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Ascension |OT| Be part of Syfy's Last Hope

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I had a feeling the whole thing was going to be a simulation.

I'll admit that I didn't consider the possibility at all even though in retrospect its an obvious one. Glad it's the case. I'm more interested now that they're going this route.
It's off to a great start but........Uggghhh, boooo uuurrrnnnns to the lifeboat simulation!

Now, that killed off my hype for this show. Man, why they gotta play with my emotions like dat?


Yeah, the reveal was pretty lame. I no longer have any interest in where this story is headed.

It's pretty obvious where it's going to go. They're going to find out they're in a simulation, overthrow the people running it, and it'll end with the people on the ship leaving the hanger and seeing the outside for the first time in their lives.
I think they revealed the twist way too early. Now the last 3 hours will be about "wuts goin on?" and "wut about dat fire?" and "wuts with all da sluts?" I'd say it's slightly below Helix so a C+. The best thing the show does is the properly archaic technology and design, it looks great. But I don't care about these people's problems since they're going to figure out the secret soon, which means fleshing out personalities and personal histories seems pointless. This show would've been great as a short story but I think it fails as a miniseries.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Eh...it was okay I guess. Liked the way it looked, thought the twist was pretty cool and I think the plot is good, but damn I don't think I like a single character. Seems like the acting is a tad off too. The guy who plays the captain is terrible imo. Still gonna watch all the episodes but thought the first episode could have been better.


No, not talking about the big reveal. More curious as to the logistics of the "mission" - how many people they'd have started with, and how much in the way of clothing they would have had; didn't seem like there was a single torn shirt after 50 years in space.
...and where is the first generation? None of them lived into their 70s - 80s?

Wondered as soon as I saw the African-American XO whether they were going to address the reality that this culture also didn't experience the Civil Rights movement...but it would appear that the "lower decks" are class prejudice rather than racial. Between the twist, the 'gifted' child, and the murder mystery....I'm guessing they're not going to address racial politics.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
like the premise but the script's a bit wooden. Watched it with one of the actresses actually (sister of the girl who died), she's a friend of a friend, so it was pretty fun. we all got to holler and hoop anytime she made out with that guy.

made me think of the bioshocks a bit as well

Vert boil


Gee, thanks Syfy.
I get get what they're trying to do in this show and as a concept I like it, but it's not what I expected and I don't think many others either.

This could be so much cooler if they were actually in space and not a simulation/experiment... almost like a vault in Fallout, everyone is born and dies on the ship, that's their life and that would intrigue a lot that is interested in a specifically space-orientated show, but it's not that.

How can you drop the ball like this SyFy when you're trying to reclaim the respect people had for the network when BSG was airing? If you just made it actually in space you would retain so much more people I think.

My only hope is for The Expanse, I began reading the first book when it came out, it's pretty great and their casting so far has been pretty good for it to, I just hope they don't fuck that one up. Based on what I know from the books, it has so much potential to be that next big drama/action series set in space which we haven't seen since BSG.

Everyone I know (including myself) that was interested in this show has had their interest pretty much die entirely after the first episode. I really get what they're trying to do here, but it's not the right time when you're trying to revive your network.


I'm going to give this a shot. Don't have high hopes but it couldn't hurt. Seems interesting. Like these types of plots

Edit never mind. Read a spoiler here thinking it wasn't a spoiler thread and it seems lame now


Wondered as soon as I saw the African-American XO whether they were going to address the reality that this culture also didn't experience the Civil Rights movement..

They still might. I don't remember who it was, maybe the librarian woman, who said that the XO having the affair with that married woman wasn't legal. She may have been referring to them being interracial. Interracial couples may be illegal on Ascension.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
They still might. I don't remember who it was, maybe the librarian woman, who said that the XO having the affair with that married woman wasn't legal. She may have been referring to them being interracial. Interracial couples may be illegal on Ascension.

i also caught that and was wondering if she was referring to the fact that he was black or just from the lower class level. It would be interesting to see them explore that 1960's mindset when it comes to race. Doubt they will though.
I incorrectly assumed a spoiler free thread. Still gonna watch love 60s tech!
Well for TV show OTs typically spoilers are fair game for the most recent and previous episodes after they air. At least that is how it is with the Arrow, Flash, and Korra threads. Spoiler tags are only used if an episode is leaked or about teasers or other future details.


Well..one thing's for sure..the show looked incredible. Those sets are amazing.

