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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 thread

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Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just started season 3. Dont really care for it much so far. Season 2 was spectacular up until they gained control of the Pegasus. Then it just seemed to lose all its steam and get really random. Like i was missing whole epsiodes or something. Now you have all this New Caprica crap and it feels like a completely diffrent show.

Oh and Starbuck really should have smashed that little brats skull in the second that dude left them alone together. What a pathetic loser she is.


Brian Fellows said:
Oh and Starbuck really should have smashed that little brats skull in the second that dude left them alone together. What a pathetic loser she is.

she's a loser because she didn't kill a child. okay...


Chili Con Carnage!
This post isn't really here, it's a figment of your imagination...know how you're always seeing 'baby seals with little bows on there heads to make them extra cute' in your imagination? Well look


Eric P

i finally finished season three last night

so far, so good. very entertaining show and i like what it tried to do w/ the latter half of season three, but i feel that the execution of it could have been better.
Man, I'll accept Anders/Tyrol/Tigh as cylons, but TORI? LAME. So, so lame. Could've picked tons of other characters, or even made up some new characters...but all Tori's done is scowl and say "Madame President" alot. AIRLOCK TIME!

Also, is Baltar going to stay disguised as a woman? Because that would be hilarious.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Back on Caprica Starbuck definitely got more than a tummy tuck from the cylons while she was in that 'hospital'. Did I miss something? because almost all of her character changes started after that point in the series. I'm not sure how much that has to do with the recent stuff thats been going on with her, such as the fresh viper she's in (which looks another model besides the mark II and mark VII but i may just be speculating when it comes to that whole thing). The strangest thing was the fact that she brought an entire fleet with her... just bs, but im almost ready to bet money that she lead the cylons to them, gave them the codes to fleet (which explains the universal power surge throughout the fleet), and intends, to lead both the cylons and the fleet to Earth. I'm not saying it'll be a big groovy space party and they'll start singing old bob dylan songs together... the close proximity of the cylons and humans would also allow Roslin & some others to go back & forth between basestar and gallactica.

...most of the season premieres have been kinda weak compared to the finales anyways, season 3's was

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Frog said:
Awesome, you spoiled it for him.

It would only be awesome if I actually cared about spoilers. But if I did care about spoilers I wouldnt come into this thread until I was completely done with season.


What makes everyone feel earth would welcome the colonial fleet with such open arms? They're the thirteenth colony, left the other twelve on their own volition many a millennia ago, it'd be great if they end up being this super advanced isolationist society, one which harbors as much distain for the colonials, as they do for the cylons.

It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.


Kak.efes said:
What makes everyone feel earth would welcome the colonial fleet with such open arms? They're the thirteenth colony, left the other twelve on their own volition many a millennia ago, it'd be great if they end up being this super advanced isolationist society, one which harbors as much distain for the colonials, as they do for the cylons.

It's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.

That question is why I hope the series doesn't end as soon as they find Earth. I would like to see what the people of Earth do when 50,000 aliens suddenly show up and want to live with them.


Brian Fellows said:
Destroying that little freak baby is clearly the right thing to do.

I'm with you buddy, except for one little thing, you know, the whole not actually Leoben's kid thing. :lol

This represents the first proven time Leoben lied to Kara. Up until that point it seemed possible, if implausible, that everything he had told her was true.

So yes, I thought she should have killed the cylon hybrid. Toasters don't get rights. At that point the kid was a tactical decision - hybrids are clearly valuable to the Cylon "plan," ergo, if you can't capture it for analysis, kill it.


"The ship is under attack, report to stations!"

"My name is Saul Tigh, and I am the XO of this ship. Whatever else I am... whatever else everything means... that's the man I want to be; and if I die today, that's the man I'll be."

"You can count on me sir."

Tigh is the man.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Zen said:
"The ship is under attack, report to stations!"

"My name is Saul Tigh, and I am the EX of this ship. Whatever else I am... whatever else everything means... that's the man I want to be; and if I die today, that's the man I'll be."

