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ARROW Season 2 |OT| Back in a Flash

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god is so good to have arrow back. Love this eposide but don't like that Tommy effect that having on Oliver
Also don't like the look Slade having with the girl. Hope it doesn't end up being a love triangle
Star Labs mention as well. Is that suppose to be related to the Flash showing up? Or just a random DC universe mention?

I wonder if bringing in those Hood wannabes gets Lance off the street and the return of the chest hair.

Specifically they mentioned Star Labs working on a new particle accelerator.
Just a bit on the nose :p

Really solid opener lots of action and lots of fun.

Also dat felicity.
That opener was so good. Felt like it's been forever since the last episode. I don't mind the change to Ollie not killing as I kind of hoped that they would do that arc last season pretty early, but I'm glad they've stretched it out like this. I can't wait for next week's to see what happens. Both Roy and Thea seemed to be a lot more enjoyable this season, which makes me really hopeful for when Roy eventually joins the team.

Also found a spoiler from KSite about next week's episode that may be old, but I never noticed before. I will spoiler tag is to be safe even though it's more of a hint at something than a detailed spoiler.
"This episode has a surprise ending that might change one relationship for quite some time."
I'm very interested in who this pertains to.


That opener was so good. Felt like it's been forever since the last episode. I don't mind the change to Ollie not killing as I kind of hoped that they would do that arc last season pretty early, but I'm glad they've stretched it out like this. I can't wait for next week's to see what happens. Both Roy and Thea seemed to be a lot more enjoyable this season, which makes me really hopeful for when Roy eventually joins the team.

Also found a spoiler from KSite about next week's episode that may be old, but I never noticed before. I will spoiler tag is to be safe even though it's more of a hint at something than a detailed spoiler.
"This episode has a surprise ending that might change one relationship for quite some time."
I'm very interested in who this pertains to.

Felt more natural to do this way imo. Have Ollie take a big loss before he decides to take the G A name and change tactics. Gotta destroy to rebuild.
anyone can tell felicity is getting so much more screen time than the supposed lead actress.

even oliver has more chemistry with his mom than laurel. the writers need to change her character fast.
Little easter egg i noticed...... The name of the news reporter in the episode is the same of the news reporter in the back of every DC comic book in the channel 52 news segment.


"I liked watching you do that" LOL loved that

I'm starting to think so many of you prefer Felicty with Ollie simply because of your own personal crushes on her.
nah, there's way more chemistry there too. I don't think it should ever happen though. But Laurel definitely needs to step her game up. I'd even be cool with recasting after this season if they want to make her so important to olliver.
I stopped watching in the middle of last season but decided to watch the new episode. I really enjoyed it. I like that he decided to not kill (and hope he continues to) and I hope to god hes going to call himself Green Arrow.


I stopped watching in the middle of last season but decided to watch the new episode. I really enjoyed it. I like that he decided to not kill (and hope he continues to) and I hope to god hes going to call himself Green Arrow.

Nah he'll call himself pointy tip


I didn't know this season was starting tonight until yesterday so this was a pleasant surprise. You don't realize how good the show is until it's gone and you're trying to enjoy shit like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which I already gave up on.

This show is so much better than the first few episodes last year and it seems like it continues to grow into a better series so I hope it goes on for a long time. Just don't turn it into cameo city. :D


Just finished the episode. Great freakin' start! I love the team dynamic between Ollie/Felicity/Dig.

I wasn't sure what to expect when you guys mentioned how much better Thea and Roy were but they both really delivered. I especially loved the scene with
Moira and Thea, I felt it showed such character growth for both.

And wooot Walter!!

Summer is obviously being brought in as a love interest for Ollie, isn't she?


Wow. All of the action scenes improved tenfolds. Did all of the Nikita stunt co-ordinators move into this show this season or something?
Having only caught random episodes here and there, the wife and I started marathoning season 1 tonight. Loving it so far. And amazing how on a CW budget this show can have better choreographed and shot fight scenes than the Nolan Batfilms.


Great opener. Lots of developments on both island and in city.

I'm just very worried about the new no-kill Ollie. I don't mind Arrow not killing everybody he fights against, but I just hope he makes exceptions for the ones that really need it instead of going for Batman level of idiocy. Even in comic books it's requires huge suspension of disbelief, but in live action it just doesn't work.


Premiere was mighty fine. So glad to have the show back.

- Booooo @ possible wig upgrade for flashback Ollie. Proper levels of douchiness have to be maintained or the whole formula could collapse.
- Someone I was watching it with gave out a loud groan when Dylan Bruce came on screen, haha. Clearly his reputation precedes him. And of course he's paired up with Laurel.
- Thea seemed... a lot better than usual, actually. Her conversation with her mom had a few choice slurs but aside from that I really enjoyed that they managed to make her not feel like deadweight.
- Number one waifu Felicity is still is as good as ever.
- I almost cracked up when they went into the Arrowcave and Ollie gave an extended look at his pull-up rack. "Come to me, Ollie," it beckoned him further. "Let us be as one again."

