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Atlus: y'all motherfuckers want Persona 5 on Switch? just keep on begging lolz


If they want to put it on switch, I’ll buy it. I’m not joining an organized campaign or buy spinoff games to convince them to do it.
the dumbest shit... this is Capcom in early 3ds days tier shit.
they don’t want to put it on switch, it’s really their loss.


It's very frustrating with Nintendo fans at the moment and asking for ports or accepting ports for full price. I'm sure people will quote me and say "what's wrong with having the option" Nothing, but these ports happen on other consoles all the time without the same fanfair and with better pricing.
Well, these "ports" aren't Persona 5, it's not the same kind of intensity and when was the last time we got a portbegging thread? I'd guess other people would be having meltdowns as well if SMT5 got the same answers.
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I am a virgin
More importantly, I've talked with enough Japanese executives to know that that factor is even less relevant to them in the grand scheme of things, taking a backseat to stuff like "this is how we do things here" and "we have an obligation to that hardware manufacturer since they supported us."
Hahaha you already caught my follow up question! Thanks for that holmes hahaha

Most of the product strategy meetings I've been in turn into that EA "How can we make more money with this?" kinda shit; but that's my experience in the west
Also, my experience with that isn't in the entertainment market, it was software/systems to sell to big companies, so the mentality is different

The one thing I have seen though, is when profits do get high enough, that companies DO lose those values. I agree that Japanese markets also like a company that sticks to their core values, so that does take a factor
However, I still think that any business can succumb to the money mentality, and that the Japanese are not immune to it

From what I understand, there's also a lot of things in Japanese business that aren't discussed what so ever out of respect for superiors; so I think it's a balancing act for them too, like it is here in the west

No. But I've talked with enough executives to know that "it's gonna make us money" isn't necessarily the only thing they think about.

Also, as someone who works in business, and honestly I think you totally already get this, but don't trust us. You're the media; we don't trust you, because there's nothing we can do to guarantee you don't put a bad spin on something about us. Those execs have PR training, and are going to PR ANY answer they give you
Just a reminder is all; I honestly can't think of a company that would openly admit they take no consideration of their core or beginning values and are only doing things for profit. I could see the answer at a PR prep meeting would be something like "Our values have evolved to ensure we are able to sustain our products at the same quality they are or better, while still being profitable."


RSI Employee of the Year
Hahaha you already caught my follow up question! Thanks for that holmes hahaha

Most of the product strategy meetings I've been in turn into that EA "How can we make more money with this?" kinda shit; but that's my experience in the west
Also, my experience with that isn't in the entertainment market, it was software/systems to sell to big companies, so the mentality is different

The one thing I have seen though, is when profits do get high enough, that companies DO lose those values. I agree that Japanese markets also like a company that sticks to their core values, so that does take a factor
However, I still think that any business can succumb to the money mentality, and that the Japanese are not immune to it

From what I understand, there's also a lot of things in Japanese business that aren't discussed what so ever out of respect for superiors; so I think it's a balancing act for them too, like it is here in the west

Also, as someone who works in business, and honestly I think you totally already get this, but don't trust us. You're the media; we don't trust you, because there's nothing we can do to guarantee you don't put a bad spin on something about us. Those execs have PR training, and are going to PR ANY answer they give you
Just a reminder is all; I honestly can't think of a company that would openly admit they take no consideration of their core or beginning values and are only doing things for profit. I could see the answer at a PR prep meeting would be something like "Our values have evolved to ensure we are able to sustain our products at the same quality they are or better, while still being profitable."

Since you mentioned EA, do keep in mind that they're a prime example of a company that has been SUPER wishy-washy in supporting the Switch, they went over that in their latest investor call as well with something that basically translates into "yeah... maybe... in the future... meh." If a company so notoriously attached to profit is reluctant to jump on the Switch, that should make you think that it isn't as obvious as some think.

While people deride them for a lot of things, they did touch on a historically very relevant point, and it's that the games that tend to sell really well on Nintendo's platforms are Nintendo's games. That's what people mostly buy Nintendo's platforms for.

Third-party games tend to underperform pretty often unless they're exclusive and pushed directly by Nintendo.

