sometimes wear game related or geek related shirts (mostly punk band shirts... but i have a few adventure time/darksiders/deadpool shirts) ...oh and i bring and play my vita EVERYWHERE.

Iono... do i look like a loser? (probably... but i dont give an efff)


...Dem Death Note tats doe.

I dont even get what "nerd" is supposed to mean anymore

I think if the word has any real relevance in today's vernacular, you could draw a clear line along anti-intellectualism. This is a huge, popular fad, and it's easy to fall into just because education takes work. It takes no effort to be dumb, so anti-intellectualism will therefore speak to a lot of people and is therefore cool.

Nerds would be people who are pro-intellectualism - they seek out higher learning and higher-brow forms of entertainment and media. They like to become masters at specific topics and exhaust that font of knowledge.

It can be worn as a badge of honor or not, but often nerds is used as a perjorative at people who are snobs about their nerd cred. The people who try to bridge that gap like Neil Degrasse Tyson aren't really seen as nerds because they're 'cool', while people like Bill Nye are kind of stuck up about it so the label 'nerd' is apt.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
dont give a fuck what people think of me... im 33, married with a daughter... i have a Darksiders tattoo, Deadpool Tattoo, Death Note tattoos...sometimes wear game related or geek related shirts (mostly punk band shirts... but i have a few adventure time/darksiders/deadpool shirts) ...oh and i bring and play my vita EVERYWHERE.

Iono... do i look like a loser? (probably... but i dont give an efff)

Man, those tats are cool as fuck. Pretty inspiring stuff actually, I admire your wholehearted embrace of who you are. :)
I'm not ashamed because I'm not a "gamer" or a "nerd". I don't watch anime, wear video game/anime clothes, or play portables in public. Not looking down on any of those things but I just don't do them. I love playing games, and that's about it. If someone wants to judge me for that, then they can go eat a bowl of fresh dog shit because I couldn't give a flying fuck what random people think.


Or going crazy about the fact that you just made yourself look like an elitist snob.

You're going to say that it's perfectly fine for you to laugh at some one and judge them based on how they look and then whine when people judge you based on your own claimed actions?

When did I laugh at anyone? I gave out an opinion, that doesn't mean I laughed at or judged anyone. It's possible to think critically, bro.


Does it make you judgmental for judging me for appearing to be judgmental?

Is this kind of like when people who are intolerant bitch that you aren't being tolerant of their intolerance?

Yeah, I am judgemental. I at least am judging you on your actions (calling some one a man baby and pretty much ridiculing him on this forum) rather than doing something that absolutely harms no one (he's not even insulting anyone by standing their enjoying his hobby while he waits in line).

And honestly, ok, so he is outside a game store waiting to get a game. Obviously, he likes games. So it would make sense he may even be wearing a gaming shirt. Hell, he's in line with other likeminded people, it's the perfect time to wear that shirt cause other people who are likeminded will appreciate it. And, wow, to pass the time while he waits for the store to open, he's doing what he likes, gaming. Quell surprise. It's not ridiculous, it makes perfect sense. Should he go do something he likes less just to make shallow elitists less judgemental of him? Why should he? Seriously, what actual benefit other than not getting judged by people who need to get over themselves would he do to himself or others by doing something else while waiting in the line or making sure he's not wearing a gaming shirt while going to a gaming store.
The incident that started this thread was a bunch of people in line waiting for a store to open, and some passers-by giving that line weird looks. I'm not sure this counts as discrimination. Yeah, some people are going to think you're weird because you decided to line up outside a store on a Saturday morning, but people do that for tons of things. You're going to get dirty looks for lining up outside a store on Black Friday. You're going to get dirty looks for lining up for limited edition sneakers. In nearly all cases, it's probably going to be limited to a few people who disapprove and it basically means nothing to you.

I mean, I get it. Sometimes I feel weird when I pull out a 3DS or a Vita in public. But it's basically never caused me any harm from anyone. I can't say that that's equally true for everyone, obviously, but on a personal level I've come to realize most of that discomfort is on me, not on the people around me. And nowadays I don't really think anything of playing 3DS on transit, just like other people read their phones or ebooks or whatever.

All that said: I don't think of myself as a "gamer," I think of myself as someone who plays games. Maybe that makes a difference.
Oh, I'm sure it happens. But just as they are going to make a snap judgement on some gamer waiting in line, that will make me make a judgement based on the fact that they're judging some one for doing something that is harming no one. As they themselves seem to say, you aren't free from judgements ;).

I don't really care to associate with people who are that worried about what other people are doing with their lives.

As I said in my initial post, I don't care about people who would view me badly over looking "too much of a fan of whatever", I have no interest in them. I don't like associating with people like that. It comes off as shallow and elitist. I prefer people who like to live and let live rather than people who are so worried about image and about how other people look.

