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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I find it weird that there's a cartoon about a convicted rapist and women beater.

Like, I'm not saying that in a "how dare you watch it" getting on my high horse type of way. I just think it's interesting how society can completely shun someone based on their crimes, but then not just accept someone else but even elevate them to an even higher position, despite their crimes being much worse.

And the thing about Tyson is that it's very hard to find any proof of legitimate remorse and rehabilitation. By his own admission he was still beating up women in 2009. His whole sobriety schtick turned out to be a scam.

So we've got a violent alcoholic with a history of rape and an insane amount of violence against women, but everyone's just like "but lol face tattoo".

I dunno, I've always thought it was a bit weird.

Separate the art from the artist. Separate the message from the messenger. Etc. That's part of what they are doing.

It's pretty messy, real grey area. Sometimes I'm uneasy, other times I feel people are overreacting. At the end of the day it's because it's a subjective, emotional thing.

I was against destroying the art done by Rolf Harris but could understand how victims of abuse didn't want that trigger in their society. I'm a fan of hanging a lantern on it, rather than pretend it never happened we should put a distinct disclaimer on it so future generations can gain a proper understanding of humanity to avoid our past mistakes hopefully.


Separate the art from the artist. Separate the message from the messenger. Etc. That's part of what they are doing.

It's pretty messy, real grey area. Sometimes I'm uneasy, other times I feel people are overreacting. At the end of the day it's because it's a subjective, emotional thing.

I was against destroying the art done by Rolf Harris but could understand how victims of abuse didn't want that trigger in their society. I'm a fan of hanging a lantern on it, rather than pretend it never happened we should put a distinct disclaimer on it so future generations can gain a proper understanding of humanity to avoid our past mistakes hopefully.

You can pry my wobble board out of my cold dead hands you damn dirty ape!
The voice over says say-ga so that is what it is.

yup, but there's a reason Australians generally pronounce it as See-ga. Because Sega told us so. For a loooooong time.







this person looks barely old enough to drive yet calls it see-ga.



So they taught us to pronounce it wrong?



So they taught us to pronounce it wrong?


No idea why Australia was the exception when it came to the correct pronunciation.

I prefer 'Segguh' myself, but it was pronounced 'Say-guh' for the intro of Sonic, and so that's what I believe is correct. Before I knew about this, I used to pronounce it 'Seagah' too, but after discovering the internet that quickly was corrected
So they taught us to pronounce it wrong?



It's not limited to Sega. Audi dealers used to say the brand using English Phonetics rather than German Phonetic pronunciation like we use these days. Yet we still use the english version of Volkswagen rather than German Folksvagen (Fau-Ve).

I'm sure you can find a relative or two who still talks about Toyota Camrays. No idea what fucking asylum they escaped from there. Sorry, that should be excaped.

There's a story about a marketing meeting at Holden way back when they made a compact shitbox called a Gemini. They were kicking around slogans and came up with "You and I and Gemini (as in Gemin-eye)." Then some Holden bigshot said its pronounced "geminee" an older American pronounciation. So the ad guy says "You and Me and Geminee."

yeah, just chalk it up to cultural differences and a different accent rather than being wrong. We're almost certainly pronouncing most foreign names technically incorrectly for their native tongue, but correctly for Australia.
You do it every time you pronounce place names not in your local area. Germany's not Germany in German, etc.

If you really want to blow your mind. Sega's an amalgamation of two english words and the company as started by an American anyway, so that means even the Japanese are wrong, too. Boom!


I love the US (a statement that is strangely controversial among Aussies and citizens of the United States), but one of my continued issues with the American dominated nature of video game discussion and media is that it gives a really skewed view of gaming history.

For example, despite having a C64 before a NES, I bought right into the concept of the video game crash being this global thing where games went away until Nintendo came riding in on a white horse with a toy robot and Super Mario Bros.
If you didn't live through it, it would surprise most younger gamers that the Master System did great here and the Sega/Nintendo thing wasn't just this one sided affair with a brief flirtation after Sonic came out.