The only possible criticisms I could have is that there wasn't enough Slade, Diggle, or workout scenes. But I know that's all coming. I've kept the faith.
Fuckin' ACE premiere.

- Hey, Laurel's not completely useless now. Still sucks, but at least they're not currently pursuing a romantic relationship cause it's fucking weird. I did like her quip to the mayor about there not being any doors left on CNRI cause it got blown up. Otherwise, I faded out of consciousness when she showed up with Paul from Orphan Black.

- Thea in those shorts at the beginning, hnnnnnnnnnnng. Also, she seems a lot more mature and reasonable in this episode. I like the growth. Personality upgrade!

- Roy is not annoying. Wow. Personality upgrade!

- Walter's back! Fuck yeah! We need more of him. He's a great father figure for Oliver.

- Moira's still in prison. Makes sense. She did help kill five hundred people. Surprised they didn't toss her into Guantanamo Bay CAUSE THAT WAS FUCKING TERRORISM.

- Ollie's switch to "another way" feels earned. I like that. I do hope that he doesn't constantly go non-lethal cause... it's annoying. It runs into that whole "Why doesn't Batman kill the Joker" type of thing. Oliver doesn't wanna kill some random bodyguards or mooks? That's cool with me. But if we get a fucking hardcore psycho, he better put that guy in the ground.

- Felicity and Digg are baller as usual.

- Ollie running away to the island was awesome. Fits in character.

- Ollie's first incredibly vicious murder. Wow. Also, please don't let there be a love triangle!

- Slade's mask with the arrow through it. We saw it in the pilot, and it's here again. Makes me feel queasy.

- Summer Glau looks perpetually angry in this. LOL.

- "Officer" Lance. Damn. I guess everyone on the force hates him. But now he's Ollie's Commissioner Gordon. Personality Upgrade!

- Choreography was great.

- I like them sowing the seeds for The Flash (Particle Accelerator) and Brother Blood (Sebastian Blood for Alderman or whatever). I guess Blood will be the first of the Big Bads we're going after?

- Black Canary! Superior Black Canary with the superior ass. Was that actually Caity Lotz?

- Also, pirates! Why are they looking for graves? And they're all obviously dead. Since we saw their wrecked ship in the opening.


Ugh, they're forcing a lot of plot points. Laurel's excuse for hating Arrow is preposterous and Oliver not killing because Tommy thought he was a murderer ignores that Tommy had forgiven him.

Don't like this Arrow nice guy too. Hitting guns with arrows, really? Looks like a bad western where the good guy is shooting at the guns to defeat the bad guys.

Btw is it just me or has the acting of the actress who plays Laurel improved?


Bull on a Donut
Ugh, they're forcing a lot of plot points. Laurel's excuse for hating Arrow is preposterous and Oliver not killing because Tommy thought he was a murderer ignores that Tommy had forgiven him.

Don't like this Arrow nice guy too. Hitting guns with arrows, really? Looks like a bad western where the good guy is shooting at the guns to defeat the bad guys.

Btw is it just me or has the acting of the actress who plays Laurel improved?

Yeah same, I really enjoyed season 1 because for the first time in a long time it was about a vigilante who wasn't afraid to off people for the greater good. Felt refreshing and fit Ollie's personality, now, eh, just feels forced. Everything else about the episode was great, I still don't get the Laurel hate; I think she's in a good position this season working at the DA.
Yeah same, I really enjoyed season 1 because for the first time in a long time it was about a vigilante who wasn't afraid to off people for the greater good. Felt refreshing and fit Ollie's personality, now, eh, just feels forced. Everything else about the episode was great, I still don't get the Laurel hate; I think she's in a good position this season working at the DA.

As much as I loved season one, Ollie killing people left and right then getting pissed at Helena was stupid(until she advanced to killing police).


Yeah same, I really enjoyed season 1 because for the first time in a long time it was about a vigilante who wasn't afraid to off people for the greater good. Felt refreshing and fit Ollie's personality, now, eh, just feels forced. Everything else about the episode was great, I still don't get the Laurel hate; I think she's in a good position this season working at the DA.

They're pretty much starting to kill everything that made Arrow as a show unique. Oliver is now is super nice guy, no anger left in him and is shooting arrows at guns because his friend called him a murderer once when he was pissed off. I'll keep watching but this wasn't a great start.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Great premiere, glad to have Arrow back. Definitely caught the foreshadowing for The Flash in there, going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Also glad Felicity and Diggle are getting plenty of screentime. This show is all about Team Arrow, not just Oliver.


