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Battling online gaming addiction


Eiolon said:
And yes, I do realize that I have real-life responsibilities. I know perfectly well what I need to do in life, I just don't have the motivation to do it

Who said this is a bad thing? Just because other people might not think highly of an addiction to online games, who cares what they think?

This is something I would like to have. I would love to quit my job, forget my friends and lock myself away in a hole to play games forever.

I worked out I need over 1000 spare hours for playtime for all the 'important' games I want to play, and I don't have enough time to play them :(

Oh well, back to work and dreaming about playing games for me.


rs7k said:
I don't mean to be a complete dick, but being 'addicted' to video games is a huge insult to people with real addictions. Just distract yourself doing something else, go on a vacation without touching anything electronic, go to the gym etc. The first step is realizing how absurd being "addicted" to online gaming is and then walk away and go grab a beer or something.

People can become addicted to anything that illicits a pleasurable response, whether it be sex, alcohol, drugs, cutting yourself, or yes, video games. The thing that differentiates MMOs from other games is that there is no end to the game and, therefore, you can't quit. Add to that the social aspect of the game where you interact with other people and build interdependencies to the point that you feel you can't let these other people down each time that 5 hour raid comes on and it really can be a recipe for addiction. I wouldn't be so quick to discount it as not being a "real" addiction.

As for the original poster, you should take some time to reflect on what, if anything, you might be using your virtual world to escape from in the real world. This might help you understand why you are so drawn to it (assuming there is more to it than just the fact that the game is never-ending) and once you get all that straightened out, MMOs might not be necessary for you anymore.


WoW victims always remind me of smack addicts. All they do and talk about is WoW and they always try to drag me into the addiction with them. It's sad but at the same time I feel like they should be locked up with all the other smack addicts.
The best cure for this addiction is having to deal with the people who play wow and other games.

I had 45 day to game time in on wow and just deleted all my chars recently. At some point I realized all my work didn't really lead anywhere, not that its really supposed to. There no end to the game and I was sick of 5 hours runs O-o


Eggo said:
I was going to post something smart and quippy, but I don't have the heart. I think the OP is suffering from a real problem which will eventually be recognized as a legitimate illness by medical professionals.

You may have been saying this is jest, but considering that deaths have been caused by online gaming obsessions, I wouldn't count out the possiblity.

The only problem I really have with online game ( or even offline games) is that I neglect my college classes a little too much. I end up procrastinating and having to do assignments half-assed and last minute.


You need the ultra rare sword of +3 addiction battling from a 40 man raid.

good luck, talk to your wife about it. Just get over it. Act like wow dumped you. Sell off your stuff for cash.


I can't believe someone had the gall to say videogames aren't addictive. It's no different then any drug or activity in fact in alot of ways it's worse, especially for an MMO RPG.

I've been playing WoW all week and honestly it'd bore me to tears if I weren't playing it with 2 actual friends of mine. After 3 hours tops though I get sick of a play session unless I've literally got NOTHING else to do for that day, even then I prefer to get up and go for a walk or something. For those with addictive personalities though, perhaps they are miserable somewhat in real life and feel more appreciated in this game world where one can be better then everyone else simply by killing more beasts or crafting some armor.

The best part of last weeks south park has Randy Marsh saying "In the real world I am but a simple geoligist.. but here... I am Falcor DEFENDER OF THE ALLIANCE". To many it's just a timekilling getaway , a digital vacation from the troubles of the real world. Destressing oneself, for someone whose addicted to it though it's the only place mentally they feel they belong, they don't like the real world possibly due to many factors and the game gives them a reason to keep going.

Therapy could help you find a reason to stay away from these games and I'd definetly suggest it, also if it came to it , there are drugs to control depression and such that could probally assist in making you feel more normal outside of playing an MMO game.


I just recently discovered something with WoW that's pretty awesome. There's a parental controls thing within account management where you can set the times you can play. Just use that and limit yourself to like 3 hours a day or something.