Even in Japan, many third-party games (especially core JRPGs) tend to sell better on PS4 then they do on Switch, despite the fact that the switch is the hot commodity and its installed base is now significantly higher on the local market.

So yeah, the "it's gonna make tons of money" isn't that automatic. That's one of the reasons why many Japanese companies still announce their games for PS4 only, and many are very reluctant to support the Switch.

Speaking of ports specifically, there's also a not-irrelevant technical hurdle specific to Japanse developers. While most western developers use highly flexible and scalable engines like Unreal or Unity that makes downgrading a game to fit on the Switch a relatively easy process, most Japanese developers still use highly specific in-house engines that aren't built for flexibility and scalability.

Porting a game made in Unreal or Unity to Switch is likely much, much less cost and labor-intensive than something like Persona 5.

Persona 5 Scramble is on Switch because it's developed by Koei Tecmo, which has a much stronger multiplatform tradition compared to Atlus, which also means that they have the technology to do this without straining their resources ready to use.
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"Spare a port begging for a veteran?"

Port begging should be Switch trademark at this point lol

It's very frustrating with Nintendo fans at the moment and asking for ports or accepting ports for full price. I'm sure people will quote me and say "what's wrong with having the option" Nothing, but these ports happen on other consoles all the time without the same fanfair and with better pricing.

Not to mention ports are usually cruxified as shit if they don't properly run at all or lack some kind of extra content on other consoles.

But when it comes to Switch? Nah, who cares about frame rates, screen tearing, resolutions, blurry fest ,etc, etc. I just "want to play between my work and home", who cares about those things anyway?
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I am a virgin
Since you mentioned EA, do keep in mind that they're a prime example of a company that has been SUPER wishy-washy in supporting the Switch, they went over that in their latest investor call as well with something that basically translates into "yeah... maybe... in the future... meh."

While people deride them for a lot of things, they did touch on a historically very relevant point, and it's that the games that tend to sell really well on Nintendo's platforms are Nintendo's games. That's what people mostly buy Nintendo's platforms for.

Third-party games tend to underperform pretty often unless they're exclusive and pushed directly by Nintendo.

Even in Japan, many third-party games (especially core JRPGs) tend to sell better on PS4 then they do on Switch, despite the fact that the switch is the hot commodity and its installed base is now significantly higher on the local market.

So yeah, the "it's gonna make tons of money" isn't that automatic. That's why many Japanese companies still announce their games for PS4 only.
I actually think that has more to do with the brand loyalty that the Eastern Asian market seems to have, and I say that from my own perspective with my Switch
At first I was all "Eh why play Doom on the Switch...I like my mouse and keyboard, and it's a PC title originally...meh," but then I got caught needing some emergency car work done, sat my ass in the lobby of the mechanic shop, loaded up Doom and loved playing it on the Switch

The allusion I'm trying to make with that, is that I see Doom as a VERY western game; so the idea of playing this beloved game on a foreign platform just seemed...wrong, which I could see the Eastern market having

As companies work more together (Or if you see it as customer's losing brand loyalty, have at it linear logic nerds) and make their titles across more platforms, and the software devs learn the platforms better, and the hardware developers help their platforms be more easily coded on, I think a LOT of that is going to go away

That's partially due to IT practices though; universal things (Say, USB) are more easily coded for, but more easily exploited in malicious ways, and hence cost less money, but custom solutions cost more money, but hardware and software wise it's typically harder to code on

And well, if the market doesn't like the universal approach, it'll fall back to the more competitive market; not everyone wants to play Doom on JoyCons, including me, but it's completely playable and opened me up to trying a lot more games on my Switch

EDIT: Any public speech that has absolutely no flaws is...yeah. I wasn't mentioning EA as a way of talking about the support for the Switch, more about their Scrooge McDuck attitude on their business model
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I would love the game on Switch but can't lie...it's hilarious seeing people get so upset that it's not on Switch. You want to play the game? Buy a PS3 or PS4.

Mainline Persona games have always been PlayStation exclusive. Only spin offs come to Nintendo platforms. You'll get Scramble and you'll enjoy it.

"But! But!! Sony doesn't have a new handheld so they should put Royal on Switch because...they put out Golden on Vita!"

