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Batman v Superman W/L Record

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Lex Luthor: Man of Steel

Batman gets completely utterly owned. A short and totally one sided "fight"

- Supes blows the kryptonite out of Batman's hand
- Supes grabs the grapple hook when Batman tries to get the kryptonite chunk, and pulls Batman into the sky. Then drops him, and slices the gargoyle that Batman hooks onto while falling
- Supes pulls his punch. Batman never had a chance


Interesting to see all the times they've faced off but I've learned all the fights are for dumb reasons, there is often no "winner", and there are so many caveats (Superman/Batman was holding back, etc.) that it's completely pointless to really try to analyze who comes out on top/who is "better".

Still, regardless whether Batman could win, if Supes didn't hold back, Batman is losing 1000 times out of 1000.

Cool thread. Pointless discussion.


Alright, I updated the score count. Someone let me know if I got the count wrong.

I also didn't count TDKSA because no one went into the specifics of the fight. Did Batman win? Or was Supes facing the whole Justice League?
Alright, I updated the score count. Someone let me know if I got the count wrong.

I also didn't count TDKSA because no one went into the specifics of the fight. Did Batman win? Or was Supes facing the whole Justice League?

In Dark Knight Strikes Again, Superman enters the Batcave, where he is instantly ambushed by the flash who placed a bunch of sticky bombs on him. Batman then destroys his ceiling, dropping quote "ninety tons of earth" on Superman. Green Arrow fires an arrow at Superman, who tries to destroy it with heat vision. Turns out the tip was filled with "kryptonite napalm." Weakened, The Atom shrinks into Superman and screws with his inner ear. Then Batman wails on Superman with Kryptonite gloves and tells Superman to leave.

Defeated, Superman has world shaking sex with Wonder Woman, who becomes instantly pregnant.


In Dark Knight Strikes Again, Superman enters the Batcave, where he is instantly ambushed by the flash who placed a bunch of sticky bombs on him. Batman then destroys his ceiling, dropping quote "ninety tons of earth" on Superman. Green Arrow fires an arrow at Superman, who tries to destroy it with heat vision. Turns out the tip was filled with "kryptonite napalm." Weakened, The Atom shrinks into Superman and screws with his inner ear. Then Batman wails on Superman with Kryptonite gloves and tells Superman to leave.

Defeated, Superman has world shaking sex with Wonder Woman, who becomes instantly pregnant.

Um....Imma...gonna mark that one down as disqualified for sucking too hard. Also, it sounds like the other guys did most of the work anyway.


The fights where Batman wins are always way more entertaining because it's usually depicted as a back and forth fight. The ones where Superman wins are generally lame as hell because it involves stupid shit like "Superman blows the kryptonite out of Batman's hand from 5 football fields away".


The fights where Batman wins are always way more entertaining because it's usually depicted as a back and forth fight. The ones where Superman wins are generally lame as hell because it involves stupid shit like "Superman blows the kryptonite out of Batman's hand from 5 football fields away".

Yeah, but so are the stories where Batman just pulls shit out his ass and effortlessly beats him. It's like they require good writing to work or something.


Yeah, but so are the stories where Batman just pulls shit out his ass and effortlessly beats him. It's like they require good writing to work or something.

The ones where Superman wins just bore me because they usually do nothing for his character except show that he's way overpowered. At least with the Batman ones it shows the character being resourceful (usually). I think this is why I always preferred the Superman from the animates series, he was depowered enough to make him a bit more interesting.
Um....Imma...gonna mark that one down as disqualified for sucking too hard. Also, it sounds like the other guys did most of the work anyway.

Well at least Superman got laid.

In a sex scene that was given FIVE SPLASH PAGES

The ones where Superman wins just bore me because they usually do nothing for his character except show that he's way overpowered. At least with the Batman ones it shows the character being resourceful (usually). I think this is why I always preferred the Superman from the animates series, he was depowered enough to make him a bit more interesting.

Well if we're talking animated series then Batman just needs a taser from some grandma's purse


Yeah, Flash put a bunch of bombs on Superman then Batman wailed on him with kryptonite socker boppers


Whoever won, we lost

You know..


I remember reading this thinking "I'm supposed to like this, right? This is supposed to be good, right?"

No. No it was not. By the middle of the story the panels mushed into random colors.


