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'Batman v Superman' Fallout: Warner Bros. Shakes Up Executive Roles

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Yeah, that's we what we all hope. And yeah Tom Dagnino does have sources, but like with all leaks anything is possible. They certainly have time, but remember the WB suits all gave BvS a standing ovation.
They gave the Ultimate Cut an standing ovation, the.final one was made like a month before release and was clearly rushed given Snyder's lack of approval of it.


people just don't know how to articulate why they didn't like a movie and go straight to "too goofy" or "too dark".

but if they were smart they'd delay Justice League a bit and replace Snyder. legitimately amazed they're still going forward with justice league as planned after the disaster that was bvs.

Because this is what they hope happens. WW and SS are hits. People have short memories if those movies are successes people will go see an ensemble movie again.

With the oversight they have now. Ben being on set flexing his shit they'll take JL being a coherent movie at least. After JL1 they'll distance themselves from Snyder but still give him credit.


The muted reception of BvS, from a box office and critical point of view, is the flashpoint for the changes. The studio had high hopes for the movie, which pitted its top heroes against each other. The door was opened for director Zack Snyder to be involved in shaping the look and content of the entire DC line, which is scheduled through 2020. But critics and fans ripped into the first movie and especially Snyder for perceived missteps including its heroes' unheroic behavior and the dark tone. BvS, which cost at least $300 million to make, has grossed under $870 million worldwide since its March 25 release.

Seems like they're phasing him out. Couldn't afford to remove him from JL
That's so weird how Snyder's role is diminishing despite pretty much already casting the main players for the decade-long universe

I guess the new bosses can work with...Green Lantern? Geoff will love that


well not really...yet
Do we have an actual source for that or is that another assumption?
I never heard that, but Snyder said in an interview that the movie was only cut to the the theatrical edit a few months before release and that he considered it the "workable" version. Keep in mind the movie completed shooting in 2014.


That's so weird how Snyder's role is diminishing despite pretty much already casting the main players for the decade-long universe

I guess the new bosses can work with...Green Lantern? Geoff will love that

I think the casting is fine and Geoff can do plenty with Flash and Aquaman. Going forward will be interesting after JL1
Seems like they're phasing him out. Couldn't afford to remove him from JL

Couldn't afford? How much money are we talking here? I understand it would have cost millions to delay Justice League and course correct, but billions are at stake here. Literally their entire comic universe is on the line with that movie. If JL1 is as poorly received as BvS has been, I don't think it will matter if Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad were good. It would be an absolute disaster and they are steering right into it.
Pro: Filmmaker driven films, hopefully getting away from Snyder's vision of the DCCU.

Con: It's now going to be Johns' vision of the DCU. If the comics are anything to go by, it's not gonna be my tempo.

But hey, as long as it makes the DC films better.


Super Member
"Lemme tell you motherfuckers about Hal Jordan"

He got real mad when his city got destroyed. Oh wait that's too much destruction. And unheroic to boot. Oh, it was a space bug so he's okay now.

Or the time John Stewart got a planet blown up.

Or when a cosmic lord of death reanimated the bodies of dead heroes and villains.



but if they were smart they'd delay Justice League a bit and replace Snyder. legitimately amazed they're still going forward with justice league as planned after the disaster that was bvs.
Criticizing Snyder's story ideas is fair game but, from a visual standpoint, no other director in the comic movie genre comes close to him.

All he needs is a solid script, 300 and Watchmen prove that. MoS's script was it's weak point, and while BvS's was a huge improvement, it still wasn't as good as it should've have been.

"I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist"

That had to be Goyer


Pro: Filmmaker driven films, hopefully getting away from Snyder's vision of the DCCU.

Con: It's now going to be Johns' vision of the DCU. If the comics are anything to go by, it's not gonna be my tempo.

But hey, as long as it makes the DC films better.

Kinda of like choosing between a kick in the nuts of a baseball bat to the knee
El Mayimbe and McWeeny.

Where did McWeeny say that? As I recall, Umberto first asserted that as an explanation for having told fans that they had nothing to worry about regarding BvS, in response to Faraci and McWeeny (correctly, as it turns out) alleging that WB had serious concerns about the film.


Couldn't afford? How much money are we talking here? I understand it would have cost millions to delay Justice League and course correct, but billions are at stake here. Literally their entire comic universe is on the line with that movie. If JL1 is as poorly received as BvS has been, I don't think it will matter if Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad were good. It would be an absolute disaster and they are steering right into it.