Nah. There isn't a new Sony handheld and they aren't putting it on Switch. They are putting it on PS4.
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I already played Person 5, it's good but didn't think it was great, so not interested in Royal or a Switch port. However, a Switch port to me seems like an easy project and basically a guaranteed success, so not sure what the logic is here for not releasing it unless there's something going on behind the scenes.


I like Persona enough to actually OWN THE SYSTEMS THEY RELEASE ON! If someone realllllly wanted to play Persona 5, they had PS3 and PS4 as options to actually play it. For years mind you. Want to play it on the go? Remote play with Vita.

Lets stop pretending one can't actually do this. You have to question how much someone really likes a series, they also refuse to own the hardware to actually play. Persona 2, 3,4 and 5 exist on PS3 to play. The time spent crying over this could have played almost the entire fucking series. Imagine spending THAT MUCH TIME, asking for something, you could have 100% beat the majority of the series already. So those waiting, continue to wait. Atlus has no reason to rush out a port as the few that would even wait that long are not THAT many in the first place. What should they be scared of? OH the people that don't buy the titles, will be mad they have to wait for another title to come on their system? Of the games they refuse to buy a system to play the game on prior to in the first place? ummm? yea, they will port it when they feel like it. If you didn't buy the hardware to play the series, you were never a real fan in the first place and irrelevant to that company. ONLY when they port it will they actually give 2 shits how that install base actually feels. They don't care about non-consumers crying over things they refuse to buy in the first place..
I like Persona enough to actually OWN THE SYSTEMS THEY RELEASE ON! If someone realllllly wanted to play Persona 5, they had PS3 and PS4 as options to actually play it. For years mind you. Want to play it on the go? Remote play with Vita.

I respectfully disagree. Who is going to purchase a system for a single game, this game in particular? What if you're a PC gamer, and don't like consoles at all but would like to see Persona 5 on it? These people exist. Likewise, there exist people who chose the Switch because it is a handheld system, and there's plenty of those who would like such an RPG on the go. Not even mentioning the fact that some people like to stick to a single system, or don't have the deep pockets, or the incentive to buy multiple systems, especially for one game.

I wish people would stop making excuses for these companies, and think that good, third-party games should remain exclusive to one platform. I've said it before; Shin Megami Tensei V should come to the PC and PlayStation 4 and/or 5, despite me being only interested in the (for now) exclusive Switch release.

Why would I discourage or mock people who want to see that happen?
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The overentitled Nintendo fans on resetera are going berserk over this.



Who is going to purchase a system for a single game, this game in particular?

Someone who doesn't mind spending $80 on a used PS3 and $12 for a used copy of Persona 5 on PS3.... Mind you, its not simply just Persona 5, the entire series is on Playstation... So folks knew for YEARS it was coming to PS3 and PS4. They had notice.

"What if you're a PC gamer, and don't like consoles" Tough luck, it means you don't like JRPGs that much bud. As a PC gamer AND console gamer AND handheld gamer, I buy the fucking systems to play the series I like.

I'm a gamer because of the games I PLAY first and foremost. So if someone buys a PC, then proceeds to start complaining about ports to older JRPG, simply means they made the wrong choice. I don't buy a gaming PC to then start crying over other series. My god, 5 titles in and we are acting shocked that its on limited systems? So zero series exist that deep on any platform that I've EVER cried or BEGGED to come to a system I own, I simply buy the systems those games come on if I want to play them that badly. Like I stated, the time spent begging for this, they could have 100% beat that game or even the whole damn series.

Not every game is going to come to PC, or Nintendo systems or Playstation systems for that matter.......why waste years not playing a fucking series complaining, crying, begging etc when all the time could have legit beat the whole series?

there's plenty of those who would like such an RPG on the go.

I'm sure they exist....they could play it on the go on PSP, PSVita etc via remote play...

I like to play games, where is irrelevant. Imagine wanting to play a game on the go so bad, it even overtakes waiting to play it at all.... So I enjoy playing games, enough to actually buy the systems to play the games I like.

Not even mentioning the fact that some people like to stick to a single system, or don't have the deep pockets

If someone wants to stay on 1 system to the point where they play less games that they are actually begging for, that is their problem. It makes zero sense. The cost of many of theses systems used is only the price of about 1 or 2 new games. So even if they release many of theses on the Switch or PC at full price, it would simply equal or be around the cost you would have even spent to buy another system anyway. Except you LOST all that time that can't be made up.

