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Australian journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the west'


Trump doesn't work, that is clear enough to me.

He was fucking bored at G20, from what i saw he wondered around like what am i doing here?

And that video is something lots of people have been thinking about. Trump is delusional doesn't know how politics work, doesn't know a single thing. Can't read more than 140 characters. Trump is insult not only to the US itself but also the world. It is really showing it's true colors.

Also this administration is tearing everything apart and this happend in just 6 months. From gutting the EPA,breaking away from the Paris Agreement,Net Neutrality is under threat. Removing dozens and dozens of protections for the environment and animals.

This man and his wealthy friends are purging everything to make them self feel better but not for you. When the poor,sick and old are on a brink to die..then they will purge the middle class. Don't forget when this happens than civil war will break out.


Here is the piece from the ABC News website


Chris Uhlmann said:
The G20 became the G19 as it ended. On the Paris climate accords the United States was left isolated and friendless.

It is, apparently, where this US President wants to be as he seeks to turn his nation inward.

Donald Trump has a particular, and limited, skill-set. He has correctly identified an illness at the heart of the Western democracy. But he has no cure for it and seems to just want to exploit it.

He is a character drawn from America's wild west, a travelling medicine showman selling moonshine remedies that will kill the patient.

And this week he underlined he has neither the desire nor the capacity to lead the world.

Given the US was always going to be one out on climate change, a deft American President would have found an issue around which he could rally most of the leaders.

He had the perfect vehicle — North Korea's missile tests.

So, where was the G20 statement condemning North Korea? That would have put pressure on China and Russia? Other leaders expected it and they were prepared to back it but it never came.

There is a tendency among some hopeful souls to confuse the speeches written for Mr Trump with the thoughts of the man himself.

He did make some interesting, scripted, observations in Poland about defending the values of the West.

And Mr Trump is in a unique position — he is the one man who has the power to do something about it.

But it is the unscripted Mr Trump that is real. A man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as President at war with the West's institutions — like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.

He was an uneasy, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense some other leaders were trying to find the best way to work around him.

Mr Trump is a man who craves power because it burnishes his celebrity. To be constantly talking and talked about is all that really matters. And there is no value placed on the meaning of words. So what is said one day can be discarded the next.

So, what did we learn this week?

We learned Mr Trump has pressed fast forward on the decline of the US as a global leader. He managed to diminish his nation and to confuse and alienate his allies.

He will cede that power to China and Russia — two authoritarian states that will forge a very different set of rules for the 21st century.

Some will cheer the decline of America, but I think we'll miss it when it is gone.

And that is the biggest threat to the values of the West which he claims to hold so dear.
I don't get it
This is exactly what Trump said he would do
Focus on domestic issues and interests mostly / only

So yeah if some other nation or nation would like to step in that role of a "Global Leader" i doubt the US under Trump will push against that


I disagree.

While I’m on his side about Trump, real journalism doesn’t include opinions. That’s Fox News level “journalism.”
The program this aired on is a Sunday morning political discussion show that is mostly editorial in content.

Uhlmann delivers regular 'fact-giving' journalism in his role as political editor during regular weekly news, but the context of the clip is that it was included in programming that is clearly opinion-based.
His Right wing slash conservatism teleported to USA would be considered raging libtardness.
Liberals in the US can often have messed up views, especially when it comes to minorities. But it's safe to say believing that Jewish people are ruining the United States through Marxism isn't exactly a view typically associated with mainstream US-based Liberals.


The analysis, delivered on the ABC’s political program Insiders, has been viewed thousands of times around the world, and astonished American political commentators.
What, how so? Any examples of these "astonished" American political commentators?

The Australian journalist said something completely obvious which - looking at the international press reviews - has been widely echoed by other journalists as well. HIs assessment of Trump is not an astonishing opinion piece, it's an accepted consensus.

The Fox News bubble managing to manipulate and misrepresent reality for ~40% of Americans does not negate actual facts and a widely accepted consensus.


I'd say they're a bigger problem than Trump. The fact that someone like Trump can be elected as a world leader in 2017 is more an indictment on the USA than the man himself. It should never have happened and it just shows how fucked up society is in that country, something that many Americans still refuse to acknowledge.

I can't disagree.

Many of us severely overestimated how decent our country's electorate is. In a decent country, he would've lost in a 40-state landslide; he wouldn't've come close. It's certainly changed how I see many of my fellow Americans, on both personal and widespead levels.


Of course he has always been at the top in his business but now he can't work with others that are also at the top of their country. dumbass
youve gotten journalists and reporters mixed up. Might wanna look up the distinction between both before you try to define what "real" journalism is.
No wonder journalists are hated so much today
Way to much political opinion spreading by them.
I want more news reporter


No wonder journalists are hated so much today
Way to much political opinion spreading by them.
I want more news reporter

Pretty much. A lot of people (I'd argue most, even Democratic) ultimately want their preconceived beliefs to be reinforced. Not hear stuff that may go against it. Might be an inherent human defense mechanism.
Trump is half of the problem.

