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Ashley Madison infidelity site's customer data stolen

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If he tried the open marriage approach first and she didn't agree to it then this happening was inevitable. You can't deny someone intimacy for years and expect that need to just go away.

We are in the middle of a divorce now. The affair helped me to see that I needed out for my mental sake, but my son will also be ~6000 miles away from me with an 11 hour time differential once they move back to Japan. So its a rock and a hard place. Let me add that she knows about the affair, and doesn't care, and just wants to keep the status quo of being "married".

you're right, someone so delusional and out of touch with reality should just walk away. great advice.

Hey Herbs, were you cheated on at some point in your life? You seem to be going after people pretty hard.

At this point we've got one side calling the other delusional, and the other side calling them naive in response. It's just getting more and more ugly.


I've only gotten in this on the last couple pages but here's a hypothetical for all the "you should never cheat, period!"

A and B are married. They've been married for 20-something years. Actually very happy overall. B gets very sick and can barely handle being touched, let alone have sex or intimacy. B would like to have sex/intimacy, but can't for the aforementionted reasons. A supports B. Should A divorce B because of this, knowing that B would have no way of supporting themselves?

A and B are married for 17 years. For all intents and purposes, they're very happy together. A has a drastic surgery that changes exactly how sex is for them, but ONLY sex. A can still be "close" for lack of a better term. But not only can A now not have sex but the psychological and physiological impact of the surgeries have basically made A frigid to the point that the thought of sex makes A physically ill. A still craves physical affection otherwise. A and B share financial responsibility overall, but A would have a much harder time than B if they separated. Should B cheat or get divorced or just "suffer"?

The first is completely made up the second is actually a real scenario that's happening in my family.


Hey Herbs, were you cheated on at some point in your life? You seem to be going after people pretty hard.

At this point we've got one side calling the other delusional, and the other side calling them naive in response. It's just getting more and more ugly.

Nah, just find cheaters to be pretty vile. Especially when they shift blame away from their actions. And then lecture everyone else on why they were the victims and were forced to go cheat. GTFO with that junk.

I'll bow out though. We see cybrwzrd for what he really is.


you're right, someone so delusional and out of touch with reality should just walk away. great advice.

Seriously, who the fuck are you to judge him? What do you get out of hounding him? A moral victory? You made society slightly better or something stupid? Don't worry I know you won't answer this, because whatever your response is will be pathetic.
At this point we've got one side calling the other delusional, and the other side calling them naive in response. It's just getting more and more ugly.
Maybe we can all at least agree that whatever your views may be on the cheating itself, the real delusional and naive thing people have done here is sign up for a website designed to enable cheaters only to be shocked and surprised when that data managed to find its way out into the wild. It was a blackmail-bomb waiting to go off from day one.

I'm talking Darwin-Award levels of stupidity here.
Seriously, who the fuck are you to judge him? What do you get out of hounding him? A moral victory? You made society slightly better or something stupid? Don't worry I know you won't answer this, because whatever your response is will be pathetic.
Speaking of personal attacks
Seriously, who the fuck are you to judge him? What do you get out of hounding him? A moral victory? You made society slightly better or something stupid? Don't worry I know you won't answer this, because whatever your response is will be pathetic.

When you form your arguments in a way that suggests you're more mature and enlightened than others, you're going to get called on it and then, when you can't properly defend that position and get pissy about it...


Speaking of personal attacks

Sensitive or? I called his response pathetic because it will be. He is essentially harassing a guy who is trying to defend himself. It's not healthy debate.

When you form your arguments in a way that suggests you're more mature and enlightened than others, you're going to get called on it and then, when you can't properly defend that position and get pissy about it...

Is the "..." Because you can't think of a way to end that sentence, other than "....then he deserves to be harassed and vilified in an Internet forum" ?


I've still yet to hear someone explain how they manage to maintain the moral high ground by cheating and lying about it.
There is no moral high ground. There's just an understanding that every situation is different, and not all relationships are healthy. Not all relationships have two people working really hard at them.

I think I summed this up pretty well in an earlier post in this thread when the initial breach was talked about:

Just a couple things.

1) There's a lot of people on the site who are single and interested in a friends with benefits or no strings attached type of relationship. Married people fit the bill.

2) There's people on there who are looking for a mistress/paramour type relationship, where their well being is taken care of by the married person.

3) There's swingers and people who are in open relationships on the site.

4) Then there's people (like me) who have created accounts just to see what's out there, but haven't followed through on anything.

Just a gut instinct, I'd say the above four points probably make up at least 80% of the website, if not more.

That's a rational appeal to the fairly repugnant people in this thread that condone an illegal and violating action as retribution for something that is neither illegal, nor any of their fucking business.

