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Behold the XB1S Version of CyberPunk - SlideShow Edition


Cretinously credulous
PS4 seems fine, mostly 30. But holy shit at Xbox one. 15fps average. What happened there?


I have a theory that they sacrificed the ONE / ONE X performance for Series S/X
They are running their respective predecessor in BC, and if they had toned down the effects of the base Xbox one to the point where the fps was stable, the Series S would look like complete garbage

I mean 10-15 fps... that's just not playable. How do you play the gunfights? how do you turn the car at fast speeds?

Across the board all playstation systems run more stable

Just a thought


Gold Member
in this thread people with 7 year old hardware moan about having 7 year old hardware.

pc gamers are used to this, upgrade or play at shit fps, no reason for consoles to be immune especially since they are gloififed pcs nowadays, do you not remember GTA3 on ps2? it maxed at 25fps and dropped to 15fps.

there is zero reason to preorder a game before seeing it running on your particular hardware, reap what you sow.
If you're below the recommended PC specs, that's on you.

With cyberpunk, CD Projekt released a game on XB1. This means that they came to the conclusion that 15fps was acceptable.

I agree, people should have waited to see footage. Not much sympathy from me to those who got baited (although hiding footage from reviews was a big warning sign).


in this thread people with 7 year old hardware moan about having 7 year old hardware.

pc gamers are used to this, upgrade or play at shit fps, no reason for consoles to be immune especially since they are gloififed pcs nowadays, do you not remember GTA3 on ps2? it maxed at 25fps and dropped to 15fps.

there is zero reason to preorder a game before seeing it running on your particular hardware, reap what you sow.
Not this shit again.

No one asked for high quality fidelity graphic on console.

But for the fuck sake you can't pretend people accept to play this shit which drops at 10 FPS because da fak yu wan to dem for the older machine.

It's really disingenuous and just excuse the company to release a game in such conditions. That's unbelievable someone continue to substain such outrageous practice. Again it's the company fault to release a game in such state, a gamers shouldn't even care about the tech reasons behind. You can't offer it with proper performance? Next generation exclusive and end of the problem. Or why not release just the pc version and the next gen console version when it's ready? They want easy money and it turn around in a shitstorm. Hope the console doesn't sell a shit, because they don't deserve a single penny for it. But of course will see if things will improve with the time. I give them the benefit of the doubt. But for now the game is in a beta state and it doesn't deserves to be bought at full price.
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Insane Metal

Gold Member
That's what I call good optimization!


BONUS, XBox One X optimization in action:



I have a theory that they sacrificed the ONE / ONE X performance for Series S/X
They are running their respective predecessor in BC, and if they had toned down the effects of the base Xbox one to the point where the fps was stable, the Series S would look like complete garbage

I mean 10-15 fps... that's just not playable. How do you play the gunfights? how do you turn the car at fast speeds?

Across the board all playstation systems run more stable

Just a thought

or they just chose to prioritize their limited time configuring the PS4 versions since the market share and user base and potential sales revenue is a shitload higher there?
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
or they just chose to prioritize their limited time configuring the PS4 versions since the market share and user base and potential sales revenue is a shitload higher there?
I mean PS4 is easier to code for and since they are late, it's probably easy to port code from PC there...well that's not accurate, because PC and Xbox version both using DirectX, so my thought is that they ported the PC code and just lower the details and call it a day. The patch which PS4 players received is not out on Xbox, so when they mentioned that they are improving performance and tweaking some effect, maybe now is time to optimize, it's pretty clear that this game was pushed out by management and that it's hardly ready (on consoles)....


Holy fuck!

This is actually shocking. When it showed the footage of it running at like 17 FPS, in the fucking desert (AKA the part of the game that is the easiest to run) my jaw literally dropped.

I feel for my console brothers and sisters.

Fox Mulder

Lol, Sony and MS just punted this shit through certification to beat the holidays.