I was watching Ant-Man today and the preview for Batman vs Superman came on. After it my roommate turned to me and went "So, Superman wins. I mean, it's Superman".

This is my feeling on these matters.
The reason Superman wins most "actual fights" is because Batman's main goal should be to avoid the fight. If it gets to the point where they have to get into a punchies match, of course the comic book character who's pretty much top tier in their universe for strength, speed, etc. would ultimately win, because Batman would've already failed at avoiding the fight. At best, he's stalling for some reason, such as in Injustice (where he's trying to keep Clark distracted while the computer reverse engineers the super soldier pill).

This topic is pretty much Supermasturbation, because the rules of the topic limit things to the grounds where Superman is more likely to win, and every time Batman wins, there's an excuse why it didn't count, or "Superman was holding back," etc.

Edit: Interesting, just saw the part about the topic supposedly being about "Batman having a chance." The problem is, the way people treat comics, and with the rules that were set, the deck is stacked way, way against him. Batman's most important part of the battle is the stuff surrounding it, the stuff preventing or redirecting it. Once they're actually physically fighting, it's because he's either got another agenda in play and needs to buy time, or he's screwed up and there's no other option left to him.
The ones where Superman wins just bore me because they usually do nothing for his character except show that he's way overpowered. At least with the Batman ones it shows the character being resourceful (usually). I think this is why I always preferred the Superman from the animates series, he was depowered enough to make him a bit more interesting.

I mean, I don't understand this logic of thinking. Is Superman in any less danger in his comics then Batman?

We clearly first need to settle Batman vs Goku.

I think my response in the Superman vs Goku 2 thread would work if you just replaced Superman with Batman.

I'd argue Goku has shown time and time again he is an idiot in all facets, including tactics when it comes to fighting, you know, outside of how fast or strong he can hit something.

-Too stupid to even set an alarm clock to take his goddamn medicine that Future Trunks gave him. Almost dies to a weak ass android while having a heart attack if not for Vegeta.


Even "DC Animated Universe Justice League Season 1 with weird lines on his cheeks" Superman can beat this joker. Would convince Goku that they should have some dinner before their death fight, Goku would be all "Golly ok! I love food", and Superman hands him a chicken leg filled with that Heart disease.
I mean, I don't understand this logic of thinking. Is Superman in any less danger in his comics then Batman?

I was impressed at the injuries
Wonder Woman
gave him in Injustice recently, I wondered how long they'd stay with him, until Cyborg said "Oh let me rig up something that'll focus the sun and heal you faster." Oh.

Batman does do some bullshit healing, but it's not like he's constantly being bathed in medicine that can patch him up mid-battle. At best he pulls something out of his belt that dulls the pain and makes the reader think about it less (still a cheat), but sometimes Batman comics revel in how beat up Bruce is, but still slogging through the fight.


I think this is why I always preferred the Superman from the animates series, he was depowered enough to make him a bit more interesting.

Actually it made him hell of a lot less interesting....the guy was barely above a complete idiot in the cartoons.

In the cartoons you almost never see him do anything memorable, it's just nothing but punching and brute force. And how many times in the cartoons does he get zapped by some electricity or Kryptonite? It was ridiculous.
I'm so tired of this shit. It's like a newborn vs. Ali. Fans somehow love this, though. So we'll see Batman vs. Superman fights and have writers come up with ridiculous plot armors for Batman for the next 40 years.

Now I want to see someone writing a plot armor/"preperation" for the newborn to beat Ali.

Right. And making Superman an invicible god isn't some stupid ass plot.

Edit: Also, your newborn/Ali comparison is nonsense. Batman is a very experienced fighter and certainly more intelligent than Superman, for example.
Gemüsepizza;173144753 said:
Right. And making Superman an invicible god isn't some stupid ass plot.

Actually some of his better stories are when he is portrayed that way. Overall though, he isn't usually portrayed as invincible.


Actually some of his better stories are when he is portrayed that way.

While I agree that's possible, I certainly don't consider that the general rule, atleast personally. The best Superman story is Birthright imo, but most stories I enjoy have him facing something he can't immediately solve for whatever reason.

I don't understand people who are entertained when Superman instantly solves whatever problem they're facing and then justify it with "He's SUPERMAN! He's supposed to be a mary sue uh I mean represent our hopes and dreams and the best of us! That's what makes him awesome even though it sucks with literally every other character its used with!"
The fight in The Dark Knight Returns went down that way because they were both friends which resulted in Superman holding back and Bruce refusing to kill him when he had the chance. And prior to that Bruce was merely keeping Superman occupied until he can use the Kryptonite.

