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Atelier Totori Plus (Vita) |OT| Stealthily Adventuring onto PSN


So I got to the point where Totori needs to craft materials to make
a ship
What quality should I be aiming for and how long do I have?
Finally got around to starting the game and slept myself into a bad end!


Guess I'll really get into it tomorrow. :]
So how is this for someone who hasn't played a JRPG in a while and wants a fix?

For me it's a very refreshing take on the jRPG formula. You keep grinding your alchemy level, battle levels, materials etc. while managing your time. It's not your typical go into this dungeon, fight 100 easy fights then 1 boss.


Junior Member
For me it's a very refreshing take on the jRPG formula. You keep grinding your alchemy level, battle levels, materials etc. while managing your time. It's not your typical go into this dungeon, fight 100 easy fights then 1 boss.

Alright, so how grindy can it get? Or does it give you enough incentive to keep on going?
Alright, so how grindy can it get? Or does it give you enough incentive to keep on going?

It's carrot on a stick, as you grind you unlock more and more stuff to do and better ways to do it (I'm only at the end of your 2 though). You don't really have to grind that much though, you'll spend more time managing your inventory and creating items than fighting (since you have to craft your own bombs, healing items, equipment, etc.).


Junior Member
It's carrot on a stick, as you grind you unlock more and more stuff to do and better ways to do it (I'm only at the end of your 2 though). You don't really have to grind that much though, you'll spend more time managing your inventory and creating items than fighting (since you have to craft your own bombs, healing items, equipment, etc.).

Hmm, alright. Sounds interesting enough, I might bite on this while the amazing bikini deal is still going. ;)
Thanks for answering my questions mate!
Hmm, alright. Sounds interesting enough, I might bite on this while the amazing bikini deal is still going. ;)
Thanks for answering my questions mate!

I thinks it's a fun game. My only criticism is the awful anime characters but I guess I can't ask too much of this medium, much less of this genre.


can you make male characters in this? if so i will buy it. :3 It's so frustrating when these ultra cute anime rpgs feature all female casts >.>
can you make male characters in this? if so i will buy it. :3 It's so frustrating when these ultra cute anime rpgs feature all female casts >.>

There are male characters, you even you start with one; the protagonist is female. All the characters are awful though.
Shit man, you almost sold me on the game. Now I'm not so sure! :(

I just dislike most anime tropes so take it with a grain of salt, judging from your avatar I think you'll like this game. I though the Ace Attorney game had awful characters too, although less annoying than your typical protagonist.

EDIT: In fact, Totori herself is not half bad as far as female characters go.


Junior Member
I just dislike most anime tropes so take it with a grain of salt, judging from your avatar I think you'll like this game. I though the Ace Attorney game had awful characters too, although less annoying than your typical protagonist.

EDIT: In fact, Totori herself is not half bad as far as female characters go.

Nah, I'm with you. Anime tropes are the devil and need to burn, but AA's characters aren't that bad. :(
I'll ponder the case a bit. As long as they're not high-pitched ditzy sort-of on purpose mentally challenged it's okay.
Hey guys just bought this off psn, just wondering how long is the game overall? And when can I make the maid outfit and those glasses in the first post :)


Decided to take the plunge after all and get this. Game looks really good and much better than I remember. Hopefully I do indeed make it further than I did on the PS3 version.


I hope everyone's been picking the "Surprise!" option for their new Chims. Because those come with scenes and are generally hilarious.
Nah, I'm with you. Anime tropes are the devil and need to burn, but AA's characters aren't that bad. :(
I'll ponder the case a bit. As long as they're not high-pitched ditzy sort-of on purpose mentally challenged it's okay.

Groofy pls, if you can handle KH characters you can handle anything.
Finally beat the game. To those who haven't reached the last boss yet, I strongly recommend bringing some dimension eggs with you when you get that far.
so I finally downloaded this from PSN last night, is there anything I should know before jumping in headfirst?

If I were you I just wouldn't worry too terribly much about time on your first play-through. I didn't follow a guide and I was able to get the "normal ending". That said, each character has their own ending and there is also a "true ending." On my NG+ I intend to use a guide and get everything.

Also, if you beat the finally boss be aware that only money and equipment transfer over to NG+. That means, sell all of the items you have accumulated.