Millions of people preordered it without seeing a single image of it on the base ps4/xb1. it received 100% scores from shill media. CDPR thought this quality was acceptable and the console manufacturers agreed.
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This is laughably bad on Xbox. How the hell did this even pass certification? Bet something scummy has been going on under the table.


I think it gets down to 10-12 at some point.

Fun fact: that's lower than the standard screening framerate of George Melies movies from literal 1900.

Yeah it’s hilariously low. I actually stopped playing everyone’s best game of all time OoT because of the 17fps, that was too low even back then. I would ask for a refund if I had bought Cyberpunk on Xbox One. On a lowend PC you can at least scale things down to increase the fps, on a lowend console you’re stuck with whatever the dev thinks is good enough, and this isn’t good enough.
They should’ve delayed the console versions and just released it on PC at this point (and maybe Stadia, seems okay there).


Regardless, if you’re buying any PS4/XO game you shouldn’t have to find out it drops to sub HD resolutions and 10 frames per second before buying it, you should automatically assume that is not the case.

I’m embarrassed CDPR submitted the game in this state and also at Microsoft and Sony for not rejecting it.
This is precisely what I think. It is not the costumers fault here, only the publisher (for actually releasing it) and MS/Sony (for allowing the release) are to be blamed. When you buy a console and a game, you expect it to run fine, console are nothing like PC. A slide show isn't fine for any console.


I think this is a blessing in disguise... the worse games run on older systems the more it will encourage people to upgrade to next gen (when stock normalizes) and the sooner MS and Sony can drop previous gen support.
Literally unacceptable absolutely no reason ps4 and xbox should be performing like this, should've delayed the base console versions


How on earth do base Xbox One only manage half of base PS4's fps with same res.?
I'm pretty sure GDK are used on all Xbox hardware, so this proves how far-far behind MS are with it's tools compared to Sony.
But man, this is beyond bad, I knew they were behind, but this is a different league.

Edit: Base Xbox with it's 4MB embedded framebuffer is a rather ecsotic solution compared to the rest of Xbox hardware, we don't know how well the GDK handles that. (if MS have even specialized for it)
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I love CD Project Red but they should've cancelled the base last gen versions (at least).
This isn't acceptable no matter what anyone says.


Not this shit again.

No one asked for high quality fidelity graphic on console.

But for the fuck sake you can't pretend people accept to play this shit which drops at 10 FPS because da fak yu wan to dem for the older machine.

It's really disingenuous and just excuse the company to release a game in such conditions. That's unbelievable someone continue to substain such outrageous practice. Again it's the company fault to release a game in such state, a gamers shouldn't even care about the tech reasons behind. You can't offer it with proper performance? Next generation exclusive and end of the problem. Or why not release just the pc version and the next gen console version when it's ready? They want easy money and it turn around in a shitstorm. Hope the console doesn't sell a shit, because they don't deserve a single penny for it. But of course will see if things will improve with the time. I give them the benefit of the doubt. But for now the game is in a beta state and it doesn't deserves to be bought at full price.

Shadow of the Colossus ran 15-20fps on ps2, didn't stop people milking themselves over it.


PS4 seems fine, mostly 30. But holy shit at Xbox one. 15fps average. What happened there?

The ps4 version scored a 07/20 from jeuxvideo.com & from all videos available is complete fucking dogshit to play, so it's like comparing two turd sandwiches. Anyone who thinks the ps4 version seems fine needs glasses (or needs to pull the fanboy dildo from their buttocks).

in this thread people with 7 year old hardware moan about having 7 year old hardware.

pc gamers are used to this, upgrade or play at shit fps, no reason for consoles to be immune especially since they are gloififed pcs nowadays, do you not remember GTA3 on ps2? it maxed at 25fps and dropped to 15fps.

there is zero reason to preorder a game before seeing it running on your particular hardware, reap what you sow.

How about no?

The absolutely only part I'm willing to place blame on the consumer for is paying 60 or 70 euros on a new release on base ps4, i.e. at a time when a ps5 (when available) costs either 400 or 500 euros. That's a terrible misuse of their money, even if the game played well (i.e. why not wait until it drops in price & put their money towards a ps5 instead?).

