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As a PlayStation player, I feel concerned about the future


Maybe Sony should announce what games they're going to be showing trailers for in the future so people can have their expectations already adjusted and not be stupid.

Jim Ryan already said Sony would continue to make single player games during this gaas push, but here we are with people in doubt. People here set themselves up for disappointment every event and I have no sympathy.


If you want to feel better then I recommend re-watching JaytechTV's stream of yesterday's showcase. That motherfucker was literally pissing cum at every trailer they showed, and kept shitting on Microsoft for no discernable reason every 3 minutes.

Watching him should provide you with the comforting reassurance that you need right now.


Sony for a while now focuses all their marketing on the next big release. With FF and Spiderman on the horizon, there was no way they would show anything to steal their thunder.

Always crazy high expectations before a state of play and then disappointment. Why do you do this to yourselves? I was just happy to see some dragon's dogma 2 in action.
That makes sense. The problem is in the hype we create.


I feel concerned about the future of games in general. Playstation was an outlier, still making high quality single player games, with great production values. If they go to shit, it's over bro.


What we don't love is not getting a whiff of the game for years later (e.g. Fable). It would have been acceptable for them to show a couple more upcoming first party games.

@mckmas8808 is right, Jimbo doesn't see it that way, and as long as the PowerPoint presentations keep looking good to investors, he'll keep doing it this way.
To be fair, it is working quite well for Sony as a business. Sales are through the roof.


I did watch a bit of the presentation and we’ll it was trying to look too slick etc games are meant to be fun. Sony tried to over polish the show so much it took the soul out of things.
You people are literally crazy. What does this even mean? They put TOO much effort in? Soul? What the fuck are you talking about? It was a reel of trailers.
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I was really bummed about the showcase. No suprise announcements except for MGS 3 which is multiplatform.
I was hoping for an uncharted 5, maybe a ff7-2 trailer, maybe a Heavenly Sword 2, 1886-2, Ghost of Tsushima 2, a new AAA single player game??
Why would anyone be hoping for these? Those games sucked.


Too much focus on multiplayer shit, it made me want to buy a PS5 even less now if that's Sony's new thing.
Spiderman 2 looks fun but I can wait 5 years to play it on PC. Phantom Blade looks awesome, but that's it, everything else is coming to PC.


It wasn't a good show and was full of a lot of filler and some crap.

But PlayStation is far, far, far from in trouble. Sales are great. It's nowhere near the mess that Xbox is in.

Nintendo are the only ones doing fantastic. Other than the usual and expected game droughts (though honestly I have plenty of unfinished games) and them entering into a challenging phase of transitioning to a new console of some sort, but that's all to come.
After this showcase, I feel like PlayStation’s communication is becoming dangerously bad.

Is PlayStation out of touch with their core fan base?

-The Gaas push
-The cloud handheld
-Generic looking games i.e Haven’s own Redfall.
- the over reliance on CGI trailers.
- Lack of first party games during a PS showcase.

What the hell Sony?

What happened to the PlayStation that gave us E3 2016 or 2020’s PlayStation showcase?

Why aren’t they communicating with their fans?
Yes the console is selling well, but you can’t stay silent for almost 2 years and then offer us this mediocre showcase. stay focused on what made you successful in the first place.

I hope that all those generic looking Gaas games fail.

And that cloud handheld of yours, it will be dead on arrival.

And Jade Raymond will be out of a job in a year or two

Don't be so insecure.

They have some great games coming in the form of Spiderman 2 and Phantom Blade 0. They didn't and weren't ever going to reveal what every single internal studio is working on in yesterday's SOP.


Yeah after last night’s event I decided to sell my PS5 and keep my Switch for retro games.

I had already sold the Series X too. I don’t think this gaming gen is doing it for me.

Hopefully I can come back again with renewed interest at some point cause I like video games.
Even the PSVR2 showing was absolutely boring. Crossfire looks your generic shooter with absolutely zero personality and coming from Crossfire last year, I imagine nobody has any confidence in the title.

Otherwise, Spider-Man was OK but Marvel such an oversaturated area that I find it impossible to have any excitement toward it. I was also really surprised to see nothing from Factions, like where the fuck is this game that was announced years ago? We’ve seen nothing of it at all.

Dragons Dogma, FFXVI and RE4VR saved the show for me. Japanese games ruling the roost as usual!


not tag worthy
You people are literally crazy. What does this even mean? They put TOO much effort in? Soul? What the fuck are you talking about? It was a reel of trailers.

mad people GIF

😜 so everyone can see I’m just having a laugh about the quote I posted.