The other half is his endless supply of enablers and diehard supporters.

How can you even begin to deal with that?
His followers are the bigger problem

They refuse to admit he's a clown and he's doing a shitty job. That means either they're too stubborn to admit they're wrong or are genuinely fucking retarded and believe he's good at his job

Either option is terrible for America, because even when Trumps 8 years are up, we'll just get someone like him again


His followers are the bigger problem

They refuse to admit he's a clown and he's doing a shitty job. That means either they're too stubborn to admit they're wrong or are genuinely fucking retarded and believe he's good at his job

Either option is terrible for America, because even when Trumps 8 years are up, we'll just get someone like him again

The funny thing is once more than 4 or 8 years pass of Trump not being president anymore, they'll all turn their opinion around on him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Of course he has always been at the top in his business but now he can't work with others that are also at the top of their country. dumbass

He hasn't though. He's usually been rich but makes his money by stiffing contractors or making deals with the sort of people who have little option but to make deals with Trump. Not a single US banking institution will lend to him because his reputation AND his credit are toxic in the US. He's never been at the top of anything except ratings driven by gap jawed disbelief and gap jawed stupidity in equal measure. Until this affront to the institutions and claimed reputation of the US. The fact that he's president is almost as astonishing as the fact that his faults and dangers ECLIPSE Bush/Cheney.

It's even distracted people from remembering our vice president doesn't feel comfortable in a room with a human woman.


It's almost like Trump is working to weaken America, sow distrust in media, our institutions and our own IC and destabilize us. I wonder who would want to see that?


contribute something
I disagree.

While I’m on his side about Trump, real journalism doesn’t include opinions. That’s Fox News level “journalism.”

Such a naive attitude. All journalism is influenced by the biases of the journalist, because the consumption and transmission of any message is filtered through the beliefs and experiences of the sender and the recipient.

A neutral journalist is simply better at presenting his or her perception of events as the sole truth.
People wanted protectionism and anti-globalization they got it. He's doing what he said.

Hope they enjoy the crippling economy that comes from it as well. As an American myself, I hope the rest of the world gives his voters what they want and completely shut off any and all trade with the US. Let's see how quick their tunes change when their food bill doubles.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I just imagine the rest of the g20 leaders sitting at a lunch table going "fuck fuck he is walking towards us, don't look at him, once he sits down he won't shut the fuck up oh god he is coming over shit! Hurry finish your food so we can leave!"


The funny thing is once more than 4 or 8 years pass of Trump not being president anymore, they'll all turn their opinion around on him.

No, the only president who has enjoyed that retconning is George W Bush, and there's even been pushback on that. He was largely characterised as a dangerous buffoon during his tenure, and some people have softened their stance on him because he stays out of the limelight and paints. But it's mainly on the internet. Generally he's still considered a horrendously inept, or at least misguided, present. Obama got the hero edit six months before he left office, and it will only grow.

You can't compare them. Trump is arrogant and nasty and outspoken, which Bush never was. Trump will never get the redemption edit.


you don't elect a (failed) businessman to the highest political position, the same way you don't elect a general to do so

he got where he is by being a spectacle, and everything he's written shows he only knows how to maintain that. his current frustration has to do with those tactics not working, so he just doubles down and keeps scratching his head...you really get the sentiment (especially after barry insulted him) that he envisioned obama as the top CEO that calls some shots & does what he wants with the rest of his time. you can clearly see just how upset dude is with that not being the reality of his situation, but his self-referential feedback loop stays on the notion that it's only not that way because he's white/successful/trump/anti-mainstream media etc. it'd be a tragically interesting case study if we weren't living through it, i imagine.


This seems a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. Chris Uhlmann believes in an antisemitic cultural marxism conspiracy theory. Literally the idea that Jews infected the US with communism. Calling him conservative is understating just how much of a blight he typically is.

This link to the opinion piece he wrote at the beginning of last year for The Weekend Australian entitled "Once journos backed free speech" probably won't work for most people here due to that publication's paywall, but @marrowing on Twitter posted a screenshot earlier of one of the relevant quotes.
Yeah, this sucks when you find out shit like this.


No, the only president who has enjoyed that retconning is George W Bush, and there's even been pushback on that. He was largely characterised as a dangerous buffoon during his tenure, and some people have softened their stance on him because he stays out of the limelight and paints. But it's mainly on the internet. Generally he's still considered a horrendously inept, or at least misguided, present. Obama got the hero edit six months before he left office, and it will only grow.

You can't compare them. Trump is arrogant and nasty and outspoken, which Bush never was. Trump will never get the redemption edit.

I'm talking about people saying Trump isn't that bad or support him turning around and saying how awful he was once he's out of office for long enough.
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