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Avengers: Infinity War Day One

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Forgive me, but how powerful is Thanos exactly?
He should be slapping most of the team WITHOUT the Gauntlet, no sweat.

With the Gauntlet they should pose no threat to him at all. His engagement with them only extends as far as he'll let them go because he can do whatever he desires with the Gauntlet.

The only strings he has pulled is in Avengers 1 and Guardians 1. Ronan was fixing to bring Thanos the stone (thinking he had Thanos beat) until the guardians wrecked his shit.
That's still 2 for 2 big fat Ls lol.

Also the stinger of AoU seems to imply he was at least monitoring what was going on if not had some hand in what went down. Though I guess it could simply be his reaction to what happened in Guardians.


He should be slapping most of the team WITHOUT the Gauntlet, no sweat.

With the Gauntlet they should pose no threat to him at all. His engagement with them only extends as far as he'll let them go because he can do whatever he desires with the Gauntlet.

If he has the Infinity Stones yes. Without them the gauntlet is just that, a gauntlet.
No one is going to ever beat the force awakenings.

The Force Awakens will get beat, eventually. The film that will do it needs:

To be hyped just as properly
Theaters willing to put it on as many screens as TFA had
Theaters willing to run the film 24-48 hours straight with no breaks. (72 hours would be even better)

That last one's the big one. And Infinity War is going to have the hardest time getting the first and the third done, I think.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if it clears 215 for its 3-Day, though. Depending on how it's sold.

Just saying "LOOK AT ALL THE SUPERHEROES" won't do it all by itself. Civil War proved that. There's gonna have to be a hook beyond that.
So, Thanos couldn't lift Mjolnir...

But Cap will. Cap better lift Mjolnir in this. Said it multiple times over the years about what I want to see in this film, or Pt 2.

Tony dies saving Cap's life, finally being the one to lay down on the wire. Audiences are just in shock at Tony getting killed, Thanos gets his laugh and maybe monologue moment with Tony dead at his feet and Cap beaten and bloodied after being pimp smacked around. Then, in that moment of ultimate need, Cap lifts Mjolnir and begins delivering an ass beating the likes of which hasn't been witnessed in the Atlantic north east. Audiences go more nuts than they did when Hulk rag dolled Loki. PhoncipleBone gets a geek erection visible from space.

The Kree

I mean, he's been pulling the strings for a lot of shit in the universe and he's failed hard at it.

This movie is about him, so if he doesn't murder some Avengers he's gonna look like a bitch like every other inept MCU villain. Really, outside of some plot contrivance to save the day, the whole team should be getting destroyed, especially once he has the gauntlet.

He didn't fail anything. His two lackeys did. This is actually good for him because maybe it shows that putting himself in the middle of the fray would be a bad idea. This way he gets to see the capabilities of his enemies without directly engaging. That's completely within his character.

Captain America is the kind of brave dumbass who selflessly jumps on grenades. Thanos is the kind of schemer who sends Ronan and Loki to fetch things in potentially hostile territory. If they succeed, he wins. If they fail, he hasn't risked anything.

- J - D -

If an asgardian with mjolnir can't beat thanos, how the hell did Captain America with mjolnir can beat thanos? Thor is stronger than Captain America, even without the hammer, right?

Thor is incapacitated and everyone else is wounded, including Thanos and all Cap needs is a little extra help to end it all.


You know how we always complain that the good guys battle an army of mindless minions and defeat them easily, I wanna see Thanos crush all the héroes in the same fashion, like he just casually stomps them


Someone is gotta get the bullet. Someone big unlike with Quicksilver. I wanna say Cap.

Cap is gonna die, but then he's going to come back and we're fucking finally going to get this scene and he's finally going to say the freaking line.



The Force Awakens will get beat, eventually. The film that will do it needs:

To be hyped just as properly
Theaters willing to put it on as many screens as TFA had
Theaters willing to run the film 24-48 hours straight with no breaks. (72 hours would be even better)

That last one's the big one. And Infinity War is going to have the hardest time getting the first and the third done, I think.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if it clears 215 for its 3-Day, though. Depending on how it's sold.

Just saying "LOOK AT ALL THE SUPERHEROES" won't do it all by itself. Civil War proved that. There's gonna have to be a hook beyond that.

I don't think either will beat The Force Awakens. But for one of these (likely Part II) to have a chance, I think the marketing will need to be built up around the idea of it being the "finale."