For my response What I meant was sometimes there is a fine line between slick production and just over production. It was just my opinion which I’m willing to admit I could be wrong about so no worries my bad.
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I mean, you people beg for showcases you got a showcase. They show what the publishers are ready to show... Pretty sure that the single player games that PS Studios are working on will be shown at a slower pace on States of Play.
Oh you hopeful innocent soul.
At least the sony fans can say that the conference was shit. MS fans will always say MS is the messiah of gaming :D

That seems like a highly biased statement. I see tons of Xbox fans expressing disappointment in the state of Xbox, the quality of their conferences etc. Being optimistic about the future is not the same thing as thinking they can do no wrong. Unless you're referring to "fanboys" of which nobody should care about their opinions on anything (whether Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, PC, whatever)

Wasn't it also Xbox who caught a lot of backlash for showing way too many CGI trailers like two E3's ago that they had to step up and say "yeah we fucked up on that one and won't do that again"?

Nobody wants a show filled with CGI trailers and they did it anyway. Everytime that NOT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY disclaimer started I rolled my eyes.

People can never seem to have any consensus on this. Sony's "E3 of Dreams" or whatever was absolutely loaded with CGI for games not coming out for several years, but most times showing games several years out is annoying unless it's a well known franchise making a comeback, and it's not "only" far away games.

Personally I think there are two acceptable announcement strategies. Announcing a game that will come out before next year's "E3" or whatever equivalent show each dev has. Or announcing a game early that's a fan-favorite series that hasn't been released in a while (like if Microsoft was to announce a new Banjo Kazooie or Sony a new Jak & Daxter, etc. etc.)

The moment money decided to join the party, all the small fights became meaningless.

MS showed Sony that they can simply buy success easily and don't have to build a huge games like them.

Zenimax/Bethesda is example of a power move like that. MS will get starfield as exclusive game, even though they didn't make that game.

I don't necessarily disagree, but they'll have owned the studio for around 2.5-3 years by the time Starfield releases (depending on difference between announcement and close of deal), I'd argue they deserve at least some of the credit for "making" the game. It's not like with Deathloop where the game was nearly done by the time they bought them


Yep it's bad and it's only gonna get worse, wish we had a new competitor to enter the console market somehow that had it out to beat the current status quo.


They have a near monopoly is what.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find after Phil's comments the other week Sony probably immediately slashed the budget of a number of there titles. Cause why try now. It's Maximum Profit time.
This is what all those greedy fuckin corps are after, its thier wet dream that they go for every time, nintendo dipped out of competing 1st, Xbox next and now PS is gonna abuse the shit out of this market unless someone steps up.
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Looking at the presentation I share some of that concern. Especially with the Bungie title and instead of focusing on their platforms they are helping the competition out too with an Xbox port. Just seems strange. Is this the reason they spent all that money the stupid to make multi platform games. Why not just left them stay 3rd party? 👀


Unfortunatelly, I have to agree with certain members.

It feels like we are entering the age of generic Fortnite clones and other cheesy battle arena clones. All with the sweet and lovely microtransactions.
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Gold Member
Looking at the presentation I share some of that concern. Especially with the Bungie title and instead of focusing on their platforms they are helping the competition out too with an Xbox port. Just seems strange. Is this the reason they spent all that money the stupid to make multi platform games. Why not just left them stay 3rd party? 👀
Bungie is just too smart.
They broke out from MS and Activision.


I'm so confused by Playstation gamers sometimes.

One day they think it's greatest thing since sliced bread. The next day they think it's trash.


I'm so confused by Playstation gamers sometimes.

One day they think it's greatest thing since sliced bread. The next day they think it's trash.
Brand loyalty of any kind is truly stupid, I haven't fanboyed a Corp since I was a child.

I'm after good games, I want a healthy industry for my favorite artform, I own a Switch, PS5 and a gaming PC (I'd own an Xbox too if there were a reason to buy it). The more people are critical the better things could become. Praise and buy when it's earned.
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Looking at the presentation I share some of that concern. Especially with the Bungie title and instead of focusing on their platforms they are helping the competition out too with an Xbox port. Just seems strange. Is this the reason they spent all that money the stupid to make multi platform games. Why not just left them stay 3rd party? 👀
Likely there would be no deal in the first place if they tried to impose their weight. Bungie has too much going for them.
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Theyve seen just how gas stations and GAAS are profitable.
So now theyre doing their own spin on them, GAAStation will do major bussiness.
Happy Car GIF by Dribo

As a market leader they are required to do so. I wouldnt be too worried, its still necessary for them to make regular games to attract you into the ecosystem where they are pushing for exploitative GAAS games. It wont change as long as theyre market leaders, they can get away with it as their loyal fans will defend everything they do free of charge.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
These reactionary threads immediately after a poor showing/release/review are always funny.

You guys should understand that these companies aren't planning for the immediate gratification, they have the next decade mapped out.


I dont see the problem.
Ok, the presentation didn't cater to all our needs and massive expectations. They focused on what is to come out relatively soon.
We will have another showing soon for Spiderman and perhaps we get more announcements then- especially after the feedback from yesterday.