Beyond that, no one is discussing whether or not cheating is a good thing. It's not, at all. But it's certainly not a black and white issue. Not everyone can end things with a clean break before moving on. It's also about a lot more than just sex.

Passion, and feeling desired, is absolutely necessary to being a complete and happy person. People work on this, and try to make things better, but a relationship is a two way street.

Long term relationships (and I'm talking 10+ years here) are maintained not through inexplicable desire and passion, but through hard fucking work. You keep that relationship alive by not being selfish. By making sure your partner feels desired and loved. By putting someone else's needs above your own. If you fail to do this, that's as much of a failure as the SO that ends up finding that outside of their marriage.

I'm not condoning cheating at that point of failure, but it's an incredibly human response to that situation, given that it's often the result. You don't need to accept the person for what they've done, but you need to understand that they aren't always demons out to just hurt the ones they love by bangin some strange.
because it's HERRRRRR fault!!!!
Nah, you're misunderstanding. They're not saying, "It was morally okay for me to do this." It's more like, "You can understand, as one human to the next, why I would make a decision like that."
I've only gotten in this on the last couple pages but here's a hypothetical for all the "you should never cheat, period!"

I'm fine with the other partner going outside of marriage in either situation but only if they discuss it with the other person. They need to know what you're doing before taking a step like sleeping with someone you're not married to.
My mother used to work for the health department, so I heard my fare share of horror stories about people finding out that they contracted STDs because their partner was messing around behind their backs. If your relationship is in the shitter you need to either leave or have a talk with your SO, there's far more on the line than just hurt feelings.


I've only gotten in this on the last couple pages but here's a hypothetical for all the "you should never cheat, period!"

A and B are married. They've been married for 20-something years. Actually very happy overall. B gets very sick and can barely handle being touched, let alone have sex or intimacy. B would like to have sex/intimacy, but can't for the aforementionted reasons. A supports B. Should A divorce B because of this, knowing that B would have no way of supporting themselves?

A and B are married for 17 years. For all intents and purposes, they're very happy together. A has a drastic surgery that changes exactly how sex is for them, but ONLY sex. A can still be "close" for lack of a better term. But not only can A now not have sex but the psychological and physiological impact of the surgeries have basically made A frigid to the point that the thought of sex makes A physically ill. A still craves physical affection otherwise. A and B share financial responsibility overall, but A would have a much harder time than B if they separated. Should B cheat or get divorced or just "suffer"?

The first is completely made up the second is actually a real scenario that's happening in my family.
Both cases, A and B should have a long, honest discussion about their individual needs and how best to serve those needs respectfully to each other. If your partner knows and approves, it's not cheating, and you'd have nothing to fear from this, even if you used the site.

If they're incapable of doing that, divorce time. Obviously.
So he deserves to be harrassed? What do we as a people gain out of tellin him he is wrong, repeatedly? What do we gain? Please, you have to tell me I'm dying to know here.
Based on how his logic of everyone is wrong but me yea

What does he get out of telling us his story to begin with

This type of debate could go on all day


Both cases, A and B should have a long, honest discussion about their individual needs and how best to serve those needs respectfully to each other. If your partner knows and approves, it's not cheating, and you'd have nothing to fear from this, even if you used the site.

If they're incapable of doing that, divorce time. Obviously.
This is reasonable.

Not all people are reasonable though. Especially when you have the emotion and moral implications around open relationships.

But yeah, even then, it's not so much that the people are worried about their info being exposed through the breach, it's the people's responses to the breach that is basically, "these scumbags got what they deserved."

I told my wife that I was using the site, so I don't really have a horse in this race, other than to be a little bit offended at the mindless assumptions about the countless people there which have had personal info leaked.

Fortunately, it just seems to be transaction #s, location, and names. No CC info.

E92 M3

I don't care about other people's relationships or what they do. None of my business.

That said, stealing personal information is wrong.


I've got nothing to gain by arguing with socially inept posters about relationship dynamics, so I'll take my own advice and exit this thread.
So he deserves to be harrassed? What do we as a people gain out of tellin him he is wrong, repeatedly? What do we gain? Please, you have to tell me I'm dying to know here.

Nothing. Only... now it makes him think twice about sharing something like that on GAF. I found his anecdote to be pretty interesting, and I imagine it's quite a common type of relationship out there.

I wish GAF wasn't so quick to jump down someone's throat. If we acted perfectly in all situations we would probably no longer be human.
I do think it's fair to say some of the responses in this topic are somewhat naive. I think it would be comforting to believe that everyone who cheats is a terrible monster. Cheating is wrong, so it sure feels good to condemn anyone who cheats. But human beings are complicated and relationships even more so. People cheat for any number of reasons, and while I'd hesitate to call any of those reasons "good" they can be varying degrees of understandable. We are all flawed and we all make mistakes so I don't really think it's fair to just say that anyone who cheats is a horrible person.

