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Arrested Development Season 4: The Bluths are making new mistakes!

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My gut feeling is that we should just make it a free-for-all (no spoiler tags) from Day 1. I'm guessing most people are probably going to tear through it pretty quickly. Also, with the multiple perspectives being used (if they're still doing that) and the nature of Arrested D & comedies in general, it seems like spoilers are less of an issue than they would be for something like House of Cards.

So, my opinion is that the main thread should be no spoiler tags, and then perhaps someone can run another thread for a more structured viewing of the series - a la the rewatch thread that we have right now. Didn't someone volunteer to do that anyway, or am I not remembering things correctly?

Anyone else want to weigh in on this?

I like that idea. Unmarked spoilers it is.

Not sure if this has been posted in the thread already, but someone compiled a list of recurring jokes on AD in a cool visual format. Worth a look.

This is amazing, along with the tobias green screens. The online presents are happening!


With the 30-minute episodes, this is basically as much content as an entire 22-episode standard season. That's so awesome.

I really hope this does well enough to just get a Season 5 made in lieu of a movie.


because this is on Netflix, how exactly are they going to measure the success of it? besides reviews & critical acclaim is there a way

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
because this is on Netflix, how exactly are they going to measure the success of it? besides reviews & critical acclaim is there a way
During a WallStreet or Forbes talk with one of the producers he made it sound like the number of people who watch the second episode was a key component of measuring success. Almost everyone who watched the first episode of House of Cards, for example, watch two-three episodes at the minimum. I think for Lilyhammer it was 50%.


Crossposting from the other thread:

God I love the level of detail they put into AD stuff.

The mango juice page has several easter eggs. This is in the javascript:

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Also this the ALT title for the main image is as follows:

<div class="hold_my_mangos">	
					<img src="img/greatest_actor_ever.jpg" class="explosion_of_flavor" alt="I think I just blue myself..." />

This is in myinsides.js

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because this is on Netflix, how exactly are they going to measure the success of it? besides reviews & critical acclaim is there a way

By views?

They already know how many people have streamed the first 3 seasons on Netflix. The numbers for the first 3 seasons must be really good for them to do what they are doing for season 4.


I dont' recall the 'Mango' on going gag.

Is that new for season 4 or am i just oblivious?

It's new.



I've been rewatching the show in preparation for the new season and I caught a gaffe I never noticed before in Season 3, Episode 3:


There's a crew member hanging out in the shot to the left of the image. She's no longer there in the very next cut of the scene from a different angle.
I think someone said it already in this thread...or it was in a linked article...but whenever AD's comeback is mentioned, so will Netflix.

That's huge publicity. If we go on the high side and say it cost what 2 million an ep to film and produce (and it probably wasn't close to that)....that's a drop in the bucket against what they'll get in free advertising as newspapers cover it, people talk about it (us) etc.
Yeah I saw that and wasn't sure what to make of it
He could be joking or he could be genuinely trying to clarify his comments before about watching out of order. In any case, I wasn't planning on randomly selecting an order in which to watch them, so it probably doesn't matter too much.


He could be joking or he could be genuinely trying to clarify his comments before about watching out of order. In any case, I wasn't planning on randomly selecting an order in which to watch them, so it probably doesn't matter too much.

I've watched enough Hurwitz interviews that I get the feel its a joke.


Do any of you remember the rumor back years ago of having the character of Tobias jump to the Scrubs universe after AD was canceled but Scrubs was still airing?


Just came from Times Square. I tried going to the Never nudes but didn't have cut-offs :( and yes, Will Arnett and Jason Bateman just got there. Some people knew, but most of us were pleasantly surprised.
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