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Bandai Namco on Tales of Zestiria PS4 rumors: ‘Wait until Tales of Festival’


Honestly this is the perfect opporunity to make some easy money.

1. Eternal Sonata
2. Tales of Vesperia
3. Tales of Xillia 1/2
4. Tales of Graces F
5. Tales of Symphonia
6. Tales of Zestiria

1080p 60 FPS 2XMSAA + FXAA

Namco Bandai could theoretically release two tales games a year. Zestiria and Xillia this year, Graces and Symphonia next year, etc. etc. Easy money, hungry fan base, and the ability to cash out while the base is still dying for JRPGs.

They lost a lot of good will last generation, so I hope they figure their mess out and take their fans seriously this time.
Xenosaga :)
Xillia has 60 FPS battles as well, but there was a good bit of drops scattered about. Not sure about Xillia 2.

Don't quote me on this but I remember hearing something about the international version of Xillia having framerate drops more often than the Japanese version.

It's been a while since I finished Xillia 2. I want to say it still had the occasional framerate drop but in general ran better than the English version of Xillia.
i'm not buying it unless they remove rose and make alisha the main heroine.


That character that's barely on the cover and is only shown in the opening for a second? :p
Depends if they release it this year in Japan or not. Not even the PS3 ports of Vesperia and Graces happened in the same year as the original release.

There was an exact 1 year gap between graces and graces f. ToZ was released in January 22nd so a late holiday 2015 release seems fine.

i'm not buying it unless they remove rose and make alisha the main heroine.

How about a future arc that has Alisha take an important role. They better do something.


People became obsessed with her via early marketing materials, but for some reason didn't take the hint when she kinda disappeared from later materials, and then threw a fit when it turned out that
she's not the main female character after all
. Basically, people's obsession with a character did them in.

I don't think this is really a fair assessment of the matter. The character was heavily marketed early on and not everyone can be expected to examine every single bit of marketing. Early impressions are pretty lasting. Also, other material referred to her as the main heroine, such as one of the phone games. That text was later changed in that game. That indicates that something was definitely up with the way she was marketed. Whether it was the marketing department's fault or what, I can see why people were deceived.

But that whole thing just distracts from the game's actual technical issues, of which many have been noted in other Zestiria threads. Not to mention the Tales series' history in Japan of console mothership titles coming out with a rushed version first only for an improved and/or completed version coming out a year later.

I don't think it's just people angry about their waifu that sold back Zestiria enough for the price to drop significantly on Amazon.jp. The reviews can be chalked up to angry overreaction, but selling back the game? That takes quite a bit more effort.

Heck, even on US Amazon, the import costs less than the listing for the English version. It was $30 last time I checked. I've rarely, if ever, seen a Tales game import going down in price that fast.

The backlash over the heroine thing is definitely silly, but some people here act like that's all Japanese fans have to be dissatisfied about when it comes to the game. There seems to be a much larger context surrounding all this.


I don't think this is really a fair assessment of the matter. The character was heavily marketed early on and not everyone can be expected to examine every single bit of marketing. Early impressions are pretty lasting. Also, other material referred to her as the main heroine, such as one of the phone games. That text was later changed in that game. That indicates that something was definitely up with the way she was marketed. Whether it was the marketing department's fault or what, I can see why people were deceived.

But that whole thing just distracts from the game's actual technical issues, of which many have been noted in other Zestiria threads. Not to mention the Tales series' history in Japan of console mothership titles coming out with a rushed version first only for an improved and/or completed version coming out a year later.

I don't think it's just people angry about their waifu that sold back Zestiria enough for the price to drop significantly on Amazon.jp. The reviews can be chalked up to angry overreaction, but selling back the game? That takes quite a bit more effort.

Heck, even on US Amazon, the import costs less than the listing for the English version. It was $30 last time I checked. I've rarely, if ever, seen a Tales game import going down in price that fast.

The backlash over the heroine thing is definitely silly, but some people here act like that's all Japanese fans have to be dissatisfied about when it comes to the game. There seems to be a much larger context surrounding all this.

I never claimed that that was the only issue people had with the game. I bought and played the game. I am familiar with the actual complaints people had. I know what complaints I had. I'm simply talking about how obsessive people were about this one character and how absolutely pathetic it is.


I never claimed that that was the only issue people had with the game. I bought and played the game. I am familiar with the actual complaints people had. I know what complaints I had. I'm simply talking about how obsessive people were about this one character and how absolutely pathetic it is.

There's definitely reprehensible behavior among a lot of the dissatisfied fans in Japan. And I don't doubt that a lot of them are waifu-obsessed. Still, I think it's reasonable to believe that people were legitimately misled. Their reactions to it are another matter. But I consider the marketing, which I also followed, to be somewhat deceiving for the reasons I listed. And as I said, first impressions are lasting. People will pay varying levels of attention to a game's marketing.

In any case, my point still stands about this Alisha stuff also distracting from the more legitimate issues that have been brought up about the game. For me personally, I'm not particularly invested in whether Alisha is a heroine or not. I can just see how people came to think otherwise.

What really concerns me, though, is the game's mechanical and technical issues. I hope they adequately address this in the PS4 version, if they are in fact planning to port it.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I think its unfair to characterize the hate as "lol waifu wars". Based on the Japanese blogs i read like Esuteru and Jin, the pandering with the DLC along with charging for something like that had a big impact on the reactions. If it had just been the bait and switch, i don't think it would have blown up quite so bad.