That having been said, we shouldn't go too far in the other direction and mistake rationalization for a more enlightened or mature view of relationships. Cheating is an ultimately selfish act. When you do it you're putting your own gratification above the hurt you are causing your partner, not to mention all the other risks that come with it. If you cheat you should take responsibility for your actions and reflect on why you did it, etc. Even if it was in response to problems in your relationship (for which both parties most likely share blame), it's still a poor way of dealing with relationship issues, to say the least. Again it doesn't make you unredeemable scum, but you should still acknowledge fault instead of trying to rationalize and shift blame.

Now, all of this being said, the invasion of privacy that has occurred here is indefensible. Just as one shouldn't rationalize cheating, one also shouldn't rationalize stealing and posting personal data. Long story short, I don't think this is something we should be celebrating as a society just because of who the victims are.


I've been cheated on before, it was a shitty shitty feeling.

I don't know anyone else's relationship but I'm glad the names were uploaded.
How do you know they are all cheaters? What about those that looked but didn't do anything?

If their name/email is on the list, and their significant other is concerned, the SO can ask them about it.

If the "accused" has nothing to hide, then there is nothing to worry about. They would have no posts or history on the site. If it turns out you have a post history on the site, or some sort of interaction history, well... where there's smoke, there's fire.

There is nothing wrong with investigation.
Cheaters got exposed.

Cheaters SHOULD be exposed.

I have no problem with this.

Divorce lawyers will make a killing this year.
No I can't agree with this.

People made this account under the premise of privacy.

This is family business. Friends, relatives, and your employers do not need to know this.


Both cases, A and B should have a long, honest discussion about their individual needs and how best to serve those needs respectfully to each other. If your partner knows and approves, it's not cheating, and you'd have nothing to fear from this, even if you used the site.

If they're incapable of doing that, divorce time. Obviously.

I'm fine with the other partner going outside of marriage in either situation but only if they discuss it with the other person. They need to know what you're doing before taking a step like sleeping with someone you're not married to.

Let's say in both cases, the person not "getting any" went ahead and cheated. Then what? Is there just a judgement of "you're bad, period"? Or is there more to the thought?

Here's another twist - my family situation is the second one (she's frigid but wants cuddling, basically). She says she won't have sex with her husband because she gets nauseated thinking about it. She's said that if he cheats, she's going to be pissed. They both financially support each other and I don't think either could make it on their own. (So for all intents and purposes, divorce wouldn't be an option.) Would it be better if he cheated but didn't tell her or cheated openly knowing that she has no real recourse? Assuming he's going to go out and do something, regardless.


dresses business casual
If their name/email is on the list, and their significant other is concerned, the SO can ask them about it.

If the "accused" has nothing to hide, then there is nothing to worry about. They would have no posts or history on the site. If it turns out you have a post history on the site, or some sort of interaction history, well... where there's smoke, there's fire.

There is nothing wrong with investigation.

So by your standards everyone who flirts with someone other than their SO could be a cheater?

What about those that look at others and think about having sex with them?
Let's say in both cases, the person not "getting any" went ahead and cheated. Then what? Is there just a judgement of "you're bad, period"? Or is there more to the thought?

Here's another twist - my family situation is the second one (she's frigid but wants cuddling, basically). She says she won't have sex with her husband because she gets nauseated thinking about it. She's said that if he cheats, she's going to be pissed. They both financially support each other and I don't think either could make it on their own. (So for all intents and purposes, divorce wouldn't be an option.) Would it be better if he cheated but didn't tell her or cheated openly knowing that she has no real recourse? Assuming he's going to go out and do something, regardless.
Why would she marry someone who makes her physically ill?


Why would she marry someone who makes her physically ill?

He didn't 17 years ago. Here, here's the original.

A and B are married for 17 years. For all intents and purposes, they're very happy together. A has a drastic surgery that changes exactly how sex is for them, but ONLY sex. A can still be "close" for lack of a better term. But not only can A now not have sex but the psychological and physiological impact of the surgeries have basically made A frigid to the point that the thought of sex makes A physically ill. A still craves physical affection otherwise. A and B share financial responsibility overall, but A would have a much harder time than B if they separated. Should B cheat or get divorced or just "suffer"?
Nah, just find cheaters to be pretty vile. Especially when they shift blame away from their actions. And then lecture everyone else on why they were the victims and were forced to go cheat. GTFO with that junk.

I'll bow out though. We see cybrwzrd for what he really is.

im pretty sure u arent a paragon of virtue either
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