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Ashley Madison infidelity site's customer data stolen

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WOW look at GAF moral police in this thread! I'm sure the view from your high horse is spectacular and you live a perfectly righteous and morally impeccable life with no skeletons hidden in your closet, except of course your browsing and search history.

Well done!
If you're married, legally and recognized as such by your government, then it is no different than a contract.

It should be illegal to breach contract by cheating. Not jail time mind you, but stiff monetary penalties.

The spiritual ramifications will depend on your own brand of faith, but at the very least universally, you should feel icky for doing it.

what the fucking fuck


If you're married, legally and recognized as such by your government, then it is no different than a contract.

It should be illegal to breach contract by cheating. Not jail time mind you, but stiff monetary penalties.

The spiritual ramifications will depend on your own brand of faith, but at the very least universally, you should feel icky for doing it.

WTF?!? What about some good old stoning (the biblical type) to go with it?


Looking for meaning in GAF
I always thought this website is scum so... lol.

At the same time, I think it's quite sad that we live in an age where it's foolish to trust a "delete" button for any company that stores your personal information.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
This. I don't cheat. I hate the idea of infidelity. I can think what I want about cheating and people that cheat.

But none of that should be relevant when someone's personal information has been compromised like this.

Doesn't make it "OK" because they're terrible cheaters.

This is my feeling too. Cheaters are scum. But privacy is important. This isn't even just telling the other SO, it can lead to identity theft and a huge host of other problems.
So many people that are insecure about their relationships to the point that hey hate some people who never did anything to them personally.

I wonder what other crimes can be committed against cheaters and get approval around here.

I have noticed this too. There are a lot of people that either can't or won't understand deeply personal choices, including cheating, aren't always born of some "scumbag" doing "scumbag" things.
It is far easier to wave yout hand & chastise others while standing atop a soapbox acting the moral authority, then it is to try to understand or symp/empathize why most people do what they do.
There are many reasons people cheat - some that are even the fault of the cheated on partner - that it is simply naive and pigheaded to wave the hand condemn everybody that did or does. It is equally as naive to believe that some people do not become "trapped" in marriages for financial reasons (yes, not everyone can afford to live above poverty on their own), that last point is magnified once children, especially very young children, are being cared for.
Yes, cheating is not the best nor the first option. In a perfect world everybody would be millionaires with healthy loving partners and everybody who cheated would always be scumbag without exception; However it is not.


I have noticed this too. There are a lot of people that either can't or won't understand deeply personal choices, including cheating, aren't always born of some "scumbag" doing "scumbag" things.
It is far easier to wave yout hand & chastise others while standing atop a soapbox acting the moral authority, then it is to try to understand or symp/empathize why most people do what they do.
There are many reasons people cheat - some that are even the fault of the cheated on partner - that it is simply naive and pigheaded to wave the hand condemn everybody that did or does. It is equally as naive to believe that some people do not become "trapped" in marriages for financial reasons (yes, not everyone can afford to live above poverty on their own), that last point is magnified once children, especially very young children, are being cared for.
Yes, cheating is not the best nor the first option. In a perfect world everybody would be millionaires with healthy loving partners and everybody who cheated would always be scumbag without exception; However it is not.

This. But the moral police are going to tear into you for saying that.

Cheating is a a much lesser sin than using sex as a tool to control someone in a relationship. Or straight up denying your partner due to "reasons". It is easy to say get a divorce in all cases, much harder done than said.
People on GAF cheerleading identity theft.

Yall should just take the next step and be the ones doing it if you're so passionate about policing people's morals.

People here were celebrating KKK members getting punched in the face and assaulted a few days ago.

When you do bad, it may be hard for some people to feel bad when you get your percieved comeuppance.


This. But the moral police are going to tear into you for saying that.