So you gain next to nothing waiting, you simply lose time you could have spent playing those games.

"I wish people would stop making excuses for these companies" I wish people would stop asking every fucking company to be EA and make games for 100 platforms or something. Not all companies release titles on 5 systems you know...

If someone likes JRPGs, they knew full well the platforms that had an established base for them. That is their own fault.

Shin Megami Tensei V should come to the PC and PlayStation 4 and/or 5, despite me being only interested in the (for now) exclusive Switch release.

Nah, Shin Megami Tensei V should come to WHERE EVER SEGA WANTS TO PUT IT! I want them focused on creating quality work, port it else where IF a install base exist. I also want SEGA around and not trying to be the EA of Japan putting games on every last system just to get a cash grab. So I 100% support their conservative view on how they release titles as it maintains their quality and allows for them not to stretch themselves thin.

Why would I discourage or mock people who want to see that happen?

Nothing wrong with anyone who wants to see it happen, something is however questionable about a person that "likes" a series so much...they don't even own the platforms to play the actual series. I like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Shin Megami Tensei etc enough to OWN THE SYSTEMS THEY APPEAR ON. Next to no excuse to not own a used PS3 to play many JRPG gems, yet profess to want one of the top JRPG series out there. Again, makes very little sense.

Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
Nothing wrong with anyone who wants to see it happen, something is however questionable about a person that "likes" a series so much...they don't even own the platforms to play the actual series. I like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Shin Megami Tensei etc enough to OWN THE SYSTEMS THEY APPEAR ON. Next to no excuse to not own a used PS3 to play many JRPG gems, yet profess to want one of the top JRPG series out there. Again, makes very little sense.

It's not my case since i love Atlus, but more for Shin Megami Tensei, Etrian Odyssey, etc. than Persona. (that said i'd like Persona games on Switch)

I think it's okay if one person doesn't want to buy a PS4 but still love JRPGs: maybe he/she wants to play them on PC at max settings or on a portable system. For me JRPG on portable systems are the best fit: you can multitask the grinding parts much easier.

It's even more acceptable if you don't own a PS3 since:

a) it's a discontinued system now.

b) it didn't even have all that many JRPGs: the best ones of that gen were on Wii/360. (Xenoblade Chronicles, Lost Odyssey, The Last Story, Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia,....)

I think in general Atlus has to realize that people who do like and play those types of games are on different systems and only a minority is willing to own all consoles, the majority of consumers have one console and/or a PC.

Not only that but numbers said most japanese consumers are on Switch nowadays, considering Atlus still go for the release first in Japan, rest of the world second.

Then if they want to stick to their plans, fine, they just feel very antiquate to me in this day and age.
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Nothing wrong with anyone who wants to see it happen, something is however questionable about a person that "likes" a series so much...they don't even own the platforms to play the actual series. I like Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Shin Megami Tensei etc enough to OWN THE SYSTEMS THEY APPEAR ON. Next to no excuse to not own a used PS3 to play many JRPG gems, yet profess to want one of the top JRPG series out there. Again, makes very little sense.

Persona 4 Golden is just one of the many JRPGs I own on my PlayStation Vita. Never owned a PlayStation 3, instead I owned a Xbox 360 until it messed up my discs (faulty disc drive).

Coming back to Persona 4 Golden, you probably can guess why I want to see that game appear on the Switch. If not; I am a handheld-only gamer these days, who spends lots of time on JRPGs.

Shin Megami Tensei V was already 50% part of the deal getting a Switch, and combined with Octopath Traveller, Super Mario Odyssey, and some smaller titles it was an fairly easy decision.


I played and beat it on the graphically superior ps4 so I don't care about a switch port.

The only thing I can get fucked is this constant demand for everything to get ported to the switch which is the most inferior hardware, and worst online experience, and will be a much higher price than on the better systems the games have existed on for a while now.


For me JRPG on portable systems are the best fit: you can multitask the grinding parts much easier.

True. Persona 3 and 4 exist on Portable systems and you can remote play Persona 5. Sooo nothing stopping you, but you.

a) it's a discontinued system now.

