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Bayonetta 2 off to a slow start in Japan [Update: Week 2 sales]

I don't know how to process this data without a polygon chart.

Number of Wii U consoles shipped worldwide: 6.68 million as of June 30th, 2014

Number of Bayonetta 2 copies sold: 33,000 copies sold in Japan + 45,000 preorders in the USA according to VG Chartz

There...that good enough for you?


Anyone else find it weird when people say "Ill do my job and buy it when it comes over here!" and other weird phrases like that? As if we were actively working against Platinum by not buying the game.

Not actively, but by not supporting the developer or genre by buying the game, you are passively working against them.
Bayonetta 2 was always going to sell poorly, regardless of the platform. It's just that it's going to sell more poorly being a Wii U exclusive. But, if Nintendo hadn't saved the game it wouldn't exist in the first place so the best thing to do is detach yourself from sales and enjoy what's sure to be a fantastic game!

I wonder if anyone had expectations that this game would sell well? Seriously, everyone could see this bombing from a mile away. I don't think I've seen even a single person thinking this would sell well.


Smh at "journalism" they can't even wait for the full week to end...cause by then it'll be on par with the original 360 release numbers.

Poor from IGN


However, I recall it being discounted rather quickly. So a lot of the million sales were likely from that.

Yep, true.

YeS, this isnt surprising Bayonetta is always going to have a niche audience, and its on a niche system, but Platinum keeps getting work thanks to the quality of their games,i hope Bayo 2 gets good word of mouth and keeps selling until the holidays, but im glad Platinum still got to make the game they wanted to make and Nintendo supported it, even bundling it with the original.

Is it worth it? What's the point of making a game, the game you want, if few people get the chance to appreciate your work and the effort you put for years in it?
Personal gratification, sure, but I wonder how devs feel when a game bomb in sales. Personal gratification is important, especially for passionate people like I imagine are PG's, but I'm sure no one would be sad if his game is acclaimed by critics and a success in sales. (edit: and this is where marketing makes the difference. With good marketing you can sell overpriced shit and make people thank you for that.. you just have to know how to do it.)
If there's someone who doesn't care, probably, that's Kamiya.. he already knows he's the best no matter what, lol.
As fans of the character action genre, it absolutely is our job to support quality new games in the genre.

Its our job to keep the genre alive. Most publishers and investors aren't interested in doing the same.

This is a really really naive stance (and a really unhealthy one from a consumer standpoint)
Your vote (for or against) has no impact, the market is too big.

Every dev studio whose games I care about (bar a handful) have been closed, I supported them too.

Play what you want when you want it and because you want it and accept that like a pet your favorite devs are not going to be around forever.
You have absolutely no obligation to buy anything just for the sake of trying to keep something alive. If you want to turn it into a charity or a guilt thing there are ten thousand more noble and important causes to support.

The amount of consumer guilt on these forums is mindboggling.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Bayonetta 2, like The Wonderful 101, was obviously paid for and greenlit before Wii U launched and Nintendo had any idea how bad it was going to do. So yeah I'd expect they hoped such games would give the Wii U an air of legitimacy among core game players.

But like others have said there's no surprises here. It was always going to sell modestly with small chance of becoming a break out hit. At this point, it seems people should take these games for what they have become: good will projects by Nintendo that provide evidence they're (slowly) shifting their priorities around.


Not actively, but by not supporting the developer or genre by buying the game, you are passively working against them.

My not purchasing the game doesn't equal -1 sale for them however, it stays at a 0. Now if I went out on some tirade in the streets/stores about how to not buy it for whatever reason then yes I would be creating a -1 or whatever sale (maybe) but at the moment no.

It just doesn't interest me.
I like it when people pretend sales don't matter. Yes, a game's quality is the most important thing but products need to make money otherwise people stop making them. When Nintendo ponies up the cash to pay for this and it sells no copies and attracts no buyers to the Wii U, the chances of them doing similar things in the future goes down.

So yeah, Bayo 2 is probably going to be fun as shit either way but to pretend sales aren't a thing is shortsighted at best and intellectually dishonest at worst.
The man has already said on twitter that 0 people here, in this thread, know their companies situation or the budget of the game so all the mathematics and drama is just us self manufacturing it. Yes as much as we dont like it we "self-manufacture" alot of stuff because you know what? Nobody here knows jack.
It's a simple reason to figure out really. The audience for these kind of games just isn't on the Wii U. And despite this being exclusive, it's not enough on its own to bring that audience over outside of a minority.