"You can count on me sir."

Tigh is the man.

Yep, loved that moment.
modkennylaine said:
Man, I'll accept Anders/Tyrol/Tigh as cylons, but TORI? LAME. So, so lame. Could've picked tons of other characters, or even made up some new characters...but all Tori's done is scowl and say "Madame President" alot. AIRLOCK TIME!

Also, is Baltar going to stay disguised as a woman? Because that would be hilarious.

Yeah, I really wish the actor who played Billy hadn't left the show. All this time I'd been hoping that he'd come back and be revealed as one of the 5, but oh well.

Tori hasn't done much, but I imagine her character will become a good deal more interesting next season.


neojubei said:
The BSG version of All Along the Watchtower is pretty good.

...and I'm sure that it'll be on the Season 3 soundtrack CD when they finally decide to release it (but pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease release it before then!)

Also, I was listening to some other BSG music just now. I couldn't believe how awesome "One Year Later" is- amazing. That's the kind of music I want to write- minimalistic, emotional, and beautiful.
I'm still working on it.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I'm watching the boxing episode right now. The boxing part is cool. This Appollo/Starbuck shit makes me want to puke though. They should just kill off both of these losers and make Hotdog, Racetrack, and Kat main characters.


Bah Starbuck is pretty cool, but I definitely agree that doing more with the third tier characters would be awesome.
I'm only up to Season 3, Episode 8 (just finished watching it), but I'm getting progressively more disappointed with the show.

Firstly, there's a definite change in style from Season 1/first half of Season 2. Starting with 2.14 and through what I've seen of Season 3, the acting and writing is a lot looser. There are long, melodramatic looks at the camera, there is a whole bunch of "drama" derived from miscommunication (which, to me, is the number 1 sign of lazy writing), and in general all the emotions are more contrived. The feelings used to be natural, not forced, in the show's earlier life.

Secondly, the plot is developing ugly holes. Bulldog was more or less "sent" by the Cylons to assassinate Adama. That means that the Cylons know exactly where the fleet is. Why don't they just jump in with 10 base ships and attack the fleet? With a huge attacking fleet, there's no way the humans will be able to prep a jump in time. And if they do, just do it again.

I asked myself this earlier in the show, but I assumed that the Cylons don't really want to kill the fleet, but to use it for something else. This was before we got multiple looks into the Cylons' command, however. It's now clear that they have no "master plan" and that they're only debating between killing the humans or trying to live on Earth.

This assassination bullshit and the earlier terrorism attempts make no sense.


Yes, "Hero" (the Bulldog episode) was the most nonsensical episode of the series. Too many plot holes to count in that one.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Battersea Power Station said:
I'm only up to Season 3, Episode 8 (just finished watching it), but I'm getting progressively more disappointed with the show.

Firstly, there's a definite change in style from Season 1/first half of Season 2. Starting with 2.14 and through what I've seen of Season 3, the acting and writing is a lot looser. There are long, melodramatic looks at the camera, there is a whole bunch of "drama" derived from miscommunication (which, to me, is the number 1 sign of lazy writing), and in general all the emotions are more contrived. The feelings used to be natural, not forced, in the show's earlier life.

Secondly, the plot is developing ugly holes. Bulldog was more or less "sent" by the Cylons to assassinate Adama. That means that the Cylons know exactly where the fleet is. Why don't they just jump in with 10 base ships and attack the fleet? With a huge attacking fleet, there's no way the humans will be able to prep a jump in time. And if they do, just do it again.

I asked myself this earlier in the show, but I assumed that the Cylons don't really want to kill the fleet, but to use it for something else. This was before we got multiple looks into the Cylons' command, however. It's now clear that they have no "master plan" and that they're only debating between killing the humans or trying to live on Earth.

This assassination bullshit and the earlier terrorism attempts make no sense.

Yeah thats pretty much how I felt about things too. So far I havent been able to force myself to finish season 3. I ran though the first 2 seasons in like a week. I've only managed 9 epsiodes of season 3 in a month.