A better idea; have your wife sit at the PC and walk her through the Parental Controls. Then when she gets to the password section, YOU walk out until she's done.

Since Burning Crusade is going to be your most potent vice during the vacation, doing it this way will ensure that you control yourself, and spend some damn time with her.
Cancel your account, tell your friends online you're going to spend some time with people in RL you've neglected since playing. Worked for me. You can go and play again any time in the future, just tell yourself 1 month without WoW, and I'll see how things go. You'll probably find yourself having fun playing other games (on PC and/or Console) as well as just generally talking to friends you haven't spoken with in a while or haven't spent time with as much as you used to.

Now if your every friend you have plays WoW too, I don't have advice for you. My friends and I played EQ when we got out of High School (1998) to about 2 years before WoW came. We played SWG, and that was the last game we all played together. Since then we splintered into our own games DAoC for me, Lineage II for others, WoW for some; I eventually played WoW for about 9 months, it was good but I realized I was getting addicted like was in EQ. Lucky for me, the game is just like EQ except a smaller end-game. So I felt a bit bored too.

Hopefully though, cancelling your account and telling the people when the month you're paying for runs out you'll be gone for a bit to spend time with people in RL. They'll understand, probably tease you a bit to try and get you to play but it's all in good humor. My guild still wants me to come back for BC, but I doubt I will. I might check it out, but I don't feel a desire to play like I did before. Once you detach yourself from your characters it should be easier.


yeah it sounds to me like having your wife turn on parental controls is not going to help. i think there are cases where working together to fight an addiction could strengthen the relationship... but, i think this is a case where it's going to put nothing but stress on it. if you really made the effort, deleted your characters, killed your account, and STILL came back... sounds like you have problems outside of wow, and like someone said above, if you don't deal with those problems you'll probably just replace wow with something else. i would suggest NOT buying burning crusade, and using that vacation time to dwell on your priorities... a session with a counselor is definitely not going to hurt, and i bet it would go a long way with your wife.

not that i'm one to talk :lol

Fady K

I sometimes wonder, i am one of the last few gamers who dont like online play...who are willing to skip the online games no matter how great people say they are (World of Warcraft) or even if they are part of your favorite franchises (Final Fantasy XI)?

Im glad I find the time to play some of todays games, but i barely find that time, so to play online games, or get into them, would not something i will ever do.
Eiolon said:
Basically, I have an addiction to online gaming. I am not blaming it on the games or their respective developers because it's not their fault. I am just looking for advice or pointers from anyone who may have had this problem before.

And yes, I do realize that I have real-life responsibilities. I know perfectly well what I need to do in life, I just don't have the motivation to do it - though luckily I have not skipped work just to play as I realize I still need to eat and pay the Internet bill.

I've tried everything from deleting all my characters to selling my game systems and PC. I just keep coming back to it.

Cancel your internet connection.


Well, what I did when I wanted a break from WoW is to stop associating myself with anything related to it. Basically don't go to forums, websites and anything that you usually do to get your WoW fix while you are away from the game itself. Then substitue that with activities and/or people that will keep you busy and your mind occupied. Personally I feel like I play too much as well, so the only advice I can give is to keep your game and your real life separated, have someone you trust and will listen to to hold you accountable. That two weeks vacation you mentioned about, a good first step is to take some of those time to spend with the people that matters, not to say you can't play at all, but it'll be good to get away, even just for a weekend (plus I bet the servers will be hellish right after an expansion release anyway).


Screw the end game in WoW.

I can't get over the graphical, animation, and sound when you level!!

OMG it's like ORGASMIC!:lol


To be fair, I've never played WoW. Or never known anyone who plays it. Same with Everquest and other MMOs.


Online Ho Champ
you have no hope...soon as you get off wow you will get into battle.net custom maps, CS, BF, emulators...something..damn this internet!
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