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Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the west'


A savage opinion of Donald Trump’s presidency that went viral was delivered by one of Australia’s most seasoned political journalists, who is well known to viewers of the national broadcaster for his frank opinions.

Chris Uhlmann, the political editor of the government-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation, described Trump as “isolated and friendless” at the G20 leaders’ summit, and said his disastrous foreign policy had “pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States”.

The analysis, delivered on the ABC’s political program Insiders, has been viewed thousands of times around the world, and astonished American political commentators.
Speaking on Sunday from the G20 conference in Hamburg, Uhlmann said Trump had shown “no desire and no capacity to lead the world” and was himself “the biggest threat to the values of the west”.

“He was an uneasy, lonely, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense that some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him,” Uhlmann said.

“Where was the G20 statement condemning North Korea which would have put pressure on China and Russia? Other leaders expected it, they were prepared to back it, but it never came.”

Uhlmann said Trump was obsessed with “burnishing his celebrity” and had “diminished” his own nation to the benefit of Russia and China.

“We learned that Donald Trump has pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America.

“[He is] a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as president at war with the west’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.”

Highly recommend to watch the full video here




Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Failing ABC pushing more #FakeNews! My reception at G20 was rapturous and we will do tremendous things! Sad journalism!

Juicy Bob

Trump is half of the problem.

The other half is his endless supply of enablers and diehard supporters.

How can you even begin to deal with that?


I await Newt Gingrich calling this a "globalist attack on Trump and trying to take down the rise of America" or some other moron saying the same empty fuckin' thing.
Trump is half of the problem.

The other half is his endless supply of enablers and diehard supporters.

How can you even begin to deal with that?

I'd say they're a bigger problem than Trump. The fact that someone like Trump can be elected as a world leader in 2017 is more an indictment on the USA than the man himself. It should never have happened and it just shows how fucked up society is in that country, something that many Americans still refuse to acknowledge.


Failing ABC pushing more #FakeNews! My reception at G20 was rapturous and we will do tremendous things! Sad journalism!
"Who is this Chris guy anyway? I have never seen him on ABC, wich I don't watch anyway because they are so FAKE-NEWS!"
Uhlmann is a christian, ultra-conservative, cry baby who shouldn't be commentating on anything more important than a CWA bake stall.
Just for context.

lol, what? Uhlmann is an ex JJJ announcer and former host of Hack. If he leans in any direction it's left.

Nah, he's definitely a conservative. He cried on National TV when Tony Abbott got the boot.
lol, what? Uhlmann is an ex JJJ announcer and former host of Hack. If he leans in any direction it's left.

No, he is very conservative and traditionally religious. He was the chief rabble rouser for ABC's nonsense slant against renewable energy and at one point in the 90s ran for the ACT assembly on the same ticket as Paul Osbourne, a very right wing ex footballer know almost soley for 2 passes in the 94 grand final. Doesn't negate the fact that he's normally a very good journalist and nails Trump on this occasion.

The dinner table conversations with his wife, a federal labor shadow sect. would be fun.


No, he is very conservative and traditionally religious. He was the chief rabble rouser for ABC's nonsense slant against renewable energy and at one point in the 90s ran for the ACT assembly on the same ticket as Paul Osbourne, a very right wing ex footballer know almost soley for 2 passes in the 94 grand final. Doesn't negate the fact that he's normally a very good journalist and nails Trump on this occasion.

Wow. You'd never be able to tell from his reporting. My respect for this guy is now even higher.
Only one year ago


China's leaders have been accused of delivering a calculated diplomatic snub to Barack Obama after the US president was not provided with a staircase to leave his plane during his chaotic arrival in Hangzhou before the start of the G20.
Chinese authorities have rolled out the red carpet for leaders including India's prime minister, Narendra Modi, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, the South Korean president, Park Geun-hye, Brazil's president, Michel Temer, and the British prime minister, Theresa May, who touched down on Sunday morning.
But the leader of the world's largest economy, who is on his final tour of Asia, was forced to disembark from Air Force One through a little-used exit in the plane's belly after no rolling staircase was provided when he landed in the eastern Chinese city on Saturday afternoon.
When Obama did find his way on to a red carpet on the tarmac below there were heated altercations between US and Chinese officials, with one Chinese official caught on video shouting: ”This is our country! This is our airport!"



I'm sure his supporters, even here in Norway, will call it "fake news!". After which they'll make another meme and start harassing the reporter/columnist/pundit.