Commercials that call back to the start of the MCU, the "after 10 years, it all ends here" type of angle.
Do you think they haven't had him say the line yet because so far as stirring superhero catchphrases goes, one that features the word "Assemble" is inherently lacking?

It's a pretty goofy sounding phrase, honestly. It's a word that is 99.95% of the time tied to experiences as adrenaline pumping as gluing dowels to shelves and torquing screws with an allen wrench.
Do you think they haven't had him say the line yet because so far as stirring superhero catchphrases goes, one that features the word "Assemble" is inherently lacking?

It's a pretty goofy sounding phrase, honestly. It's a word that is 99.95% of the time tied to experiences as adrenaline pumping as gluing dowels to shelves and torquing screws with an allen wrench.

I just treat them not using the lines in the same vein as the X-movies never doing it.

People doing the punch work still think stuff like that is too cheesy and corny and comic booky.

They gotta hit it in Pt 2 though, it ties everything together perfectly for that Whedon style fan orgasm moment after a decade of building.

The Kree

Do you think they haven't had him say the line yet because so far as stirring superhero catchphrases goes, one that features the word "Assemble" is inherently lacking?

It's a pretty goofy sounding phrase, honestly. It's a word that is 99.95% of the time tied to experiences as adrenaline pumping as gluing dowels to shelves and torquing screws with an allen wrench.

I think it can work as long as it's not at the top of some big crescendo. A casual "Avengers, assemble" over an earpiece would probably work better than charging down the battlefield like Braveheart yelling "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

It is a little goofy.
Also, I wouldn't bank too hard on this going down—although I do think it should (and I would love to see it) They had a movie with Ultron in it, where Ultron is messing everyone up, and at no point did "Ultron. We would have words with thee" get said. Ready made, gift-wrapped crowdpleaser moment not even hinted at.

"Avengers Assemble!" isn't a guarantee. It's a goofy-as-shit phrase, and the makers of these movies have already passed up a guaranteed homerun like this once before. It could get skipped again.

It'd suck, but it seems all sorts of possible.
I think it can work as long as it's not at the top of some big crescendo. A casual "Avengers, assemble" over an earpiece would probably work better than charging down the battlefield like Braveheart yelling "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!"

It is a little goofy.

I am of the opinion that, in a movie about grown ass men fighting a giant purple death god in tights and spandex and robit suits.

A little goofy and bravado helps keep things, as weird as it sounds, grounded.
Also, I wouldn't bank too hard on this going down—although I do think it should (and I would love to see it) They had a movie with Ultron in it, where Ultron is messing everyone up, and at no point did "Ultron. We would have words with thee" get said. Ready made, gift-wrapped crowdpleaser moment not even hinted at.

"Avengers Assemble!" isn't a guarantee. It's a goofy-as-shit phrase, and the makers of these movies have already passed up a guaranteed homerun like this once before. It could get skipped again.

It'd suck, but it seems all sorts of possible.

I still expect "For Asgard, For Midgard, For Myself" in Ragnarok somewhere.
No, it actually sounds worse if you try to imagine it said out loud.

Anything can work if executed properly.

I picture something like:
Cap shouts "Avengers!"
Quick shots of the other heroes turning their heads in his direction.
A close-up shot of Cap with the camera slowly panning inwards.
In a faint voice:"Assemble."
Cue Avenger's theme


No, it actually sounds worse if you try to imagine it said out loud.

I'm talking about in terms of, "Well they didn't even say that line in Age of Ultron so I wouldn't get my hopes up for that one," which is what I took from your post.

They teased it at the end of AoU, there's no way they don't give the full line in Infinity War.
Anything can work if executed properly.

I know that anything is possible. Or at least, most anything is possible. I'm not saying it can't be done, or even that it shouldn't. I'm just wondering if the reason it hasn't happened isn't because they're holding out for the perfect moment, but because nobody involved wants to try to make it work because they think it's too dumb.

I think that's a possibility.

I'm talking about in terms of, "Well they didn't even say that line in Age of Ultron so I wouldn't get my hopes up for that one," which is what I took from your post.

That's exactly what I was saying, yeah. You're talking about it like its historical relevance overrides how goofy it sounds, which I get. I also don't think it's historical relevance (so far as that counts when it comes to superhero movies) is an automatic guarantee that it's goofy sounding nature won't still prevent its inclusion.