And you know what point I'm getting tired of the most? "Batman only won because he used Kryptonite."

Yeah, no fucking shit. Batman's resources (intelligence, money, etc) are his power. You might as well say Superman can't fly or use his heat vision.


The fight in The Dark Knight Returns went down that way because they were both friends which resulted in Superman holding back and Bruce refusing to kill him when he had the chance. And prior to that Bruce was merely keeping Superman occupied until he can use the Kryptonite.

And you know what point I'm getting tired of the most? "Batman only won because he used Kryptonite."

Yeah, no fucking shit. Batman's resources (intelligence, money, etc) are his power. You might as well say Superman can't fly or use his heat vision.

Granted, but I'd like the writers to come up with something without using Kryptonite. Contrary to popular belief, Superman does have other weaknesses, including mundane things like being hit really really really really hard. Have Batman lure him into an area that'll do him harm or use Wayne Satillite to shoot a giant laser beam down on him, or whatever. Something creativity.
While I agree that's possible, I certainly don't consider that the general rule, atleast personally. The best Superman story is Birthright imo, but most stories I enjoy have him facing something he can't immediately solve for whatever reason.

I don't understand people who are entertained when Superman instantly solves whatever problem they're facing and then justify it with "He's SUPERMAN! He's supposed to be a mary sue uh I mean represent our hopes and dreams and the best of us! That's what makes him awesome even though it sucks with literally every other character its used with!"

It's not a matter of "Superman can solve something instantly". Ultimately some of the better stories revolve around the choices he has to make with that power, and if they are the right choices.

Kingome Come, for example, involves an even more powerful Superman rounding up the new crop of Super Heroes who have gone overboard (killing villains, fighting each other in heavily populated areas for fun) and putting them in a prison like structure called the "Gulag" in an attempt to educate them on how to be better heroes. Everything seems to go well, and without spoiling the story, ultimately this is shown to be a decision with tremendous consequences.


Batman ever beating Supes at anything besides bank account and being a normal dude in a dumb suit is a [very bad] joke.

Looking forward to seeing what plot armor Snyder comes up with to avoid their fight being over in half a second.


While I agree that's possible, I certainly don't consider that the general rule, atleast personally.

It's a rule with this character:


So why can't it be a rule with Superman

Have Batman lure him into an area that'll do him harm or use Wayne Satillite to shoot a giant laser beam down on him, or whatever. Something creativity.

The Superman/Batman teamup series has some crazy shit going on in there. Really unorthodox mysteries that stumps both Supes and Bats.
Yeah well your family got his killed by using kid gloves on the Joker a known terrorist, so hypocrite much. Nightwing died cause Superman wanted to put already convicted criminals into a better prison, which Batman was against because reasons. Batman is also harboring a terrorist in one Harley Quinn. I guess we should just forget her part in the murder of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and the destruction of Metropolis. Batma truly turned against Superman in this story cause I shit you not he stopped an invasion from Apocalypes by killing (Turned them to ashes) all the parademon who were killing people in mass. BATMAN IS INSANE!

Batman is a dumbass in injustice and Superman is a closet psychopath that goes off the deep end too quickly.
Billy death is still bullshit

You can't really support Superman after year one or Batman from the start.

Flash was best injustice character.


Batman is a dumbass in injustice and Superman is a closet psychopath that goes off the deep end too quickly.
Billy death is still bullshit

You can't really support Superman after year one or Batman from the start.

Flash was best injustice character.

misspelt Green Arrow


It's a rule with this character:


So why can't it be a rule with Superman
If I ever get around to reading the Spectre, I'll tell you. I have no idea what context the Spectre builds around him that has makes him being immortal compelling. But the basic conflict of any story is premised in X wanting something and not being able to get it until they struggle. If I find a tale about an immortal god compelling, it's because there is something that the immortal god wants but can't get.

It's not a matter of "Superman can solve something instantly". Ultimately some of the better stories revolve around the choices he has to make with that power, and if they are the right choices.