As much as I loved season one, Ollie killing people left and right then getting pissed at Helena was stupid(until she advanced to killing police).

Helena was nus but those conflicts made Ollie look stupid. "Killing is wrong! If you don't stop it, I'm going to kill you!"


Roy missed an huge opportunity to further his wall flipping career.

Glad to see Arrow back in full swing, DAT Felicity hnnnnnnnggggggg


Don't like this Arrow nice guy too. Hitting guns with arrows, really? Looks like a bad western where the good guy is shooting at the guns to defeat the bad guys.

Yeah. That was weird. Just shoot them in the shoulder/legs if you don't want to kill them.


Bull on a Donut
As much as I loved season one, Ollie killing people left and right then getting pissed at Helena was stupid(until she advanced to killing police).

He doesn't have to kill people left and right (though he was definitely justified in doing so, he killed mafiosos, goons, and crazies); the way it sounds it's as if they are going the batman route with the absolute no kill rule from here on out. I really hope I'm wrong and he still puts an arrow into the people that deserve it.


He's gone from using walls to shapeshifting.
Courtesy of reddit said:


Btw is it just me or has the acting of the actress who plays Laurel improved?

*sigh* It makes me sad how much people hates Laurel. Katie Cassidy is actually a good actress. She was great in "Supernatural" as Ruby and pretty good in "Harper's Island" and "Melrose Place". It's just that the writers of "Arrow" don't give her character much depth or interesting storyline. She's always moral high ground, moral high ground, judging you Oliver you evil cheater, moral high ground, moral high ground, etc. Is it any wonder that we don't like her?
"So... what you do want to be called?"

Say it!! SAY IT!!!



Roy missed an huge opportunity to further his wall flipping career.

Glad to see Arrow back in full swing, DAT Felicity hnnnnnnnggggggg
I was really hoping they'd put in a wall flip as a call back to last season, but alas... it wasn't to be.


The no kill rule is completely justified. A big part of season one was pointing out that Ollie really had no good reason to justify his killing. Though both got over their misgivings, both Diggle and Felicity pointed out what a insane crusade this was and Ollie's only answer to them "Da List!!!!" (To be fair, he did start to switch to intimidation by time Felicity joined up. But, even here we see he was already trying to avoid killing everybody he came across.) Then we have the situations with Huntress and to a lesser extent the subway killer who got Roy, where when confronted with another vigilante, Ollie's justifications for why his brand of vigilante murdering is cool but theirs isn't are so terrible they brought down those episodes. Then, when Tommy finds out, he decides not to be an enabler and dance around it like Dig and Felicity and just calls Ollie what he is: a serial killer. Hell, he had to be on his death bed to forgive Ollie. And even with that forgiveness, Ollie clearly knows Tommy did not approve of him killing and would not were he still alive, as tonight's episode shows.

So really, all the seeds for non-lethal Ollie were planted in season one. The situation with the Hoods - who have taken Ollie's crusade, name, and spiffy catchphrase, thus making them more on the nose than last season's vigilantes - presented him with yet another mirror. Except this time, instead of performing the sort of mental gymnastics that would put the console zealots in gaming side to shame, Ollie finally accepts that he really isn't that different from these killers.

This episode was all about the changing of Ollie's mission. Rather than being his father's assassin, killing to right the old man's wrongs, he's now seeking to honor Tommy's memory by helping save the city Tommy's father destroyed and Oliver himself failed to save. But honoring Tommy's memory means he can't keep killing people because Tommy did not and would not approve.

I understand the disappointment from those who enjoyed the killing, but the show was building towards this.

wait a minute, why does Laurel think Tommy died caught int he crossfire of the two archers?
I don't think she means he literally died in the crossfire. Rather, the battle between the two archers claimed Tommy. Which...is what happened. Tommy was a causality of the Undertaking and the war between Merlyn and the Hood.


I really like this show. A very nice solid start to the second season.

I had forgotten how much I loved watching every single episode in Season 1.

Also, Summer Glau looks goooood in this. And Felicity, mmmmm....


*sigh* It makes me sad how much people hates Laurel. Katie Cassidy is actually a good actress. She was great in "Supernatural" as Ruby and pretty good in "Harper's Island" and "Melrose Place". It's just that the writers of "Arrow" don't give her character much depth or interesting storyline. She's always moral high ground, moral high ground, judging you Oliver you evil cheater, moral high ground, moral high ground, etc. Is it any wonder that we don't like her?

Yea, this. I think it would have been more interesting honestly if they didn't have her back on her feet so quickly. Maybe get her into the DA's office later in the season. Instead we get a substantial job upgrade and a resolving of her feelings (Tommy betrayal etc) all off screen.


The her hating on Arrow bit feels really forced; it made no sense what so ever.
Tommy died because you wanted to get your damn files after 3+ people told you to get out, not because of a crossfire between 2 archers.
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