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Arma dev: pirates/legal buyer is 100÷x(y+z)/3


Even the best case scenario, assuming that 100 attempts is all one guy, that's still 1 in 4 people pirating the game.


All right so there are a lot of pirates.

Now what? Is Bohemia Interactive just going to stop making games? Because pirates sure as shit aren't going to stop pirating them even if they put "ironclad" DRM on them.
Qatar said:

Funny message but I doubt they get anything out of trying to appeal to the pirates morale.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Darknessbear said:
Not the OP, but the pirating posters that flock these threads trying to say, "ITS not a big deallll!"
Lolwhat? Pirating posters eh..? Someone missed the memo about accusing others. And I didn't see anyone saying piracy is on any level ok.


hamchan said:
Even the best case scenario, assuming that 100 attempts is all one guy, that's still 1 in 4 people pirating the game.
Which would be a really low number. World of Goo had a 99:1 pirates:purchasers ratio if I recall correctly. I don't think they're hurting for money.

Piracy happens. It sucks. But numbers sold is all that matters.
*ook fixed it fine*
Alextended said:
Lolwhat? Pirating posters eh..? Someone missed the memo about accusing others. And I didn't see anyone saying piracy is on any level ok.


I do it right?


Yeah well when my LEGIT steam bought copy is suffering from accuracy issues that DEGRADE/FADE is introducing because it thinks im playing a pirated version, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the people trying to join an MP game actually were legitimate customers being mistaken for pirates..

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Which company was it that coded the game some way that owned pirates or some shit like

It was hilarious to read, I'm thinking Starbreeze


erotic butter maelstrom
Darknessbear said:
Ah ok, your just trolling. Isnt that bannable?

Uh...maybe you should just step out of the thread. You seem very confused. No one here is advocating piracy in any way, shape or form.


Shawsie64 said:
Yeah well when my LEGIT steam bought copy is suffering from accuracy issues that DEGRADE/FADE is introducing because it thinks im playing a pirated version, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the people trying to join an MP game actually were legitimate customers being mistaken for pirates..

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
I've never played Red Alert 2 because I can't get past the anti-piracy. I could barely play Knights of the Old Republic until I got the Steam version because of DRM. I wouldn't be surprised.


Shawsie64 said:
Yeah well when my LEGIT steam bought copy is suffering from accuracy issues that DEGRADE/FADE is introducing because it thinks im playing a pirated version, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the people trying to join an MP game actually were legitimate customers being mistaken for pirates..

Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

That's an actual true situation if so...that really casts doubt on their statistics. And for those that want to call me a pirate apologist, I know that people pirate shit but conflating the numbers isn't helping nor is talking about it frankly. The pirates don't care.
Snuggler said:
Uh...maybe you should just step out of the thread. You seem very confused. No one here is advocating piracy in any way, shape or form.
I never stated people are advocating piracy... just that these threads always get the people that justify why the developer is full of crap and that its obviously not piracies problem, just the dev is at fault. Trying to brush it off like its not that big of a deal and the developers have whats coming to them.
I'm sure that people pirate Arma, as they do with most games. But no way in hell is it 100/3. Bending numbers like that to gain sympathy isn't helping your cause any, either.

My main problem with arma is I bought and never once played it. Damn you, Steam sales...
Billychu said:
I've never played Red Alert 2 because I can't get past the anti-piracy. I could barely play Knights of the Old Republic until I got the Steam version because of DRM. I wouldn't be surprised.

Red alert 2? Seems to be a consistent problem with that franchise, I couldn't play Red Alert 3 for a good months time because it kept telling me my cd key was invalid on steam despite actually buying it on there. It was a problem that everyone seemed to have though judging by the forum, still sucked ass.


Yeah unfortunately im not the only one suffering from their DRM on my legit copy so just gives a bit of perspective.. Still love Arma series though

Chris R

Billychu said:
I've never played Red Alert 2 because I can't get past the anti-piracy. I could barely play Knights of the Old Republic until I got the Steam version because of DRM. I wouldn't be surprised.
What was wrong with Red Alert 2? I never had a single issue with it and can't really remember seeing any news about people having issues with it at the time. (BTW RA2/YR are some of my favorite RTS games, they made for great multiplayer too)


Aaron said:
Do people who bought their game but never played it offset that value? Because you can put me in that column.
I have bought all the Arma Games but still have yet to touch any of them. Friggin Steam sales!