Which is why I'm saying "just because they teased it doesn't mean you'll ever hear it in full" because I'm saying it's possible the tease was as close as you'll get to asking Chris Evans to deliver the word "ASSEMBLE" in a way that possibly summons feelings of primal triumph.
What I want from these films:
No more armies please. I want Thanos to wrecking everyone by himself. Put Masters of Evil there if you want, but no more armies.
I want the Cap lifting Mjolnir in the film.
Now I'm thinking about it, we didn't get many (if any) combos in Civil War, like we did in the first or the second Avengers film. I mean stuff like Thor hitting Cap's shield to hit Hydra's agents, or Iron Man hitting Cap's shield to hit Loki's soldiers.

I have faith in Russos for stuff like awesome fight scenes and the right quantity of humor.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Cap is gonna die, but then he's going to come back and we're fucking finally going to get this scene and he's finally going to say the freaking line.


Thats not even from Infinite Gauntlet tho which is why I dont understand why everyone wants him to weild Mjolnir.

Just give me something resembling this.



Now THIS on the other hand needs to be in.

Is Loki in the movie? He can totally fill in for Mephisto in the sneeveling ally role.
...all I want is a nice lengthy scene where Thanos is just wailing on the Avengers. Just fucking destroying them. I want everyone to understand just how powerful Thanos is.


seeing them all standing there...


this is going to be insane.



See. This simple pic creates warm positive vibe. Its like seeing your childhood friend, college friend and co-worker striking up a friendship in your party. This is what DCEU is missing with their uber-hasty attempt to go straight to a team-up movie without setting up the characters in individual movies.


Thanos is the kind of schemer who sends Ronan and Loki to fetch things in potentially hostile territory. If they succeed, he wins. If they fail, he hasn't risked anything.

People that don't get this really annoys me. Yes it's always fun to think power levels and such. To see a character wreck havoc across the cosmos, please make a WW Hulk Movie, and be a major threat to all that is and yes Thanos can fill that role of he wishes but it isn't there his greatest strength lies. It's in his intellect, his devious plans, his ability to rig a fight, carefully laid traps and having scheme upon scheme to achieve his goal without having to brute force it. If the "light side" of the earth have Reed Richards and those of his ilk the "dark side" have Thanos.

Thats not even from Infinite Gauntlet tho which is why I dont understand why everyone wants him to weild Mjolnir.

Well.... For me why I wanna have Cap lift mjolnir is totally in the realm of politics and you know... Cap being Cap. The finest human ever produced south of the North pole. We're going going to forget every alternative and cosmic wish cubes and such now though.

Edit: About Loki, we'll have to wait for Ragnarok to get any inkling to what his upcoming role will be.
While I would love to see the whole rooster from the comics I don't see that ever happening... Not even in this time line we're currently occupying.
I just don't understand why they're trying to cram all of this into one film. I believe there was originally supposed to be two separate films, but apparently they decided to make it into one film.

If this is really the culmination of what started about a decade ago with Iron Man...what happens to these characters next? What happens to the MCU next? Do they abandon Spider Man, Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Captain, etc, and start a "new" MCU with other comic book characters that haven't yet been brought to the big screen? Or are there additional stories to tell involving these characters after the conclusion of Infinity War?
They're not "cramming" things into this film. That's literally the entire point of setting things up with with all these solo movies and other crossovers first.

Also, you're getting way ahead of yourself with that second paragraph. Relax and enjoy the story.
They're not "cramming" things into this film. That's literally the entire point of setting things up with with all these solo movies and other crossovers first.

Also, you're getting way ahead of yourself with that second paragraph. Relax and enjoy the story.

He's talking more about not calling the movies Infinity War part 1 and 2 like the original plan was. It does make me wonder what the break point between the two movies is going to be. Especially with a year between them, I don't know if you want to have the team at its weakest point there.


I'm really interested to see how these movies are going to work. If Thanos comes to Earth and gives everyone a pounding, how exactly would Ant-Man 2 and Captain Marvel play out?
the best thing about MCU now is that it's fun just to speculate where the story is going because we have a pretty good idea of the characters personality and story, how will the character interact with each other, like just the thought of Rocket interacting with Stark make me excited, or whether Spider-Man will actually got black symbiote suit because he's actually going to space in this movie. that's such a good opportunity to shove in symbiote suit since this kind of thing would never happened in solo Spider-Man movie. the simple absence of Mjolnir in one of the concept art is enough to generate speculation about where Mjolnir is now. Beta Ray Bill? Valkyrie is actually female Thor in MCU so she got the hammer? will Vision died? will Wanda snapped? etc etc
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