This local focus even seems to cloud the narrative of executives in charge, I remember the western frustration that was Japanese companies being so razor focused on their home markets needs and successes, meanwhile Microsoft makes all the same home market focused decisions when conceiving the Xbox One and projected success purely based on home sales and domination of "gamer" mindshare with the 360 - despite completely failing to excel at either in European and Asian markets.

It sucks, but I don't think there's much to be done about it.

Oh and the far more jarring "we were taught the word wrong" was when they transitioned from saying Nestlé as "Nessles" to "NessLay" and Quik suddenly became NesQuik.


I want a tag give me a tag
it's Say-gah, unless you grew up in Australia. Then its Sea-gah.

That's how the distributors used to pronounce it in Sega ads for a loooooong time, even after the Megadrive had the pronounciation in the boot up sequence.

Segga? Get me my switch!

When I listen to that boot up though, I do and always have heard SEE gah not say gah. And that's one of the reasons I never said saygah.. same for my friends..
Separate the art from the artist. Separate the message from the messenger. Etc. That's part of what they are doing.

It's pretty messy, real grey area. Sometimes I'm uneasy, other times I feel people are overreacting. At the end of the day it's because it's a subjective, emotional thing.

I was against destroying the art done by Rolf Harris but could understand how victims of abuse didn't want that trigger in their society. I'm a fan of hanging a lantern on it, rather than pretend it never happened we should put a distinct disclaimer on it so future generations can gain a proper understanding of humanity to avoid our past mistakes hopefully.

It's good people can actually have a discussion on it. I'm actually strongly on the side typically of the social justice stuff- whether it's anti rape culture, anti white or male privilege, etc. but I feel sometimes the cause is hurt by people criticising too quickly and harshly. Doesn't mean we can't still criticise but to do it better.

To be honest however I think the whole seperating the art and the artist only really works in some cases. If the artist hurt someone, or stole, or dealt drugs, that is all things that generally can be healed with time. Generally, not always.

When it comes to violent sexual assault and rape however I really don't think the argument starts to hold water. OR when there is little to no public remorse shown. Or when they are famous for being in a violent sport or having a bad boy or 'thuggish' persona (I hate that word since it tends to be racially charged but Tyson personafies it)

I have the same criticisms of Chris Brown and the rumours about Mayweather as well. Simply do not like them continueing to be famous celebrities despite using their power, celebrity and physical stature to beat, intimidate and in some cases sexually abuse women.


Welp, back out of the country again...and cheap WiiU-less too, thanks for nothing Aus, I am right to leave you!!! lol

Anyway, first thing I did when I got off a plane was grab a white ps4, think I will play Far Cry 4 until I pass out :D


It's cold in Atlanta but this Smite comp is amazing and will be even more awesome with the next cup when Oceanic gets a team in.


There's a story about a marketing meeting at Holden way back when they made a compact shitbox called a Gemini. They were kicking around slogans and came up with "You and I and Gemini (as in Gemin-eye)." Then some Holden bigshot said its pronounced "geminee" an older American pronounciation. So the ad guy says "You and Me and Geminee."

I remember all the stuff you referred to except this one. I don't remember the "geminee" pronunciation in any ads. I looked through a bunch on Youtube and they're all Gemin-eye. Maybe a local dealer in your area did a geminee ad? There were some crazy local dealer ads in those days.


I love the US (a statement that is strangely controversial among Aussies and citizens of the United States), but one of my continued issues with the American dominated nature of video game discussion and media is that it gives a really skewed view of gaming history.

For example, despite having a C64 before a NES, I bought right into the concept of the video game crash being this global thing where games went away until Nintendo came riding in on a white horse with a toy robot and Super Mario Bros.
If you didn't live through it, it would surprise most younger gamers that the Master System did great here and the Sega/Nintendo thing wasn't just this one sided affair with a brief flirtation after Sonic came out.

It is weird. And with videogame history written by US people who grew up on consoles its all very weird. Even things like retronauts suffers from it.

So if you hear that skewed history long enough that will become the true history of videogames.