Not Banned from OT
Battersea Power Station said:
I'm only up to Season 3, Episode 8 (just finished watching it), but I'm getting progressively more disappointed with the show.

Firstly, there's a definite change in style from Season 1/first half of Season 2. Starting with 2.14 and through what I've seen of Season 3, the acting and writing is a lot looser. There are long, melodramatic looks at the camera, there is a whole bunch of "drama" derived from miscommunication (which, to me, is the number 1 sign of lazy writing), and in general all the emotions are more contrived. The feelings used to be natural, not forced, in the show's earlier life.

Secondly, the plot is developing ugly holes. Bulldog was more or less "sent" by the Cylons to assassinate Adama. That means that the Cylons know exactly where the fleet is. Why don't they just jump in with 10 base ships and attack the fleet? With a huge attacking fleet, there's no way the humans will be able to prep a jump in time. And if they do, just do it again.

I asked myself this earlier in the show, but I assumed that the Cylons don't really want to kill the fleet, but to use it for something else. This was before we got multiple looks into the Cylons' command, however. It's now clear that they have no "master plan" and that they're only debating between killing the humans or trying to live on Earth.

This assassination bullshit and the earlier terrorism attempts make no sense.

You are right I have been saying it for a while. It is to bad the show went down hill I really liked season 2.0 great stuff. I knew the show was in major trouble at the end of season 2.5. When a show resorts to gimmicks like a 1 year time jump you know the writers have run out of ideas.


quest said:
You are right I have been saying it for a while. It is to bad the show went down hill I really liked season 2.0 great stuff. I knew the show was in major trouble at the end of season 2.5. When a show resorts to gimmicks like a 1 year time jump you know the writers have run out of ideas.

Yeah cos its not like the New Caprica arch was good or anything.


When a show run by jj abrams resorts to gimmicks like a 1 year time jump you know the writers have run out of ideas.


replace "1 year time jump" with any english phrase and it's STILL TRUE


Not Banned from OT
bachikarn said:
Yeah cos its not like the New Caprica arch was good or anything.

Sure the rescue was a fun episode but it turned the cylons into cheesy b level movie villians but I hated the rest of the new iraq stuff. To political for me I do not enjoy having view point shoved down my throat when I just want to be entertained. As fun as the rescue was not worth it to cheapen the cylons like they did. The cylons over season 3 were weakened and over exposed to the point were they lost their scariness and the mystery surrounding them. I won't even go into how they basically ruined every character on the show starting in season 2.5. Ron Moore should watch some FX to learn how to do flawed characters who have redeming qualities.


Battersea Power Station said:
I asked myself this earlier in the show, but I assumed that the Cylons don't really want to kill the fleet, but to use it for something else. This was before we got multiple looks into the Cylons' command, however. It's now clear that they have no "master plan" and that they're only debating between killing the humans or trying to live on Earth.
Isn't it obvious that they have some sort of purpose for the humans? Maybe they will lead them to Earth, maybe they want to continue with their hybrid projects........some Cylons think it's not worth all the trouble, others do.


GameFan Alumnus
According to Wiki, Ronald Moore has said the fourth season may be the last. It'll probably depend on ratings. I hope either there's a jump in quality of the episodes in season 4, or they just wrap it all up with some compelling story arcs and bring this thing to a close.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Frog said:
Yes, "Hero" (the Bulldog episode) was the most nonsensical episode of the series. Too many plot holes to count in that one.

Yeah, the whole "oh yeah, turns out Adama started the war" thing makes about as much sense as Spiderman 3's "turns out the Sandman was the dude that killed your uncle. Whoops!".


I think some people have a hard time actually processing information and coming to the appropriate conclusion that the show is actually trying to tell you, instead they say oh one character said this so it must be true.

As per Roslyns speech at the end, Adama didn't start the war, and we know for a fact that the Cylons had a buildup prior to any incursion Adama made into Cylon space.

As for the Cylons using Buldog it was probably more just a 'what else could we do with him?' scenario besides if they jumped in with 10 baseships, Adama would have just had the fleet jump away.