Cheating is a a much lesser sin than using sex as a tool to control someone in a relationship. Or straight up denying your partner due to "reasons". It is easy to say get a divorce in all cases, much harder done than said.

lol okay

regardless they shouldn't have their personal details stolen


It's never ok for data theft to occur, and I hope that the hackers are caught and prosecuted because that shit is scary. However, it's difficult to not feel a little bit of schadenfreude, especially for a site as morally offensive (to some) as Ashley Madison. I hope users of the site focus a lot of their ire on the site itself; not only for having their security breached, but for keeping data that they were paid to delete. That is a serious, serious breach of trust/ethics.
Account breakdown:
5 actual married women
999,995 thirsty single guys
500,000 troll female accounts made by teenagers
35.5 million spam accounts that send cam site links

Does this really happen on a paid large scale site with modern decryption technology?

I mean, I hope you are right, but if 25-50% of relationships have cheating, if 2 out of 10 kids are not being raised by their unknowing biological father, then.. that's cray.
I am not. The last sentence of my post is my point.

"When you do bad, it may be hard for some people to feel bad when you get your percieved comeuppance."

Personally, I don't find identity theft and potential loss of privacy suitable comeuppance for attempted infidelity. (I highly doubt every single AshleyMadison user successfully cheats on their partner through the site.)

Perhaps I just lack the vindictiveness or personal relationship history that would lead one to such a view.

Hari Seldon

So these people owned a bunch of other questionable sites as well IIRC. Like sugar daddy websites or something haha. The names that come out of that will be entertaining I bet.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm really surprised by the people here sympathizing with cheaters in the name of data breach/identity theft. Yes, data breach is a crime and these hackers should pay for that.

However, I'm curious, would you be against the hackers publishing a searchable site with picture, full name, and city/state? Basically public info. No CC or other private info revealed. (should be deleted in any case)

I think this would be the best time to tell your partner if you're a member of that site. Be honest with your partner if you think it's a problem you can't control to commit and that you would like to fix this together professionally. It will happen sooner or later, but these guys will expose you and because of your actions, your family will break apart.
I'm really surprised by the people here sympathizing with cheaters in the name of data breach/identity theft. Yes, data breach is a crime and these hackers should pay for that.

However, I'm curious, would you be against the hackers publishing a searchable site with picture, full name, and city/state? Basically public info. No CC or other private info revealed. (should be deleted in any case)

I think this would be the best time to tell your partner if you're a member of that site. Be honest with your partner if you think it's problem you can't control to commit and that you would like to fix this together professionally. It will happen sooner or later, but these guys will expose and because of your actions, your family will break apart.
Relationships should be handled in a private matter. Cheaters are immoral jerks but we really ok with publicly shaming them over a private matter? You wanna find their spouse and tell them that they are on the site then thats ok with me. But leave that to them to hash it out. Seriously what you are asking is what they do to sex offenders. Offering up their public info for the world to see. That just doesnt sit well for me.


I haven't gotten a email from them yet saying anything about my info. I'm not too worried because the card I use is only for that site so it's easy to track.
Something is wrong with the website since the attatck. I keep getting certificate warnings when trying to access it. That's never happened in the 2 year's I have been there.


Unconfirmed Member
Relationships should be handled in a private matter. Cheaters are immoral jerks but we really ok with publicly shaming them over a private matter? You wanna find their spouse and tell them that they are on the site then thats ok with me. But leave that to them to hash it out. Seriously what you are asking is what they do to sex offenders. Offering up their public info for the world to see. That just doesnt sit well for me.

I guess in the end you're right about this. I just feel bad for the people being cheated on. Hopefully this serves as a scare for people signing up for the services such as this one.
Lot of assumptions being made in this thread.