As for the crash, I found it weird to hear about all these years later, when i saw zero impact. But then my gaming history went C64->Amiga->PC->(PS3+360+PC+iPad)->(PS4+PC+iPad)
I'm hearing a ton of good things about Smite lately, looked great at PAX AU too.

I might grab it once it hits PS4, sounds up my alley.

I've dabbled in a few games, and dig it. Feels way more comfortable to me than something like League or DOTA. Ponied up for their character season pass too (because it's on sale at the moment).

Should really play more though!
I remember all the stuff you referred to except this one. I don't remember the "geminee" pronunciation in any ads. I looked through a bunch on Youtube and they're all Gemin-eye. Maybe a local dealer in your area did a geminee ad? There were some crazy local dealer ads in those days.

nah, I never heard it as anything other than Gemini (eye). That was a story (possibly apocryphal) I read once in Wheels. It seems Holden ended up calling it the way we all remember

It is weird. And with videogame history written by US people who grew up on consoles its all very weird. Even things like retronauts suffers from it.

So if you hear that skewed history long enough that will become the true history of videogames.

As for the crash, I found it weird to hear about all these years later, when i saw zero impact. But then my gaming history went C64->Amiga->PC->(PS3+360+PC+iPad)->(PS4+PC+iPad)

There was an impact- it was on developers and publishers in North America and anyone making or selling carts rather than consumers apart from suddenly being able to buy games for pennies. I remember my brother bringing back a stack of carts for our Atari 800 that were being sold off for $5 around 1985. That's quite a discount considering it was rare to see change from $80 to get a cartridge game for any system.
Home computer developers weren't impacted so much but that market was way smaller than the home consoles, even then.

A good grounding is a book called Replay: The History of Video Games by an English author. It covers a bit of everything, not in great detail but it's well written.

Welp, back out of the country again...and cheap WiiU-less too, thanks for nothing Aus, I am right to leave you!!! lol

Harvey Norman is selling a Wii U premium, Mario Kat 8, SSB, Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta 2 and Lego City for
full RRP. sorry.


So I'm finding First Light to be way more fun than Second Son. Just racing around and up buildings makes the game so much more fun and less effort to get around, and the core biffo mechanics (just like the games previous to them both) are basically the same. Also the graffiti mechanic in First Light is so much less broken than Second Son :/

Driveclub has reinforced that I'm really not a fan of racing games ;)

LBP3 is as great as I'd hoped :)

And finally, today, there's a break in this constant rain so we can go out biking!
So I'm finding First Light to be way more fun than Second Son. Just racing around and up buildings makes the game so much more fun and less effort to get around, and the core biffo mechanics (just like the games previous to them both) are basically the same. Also the graffiti mechanic in First Light is so much less broken than Second Son :/

Driveclub has reinforced that I'm really not a fan of racing games ;)

LBP3 is as great as I'd hoped :)

And finally, today, there's a break in this constant rain so we can go out biking!

Nice! What was wrong with graffiti in Second Son? I really enjoyed them.


Nice! What was wrong with graffiti in Second Son? I really enjoyed them.
The controller connection to the spray point is so dodgy. I feel like I'm fighting the controller's motion control most of the time. At least with the First Light ones you don't need to "spray" the whole thing, which makes the crappy motion control more bearable :/

And so, third time out on her bike, daughter was doing laps of the car park, pretty darned stable :)


Aw yeah, need to download First Light and see what thats about. Gotta say, I'm really loving the PS4 menu slickness. Like, dat almost instant psn store load is pretty whoooa!

Harvey Norman is selling a Wii U premium, Mario Kat 8, SSB, Mario 3D Land, Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta 2 and Lego City for
full RRP. sorry.
You almost had me there!


Aw yeah, need to download First Light and see what thats about. Gotta say, I'm really loving the PS4 menu slickness. Like, dat almost instant psn store load is pretty whoooa!
Gods yes. I don't know how many times Sony missed an impulse game or film purchase because the stupid store sat loading for minutes on end.