Someone better tell Ebay and Amazon that cause they clearly still sell them used. Don't really know what them being "discontinued" has to do with anything, the system still very much runs and works, when PS4 and XONE came out its not as if PS3, 360 or any past system suddenly got foxdie and stopped working. So...irrelevant.

b) it didn't even have all that many JRPGs:

It had TONS of great JRPG. The FFXIII series, FFXIV, Kingdom Hearts collection, FFX remaster, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles, Tales of Xillia, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel I and II, Nier, Demon Souls, 3D Dot Heros, White Knight Chronicles 1 and 2, Persona 2, 3 and 4 and funny enough...the very game you are begging for exist on the PS3.... Didn't have that many, yet the topic of what you are asking for exist on it? Sorta hurts your point massively.

All that tells me btw is you don't like JRPGs....THAT MUCH. I like JRPGs enough to by the system to get the game, regardless if its on handheld, PC or a home console.
I mean...they want people to ask even more for P5 (as if they arent sure theres a big enough fanbase on Switch), but they did not have an issue to make P5 Scramble that probably nobody asked for.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The game makes perfect sense for the Switch. It could be a decent perennial seller that they never have to reduce the price of because it's the Switch. They should have actually gotten ahead of things and ported it a year ago, in fact.
I always assumed there's some kind of exclusivity limitation. They put 4 on vita for crying out loud. And they had to make that weird persona q spinoff to put things on 3ds.


Altus is a dumb company that hates money. They'd have a great ROI if they did Switch and PC ports.

The issue is. 3 rd party games do not sell on the switch. Literally. It’s Mario, Zelda, and Nintendo first party selling millions. With 3rd party games barely scratching a million
This really isn't true for the Switch, it has broken that Nintendo trend. In specific looking at the big third party JRPG exclusive for it, Octopath Traveler has sold over 1.5 million as a new IP and with less critical acclaim than Persona 5.


The game makes perfect sense for the Switch. It could be a decent perennial seller that they never have to reduce the price of because it's the Switch. They should have actually gotten ahead of things and ported it a year ago, in fact.
So does the Shin Megami Tensei series on Playstation but I don't see threads of people begging for that even though it originally released on Playstation unlike the first Persona game which didn't appear on any Nintendo platform but I digress lol.


So does the Shin Megami Tensei series on Playstation but I don't see threads of people begging for that even though it originally released on Playstation unlike the first Persona game which didn't appear on any Nintendo platform but I digress lol.
Where did you learn this


It was a port released years years later.
That wasn't my question though or a rebuke to my original comment, the first SMT was on Playstation, the first Persona was never on a Nintendo system til this day(natively).
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Gold Member
What a bunch of baloney. Atlus keeps teasing people by releasing spin-offs, sequels and fighters of Persona games on Nintendo's sytems, but they act suprised when people want to play the original game that spawned all this stuff. And then you've got these morons popping up in threads like this to tell people how dumb they are for wanting to play a game that keeps getting shoved in their faces by Atlus and Nintendo. Gee, I wonder why that is!
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That wasn't my question though or my rebuke to my original comment, the first SMT was on Playstation, the first Persona was never on a Nintendo system til this day(natively).
Obviously I didn't intend to deny that, but it still was never "originally" released there. It's just a port.

Regardless, I think Atlus can do whatever the fuck they want and it's the same for its fans. To be frustrated of the results when Atlus pull this bait move though...

Other than surveys, I think this is a first from Atlus doing this.
It is my fault I refuse to play Persona 5 on my PS4 and waiting for the late Switch port

Atlus knows and is milking the thirsty

Exactly my thoughts! And its mainly because i played P4G on the Vita. Its such a game I want to chill on the couch or my bed and do random daily tasks and enjoy, loved it. I dont wanna play it on my 60" TV hunched over. It just feel like a game that is perfect for handheld/long trips.


The nicest person on this forum
Exactly my thoughts! And its mainly because i played P4G on the Vita. Its such a game I want to chill on the couch or my bed and do random daily tasks and enjoy, loved it. I dont wanna play it on my 60" TV hunched over. It just feel like a game that is perfect for handheld/long trips.
I can understand that, games like SMT/Persona by its nature are long games, its nice you play those games in handheld on your bed before you got sleep, it kind my reason why I got Ace Attorney Trilogy on Switch instead of PS4.
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