Hah, that's fine, I'm just saying...I know for a fact that I've formed opinions and entire personalities around people for far less. Someone cuts me off in an intersection? Talks loudly about the poor service at a restaurant? Bumps into me and doesn't apologize or even look in my direction? Couldn't be for any other reason other than the fact that they must be some kind of an asshole. People make judgments every day. I doubt you're somehow more immune to it than I am, or anyone else. It's kinda what we do.

I just think everyone's shallow, in their own ways.


I think if the word has any real relevance in today's vernacular, you could draw a clear line along anti-intellectualism. This is a huge, popular fad, and it's easy to fall into just because education takes work. It takes no effort to be dumb, so anti-intellectualism will therefore speak to a lot of people and is therefore cool.

Nerds would be people who are pro-intellectualism - they seek out higher learning and higher-brow forms of entertainment and media. They like to become masters at specific topics and exhaust that font of knowledge.

It can be worn as a badge of honor or not, but often nerds is used as a perjorative at people who are snobs about their nerd cred. The people who try to bridge that gap like Neil Degrasse Tyson aren't really seen as nerds because they're 'cool', while people like Bill Nye are kind of stuck up about it so the label 'nerd' is apt.

I just think its a weird degree of separation that is honestly put by the people who are like that rather than others

like the gamer thing. The "gamer" thing is shit. Like I said before we dont have it for movies nor do we have it for books. Why do people keep bringing up the term and using it as if it was good for anything? its bad, dont you want these things to be popular and enjoyed by as many people as possible? how does identifying yourself as a "gamer" rather than a normal guy / girl help that in any way

its stupid. if you dont use it as a "badge of honor" you often find the people who feel like they're discriminated for it, but if you do, you often find those people somehow think they're better than the rest in some way, which ends up in the same separation outcome

shit's just dumb any way you look at it. I think those "walls" are crumbling down more and more tho, with people realizing "nerd culture" is the same as anything and what prevails is good stuff over bad stuff, regardless of what it is, so at least its going the way I feel its supposed to


Ashamed? No. But I tend to avoid mentioning it under certain circumstances.
I really don't care what random people on the street think about me. So on my free time I sometimes use one of my few gaming shirts and I'll never be ashamed of going to a game store, standing in line waiting for a game/console or going to a gaming event.

But in my working environment I tend to avoid the subject. Not really out of shame but I just don't care for the weird reactions and assumptions you often get from other people when you mention that you are really into gaming "despite being an adult". Same with some family memebers, saying I like to read, watch movies, travel (when possible) and cook (which are some of my other hobbies) just saves me the trouble of having to explain how and why I haven't "outgrown games"
Haven't cared about what most folks think since I was a teen tbh. Talk about to folks who are into it and discuss other stuff with those who aren't.


Is this kind of like when people who are intolerant bitch that you aren't being tolerant of their intolerance?

Yeah, I am judgemental. I at least am judging you on your actions (calling some one a man baby and pretty much ridiculing him on this forum) rather than doing something that absolutely harms no one (he's not even insulting anyone by standing their enjoying his hobby while he waits in line).

And honestly, ok, so he is outside a game store waiting to get a game. Obviously, he likes games. So it would make sense he may even be wearing a gaming shirt. Hell, he's in line with other likeminded people, it's the perfect time to wear that shirt cause other people who are likeminded will appreciate it. And, wow, to pass the time while he waits for the store to open, he's doing what he likes, gaming. Quell surprise. It's not ridiculous, it makes perfect sense. Should he go do something he likes less just to make shallow elitists less judgemental of him? Why should he? Seriously, what actual benefit other than not getting judged by people who need to get over themselves would he do to himself or others by doing something else while waiting in the line or making sure he's not wearing a gaming shirt while going to a gaming store.

I-is this bait? You seem to think that he shouldn't care what anyone thinks, but OP made a thread about it, so... he must care?


I stopped caring what people think, just own it.

On a side note my boss’, bosses, boss who is very high up in a large company probably easily pulling in over half million/year. Came in town for a visit last week, when he was being walked around being introduced he saw my Witcher 3 background on my desktop. He looked at and asked how I liked W3 and that he was in what he hoped somewhere in the middle of the game (I’d beat it and he was). He came back by the next day and we shot the shit for a few minutes about gaming and consoles, he said that he had hung onto video games since he was a kid and his wife would give him shit for being a 50 year old that plays games, but it was his way to wind down and relax. I’m PS and he’s Xbox but will be buying a X1 later this year, he said to e-mail him when I get it and he add me to friends. My co-workers were stunned and then got the ass-kissing ribbing, but to hell with them they'd ask me about gaming and I get the "I played Pac-Man a long time ago".

On that note, I’m not sure how I feel about that, I have a people my level or lower than me in the company on my friends list (he’s the first that is a superior), but not sure I want someone that high up that I have a reporting relationship to on my friends list, but might be a nice way to get some exposure from high up.
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