Dead Man

Next stupid question. A friend's kid bought a copy of COD:AW for PS4 from the US. Will they be able to buy DLC for it on an Australian PSN account? I know the PS3 had region locked DLC, no idea with the PS4 though. Am I hoping in vain that things have improved in that regard?
Next stupid question. A friend's kid bought a copy of COD:AW for PS4 from the US. Will they be able to buy DLC for it on an Australian PSN account? I know the PS3 had region locked DLC, no idea with the PS4 though. Am I hoping in vain that things have improved in that regard?

Your hope is in vain. DLC is still regionlocked.
The controller connection to the spray point is so dodgy. I feel like I'm fighting the controller's motion control most of the time. At least with the First Light ones you don't need to "spray" the whole thing, which makes the crappy motion control more bearable :/

And so, third time out on her bike, daughter was doing laps of the car park, pretty darned stable :)

Have you checked to see if it's an issue with the controller? Didn't find it difficult when I did it, just need to hold controller steady when you first choose evil/good choice to paint then it's 1:1 movement from there. See if Playroom stuff works as expected.

Also yay! I also found out today you can go to public schools out of hours/weekends and use their tracks? I still don't believe that one lol.

Gods yes. I don't know how many times Sony missed an impulse game or film purchase because the stupid store sat loading for minutes on end.

Friends don't let friends use the console based store! Use the webfront instead. Much quicker and easier to find stuff. Lets you cover all platforms in one browse too ;)

Next stupid question. A friend's kid bought a copy of COD:AW for PS4 from the US. Will they be able to buy DLC for it on an Australian PSN account? I know the PS3 had region locked DLC, no idea with the PS4 though. Am I hoping in vain that things have improved in that regard?

Region locked. I vaguely recall reading an interview somewhere that it was locked since different region editions have different code/patches so if you download DLC from a different region there is likely to be a piece of code that breaks it. Does make sense but sucks from a consumers $$$ point of view. Actually only if you buy local, heh. US DLC is usually cheaper.

Grab a US $$$ code from Amazon if you need one.

Dead Man

Your hope is in vain. DLC is still regionlocked.

Region locked. I vaguely recall reading an interview somewhere that it was locked since different region editions have different code/patches so if you download DLC from a different region there is likely to be a piece of code that breaks it. Does make sense but sucks from a consumers $$$ point of view. Actually only if you buy local, heh. US DLC is usually cheaper.

Grab a US $$$ code from Amazon if you need one.

Shite. Thanks guys. :) Not really buying that excuse, really.



The rift is a pretty fun tool to make people around you feel really motion sick


I remember all the stuff you referred to except this one. I don't remember the "geminee" pronunciation in any ads. I looked through a bunch on Youtube and they're all Gemin-eye. Maybe a local dealer in your area did a geminee ad? There were some crazy local dealer ads in those days.

I do remember the story, but obviously they ended up just saying: FUCK IT - it's GEM-IN -EYE and use "You and I and Gemini."

Finished the SP of Halo 4 so I'm done with MCC for now. I may or may not go back for some multiplayer (or Halo 5 beta). Depends on whether I want to go with subbing to XBL or not.

Gonna hit up the Ace Attorney trilogy next for a change of pace.
Big Hero 6 has a ton of derivative content but executes it so fucking well. Real emotional movie. Looks insanely good too, brilliant direction from start to finish. Second best superhero movie of 2014, sightly behind GotG and a fair way ahead of Days of Future Past.

Shite. Thanks guys. :) Not really buying that excuse, really.

I can't be 100% in terms of DLC as I've never looked at the raw files but I can say for 100% that different region copies of games have different code (different trophies for different regions that don't pop is a good example).
Big Hero 6 has a ton of derivative content but executes it so fucking well. Real emotional movie. Looks insanely good too, brilliant direction from start to finish. Second best superhero movie of 2014, sightly behind GotG and a fair way ahead of Days of Future Past.

Big Hero 6 is fantastic. Right up there with the Incredibles as being a fantastic superhero movie.

Does not compute, rep, since dofp was better than gotg.