But CD Projekt Red just released a "game" on the ps4 which looks & runs way, way worse than the majority of titles on the platform (including their own Witcher 3!). GTA 5 shits all over Cyberpunk 2077 on the ps4, Red Dead 2 looks like a different generation on ps4 compared to Cyberpunk 2077 on ps4. Horizon Zero Dawn massacres Cyberpunk etc.

Those titles on the ps4 offer visuals & performance (in an open world) which far surpass Cyberpunk. No, this is a failure of the developer & publisher, not the platform. It's an insult to release a game like that & outlets promoting its Metacritic score of 90 without specifying that only applies to high-end PC's are fucking disgraceful. From my chair here Cyberpunk is a total flop & borderline botched game which exists only on expensive hardware.


I do wonder if the unified GDK is significantly behind sony's?
We assumed that the ps5 was running better than series X because of some design choices Cerny made( perhaps unified L3 etc), but the base xbox one is at 15 fps and ps4 base is close to 30 fps. We know ps4 is certainly not 2x as powerful as XB1. Same issues with one X compared to the pro model. One X is significantly more powerful and also has a faster cpu yet ps4 pro maintains 30 fps in the video and one x constantly drops to 20 fps.
The one x is running at only slightly higher resolution than the pro yet the performance is significantly worse. Why is that? Something to think about?:unsure:


Yeah, they shouldn't have released what is obviously a next-gen game on last gen systems. I returned my copy this week and will just wait for them to patch the PS5 version and play it in 6 months or so when I get a PS5. Kind of disappointed the CDPR did this.
Why didn't they just release a proper next-gen edition of the game? Why are they making people wait for a patch?


I think this guy has used pre patched versions, I haven't tried the X1S version yet but I will later but I've played quite a bit of X1X and it's nothing like he says and this is confirmed by other sources, it's mostly 30fps with some driving set pieces going to 25fps but no lower than that. Can be seen here,



Is this the console warrior response to this

It looks garbage on base last gen from all gathered examples. Even PS5 and XSX have their issues.

This is a complete different level than that other thread. This shows actual numbers of all the current gen consoles and its evident that they're all bad, but Xbox One sits alone in the corner when it comes to absolute worst framerate. It's not even close to the base ps4 version, which is bad.

Ps5 and XSX run well but have no patches yet, its basically a 60fps version of Pro or X1X, which is a huge difference. 20-30fps vs 57-60fps is night and day.
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Then are you happy these horrible ports took all the attention away from how the PC version is also a complete bug-filled mess, including consistent hard crashes?
Ah, I play their games since Witcher 1. So, uh... it kinda expected xD I never expected it to be as polished as DooM or something like that. People love to shit on Bethesda's work, while for some reason everyone ignore CDPR fuck ups.
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Am I crazy or the Series S version has higher NPC density than other consoles?

Time stamps:
4:27 - 5:45

Seems like Series S is currently the sweet spot in some ways. It's clearly the best of the console versions that targets 1080p so there's probably more headroom for that density at 30 frames. There's no hope for PS4 and Xbox One, or for that matter One X. They will be quietly left behind. PC/PS5/Series X will get tons of patches to meet the vision the developers originally had for this game. PS4 and Xbox One owners should be given a refund if wanted.


There is nothing wrong with that, PC guys get shit ports all the time but I think it's shitty of them to have released this game on console in this state. They should of just released PC version and waited for console versions to be acceptable.
Looks like their management decided that if people eat others shit, they will also eat theirs. It's unfortunate, really.

CDPR has/had a lot of die hard fans because of their pro-consumer stance and seeing a lot of dissatisfaction I can see this debacle leaving a lot of deep scars on fanbase.


looks like both Xbox consoles are running at higher graphics presets.
Just look at the ending video with the chase scenes.

cdpr is so bad, this should never have happened!
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