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Bandai Namco on Tales of Zestiria PS4 rumors: ‘Wait until Tales of Festival’




she's a nice design but she'll probably die right in the prologue.


If they've planned to announce it at the Tales Festival all along, then why would they change that because of leaks? Sony didn't suddenly say "Here's Bloodborne" after the Project Beast leak. They waited until E3.

But Sony didn't acknowledge the existence of the game after the leak, either. Bamco is saying sit tight while Best Buy already took some pre-orders. That's patently ridiculous.
Nice wanted to play it but i gave away my PS3 so now i can .
Also the marketing team mess up with Alisha and it end up looking like a bait and switch .
BN should know better even more so since they market so much anime .
okay that makes sense. thanks folks.

i haven't yet heard developers from Japan complaining of any notable difficulties with PS4 like we were hearing last gen in regards to PS3. it's obviously going to be a bump up in dev costs, but if it's easier to work with then i will keep my hopes slightly up for more PS4 versions coming our way.
But Sony didn't acknowledge the existence of the game after the leak, either. Bamco is saying sit tight while Best Buy already took some pre-orders. That's patently ridiculous.

Sure, but it's important to note that it's not NAMCO Japan that's acknowledging the rumor. They're the one that run this show and everyone else is along for the ride.


Sure, but it's important to note that it's not NAMCO Japan that's acknowledging the rumor. They're the one that run this show and everyone else is along for the ride.

That just goes back to my original comment on the topic. It's crazy how they still can remain so oblivious, even after the peace branch they offered by announcing Zestiria for the west right away.
That just goes back to my original comment on the topic. It's crazy how they still can remain so oblivious, even after the peace branch they offered by announcing Zestiria for the west right away.

I think this comes down to this Festival basically being an apology to fans for what happened with Zestiria. Whatever the PS4 version is will likely be part of that apology. That's why it's being announced in Japan rather than the west.


I think this comes down to this Festival basically being an apology to fans for what happened with Zestiria. Whatever the PS4 version is will likely be part of that apology. That's why it's being announced in Japan rather than the west.

It will never cease to amaze me that waifu wars found a way to seep into real life business practices.


Junior Member
Although I can dig the battle system which follows Graces f's footstep, I'm not sure if I would dig everything else about the game. The Xillias really burnt me out of the series, and seeing Zestiria PS3's screen and its overworld turns me off. Certain import impression along with the whole Alicia debacle doesn't help either.


Don't see why this type of graphics cant be 60 FPS on the PS4...wasn't Nino Kuni 60 on the PS3...?

it's not really about technical possibility...it's about if BN is going to bother doing it.

God Eater on PS4 is a port of a Vita game and it's still 30fps with same graphics (other than the resolution bump)


it's not really about technical possibility...it's about if BN is going to bother doing it.

God Eater on PS4 is a port of a Vita game and it's still 30fps with same graphics (other than the resolution bump)

Bandai Namco is known for being lazy when it comes to ports.


When a big company like Best Buy has the game up for preorder, does it still count as a rumor? :p Hell, even though you can't preorder it anymore, they haven't cancel the preorders for those who were able to. I think we've moved to the point of leak now.

Anyway, hopefully the PC version is day and day of the PS4/3 versions. If they can't manage to get the PS4 version to be 60fps (which would be pathetic, but in line with Bamco's latest PS4 ports), then at least the PC version can make up for that like it did in Xenoverse.


Honestly this is the perfect opporunity to make some easy money.

1. Eternal Sonata
2. Tales of Vesperia
3. Tales of Xillia 1/2
4. Tales of Graces F
5. Tales of Symphonia
6. Tales of Zestiria

1080p 60 FPS 2XMSAA + FXAA

Namco Bandai could theoretically release two tales games a year. Zestiria and Xillia this year, Graces and Symphonia next year, etc. etc. Easy money, hungry fan base, and the ability to cash out while the base is still dying for JRPGs.

They lost a lot of good will last generation, so I hope they figure their mess out and take their fans seriously this time.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I'll pray for a Tales of Destiny HD Collection for PS4 and Vita.
That's a nice indirect confirmation that the current-gen version is in the making right there.

It's a good thing. The game would've been dead on arrival if it remained PS3 exclusive, but the PS4 is the new hotness and hurting for JRPGs, so its got a fighting chance now.
Yeah I expect a PS4 SKU when it gets localised like J stars. Is there any reason to keep a PS3 now?

The latest Sword Art Online looks pretty good.
Crossing my fingers for a PS4 version of that

If they did J-Stars i feel like anything is possible

Edit: And ofcourse Yakuza 5
Considering how soon this is being announced after the original's release, I'm just going to assume that it'll essentially be a straight port unless Tales Festival proves otherwise.
Going to be amusing to see what they throw into the PS4 port to try and get people who bought the PS3 version to buy it again in Japan, if they'll even bother.

I imagine it'll be pretty hard for them to not burn fans, wouldn't want PS3 Zestiria discs being broken in half at Tales of Festival.


Hopefully this includes the PC release "rumors" as well. Would really love to run the game at 4K/60FPS.

I'll buy it on whatever the highest end thing it comes out on though.


Going to be amusing to see what they throw into the PS4 port to try and get people who bought the PS3 version to buy it again in Japan, if they'll even bother.

I imagine it'll be pretty hard for them to not burn fans, wouldn't want PS3 Zestiria discs being broken in half at Tales of Festival.

Depends if they release it this year in Japan or not. Not even the PS3 ports of Vesperia and Graces happened in the same year as the original release.
Hopefully 1080p, 60FPS on the, pretty much confirmed, PS4 version.

Seems like all the previous gen Tales of games would benefit from a conversion to PS4 given the fact that battles would feel way smoother.
Hopefully 1080p, 60FPS on the, pretty much confirmed, PS4 version.

Seems like all the previous gen Tales of games would benefit from a conversion to PS4 given the fact that battles would feel way smoother.

I don't know about other Tales games but ToV on the 360 had 60 FPS battles and 30 FPS everything else, so 60 FPS isn't unheard of.


Going to be amusing to see what they throw into the PS4 port to try and get people who bought the PS3 version to buy it again in Japan, if they'll even bother.

I imagine it'll be pretty hard for them to not burn fans, wouldn't want PS3 Zestiria discs being broken in half at Tales of Festival.

Tales of festival is mostly girls, and the one who are MAD is the male part of the fanbase anyway.
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