Site 'specializes' in helping people cheat in their spouses. Specializes. Not requires. Which means as there are an unknown amount of people who use this site who are a) single, b) married but have the ok form their spouse to be there, or c) signed up once fully intending to cheat, sent a few messages out, came to their damn senses before meeting anyone and deleted their account ( except not really apparently) and never looked back. Lets say 70% of the site were actually scum sucking cheaters. What's 30% of 37 million? Hell lets say 90% were cheaters and the other ten fell into the exceptions I gave. Did they 'deserve' to have their personal details stolen? Or are they just acceptable losses to the GAF High Horse Calvary?

Good post.
Personally, I don't find identity theft and potential loss of privacy suitable comeuppance for attempted infidelity. (I highly doubt every single AshleyMadison user successfully cheats on their partner through the site.)

Perhaps I just lack the vindictiveness or personal relationship history that would lead one to such a view.

I didn't say it was my view either.


The shaming in this thread and acting like people deserve to have their CC info stolen because of using the Ashley Madison site is ridiculous. And not just in the traditional "don't judge others" and who is really fit to cast the first stone sense.

There are plenty of single people on that site, for one thing.

And for another, there are people with open relationships who don't feel like broadcasting for the whole world "BY THE WAY, EVERYONE, I JOEY JOE JOESON SLEEP AROUND AND SO DOES MY WIFE WINK WINK WE DO THAT" and so on.

Is it the majority? No way. Not even close. But you bet these relationships exist, and you bet they don't deserve to have CC info stolen or their names leaked online.

Like, imagine a couple that consents to that type of relationship. They're on there with aliases and such. But now, their contact info is out there. Great, now the guy's parents have a chance of finding that their harlot daughter in law is taking in more penises than just their son's sacred family dong. Meanwhile that son of theirs is a delinquent and banging around. Did we not teach him right!?

Or imagine if their employers see that?
"Well, Molly, your productivity is always increasing, and higher than anyone else at your level of the company! ...It's just...we're a symbol of integrity in this town. And we don't think..."
Yeah Molly gets fired for some contrived reason, is where that's going.

Look, I get it, there are total asshole that use that website to cheat and lie and sneak around. But them getting some kind of karma coming around doesn't outweigh the disruption that shit could cause, especially to people who aren't even doing anything their partner (if they have one) disapproves of.

Not to mention people who sign up on a whim but back out and never end up using the service.


This. I don't cheat. I hate the idea of infidelity. I can think what I want about cheating and people that cheat.

But none of that should be relevant when someone's personal information has been compromised like this.

Doesn't make it "OK" because they're terrible cheaters.

I'm not sure how many people think the actual crime is "ok", but rather a lack of sympathy for the victims.

It'd be great if these hackers were caught because of this crime and the potential of future crimes, but I'm not going to force myself to feel bad for this particular set of victims.


The shaming in this thread and acting like people deserve to have their CC info stolen because of using the Ashley Madison site is ridiculous. And not just in the traditional "don't judge others" and who is really fit to cast the first stone sense.

There are plenty of single people on that site, for one thing.

And for another, there are people with open relationships who don't feel like broadcasting for the whole world "BY THE WAY I SLEEP AROUND AND SO DOES MY WIFE WINK WINK WE DO THAT" and so on.

Is it the majority? No way. Not even close. But you bet these relationships exist, and you bet they don't deserve to have CC info stolen or their names leaked online.

Like, imagine a couple that consents to that type of relationship. They're on there with aliases and such. But now, their contact info is out there. Great, now the guy's parents have a chance of finding that their harlot daughter in law is taking in more penises than just their son's sacred family dong. Meanwhile that son of theirs is a delinquent and banging around. Did we not teach him right!?

Or imagine if their employers see that?
"Well, Molly, your productivity is always increasing, and higher than anyone else at your level of the company! ...It's just...we're a symbol of integrity in this town. And we don't think..."
Yeah Molly gets fired for some contrived reason, is where that's going.

Look, I get it, there are total asshole that use that website to cheat and lie and sneak around. But them getting some kind of karma coming around doesn't outweigh the disruption that shit could cause, especially to people who aren't even doing anything their partner (if they have one) disapproves of.