I'm really curious, do tell what you think the Wii U audience is.

Why isn't there ever a percentage which takes into consideration the install bases between platforms? It really isn't fair to expect a Wii U game to sell as well as a PS3 and Xbox 360 game. Also, we don't know the sales target set for the game, taking it as face value is a ubisoftian thing to do.



It makes the game becomes less well-known, and the series will die due to the majority will forget about it, and will not buy the future installment.

Oh well, this is like watching Old Yeller or Bambi's mom scene in slow motion...We still have the West!
Please get up Mother...


Junior Member
Why did Nintendo avoid proper marketing? Didn't the original have billboards and such? Why did they not try?

I still don't believe any amount of marketing would have helped much and here's why.

I feel like almost everyone (not just Nintendo) thinks too much about attracting a genre and not enough about attracting a demographic. The people who play games like Bayonetta are more or less the same people who play Metal Gear and Resident Evil (and GTA, etc. etc.) Yes, these may be different genres, but they all appeal to the same core demographic.

If you frame it as "Nintendo has the most character action games," it might seem like a mystery why they're failing to establish an audience for those titles on their platforms. If you frame it as "Nintendo has the least major games for the 16-35 male audience," then suddenly it all makes sense. It's not Bayonetta Wii U vs. Devil May Cry PS4; it's Bayonetta Wii U vs. Metal Gear PS4 and Resident Evil PS4 and Devil May Cry PS4 and all the rest. The first framing looks like a fair match; the second framing does not.

Nintendo are basically trying to sell a game to an audience that hasn't existed on their consoles for nearly a decade, if not, more.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The man has already said on twitter that 0 people here, in this thread, know their companies situation or the budget of the game so all the mathematics and drama is just us self manufacturing it. Yes as much as we dont like it we "self-manufacture" alot of stuff because you know what? Nobody here knows jack.
Clearly platinum and Nintendo better understand the market!
It makes the game becomes less well-known, and the series will die due to the majority will forget about it, and will not buy the future installment.

Oh well, this is like watching Old Yeller or Bambi's mom scene in slow motion...We still have the West!
Please get up Mother...

It won't make the game any less fun but you sure as hell can expect less games like bayonetta 2 and more Mario on the Wii U.


We're already in extended time with this series. This is like getting a time extension in an arcade racer, but you hit the checkpoint at like 1 second left and they didn't give you enough time to get to the next one, but you just try to enjoy it anyway. There's some chance it would glitch out and give you more time, but you know that it's 99.9% not going to happen.


This is the thing, Nintendo TRIED to market the game, showing it constantly at all their events, TV ads, Making a Direct for it, a special edition, bundling the original game,etc, i would not say its a "AAA" Marketing campaign, but they didnt send it to die either, there is only so much they can do on Wii U.

Knew about everything but the TV ads which has been the sticking point with me with them in the past. The thought and belief being they'd reach far more people with those then all the other things. If they did try then it's only so much they can do. I do wonder if they only do near midnight ads in Japan like they do for some games in the US.

Bayonetta 2, like The Wonderful 101, was obviously paid for and greenlit before Wii U launched and Nintendo had any idea how bad it was going to do. So yeah I'd expect they hoped such games would give the Wii U an air of legitimacy among core game players.

But like others have said there's no surprises here. It was always going to sell modestly with small chance of becoming a break out hit. At this point, it seems people should take these games for what they have become: good will projects by Nintendo that provide evidence they're (slowly) shifting their priorities around.

Which very well might not have any pay off until their next system. You can't change things overnight. It took them years to end up with low numbers in certain demographics and it will take years to rebuilt that and in that time money has to be spent.


And where are the non-Nintendo fans? Why aren't they buying Bayo2?

Exactly. They call themselves fans and yet ignore anything in hopes the game comes to their beloved. Just like how they waited 10+ years for REmake to finally come to their platform of choice effectively ruining the franchise in the process. Some people are so stubborn. If you call yourself a gamer than game instead of bitch about platform choice which is the only thing the first post nailed this time. The "I told ya so's" are probably so proud of themselves right now.

Fucking console warriors


It makes the game becomes less well-known, and the series will die due to the majority will forget about it, and will not buy the future installment.