The last twist was a bit meh though. For a mini series it will be interesting to follow, but I don't see how they could extend this into full show with multiple seasons Especially with so many other shows with real deep space coming to Syfy.

It's good thing thought they went with the reveal early on instead of keeping it till last episode.


It's interesting enough, even with the twist revealed so damn early.

I wonder if there's anyone on the ship that actually knows what's going on, aside from the girl. Sort of.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
I bet they actually launch the ship before the 6 episode miniseries ends. I think it's the only way this show could survive. It is kind of strange though that they'll show exterior shots of the ship. Like when they launched that coffin into "space". Or even when the guy was looking up into the radiation storm, what if he looked down? Would he see the floor and people walking around? I wonder if going forward they'll even show exterior shots of the ship. They probably should not. I still think it's a cool concept, totally has a Truman show vibe going on. I just hope it gets better from here.


to the people who watched:

are the butts man butts or woman butts or both?

There were one (1) brief instance of clothed man butt when P.J. Boudousqué took a swim, otherwise it was just women. If the second episode doesn't deliver I will do an Asscension review of all the butts (thank you Hollywood reporter for the inspiration for that one) and the show will get an F if I don't get to see the (presumably) great globes of Brandon P. Bell.

Other reviews that focus on the show itself:

Den of Geek (US) review: "Those expecting a typical space drama from Syfy will either be sorely disappointed or pleasantly surprised." 4/5
Deadline video review: "It's not so much that Ascension is bad, but with all the possibilities it could have presented it's just boring"
Entertainment Weekly review: "Ascension is decent crypto-zoo fun and mildly provocative pop culture about pop culture." B-

My impressions:
The writing leaves a lot to be desired, but the premise has promise and the production values are pretty darn decent. Especially the stellar art direction, too bad that the rest of the show doesn't really live up to it. But I'll still watch the next episode to see how they follow through with the twist, but going in with even lower expectations for the second instalment.
You know what I don't get? Gravity. How do they possibly explain how they're generating it if not via some kind of rotational design (which I guess would be centrifugal force)?

After looking into it I guess the force of acceleration could pin them to the floor but they stated in the episodes that they've been gradually accelerating, so... ah, screw it. I can't be bothered.




Hunky Nostradamus
There were one (1) brief instance of clothed man butt when P.J. Boudousqué took a swim, otherwise it was just women. If the second episode doesn't deliver I will do an Asscension review of all the butts (thank you Hollywood reporter for the inspiration for that one) and the show will get an F if I don't get to see the (presumably) great globes of Brandon P. Bell.

hopefully future episodes will offer equal opportunities for man butts


hopefully future episodes will offer equal opportunities for man butts


The second episode airs tonight, "Night Two"
Part 2 of 3. Aaron investigates an explosion on Ascension, while Captain Denninger covers up its true cause. Elsewhere, Viondra suspects there is a traitor within her ranks of stewardesses after Councilman Rose becomes privy to inside information; something mysterious seems to be happening to young Christa Valis; and James Toback attempts to impress Nora by making a deal to get into Officers Training School.


io9 has put up their recap/review: "Syfy's Ascension Jumps The Shark In Its Very First Episode"


I was all ready to watch it but I just had to spoil it for myself. I just had to... ;_;

It sounds really terribad. I feel like I shouldn't invest my time in this.


The secret was not that special because the moment they showed the spaceship it was obvious... You know... physics
The 2nd batch of episodes was better.

But I think building a fake spaceship and maintaining a 100 year long simulation is a bit of a convoluted way of breeding a race of super humans.
Almost done with episode 2 and I'm going to finish this but Im confused.

How can "new-types" be born in a simulated space.... I thought the point of people evolving was because the Earth/gravity isn't there to hold them down.


The third episode airs tonight, "Night Three"

Conclusion. The Ascension passengers are in for many surprises when the selection of families eligible for birthing rights is announced; the Denningers work together to secure their power and upset Councilman Rose; and Viondra seizes an opportunity to assert her dominance when a mysterious power surge knocks out systems on the ship.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Welp I don't see this turning into a series. First episode was okay, but man it's really going downhill now. This episode is fucking terrible. All well.


SyFy should just bring back Warehouse 13. The last good show that they had.

SyFy went from great to having far lower standards then the CW. Man have they gone down hill...


SyFy should just bring back Warehouse 13. The last good show that they had.

SyFy went from great to having far lower standards then the CW. Man have they gone down hill...

Fridays are still ok with Haven, Helix and 12 Monkeys looks ok.
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