The main thing I've seen on here and other websites is that people who played the game say the Alisha situation is overblown, while the ones who are saying that the Alisha situation is scummy haven't played the game and are getting all their info from a blog/3rd party.


With that, Demon's Souls/Dark Souls & Uncharted are the only games that are keeping me from unplugging my PS3


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Isn't that one character aka
not as exciting/interesting compared to the other one aka


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
That goes perfectly with how she's not an integral part of the game, but in Japan, i guess these types of fan reactions are from people who take part in the discussion, make the fanart day after day and fall for that kind of negative reaction if its not how it turns out.

I still don't see how things like this

Got passed marketing. Especially when Namco bandai should know just how much of a fan based culture they helped cultivate.


I think Alisha is just the straw that broke the camel's back regarding Namco doing several scummy or unsatisfactory things with Tales and Tales fans over the years. If it was the first Tales game of the generation instead of the last I think people would still have been pissed and it'd remain a black mark against the game, but they'd have less fuel for the fire. Now even if for some people it's 100% about her in reality, they have stuff like DLC, bad framerates, constant rereleases, etc. to fall back on and make it harder to remove the bad blood between players and Namco.

Sequel as in you expect them to announced a Zestiria 2 at some point next year? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to start a new entry considering its a new gen?

Destiny 2 was the first game for PS2.

I don't think the fanbase really cares as long as the game is good and has some real effort put into it. It'd probably be a "gentler" and more satisfying way to introduce Alisha as a party member as well, assuming they care enough.


The blame for the Alisha thing should all go to Bamco.

Imo they need to do a better job with the next Tales game as a whole.


There was little to no chance XB1 or Wii U would get it in the first place.

Yep, Bamco has made it loud and clear that Tales is a Playstation franchise. Even with MS helping out on Vesperia by getting the team 360 dev kits, it's extremely unlikely that they're ever going away.

Until Tales of Cellularia, of course.


That goes perfectly with how she's not an integral part of the game, but in Japan, i guess these types of fan reactions are from people who take part in the discussion, make the fanart day after day and fall for that kind of negative reaction if its not how it turns out.

I still don't see how things like this

Got passed marketing. Especially when Namco bandai should know just how much of a fan based culture they helped cultivate.

They're the first two of three characters you're introduced into the game. If you're trying not to spoil what comes later on, you plaster the chars that show up first in promo material. It's not that uncommon. I recall it happening with Valkyrie Profile 2, for example.
I think this comes down to this Festival basically being an apology to fans for what happened with Zestiria. Whatever the PS4 version is will likely be part of that apology. That's why it's being announced in Japan rather than the west.

I also feel that something like Tales IP will always be Japan-first.

It's an IP with it's most important market in Japan, with more than just games. Even if a western announcement makes more sense, they'll choose the less sensible one for their Japanese market.


I hope it's a good port and doesn't require fixing to begin with.
Thankfully though, it being on PC allows for more room for fixing by the community and not just the developers.

I'm not sure what Bandai's record of PC porting is like but if this is the first PC port the Tales team is doing, I don't expect much.


I think Alisha is just the straw that broke the camel's back regarding Namco doing several scummy or unsatisfactory things with Tales and Tales fans over the years. If it was the first Tales game of the generation instead of the last I think people would still have been pissed and it'd remain a black mark against the game, but they'd have less fuel for the fire. Now even if for some people it's 100% about her in reality, they have stuff like DLC, bad framerates, constant rereleases, etc. to fall back on and make it harder to remove the bad blood between players and Namco.

That's the impression I've gotten over all of this, too.

Let's not forget the anger over Vesperia PS3 in Japan way back when. Sure, that image is from just one dude, but I do remember hearing that there was quite an uproar among fans when the PS3 port was announced. I also remember having a heck of a time finding the PS3 port, even used, in Japan.

So there is a precedent for fans being pissed at Bamco to some extent. Not that this justifies their actions. At some point Fujishima (character designer) was chased off of Twitter. That was really bad :\


Junior Member
I'd love to see a HD remaster of Fragile from the Wii from Namco, it was such a atmospheric post apocalyptic game that was distinctly Japanese. It may have had some design issues but I loved the world and the loneliness it evoked.


Junior Member
With this generation it's clear if you like your Japanese games on home consoles the PS4 and WiiU are the only options. I hope Mistwalker returns to make a big rpg soon, I loved all 3 of their last home console games.


Junior Member
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I'll be so much more hyped for another Tales game if they had just announce the English localization of some of the past Tales like Destiny PS2, Destiny 2 and Rebirth. I would include Hearts DS too, but that already got a localized Vita remake which changed the battle system entirely (fuck you, Namco Bandai).


I'm wondering if this PS4 version is a US/EU only thing, since transition to next gen consoles went perfectly.

Because I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but in Japan a petition started regarding Zestiria and to remove Mr. Baba from the Tales team.
So I'm not sure if the PS4 version would do well in Japan.


This part.



I'm wondering if this PS4 version is a US/EU only thing, since transition to next gen consoles went perfectly.

Because I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but in Japan a petition started regarding Zestiria and to remove Mr. Baba from the Tales team.
So I'm not sure if the PS4 version would do well in Japan.


This part.

People create stupid polls on change.org all the time. Not really anything worth going off of. Just Alishafans being upset.
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