I had a blast with DoFP but it was no where near the likes of GotG or Winter Soldier. I'm sure we can all agree that TAS2 and TMNT are complete piles of shit though.
Big Hero 6 is fantastic. Right up there with the Incredibles as being a fantastic superhero movie.

I had a blast with DoFP but it was no where near the likes of GotG or Winter Soldier. I'm sure we can all agree that TAS2 and TMNT are complete piles of shit though.

I'll have to rewatch Big Hero 6 once it hits blu ray (it's gonna look insane with that clarity compared to our shitty projectors down here I bet!) but I'd rate it better than Incredibles, which is a huge feat in itself. Glad I took my friends advice and took my son too as he was okay with the peril/bad guy and the rest of the movie is quite harmless.

I probably enjoyed Winter Solider less than a lot of people it seems, it's a great movie but I certainly wasn't blown away by it. I thought DoFP took a lot more risks even if they didn't all pay off.
I'll have to rewatch Big Hero 6 once it hits blu ray (it's gonna look insane with that clarity compared to our shitty projectors down here I bet!) but I'd rate it better than Incredibles, which is a huge feat in itself. Glad I took my friends advice and took my son too as he was okay with the peril/bad guy and the rest of the movie is quite harmless.

I probably enjoyed Winter Solider less than a lot of people it seems, it's a great movie but I certainly wasn't blown away by it. I thought DoFP took a lot more risks even if they didn't all pay off.

My son had a blast at it. He got a bit worried when there were heading to the bad guy's lair but other than that, I agree it was harmless. I've seen the Incredibles so many times that I would have to wait until seeing Big Hero 6 more before I can choose between them.
Big Hero 6 was fun and it has a lot more heart than the Walt Disney Animation Studios films of the 2000s, but it doesn't come close to any of the films in the pixar golden period to me. Also, it's been a while since I've seen The Incredibles, but I don't think you could say of its protagonist that he
attempted murder lol
(big hero 6 plot spoiler)


I saw Birdman last night and enjoyed it a lot. I thought the score was great, and I enjoyed the "one take" style it tried to emulate throughout the entire film. I felt it went on for perhaps 20 minutes too long, and the film had multiple points to end in a satisfactory way but it didn't want to let the metaphorical curtains close. The whole film had a very slam poetry feel, and it did a good job of capturing the atmosphere of stage productions as well as some very great outdoor moments that contrasted the bubble most of the characters were living in.

Perhaps not as overwhelmingly fantastic as Nightcrawler, another recent "wait I thought this was a superhero movie" movie, but it's unique and interesting and maybe just a little stuck up its own ass. But I like Wes Anderson movies, so I'm quite fond of things stuck up asses.


Yeah, I grabbed the Graces f/Xillia combo even though the pile of RPGs I own but haven't played is pretty embarrassing.

same i got

Last Remnant
Braverly Default
Symphonia 1+2 HD
Abyss 3D
Lost Odyssey
Persona 3
Eternal Sonata
Blue Dragon
Resonance of Fate

and few HD remasters. I got alot of that stuff when i was unemployed now i barely have time anymore lol.

Persona/SMT > the rest. Make it a priority to play them.
I saw Birdman last night and enjoyed it a lot. I thought the score was great, and I enjoyed the "one take" style it tried to emulate throughout the entire film. I felt it went on for perhaps 20 minutes too long, and the film had multiple points to end in a satisfactory way but it didn't want to let the metaphorical curtains close. The whole film had a very slam poetry feel, and it did a good job of capturing the atmosphere of stage productions as well as some very great outdoor moments that contrasted the bubble most of the characters were living in.

Perhaps not as overwhelmingly fantastic as Nightcrawler, another recent "wait I thought this was a superhero movie" movie, but it's unique and interesting and maybe just a little stuck up its own ass. But I like Wes Anderson movies, so I'm quite fond of things stuck up asses.

I thought the acting was sublime too, I really enjoyed the styles in and out of the play. Overall it was a really enjoyable movie filled with top notch actors.
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