I agree about the critisisms of Season 2.5 and 3 though. Season 1 was the peak of Battlestar, no question.


Zen said:
I think some people have a hard time actually processing information and coming to the appropriate conclusion that the show is actually trying to tell you, instead they say oh one character said this so it must be true.

As per Roslyns speech at the end, Adama didn't start the war, and we know for a fact that the Cylons had a buildup prior to any incursion Adama made into Cylon space.

All true, but Hero still defied common sense and series continuity.


I agree, it I wasn't such a BSG fan that would have been a true shark jumping moment for me. I mean... seriously... really? NO consequences or that he even did it in the first place? What's worse is there were people who were actually stupid enough to agree with Helo on the sci fi message boards. :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
When the New Caprica eps started, along with the Cylon child I started having V flashbacks.
Zen said:
I agree, it I wasn't such a BSG fan that would have been a true shark jumping moment for me. I mean... seriously... really? NO consequences or that he even did it in the first place? What's worse is there were people who were actually stupid enough to agree with Helo on the sci fi message boards. :lol
Well, I'm glad that while we disagree on details, we still agree that 2.5-3 were weaker than 1. And one of those details is the whole question of existence: it's one of my favorite things about the show. I don't know if I would've agreed with Helo, but I do have to ask myself what qualifies a person. Do people have to be natural? Is that what defines them? I'm not sure.

I do find it stupid that the Cylon models (with the exception of Caprica and Athena) share their consciousness, which I assume is the case because each model line votes as one singularity. They wanted to copy humans but they didn't embrace one of the most cherished human qualities: individuality. They shouldn't "network" their experiences, but let each individual Cylon gather his or her own experiences and thoughts.
Zen said:
I agree, it I wasn't such a BSG fan that would have been a true shark jumping moment for me. I mean... seriously... really? NO consequences or that he even did it in the first place? What's worse is there were people who were actually stupid enough to agree with Helo on the sci fi message boards. :lol

Actually, there were consequences. It's not done as blatant, but you'll notice he got demoted and was given more crappy tasks. Also, a part of Adama sort of agreed with the morality of the whole situation and didn't want to make a whole scene out of it so he punished him in his own way. There were scenes deleted that show some of this and several scenes in future eps that deal with it in a more subtle manner. Not everything is spelled out in the show, nor does it have to be.
Marty Chinn said:
Actually, there were consequences. It's not done as blatant, but you'll notice he got demoted and was given more crappy tasks. Also, a part of Adama sort of agreed with the morality of the whole situation and didn't want to make a whole scene out of it so he punished him in his own way. There were scenes deleted that show some of this and several scenes in future eps that deal with it in a more subtle manner. Not everything is spelled out in the show, nor does it have to be.

Even Apollo's (awesome) speech in the finale was very relevant to what Helo did, and how Adama and Roslin reacted to it. The idea of the whole season (or even series) is kind of summed up in that one speech.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Spotless Mind said:
Even Apollo's (awesome) speech in the finale was very relevant to what Helo did, and how Adama and Roslin reacted to it. The idea of the whole season (or even series) is kind of summed up in that one speech.

If you go back to Ron Moore's original series outline leading up to the mini-series pilot, he observed that the big theme of BSG was to take people and throw them into ugly situations where their own ugly sides would really, truly, and unapologetically be placed in focus. Then, see if after we saw that, we could still like them - support them, agree with them, tolerate them.

Lee's (awesome) speech really was a dissertation on the whole show. While some conventions of the drama format have sort-of required Baltar to do and be a few things that make him a true "villain" some ways, from the perspective of what the characters know in the show, there's nothing Baltar has done that was worse than anything they done - in fact, as far as they know, he's done less horrible things than some. But, Baltar is the unlikable side; the convenient excuse to crucify a person just because you don't like them personally.
Just finished rewatching the finale in HD. As per the final shot:

There doesn't appear to be any physical structures or settlements on the North American continent from what we could seeing during the HD broadcast.
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