Oh well, this is like watching Old Yeller or Bambi's mom scene in slow motion...We still have the West!
Please get up Mother...
The series was already dead though...
Exactly. They call themselves fans and yet ignore anything in hopes the game comes to their beloved. Just like how they waited 10+ years for REmake to finally come to their platform of choice effectively ruining the franchise in the process. Some people are so stubborn. If you call yourself a gamer than game instead of bitch about platform choice which is the only thing the first post nailed this time. The "I told ya so's" are probably so proud of themselves right now.

Why are you expecting people to pay $300 to play one game? They may very well love Bayonetta, but not enough to buy a console that they don't want to play the sequel.

Astral Dog

Yep, true.

Is it worth it? What's the point of making a game, the game you want, if few people get the chance to appreciate your work and the effort you put for years in it?
Personal gratification, sure, but I wonder how devs feel when a game bomb in sales. Personal gratification is important, especially for passionate people like I imagine are PG's, but I'm sure no one would be sad if his game is acclaimed by critics and a success in sales.
No one but Kamiya, probably.. he already knows he's the best no matter what.

Im not saying they DONT care, just thet they will not be announcing it on fucking Twitter,remember that Nintendo funded the game before the Wii U was even a thing, it was a RISK, but Platinum wanted to finish the game they already started, and they werent going to sabotage it for low sales,like some people said, after all, the Quality of their games is the reason they are still here, of course they are going to focus on that instead of the sales.


Exactly. They call themselves fans and yet ignore anything in hopes the game comes to their beloved. Just like how they waited 10+ years for REmake to finally come to their platform of choice effectively ruining the franchise in the process. Some people are so stubborn. If you call yourself a gamer than game instead of bitch about platform choice which is the only thing the first post nailed this time. The "I told ya so's" are probably so proud of themselves right now.

This post is some pretty funny satire, but I will be buying a Wii U console for this, when I decide to play it.
It makes the game becomes less well-known, and the series will die due to the majority will forget about it, and will not buy the future installment.

How many Bayonettas do you want really though???

I figured a ways back that this would be the last game in the series.

I thought people wanted new IPs but of course that is only an argument convenient for an agenda(not directing that at you) as in all actuality, they want the same games over and over again.
I'm really curious, do tell what you think the Wii U audience is.

Why isn't there ever a percentage which takes into consideration the install bases between platforms? It really isn't fair to expect a Wii U game to sell as well as a PS3 and Xbox 360 game. Also, we don't know the sales target set for the game, taking it as face value is a ubisoftian thing to do.

There is. It's referred to as an attach rate and has been denoted two or three times in this thread so far

Bayonetta 2 on Wii U had a 2% attach rate on 1.9M consoles

Bayonetta 1 had a 5.5% attach rate on 1.15M consoles

Bayonetta 1 sold much better on 360 which was a notably smaller install base
Well Nintendo has somehow stayed in business for 125 years, so maybe they know SOMETHING...maybe....

They didn't make video games all that time. Not mention that it was always a very Japan centric company that never seems to quite get the needs of the international market.


There is. It's referred to as an attach rate and has been denoted two or three times in this thread so far

Bayonetta 2 on Wii U had a 2% attach rate on 1.9M consoles

Bayonetta 1 had a 5.5% attach rate on 1.15M consoles

Bayonetta 1 sold much better on 360 which was a notably smaller install base

4 days...
Well Nintendo has somehow stayed in business for 125 years, so maybe they know SOMETHING...maybe....
Because past performance is indicative of the future success
It's not
. I'm sure they intended for Bayonetta 2 to sell like shit.

If the game sells like that in the West, then the franchise is dead and buried.


They didn't make video games all that time. Not mention that it was always a very Japan centric company that never seems to quite get the needs of the international market.

I'd argue that their stubbornness regarding "modern" gaming standards is both the best and the worst thing about the company.


Because past performance is indicative of the future success
It's not
. I'm sure they intended for Bayonetta 2 to sell like shit.

If the game sells like that in the West, then the franchise is dead and buried.

Dead and buried, just like, you know, it WAS BEFORE THEY SAVED IT!

Also, past performance certainly doesn't guarantee success, but it certainly increases the odds imo. It shows that the people there know how to be successful-it's not like 125 years is just lightning in a bottle.


Developers clearly don't want their games to succeed on Wii U. You have third parties releasing months old ports, then you have Platinum releasing sequels to games years past due and they expect people to just buy their games? I see a pattern of developers undermining consumer confidence. I bet they won't even release any DLC. I guess they are just releasing this to honor some contractual obligation. I'm never buying another Platinum game again.

;) :p I kid
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