I get and agree with everything that you're saying and others have echo'ed the same sentiment. For me, i don't even think that idea that there's otherwise "innocent" people who use the site that are potentially caught up in this should even matter.

Even if there were analytics to quantify that 100% of the people that use the site do so to explicitly and secretly cheat, it'd still be just as deplorable to sit here and act like it's karma and that these people are getting their comeuppance because they're cheaters.

As immoral as it may be to most, adultery isn't illegal and there's obviously a market for people that want to engage in it. Assuming it's structured like any other dating site, they should be allowed to do it with a relative sense of safety and security.


There's a website specifically for cheating on one's SO? Lol... that shit's hilarious. Can't someone just use Craigslist or something for that?

These people deserve to have their info stolen. Not because they're cheaters, but because they're dumb enough to give their personal/credit card info to such a site.
I'm really surprised by the people here sympathizing with cheaters in the name of data breach/identity theft. Yes, data breach is a crime and these hackers should pay for that.

However, I'm curious, would you be against the hackers publishing a searchable site with picture, full name, and city/state? Basically public info. No CC or other private info revealed. (should be deleted in any case)

I think this would be the best time to tell your partner if you're a member of that site. Be honest with your partner if you think it's a problem you can't control to commit and that you would like to fix this together professionally. It will happen sooner or later, but these guys will expose you and because of your actions, your family will break apart.

One doesn't need to "sympathize" with cheaters to understand that posting personal information of people is wrong.

I mean, should cheating be illegal? That's really what this comes down to for some. Cheating is "bad" and they want it "punished". I don't support that. As shitty as cheating is it's not and shouldn't be illegal. People don't need to be "outed" by unconcerned parties.

I'm not sure how many people think the actual crime is "ok", but rather a lack of sympathy for the victims.

It'd be great if these hackers were caught because of this crime and the potential of future crimes, but I'm not going to force myself to feel bad for this particular set of victims.

When you have people insinuating it's ok for this crime to occur because they disagree with cheating that's people saying the crime is ok.


Why would you give your real personal details to a site like this? I mean you'd have to give location and age I suppose but I'd make up everything else.

I guess we don't know what the hackers are going to do with the data.
I'd imagine most of the user names are fakr, but if they got the billing info (minus cc) there's probably a lot of real info. Their names have to match the cards.

I'm sure some people were smart though and used reloadable CCs though.


I don't understand this site... Why not just use a regular dating site and lie about your info. You're alreadly lying to one person, how much more can two hurt.


I don't understand this site... Why not just use a regular dating site and lie about your info. You're alreadly lying to one person, how much more can two hurt.

I've never committed adultery but i imagine that idea of doing it with someone that understands and accepts that you're in a relationships probably makes things 1000x easier to deal with.


I wonder how many people created an account on there to see if they could find their spouse, who are then going to be accused of cheating? What a turnaround.


I'm really surprised by the people here sympathizing with cheaters in the name of data breach/identity theft. Yes, data breach is a crime and these hackers should pay for that.

However, I'm curious, would you be against the hackers publishing a searchable site with picture, full name, and city/state? Basically public info. No CC or other private info revealed. (should be deleted in any case)

I think this would be the best time to tell your partner if you're a member of that site. Be honest with your partner if you think it's a problem you can't control to commit and that you would like to fix this together professionally. It will happen sooner or later, but these guys will expose you and because of your actions, your family will break apart.

Are you kidding me? Why do you (not you specifically) care so much about what other people do in their private life and who they may or may not have sex with? Remember cheating isn't against the law, in any sane country. Please don't bring up some of the US states or the US military as an example because that's pointless.

Beside that, who appointed you as the moral authority to judge something that doesn't affect you? In my life I never met anybody who didn't have a skeleton or two in their closet, no matter what their background was or how perfect their lives seemed to be. Maybe before getting on your soapbox and point your finger I suggest you to check that closet of yours.
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