We know there are more big games in the pipeline- they just chose to highlight ones that we dont care about at the moment. lol


Gold Member
Jim ryans playstation sucks, i agree. Not as badly as phil spencers xbox, but a clear step down from shawn laydens playstation

Well luckily, all Playstation has to do is not suck as bad as Xbox and it's a slam dunk!

I feel like they are following Microsoft example

Well ok don't worry they are trying their best to screw the business first, it's just hard to compete with Xbox
They are half assing it now that PS5 is a success. They better not be sleeping at the wheel or they might end up in a PS3 situation again where they get caught with their trousers down.

I was really looking for a reason to finally get a PS5 but if that show was anything to go buy then I don't need one at all. It seems the only thing that will get me to buy a PS5 now are games like Persona 6, GTA VI, or FF VII Rebirth. I would say Bloodborne 2 but I have long given up any hope of it. All games that will come to PC at some point or another. I'd only get a PS5 to play them because I can't wait however long it'll take for a PC version. I could probably hold off on VII Rebirth but I need P6 and GTA VI day 1.

Not a single proper PS5 exclusive to get excited about. Out of that show the only one I was interested in was the new Bungie game and that's coming to PC lol.
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not tag worthy
Did it actually take yesterday's showcase for you guys to finally realize this? Things have been headed in this direction for years now... Writing has been on the wall for a while but I guess nobody wanted to see it.
Seems MS and Sony are going that route. Nintendo’s weakness is also their greatest strength the refusal or slow adoption of general trends.

Power wise and over big budget fancy bells and whistle games Sony and MS take the lead.

But old school/older gen gaming Nintendo are just doing their own thing.

Time will tell of it all goes this route. I hope not but let’s see


This is the result of the length of AAA game development ballooning out of control, because everyone wants to have "muh graphics!" Games, especially big AAA single player games, take far longer to make today than they used to. What you saw last night was the result of that. A lot of big games just aren't ready to be shown yet, so what do they have to fill in the gap? Indie games, CGI trailers, and GaaS trash. Welcome to the future of gaming. A future where you're lucky if your favorite IP puts out two games per generation.

Just think on that next time you want to whine and moan about certain aspects of a new game's graphics not looking up to your standards. Also as great as 2023 is shaping up to be with it's big releases, prepare yourselves for 2024 to be a barren wasteland.


Btw since media use to complain about all the white male leads in games am I allowed to now complain about it seeming like every game has a POC female character usually with colored hair or some shit? It's getting real old. Not sure why we can't have a balance here
You are allowed to complain.....but don't do it anywhere else other than here.....you will be accused of racism and white fragility.


You should be more concerned about Xbox's future since they still haven't released a worthwhile exclusive game this generation. Starfield is their last bet and I really think it will fail hard.

Mikey Jr.

That gaas push was brutal.
Third parties pushing that to the extreme, and Sony decided that they need to push into that space too.

Only one that looked aestheticly pleasing was marathon.


Gold Member
Did it actually take yesterday's showcase for you guys to finally realize this? Things have been headed in this direction for years now... Writing has been on the wall for a while but I guess nobody wanted to see it.

I don't think that is quite fair. I think I and others have had concerns about their Gaas talk, but I've always been of the mind as long as they are expanding their output and not shifting it then it will be alright. Yesterday showed that shift. But let's be clear, Sony has done a good job with their first party output. This showcase was supposed to show PlayStation gamers that hasn't changed, but Sony somehow was able to fill that void with a shitton of doubt. So yeah, it is one thing to be concerned, but quite another to see those concerns become reality.
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Moderated wildly
This is the result of the length of AAA game development ballooning out of control, because everyone wants to have "muh graphics!" Games, especially big AAA single player games, take far longer to make today than they used to. What you saw last night was the result of that. A lot of big games just aren't ready to be shown yet, so what do they have to fill in the gap? Indie games, CGI trailers, and GaaS trash. Welcome to the future of gaming. A future where you're lucky if your favorite IP puts out two games per generation.

Just think on that next time you want to whine and moan about certain aspects of a new game's graphics not looking up to your standards. Also as great as 2023 is shaping up to be with it's big releases, prepare yourselves for 2024 to be a barren wasteland.

It's not everyone, it's a certain fanbase that set those standards and downplayed other games if they didn't hit their standards and weren't exclusive.

I see plenty of games I want to play. Its just the show was shit from a content perspective.


It's not everyone, it's a certain fanbase that set those standards and downplayed other games if they didn't hit their standards and weren't exclusive.

I see plenty of games I want to play. Its just the show was shit from a content perspective.

Oh I know. I'm not speaking about everyone. But the ones I am, they know who they are.


Concerned for the industry in general sure.

But Sony held so much back, because they can afford to. People have already commented they have so much in development they can counter act whatever is thrown at them. I think they learnt their lesson from how early they showed Uncharted 4.

I'll be giving my life to Diablo 4 for a while like many zealots. But Jedi Fallen Order, FF16 and Final Fantasy is a fantastic year overall.
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