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Avengers: Infinity War Day One

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Cap is gonna die, but then he's going to come back and we're fucking finally going to get this scene and he's finally going to say the freaking line.


The best part is that already set this scene to happen when Cap moved the hammer slightly in AoU. It's gonna be glorious once he lifts it completely.

But really, I just want this to happen.

Eh, not quite. Thanos without any enhancements has fought Odin before and got beat to a pulp. On his own power, I would put him at high Herald or whatever is a tier below skyfather.

Still this is the MCU, power wise he'll probably be played up as on par with the strongest in the universe but not necessarily outmatching everyone until he has the gauntlet. Hell I think in Guardians they said he was the strongest being in the galaxy already?

edit -actually it's said by Ronan's main grunt that Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe, though I feel like others in GotG say Galaxy too



it's kind of crazy when you think Tom Holland was 11 when the first Iron Man movie came out. Now he's freaking Spider-Man along side him


Should Civil War be included? It's a key role in the lead up to Infinity War, isn't it?

Has nothing to do with Thanos. Maybe 'Avengers 2' but it's tricky because it is just Visions creation, Visions conversation with Ultron at the end, and Thor's side plot/visions.


Still this is the MCU, power wise he'll probably be played up as on par with the strongest in the universe but not necessarily outmatching everyone until he has the gauntlet. Hell I think in Guardians they said he was the strongest being in the galaxy already?

edit -actually it's said by Ronan's main grunt that Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe, though I feel like others in GotG say Galaxy too


For as little screen time as he gets, "I will bathe the starways in your blood." is pure Thanos.

Avengers 1 picks up the necessary parts of that. Unless Loki takes up the Mephisto role, than yeah I agree.

That would be clever.
Still this is the MCU, power wise he'll probably be played up as on par with the strongest in the universe but not necessarily outmatching everyone until he has the gauntlet. Hell I think in Guardians they said he was the strongest being in the galaxy already?

edit -actually it's said by Ronan's main grunt that Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe, though I feel like others in GotG say Galaxy too


Yeah, they're definitely beefing up his status for the movies. Not sure why they have to though. Just hope they keep his power consistent. He should be ragdolling the team even without the stones.


Well considering that the Vision has the gem Warlock had in the comics I highly doubt it.

Nah, Adam Warlock had the Soul Gem. Vision currently possesses Mind. The Soul Gem has yet to be uncovered, but it probably has something to do with either Ayesha (because she was connected with Adam in the comics) or Hela (because, y'know, souls).

I am so damn excited this is finally about to happen. They better not fuck it up. Marvel has never really gone all in on a villain before, not even Loki really because Hiddleston is so damn charming that he isn't that threatening.

I want to see Thanos unleashed in all his glory and for that shit to be scary in terms of how powerful he is compared to The Avengers. I think it could become a very "Holy Shit" moment for audiences if we get a scene where he shows up, and truly wrecks them like no one they've faced yet.
I know it's not very possible at this stage, but I REALLY want the TV characters to show up as well. Just giving them fun cameos and acknowledging their existences would be amazing. At the very least we need Coulson for fuck's sake. I want to see him interact with Tony, Cap and Thor again... :(

Oh, and I hope Fury and Maria Hill are in this too. It was fucking weird that they weren't in Civil War. Especially Maria Hill, isn't she working for Tony now?


So assembling all main characters into 2 flims, how much pay will each get? IW most expensive films ever?


Oh, and I hope Fury and Maria Hill are in this too. It was fucking weird that they weren't in Civil War. Especially Maria Hill, isn't she working for Tony now?

I don't really see how they would have had a role in CW. From what I remember, Fury is considered to be dead or at least off the radar, so there would be no point in him taking part in anything. Maria Hill is, as mentioned, an employee of Stark Industries, not an Avenger, so she would have no place in the story other than a short cameo at best.


Nah, Adam Warlock had the Soul Gem. Vision currently possesses Mind. The Soul Gem has yet to be uncovered, but it probably has something to do with either Ayesha (because she was connected with Adam in the comics) or Hela (because, y'know, souls).

You know what? I might actually be wrong, nothing new there, but I was always under assumption that the yellow gem was the soul gem but I might be missremembering it can probably be the green one that is the soul gem.