If I were you I just wouldn't worry too terribly much about time on your first play-through. I didn't follow a guide and I was able to get the "normal ending". That said, each character has their own ending and there is also a "true ending." On my NG+ I intend to use a guide and get everything.

Also, if you beat the finally boss be aware that only money and equipment transfer over to NG+. That means, sell all of the items you have accumulated.

Your rank doesn't carry?


So today I suddenly ran out of time... 5 years to the day of acquiring my license I guess...

Even though I have multiple backup saves at various points in time during the years, I'm completely convinced that replaying the past 5 or even 10 hours of the game would make no difference. I thought I was way ahead of schedule by the end of year 3, but perhaps I was mistaken... but I think I really burned away too many days over the last 2 years by crafting and exploring/traveling... I only had one component of the [you know what] crafted too... I didn't even recognize all of the ingredients I needed for other components.

I had high hopes for New Game +, but it seems you only restart with your currently equipped gear. You lose EVERYTHING else... all recipes, all ingredients, etc. Very shitty...

It makes me wonder what I must truly do differently if I retry because I don't have as much of a head start as I thought in NG+... having very strong gear will help, but to need to recollect everything all over again... :(

I was VERY much enjoying my game... I was at 23 hours when it ended with the bad ending. Maybe I just needed to find out a little something extra about [you know who] before reaching that point in time?? So that I could go a bit further?? Or do you really need to have the entire story finished before Year 5 ends?


If all that carried into NG+ there would pretty much be no more game. :/

I suggest trying to make the best weapons possible for your NG+ if you can, which will make things easier. And sell everything in your inventory before getting the ending so you can carry as much money as possible over.

Basically try to manage your time better, find and craft the Traveling Shoes, Harvesting Gloves, and Warp Gate as soon as you can, and you shouldn't have any problems with time.


If all that carried into NG+ there would pretty much be no more game. :/

I suggest trying to make the best weapons possible for your NG+ if you can, which will make things easier. And sell everything in your inventory before getting the ending so you can carry as much money as possible over.

Basically try to manage your time better, find and craft the Traveling Shoes, Harvesting Gloves, and Warp Gate as soon as you can, and you shouldn't have any problems with time.

I made those and never even used them... :(

- Never tried using the shoes
- Never tried using the portal
- Never used the little helper character to craft/gather anything

All around I feel pretty dumb...


I made those and never even used them... :(

when you got the bad ending, what rank were you?

I'm near the end of year two and about to hit plat. However, my gear sucks. In fact I've only crafted what I needed for quest. Some bombs and pies, here and there. If rank doesn't carry over, I doubt I'm playing through this again. Too much of a grind.


when you got the bad ending, what rank were you?

I'm near the end of year two and about to hit plat. However, my gear sucks. In fact I've only crafted what I needed for quest. Some bombs and pies, here and there. If rank doesn't carry over, I doubt I'm playing through this again. Too much of a grind.

I was the second highest rank (Cobalt I believe).

I usually hate crafting and grinding in games... but in this one I absolutely love it. Too bad it is behind a turn limit...

I don't know if I'd rather replay the final 2 years and do things better, or start over with extra money and powerful gear.


I was the second highest rank (Cobalt I believe).


I thought once you reached diamond, you were assured at least the normal ending.
I'm at year 2/11/2, working on my speed gloves now. I wonder if I'm already screwed.
I was the second highest rank (Cobalt I believe).

I usually hate crafting and grinding in games... but in this one I absolutely love it. Too bad it is behind a turn limit...

I don't know if I'd rather replay the final 2 years and do things better, or start over with extra money and powerful gear.

If I were you I would start over in NG+. I started mine last night and couldn't put the game down. Played till 1 A.M. and am sleepy as hell at work today. I am 50 points away from Diamond rank at Year 2 Month 9.