Remember these people defend Shkrelli with :"He only did this to scam the Insurance companies! So that there could be more research! He gives it away for free to those who can't afford it!".


Delicious liberal conservative tears.

“We learned that Donald Trump has pressed fast-forward on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America.

“[He is] a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as president at war with the west’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.”
Something something Trump is a fighter! Something something Americans elected a fighter!


And some people still believe Trump's the leader of the free world. It's almost funny. Almost.

It's the same exceptionalism you see from some in Britain. Some people don't realize their country is declining until it's too late and rather hit out at the ones who try to stop it from declining.
lol, what? Uhlmann is an ex JJJ announcer and former host of Hack. If he leans in any direction it's left.

Nope he's actually super conservative. I should actually find his reaction to the Tesla announcement since he is super against renewable energy.


It's the same exceptionalism you see from some in Britain. Some people don't realize their country is declining until it's too late and rather hit out at the ones who try to stop it from declining.

Not really. People over here tend to be more skeptical of our country's position in the world. We don't proclaim ourselves the leaders of the free world, or the greatest country on earth. We don't put ourselves on a massive pedestal - and as such we don't fall from such a great height when it's clear that proclamation is wrong. This is why this article is so scathing, and why the world's opinion of the US has fallen so dramatically.


lol, what? Uhlmann is an ex JJJ announcer and former host of Hack. If he leans in any direction it's left.

This motherfucker ran as a conservative independent in the 90s. Also I couldn't find anything online about his past with triple J. Everything seems to suggest he wrote for the Canberra Times before moving onto the ABC.


Not really. People over here tend to be more skeptical of our country's position in the world. We don't proclaim ourselves the leaders of the free world, or the greatest country on earth. We don't put ourselves on a massive pedestal - and as such we don't fall from such a great height when it's clear that proclamation is wrong. This is why this article is so scathing, and why the world's opinion of the US has fallen so dramatically.

I was more talking about people still seeing the UK as a great power able to compete with the US, China and India on itself(Most of the Leave campaign seemed to be based on this thinking). I know the vast majority has completly accurate depiction of their country but some still have this exceptional view that the UK is special compared to say France or Germany.


Uhlmann is right in this instance but to be clear for everyone not Australian, he's still a right-wing cunt ruining our Public Broadcaster for his right-wing mates. The Liberals have been politically interfering with the ABC for decades, it's gotten even worse the last few years and this prick is at the forefront for them. A turd calling Trump a sack of shit.
They say he's doing nothing with his limited time in office, but I'll bet behind the scenes he's been maneuvering super quickly to channel money into his businesses.

Boss Mog

While Trump is a buffoon that has no business being president, he's certainly not “the biggest threat to the values of the west”. There are other MUCH bigger threats to western values out there.


Boss★Moogle;242981826 said:
While Trump is a buffoon that has no business being president, he's certainly not “the biggest threat to the values of the west”. There are other MUCH bigger threats to western values out there.

There really aren't. None of the other threats the West faces today hold a public office, with an army, nuclear firepower at the touch of a button, and a mandate of millions of people.
Scathing... And true.

Just move to a tag team of Obama and Bernie or Elon by himself already. Sincerely thanks from the rest of the world.
Boss★Moogle;242981826 said:
While Trump is a buffoon that has no business being president, he's certainly not “the biggest threat to the values of the west”. There are other MUCH bigger threats to western values out there.

You mean like the Russia, the people he's sucking up to and clearly compromised by?
This seems a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. Chris Uhlmann believes in an antisemitic cultural marxism conspiracy theory. Literally the idea that Jews infected the US with communism. Calling him conservative is understating just how much of a blight he typically is.

This link to the opinion piece he wrote at the beginning of last year for The Weekend Australian entitled "Once journos backed free speech" probably won't work for most people here due to that publication's paywall, but @marrowing on Twitter posted a screenshot earlier of one of the relevant quotes.

Chris Uhlmann said:
As social projects go, this wasteland was a tough sell, but neo-Marxists are nothing if not dogged. They built critical theory as a vehicle for change and began the deconstruction of the West.

Frankfurt School academics fleeing Adolf Hitler's Germany transmitted the intellectual virus to the US and set about systematically destroying the culture of the society that gave them sanctuary.

Jason Wilson in the Guardian wrote an extensive piece in response to that article, which you can look to for further info.

I suppose the subtext from someone like Chris saying this about Trump is that, outside the US, even the bigots mostly think Trump is a loon.
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