Yepp, checking Thanos Quest, the inbetweener have the Soul gem and it's green but then again that is in the comics. Anyway, do they express that it's actually the mind gem the Vision has? The one from Lokis scepter? I can't remember it.

So assembling all main characters into 2 flims, how much pay will each get? IW most expensive films ever?

Three fiddy

It will also make a shit ton of cash

The Kree

You know what? I might actually be wrong, nothing new there, but I was always under assumption that the yellow gem was the soul gem but I might be missremembering it can probably be the green one that is the soul gem.

Yepp, checking Thanos Quest, the inbetweener have the Soul gem and it's green but then again that is in the comics. Anyway, do they express that it's actually the mind gem the Vision has? The one from Lokis scepter? I can't remember it.

Yes, Thor refers to it as the Mind Stone in Age of Ultron. It's the only one specifically named, but we know what the others are anyway.

The colors are all mixed up in the movies.
If I wanted to do a marathon of the Marvel films in the 'Thanos Saga' which ones would you recommend?

I'd make it the "Infinity Stone Saga" and watch all the movies that introduce/feature them/are the most important in the lead up to Infinity War.

Captain America, The Avengers, Thor TDW, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers AoU, CA Civil War, Doctor Strange


Yes, Thor refers to it as the Mind Stone in Age of Ultron. It's the only one specifically named, but we know what the others are anyway.

The colors are all mixed up in the movies.

Yeah. The Time Stone is the green one in this universe. If we go by the classical colours, the Soul Stone will be orange.


I'd make it the "Infinity Stone Saga" and watch all the movies that introduce/feature them/are the most important in the lead up to Infinity War.

Captain America, The Avengers, Thor TDW, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers AoU, CA Civil War, Doctor Strange
That sounds plausible.

Watch them all in release order, that's what I'm going to do after Doctor Strange's digital release on Tuesday.
When you say 'all' do you mean going back to 2008 with Iron Man?
I get the feeling Cap will pick up the hammer, and then be killed wielding it against Thanos. I'm no longer of the opinion that they need to kill anyone but I feel like they are going to.


When you say 'all' do you mean going back to 2008 with Iron Man?

Yup, obviously not all in one go :p, but there's plenty of time between now and Infinity War - and it's pretty great going back to the earlier movies and seeing all these little character moments that make you appreciate the team up's even more.


I don't like how they hype these 2 films up as the "Culmination" and then they'll have more films after.

It gives me some "Start Another Fight" feels.

I get your point, but it IS the culmination of the of the interconnected storylines and also for many of the actors, I think. So they know they basically have to start anew after Infinity War. Might as well hype it for all it's worth.

The face of the next Avengers will be Dr. Strange etc.

Though, personally, I would be insanely hyped if at the end, before the Infinity Stones are dispersed, Wanda gets the glove and says questioningly "no more Mutants?", and magically brings mutants to the MCU.

(By realizing that she herself is actually one and the mind stone only set the powers free that she was supposed to have in another reality.)

In the after-credits stinger you then see Spidey bump into Deadpool.

Would that make me ready for Phase 4? Hell yeah!


He didn't fail anything. His two lackeys did. This is actually good for him because maybe it shows that putting himself in the middle of the fray would be a bad idea. This way he gets to see the capabilities of his enemies without directly engaging. That's completely within his character.

Captain America is the kind of brave dumbass who selflessly jumps on grenades. Thanos is the kind of schemer who sends Ronan and Loki to fetch things in potentially hostile territory. If they succeed, he wins. If they fail, he hasn't risked anything.

People who want to know how powerful he is, should also know that he is up there with the smartest beings. So while he can do sparring with Thor or hulk he also could probably beat stark, pym and Richard's in (galactic) chess.
I was 12. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would lead to this.

I was 16 and couldn't believe they name dropped the avengers. I was giddy with how much we could get in the MCU if things were successful.

I was in college when the first Avengers came out. Got a group of 30 or so people to go see it at midnight. Loved that day.

Now I get to see Thanos rough up the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Let's go.


Avengers 1 was my best movie screening of all time. I wanted to cheer like a little child during the battle of New York. I was so blown away.
This movie will probably be the first movie, since like Return of The King, that I go to a midnight for. The culmination of so many years and movie hours.

This is no words to describe the hype levels.
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