On your next playthrough here are some tips:

  • Craft Travelling Shoes as soon as you can
  • Craft the Speedy Gloves ASAP
  • Once you can create additional chims make this your priority
  • Have your chims do some of the time-consuming work for you
  • Craft the warp gate as soon as you can
  • Once you are able to gather items for the "you know what" to investigate "you know who" put your quests aside and make that a priority
  • You do not need to get to the highest rank in the game


Starting the game, I'm at the point where Gehald gives me the first 2 missions. So I complete the first synth one and go back straight away to him to report, and he tells I "shouldn't be slacking off" and that he "can't give me the full reward". What am I doing wrong? I don't understand? I cleared the mission as fast as possible and have still 33 days left until the deadline? Why is he being a jerk to cute little Totori?
Starting the game, I'm at the point where Gehald gives me the first 2 missions. So I complete the first synth one and go back straight away to him to report, and he tells I "shouldn't be slacking off" and that he "can't give me the full reward". What am I doing wrong? I don't understand? I cleared the mission as fast as possible and have still 33 days left until the deadline? Why is he being a jerk to cute little Totori?

That usually happens whenever you synth an item with low quality to give him. Whenever I synth items for quests I usually try and have the quality level come out around a C (i.e. I don't use my best materials, but I don't use my worst materials either). Also, occasionally you will accept gathering quests of items that are already in your container. I have found that if you immediately report the quest right after accepting it he will tell you that you are slacking off. A way around this is to go to your atlier and then go back and report the gathering quest.


Starting the game, I'm at the point where Gehald gives me the first 2 missions. So I complete the first synth one and go back straight away to him to report, and he tells I "shouldn't be slacking off" and that he "can't give me the full reward". What am I doing wrong? I don't understand? I cleared the mission as fast as possible and have still 33 days left until the deadline? Why is he being a jerk to cute little Totori?

Not sure, I guess it's related to the quality of the reported items. Poor quality of perhaps less than 50% means you're slacking off.


Starting the game, I'm at the point where Gehald gives me the first 2 missions. So I complete the first synth one and go back straight away to him to report, and he tells I "shouldn't be slacking off" and that he "can't give me the full reward". What am I doing wrong? I don't understand? I cleared the mission as fast as possible and have still 33 days left until the deadline? Why is he being a jerk to cute little Totori?

He probably wasn't too pleased with the quality of the items. You would get praised for S,A,B quality ranks... as far as I remember, haven't played it for a while.


There was no indication anywhere about a minimum quality level. So is that sort of thing commonplace in this game? Will I often be told I'm wrong without being given any explanation as to why? I don't even know for sure what I did wrong, the "slacking off" comment is very vague and ambiguous. If it's really insufficient quality then maybe the game should freaking tell me.

Yes I'm probably overreacting, but this just gave me a very bad first impression about the game, so I'm pretty angry about it.

Am I really the only person here who has gotten this nonsense on his first mission??


That doesn't even matter. Requests like that do not matter in the long run and aren't even the best way to make money. So don't even worry about it. That's still technically the prologue too, so just keep going at it.

I tended to just turned in whatever I had, not caring whether it was below average quality or not.


I have a general question regarding an ending flag. I've been using a guide as reference, and so far, I've pretty much nailed everything. I am however, running into a little bit of trouble interpreting the following bit of advice:

Gino Flag

"Talk to Gino.

This is the last event needed before you are at the point of no return if you continue, you will get his flag and ruin any other endings.


Just to be clear, the bolded part is a side note, and it makes it sound as though I should talk to him, but from that point onward, I cannot initiate any further events. Is that right, or am I simply to ignore talking to him altogether?

The wording of it is a little confusing, and I don't want to run the risk of missing out on all endings over something so minor. Maybe this is a case of me being a little stupid, but I'd rather be sure!

Which brings onto a similar sort of question, how are you all making money? I've been fine for funds, although when the guide suggested that
I buy the water of life (7000) for the second Chim
, I was way short of meeting the asking price. Even in the 3rd year I haven't had that much money all at once. Am I doing something wrong, or does the money earnt rise significantly later on?
I have a general question regarding an ending flag. I've been using a guide as reference, and so far, I've pretty much nailed everything. I am however, running into a little bit of trouble interpreting the following bit of advice:

Gino Flag

Talk to Gino.

This is the last event needed before you are at the point of no return if you continue, you will get his flag and ruin any other endings.


Just to be clear, the bolded part is a side note, and it makes it sound as though I should talk to him, but from that point onward, I cannot initiate any further events. Is that right, or am I simply to ignore talking to him altogether?

The wording of it is a little confusing, and I don't want to run the risk of missing out on all endings over something so minor. Maybe this is a case of me being a little stupid, but I'd rather be sure!