As was pointed out before. They can't just delay it. These people are available now. Delaying it potentially costs even more money and time. What you do is make SS and WW the best movies they can be and hope to hell they hit with audiences. That combo alone could help change public perception. People have short memories. and then you literally watch over the entire JL1 process and make it coherent and fun movie. After that you distance yourself from Snyder.


This triggers me.

I never understood why "dark tone" is considered a negative. Why is that not allowed?

An overly dark tone that's channeling the "grimdark" territory of '90s comics is off-putting to the majority of movie-goers.
As was pointed out before. They can't just delay it. These people are available now. Delaying it potentially costs even more money and time. What you do is make SS and WW the best movies they can be and hope to hell they hit with audiences. That combo alone could help change public perception. People have short memories. and then you literally watch over the entire JL1 process and make it coherent and fun movie. After that you distance yourself from Snyder.

Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's just baffling to me that they're in this corner in the first place, but I guess that's the best way to get themselves out of it. Hopefully.

Crossing my fingers, I want good DCEU movies.


Super Member
God help them if that Harry Potter movie without Harry Potter underperforms.
If there's one mistake I WILL put DC on blast for, it's for not working on Captain Marvel.

They have Black Adam and no Billy Batson in sight.

Is Patrick Warburton to old to play the Big Red Cheese?


Criticizing Snyder's story ideas is fair game but, from a visual standpoint, no other director in the comic movie genre comes close to him.

All he needs is a solid script, 300 and Watchmen prove that. MoS's script was it's weak point, and while BvS's was a huge improvement, it still wasn't as good as it should've have been.

"I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist"

That had to be Goyer
watchmen proved what? It got mixed to bad reviews and terrible box-office word of mouth. Just like BvS. Watchmen wasn't a success financially nor critically.


But I was told there was nothing wrong with BvS.


If anyone deserves to be in charge over there it's Johns. I know for some reason he gets a bad rep but I've loved everything he's written.


Criticizing Snyder's story ideas is fair game but, from a visual standpoint, no other director in the comic movie genre comes close to him.

All he needs is a solid script, 300 and Watchmen prove that. MoS's script was it's weak point, and while BvS's was a huge improvement, it still wasn't as good as it should've have been.

"I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist"

That had to be Goyer

I blame Warner Bros., Snyder, and Goyer for Batman v Superman. They each played a pivotal role in what ended up on screen.


watchmen proved what? It got mixed to bad reviews and terrible box-office word of mouth. Just like BvS. Watchmen wasn't a success financially nor critically.

I don't think it was even a good movie version of the comic. Snyder revels in violence and superheroics which is not what watchmen was about. Not to mention making rorschach a hero lol


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
He implied people should readjust their excitement because it's bad like Fury or some stupid shit like that on the SchmoesKnow show.

Cause preproduction was done and everyone was available. If you delay it, you now have to rework the shooting schedule and everyone involved. These actors are doing more than just JL.

Especially when you take into consideration what these actors do to their bodies to fit each role they take. which takes alot of time and determination.


Good to see their trying to find people to oversee the DCEU. I'm a big fan of Geoff Johns, so I'm happy with this decision. Hope him and Berg can work out all the issues.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
watchmen proved what? It got mixed to bad reviews and terrible box-office word of mouth. Just like BvS. Watchmen wasn't a success financially nor critically.

Ive actually seen a ton of people spread word of mouth that htey loved watchmen and the only thing that they didnt like was the ending in which they changed the giant squid into a atomic-esque bomb


This isn't going to work.

Just like it hasn't worked on Publishing side.

Johns is not good at this.

I don't understand why people say this. I thought Johns was well respected.

Only Bobby and Slayven say negative shit about him. Come to think of it-I've never seen Bobby and Slayven together in the same room.


I do wonder what they are going to do on set for JL1 now though. Like are they going to chop up Snyder movie again or jut flat out tell him to make a competent movie under 2.5 hours


I'm not sure how to react here. We're only two films in this universe and I loved them both. Why is any of this a good thing? I don't get it.

Well, hopefully when SS comes out and kicks ass (fingers crossed!) maybe WB will chill out. They need some confidence.


I can only see change as a positive for now considering how lackluster the two films in the universe have been.


I don't understand why people say this. I thought Johns was well respected.

Only Bobby and Slayven say negative shit about him. Come to think of it-I've never seen Bobby and Slayven together in the same room.

Geoff Johns is an amazing writer, he just tends to steamroll anything that came before him.

Which might be a good thing in this case
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