Glix said:

It is very carefully worded to make sure they are not saying that this is 100 different people. Its probably more like 3 people legitimately playing and 5 people trying over and over to get their pirated copies to work.

I'm tired of these companies only being transparent when it helps them, and then expecting us to swallow all of their BS.

Piracy is a risk. Asses risks before you make business decisions.

Also note that they don't give any info on if the game was profitable (in fact they say that it is difficult to turn a profit, but are very careful and made sure they didn't say that they didn't make a profit). Spare me your woe is me bullshit and either give me all the facts or shut the fuck up.

This. Plus, I don't even understand his point about the degraded experience with pirated versions. If pirates can't log onto servers (as evidenced by his 100 failed attempts remark), how are they playing degraded pirate versions? Are they seeding these versions themselves? How would it even work?

Darknessbear said:
Not the OP, but the pirating posters that flock these threads trying to say, "ITS not a big deallll!"

Something tells me the regulars you're pointing to could whip out a pretty big Steam-pean.


I wouldn't be surprised even if they're really 100 different people. However, I would love to see a breakdown of countries based on the IP addresses. How many of those people are actually within Bohemia's "sales range"?

I don't see how that would be relevant? It's a PC game and can be bought without any online form of DRM (Steam or whatever) therefore, anyone, anywhere could order a copy from whatever country and play it.

Which company was it that coded the game some way that owned pirates or some shit like

You might be thinking of Codemasters. I know a few of their games just purposely had things go really badly for you ingame if it was pirated.

Piracy happens. It sucks. But numbers sold is all that matters.

Well, it does matter. It's hardly fair that honest people are paying for something and then have to watch some greedy, selfish prick get the same thing for nothing. The fact is, some of them would have bought it. You just can't prove exactly how many, so the pirates always use that as their pathetic excuse and say "none of them would have bought it".
This is what I'm talking about, people stating, "Yea right dev, the ratio is not that high." "They just made it up to gain sympathy" Why? Is it too surprising?

Does anyone remember DemiGod (released with 0 DRM) and there multiplayer servers were destroyed, because they sold ~15k copies and there were ~120k people playing. Even then people justified it like, "Well they should have predicted it and made better servers". It just disgusts me...


rhfb said:
What was wrong with Red Alert 2? I never had a single issue with it and can't really remember seeing any news about people having issues with it at the time. (BTW RA2/YR are some of my favorite RTS games, they made for great multiplayer too)
After 60 seconds, all of your units explode. This was to stop pirates. I was playing it legit :(

Well borrowing it from a friend, but whatever.

Darknessbear said:
This is what I'm talking about, people stating, "Yea right dev, the ratio is not that high." "They just made it up to gain sympathy" Why? Is it too surprising?

Does anyone remember DemiGod (released with 0 DRM) and there multiplayer servers were destroyed, because they sold ~15k copies and there were ~120k people playing. Even then people justified it like, "Well they should have predicted it and made better servers". It just disgusts me...
Because it says 100 access attempts were made, but 100 pirates tried to play. If it was the latter, they would have said so.


King_Moc said:
You might be thinking of Codemasters. I know a few of their games just purposely had things go really badly for you ingame if it was pirated.

Nah. I think that's just Codemasters being Codemasters. The most ironic developer name in history. They make things go really badly ingame without even needing to try.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Darknessbear said:
Does anyone remember DemiGod (released with 0 DRM) and there multiplayer servers were destroyed, because they sold ~15k copies and there were ~120k people playing. Even then people justified it like, "Well they should have predicted it and made better servers". It just disgusts me...
No, people were saying they should have predicted it and put security checks on the servers to ensure smooth gameplay for the paying customers. Why do you think they shouldn't have done such and instead predicted piracy would just not happen to their game, contrary to every other game ever made, and so allowed pirates to join the servers? Even a simple CD key check could have stopped that debacle requiring pirates to play on separate cracked servers and not mess with legit buyers.

DGRE said:
Yeah, I don't get the point you were trying to make, at all. So, your point hasn't really been made yet. Please make it a little clearer.
I have no reason to repeat or reword such a simple post. What about that enlightenment?


Alextended said:
No, it's not a joke post, but your selective quoting and delibarate attempt to ignore the point made sure makes yours look like one. 2 out of 5 apples huh?