Kingome Come, for example, involves an even more powerful Superman rounding up the new crop of Super Heroes who have gone overboard (killing villains, fighting each other in heavily populated areas for fun) and putting them in a prison like structure called the "Gulag" in an attempt to educate them on how to be better heroes. Everything seems to go well, and without spoiling the story, ultimately this is shown to be a decision with tremendous consequences.

Yeah, Kingdom Come is good, but the premise is centered around Superman wanting something he can't have (The world getting along peacefully). In this context, Supes can be at the peak of his abilities or weaker than Batman, it doesn't really matter because the conflict isn't about who can be outmuscled.

When people say invincible god Superman stories, I always think of All Star Superman, which I loath but everyone seems to love because Supes is allowed to be a giant mary sue in that for some reason.
Wasn't the Injustice storyline basically the Justice Lords story from DCAU? I never understood if they acknowledged that storyline or if they tried to pull a fast one and claim it as a new thing
misspelt Green Arrow

He got out before they slaughtered his characterization :p. Billy is also pretty accurately written in Injustice.
Which makes me pissed he won't be in year 6 or whatever. He should have been Bat's plan from the get go, though I doubt he would every betray superman.

Realistically if Batman wanted to take down superman he wouldn't/shouldn't do it alone (I'm assuming he has no friends in BvS or is trying to convince Diana to help). That's totally out of character. He plays to win.
I predict a tie or Superman "winning" but in all ways the fight ends with talking.


It's not a matter of "Superman can solve something instantly". Ultimately some of the better stories revolve around the choices he has to make with that power, and if they are the right choices.

Also why can't there be a good Superman story where he solves something within a few pages? If the writer is talented enough he can make it work fine. Not every single story has to be some ridiculous complex scheme.

One of my favorite Superman stories is where he tries to find a missing person, and he does it pretty quick using a combination of his powers and reporting skills, nothing too crazy, but it was done really well, so why does it matter at the end.

Also the time where he outsmarted the Joker in about 30 seconds was a fun read as well.



Actually it made him hell of a lot less interesting....the guy was barely above a complete idiot in the cartoons.

In the cartoons you almost never see him do anything memorable, it's just nothing but punching and brute force. And how many times in the cartoons does he get zapped by some electricity or Kryptonite? It was ridiculous.
Watch the episode "Mxyzpixilated". It's basically him outsmarting Mxyzptlk for the entire episode.


Wasn't the Injustice storyline basically the Justice Lords story from DCAU? I never understood if they acknowledged that storyline or if they tried to pull a fast one and claim it as a new thing

it's a lot more complicated than that. The Justice Lords DCAU thing was pretty clean-cut in the TV show - Flash dies, Superman kills Luthor, Justice League takes absolute control of the planet.

The Injustice storyline has all the characters split after Joker commits a mass genocide that prompts Superman to kill him. The game takes place 5 years after Superman and members of the JL have taken control and Batman is one of the sole resistance fighters. The comic is about what happens during those five years, how people switched sides, how some characters died, etc. Plus it brings in a ton of different factions of the DC Universe. Year 2 focuses on the Green Lantern Corps intervening, Year 3 is about all the magic characters like Constantine etc., and Year 4 is pulling in the Greek Pantheon of Gods. Sinestro comes down and manipulates the situation a bit and becomes Superman's "advisor" for a while.... It's a pretty large-scale story.


Lex Luthor: Man of Steel

Batman gets completely utterly owned. A short and totally one sided "fight"

- Supes blows the kryptonite out of Batman's hand

- Supes grabs the grapple hook when Batman tries to get the kryptonite chunk, and pulls Batman into the sky. Then drops him, and slices the gargoyle that Batman hooks onto while falling

- Supes pulls his punch. Batman never had a chance

This would not work twice on Batman.


Watch the episode "Mxyzpixilated". It's basically him outsmarting Mxyzptlk for the entire episode.

I think "Knight Time" is a good example of Superman being smart.

He pretends to be Batman and searches for the missing Bruce Wayne.

There's one scene where he uses his microscopic vision to look into Bruce's telephone and finds bunch of poisonous nanoviruses or something. It's one of the few times he did something like that on the show.
All of it, huh?

I like Bermejo on covers, but I've always found his interior art to be way too much, and makes the books he's done kinda offputting. Even for material he should be well matched up on (Joker) it just doesn't play for more than a few pages before it starts to become oppressive and obstructive.

Miller's been fucking awful for over 15 years now.
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