Which brings onto a similar sort of question, how are you all making money? I've been fine for funds, although when the guide suggested that
I buy the water of life (7000) for the second Chim
, I was way short of meeting the asking price. Even in the 3rd year I haven't had that much money all at once. Am I doing something wrong, or does the money earnt rise significantly later on?

With Gino you want to kick him from your party before he reaches Level 25 (adventure level, not friendship level). My understanding of his point of no return is:

-After Year 4, Month 1, Day 1 - with Gino at Level 25 or above go to Atlier Totori
-7 days later go to Atlier Totori again
-7 more days later there will be an event at Atlier Totori


With Gino you want to kick him from your party before he reaches Level 25 (adventure level, not friendship level). My understanding of his point of no return is:

-After Year 4, Month 1, Day 1 - with Gino at Level 25 or above go to Atlier Totori
-7 days later go to Atlier Totori again
-7 more days later there will be an event at Atlier Totori

Ah, okay. So I'll be fine to do the above event, and then carry on as normal. I just need to be aware that I need to have him away from my party from now on, right?
Haven't played an Atelier game since the first 2 on ps2. I really liked the crafting but something about the female lead and the stuff like the dress up stuff is putting me off. Anyone want to help me with my concerns.
Haven't played an Atelier game since the first 2 on ps2. I really liked the crafting but something about the female lead and the stuff like the dress up stuff is putting me off. Anyone want to help me with my concerns.

Well, there are no required dressing up missions in this game, just a couple of weird costumes/bikinis that you (Totori) can wear if you want to.

Totori, the main heroine herself, is fine. Weak at first, but builds confidence as the story progresses. The character will probably think like you on most topics. It'll be the other characters that draw up any conflict or interest in most scenes. You'll probably find yourself agreeing with Totori about how weird some of the other characters are.

In English, Cassandra Morris pretty much voices Totori in her natural voice and sounds pretty good throughout. Some scenes where Totori screamed sounded pretty darn convincing. :)

In Japanese, Kaori Nazuka comes off as whiny and overly high pitched to me. Some love that angle though. Think it's cute, I guess. I didn't really like it, but you can try it when you get the game or hit up some youtube videos and see what you like.
Well, there are no required dressing up missions in this game, just a couple of weird costumes/bikinis that you (Totori) can wear if you want to.

Totori, the main heroine herself, is fine. Weak at first, but builds confidence as the story progresses. The character will probably think like you on most topics. It'll be the other characters that draw up any conflict or interest in most scenes. You'll probably find yourself agreeing with Totori about how weird some of the other characters are.

In English, Cassandra Morris pretty much voices Totori in her natural voice and sounds pretty good throughout. Some scenes where Totori screamed sounded pretty darn convincing. :)

In Japanese, Kaori Nazuka comes off as whiny and overly high pitched to me. Some love that angle though. Think it's cute, I guess. I didn't really like it, but you can try it when you get the game or hit up some youtube videos and see what you like.

I appreciate the input. Everything you said makes me feel better about this game. From everything I've read it is a very good upgrade to an already good game.


Is there any possible way to increase the walking speed for Totori? It's driving me insane how slow the game feels right now. This is part of the reason I stopped playing the PS3 version.
Is there any possible way to increase the walking speed for Totori? It's driving me insane how slow the game feels right now. This is part of the reason I stopped playing the PS3 version.

I don't have the game but I thought you could make shoes that increased your speed. If you read the previous pages there are a couple suggested items you should create. Actually see ragincajun77 past near the top of the page


Ah so the speed shoes. So do they also decrease the time it takes to travel to new places? Because I feel like that's what's killing me. I'm already in September and I'm still a Glass Rank :(


Ah so the speed shoes. So do they also decrease the time it takes to travel to new places? Because I feel like that's what's killing me. I'm already in September and I'm still a Glass Rank :(

In Totori, they only reduce travel time to areas. In Meruru and Ayesha, they added a trait that increases walking speed. Not sure if they added it to Totori Plus or not though. :(


Quick question about the treasure chest that was
trapped with a bomb

If you open it right away, do you lose the item inside? If you return later with him in your party, do you get the item?

I restarted in NG+... but I still opened the chest and lost the item. Is it worth reloading my previous save (15 minutes back) and returning with him later to get the contents??

All chests have pretty critical items to craft important gear later on... I'm just wondering about this particular one.
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