Also I haven't even played the game to know exactly what it blocks, I was just guessing. For all I know it's tied to single player features too. I was just going by the pirates desire to use the features it does block. Maybe you can enlighten me on that issue, if you can do that without getting so emotionally involved, since you seem so in the know. Though that's just my curiosity speaking, it doesn't change the point I made.
Yeah, I don't get the point you were trying to make, at all. So, your point hasn't really been made yet. Please make it a little clearer.


BattleMonkey said:
You really think one or two pirates are trying 100 times to connect to online? The number is inflated no doubt, but ppl really are down playing it a bit much.
Maybe? If pirated version can ne played only on pirated servers when using server browser you will get many failed attempts. Plus crack can stop working after every patch (and knowing Bohemia there were plenty of patches).
But that's only theory from my side because I haven't played Arma 2.
I'm confused at why people would think they're just making this up. For what purpose? There is no middle man here. Either they feel piracy is hurting them, or they don't (or some shade of grey of course) - what do they gain by pretending it's hurting them when actually it isn't? What's their motive? So they can tack on more DRM? Great. But what's the motive for THAT, if the former is true and they're just exaggerating the problem in the first place?


Darknessbear said:
Not the OP, but the pirating posters that flock these threads trying to say, "ITS not a big deallll!"

As a person who have spent at least $150,000 (Or even as much as 200,000, it's just a rough estimate) in games, movies and music over the last few years, I can safely say it's not a big deal. It is a fact that I buy less games now even though I don't copy or download anymore (Less time for hobbies). Several studies done lately shows that those who pirate the most also spend the most money over time (Deviations will occur of course)- And it is also a fact that all of those who tried to connect in this game is not equal to a lost sale each. Deny it as much as you want, it's still a fact that there are other factors, nuances and contexts involved under all the scare tactics of the industry and the old fart politicians.
bj00rn_ said:
As a person who have spent at least $150,000 (Or even as much as 200,000, it's just a rough estimate) in games, movies and music over the last few years, I can safely say it's not a big deal. It is a fact that I buy less games now even though I don't copy or download anymore (Less time for hobbies). Several studies done lately shows that those who pirate the most also spend the most money over time (Deviations will occur of course)- And it is also a fact that all of those who tried to connect in this game is not equal to a lost sale each. Deny it as much as you want, it's still a fact that there are other factors, nuances and contexts involved under all the scare tactics of the industry and the old fart politicians.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc


Water is not wet!
If the devs said that for every 3 legitimate buyers, 100 unique IPs using the pirated version attempt to connect i could believe their number. As its worded it seems like a deliberate attempt at obfuscation.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
Darknessbear said:
Not the OP, but the pirating posters that flock these threads trying to say, "ITS not a big deallll!"

Fuck you, you presumptuous cock, I question these numbers, and I have over 400 games on steam alone.

Ranger X

Shambles said:
And the anti-piracy crusaders are full of shit yet again. Shocking

You didn't know the rule? People other than pirate themselves talking about piracy are always wrong. It's a rule on the internet dude. :D


Tallshortman said:
Why is the thread title so misleading? I mean come on OP there's no point in trying to obscure the facts.

Nearly every thread that deals with any sort of hot button issue has a misleading title. Got to get those clicks! Apparently, even when it's for free.


Arma devs:

Create a game that will run on something other than the best hardware.
Create a game that doesn't use the most unintuitive control scheme ever designed by man.

People might not be so afraid to purchase legitimate copies by that point.

Also, don't demonize pirates, that's not going to get you any sales. Glitches and accuracy issues for pirates? There's more negative word of mouth for your game.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Couldn't the #'s be inflated due to some people trying over and over

I mean CD key generator, go to work?, 1 might work eventually lol


Arma devs:

Create a game that will run on something other than the best hardware.
Create a game that doesn't use the most unintuitive control scheme ever designed by man.

People might not be so afraid to purchase legitimate copies by that point.

There's a demo.
Glix said:

It is very carefully worded to make sure they are not saying that this is 100 different people. Its probably more like 3 people legitimately playing and 5 people trying over and over to get their pirated copies to work.

I'm tired of these companies only being transparent when it helps them, and then expecting us to swallow all of their BS.

Piracy is a risk. Asses risks before you make business decisions.

Also note that they don't give any info on if the game was profitable (in fact they say that it is difficult to turn a profit, but are very careful and made sure they didn't say that they didn't make a profit). Spare me your woe is me bullshit and either give me all the facts or shut the fuck up.
You sure do sound angry, for some reason.
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