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Bernie Sanders isn't ruling out a 2020 presidential run

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Better idea - Let Bernie be the Master Roshi of the Democratic Party and train new rising stars.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Yes and I'm sure he would be embraced by the party establishment again. Maybe stay in the party and change it from the inside, Bernie?

I don't claim to know how US politics works, but after this election from a political science perspective it's fascinating how little "establishment" mattered for the other party. Bernie has dedicated his entire life to making working-class lives better, he deserves a real chance.

Better late than never.

If he's in similar shape in 4 years, why not?
If he really does run again; Bernie Sanders will always have my vote and my utmost respect. I have my worries how'll he be shaping up in 4 years, but he seems to be doing great at the moment.

If not Bernie, really hoping its Tulsi Gabbard.


She's a blue dog Democrat that working class white people actually like. That's a pretty huge difference.

Bernie's people didn't even bother to show up to vote him into the primary and they certainly didn't show up for the general. Why would we try that again either?
This narrative always rubbed me wrong way. Is there any data on Sander's supporters not showing up to vote? Before you say that a lot of millennials didn't show up you should also prove that those millennials were also his supporters.


So people are still parroting that Bernie didn't care to address minorities? After cashing their checks you'd think they'd give it a rest.
Too old, true, but his passion is legendary. I'm hoping he gets a lot of like minded individuals to his side and gets one that is going to represent him fully.

BUT, at the same time, I kind of fear a party divide. A divided democratic party may spell a second term for Trump because split votes kill your chances easily, even if it is minute (example, this election).

AYF 001

Why not Bernie for President and Tulsi as VP? People know him now, and it sounds like she'd be a worthy VP if he dies in office.


Better idea - Let Bernie be the Master Roshi of the Democratic Party and train new rising stars.

Is Bernie a big porn guy??

I didn't know that.

So people are still parroting that Bernie didn't care to address minorities? After cashing their checks you'd think they'd give it a rest.

He offered minorities of all colors a better vision than Hillary did. Bernie lost the south because he was speaking a different language. Socialism? You're going to make things better than Obama who didn't deliver? Get real old white guy.
Remember when Bernie supporters were called racists by hill supporters. Worked out great for everyone.

I hate Hillary Clinton. I had to put her supporters out of my mind to vote for her. Her supporters probably drove away tens of thousands of people who would have voted for her.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
He offered minorities of all colors a better vision than Hillary did. Bernie lost the south because he was speaking a different language. Socialism? You're going to make things better than Obama who didn't deliver? Get real old white guy.

And of course, the South (aside from Florida and North Carolina) was never going to elect the Democratic nominee anyways which was a shock to absolutely no one...


At 80, he'll be my last choice among a group of promising up and comers.

Kirsten Gillibrand
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar
Cory Booker
Chris Murphy
Tammy Duckworth


Too old, he would be 87 by the end of his 2nd term (if he won and ran twice)

I don't think we've seen the last of the populist left type candidate though, a new* face will appear in 2020.


Why are people suggesting Booker and Warren? One is a wall street stooge while the other is one of the few left keeping them in check.


Hmm, if there's misinformation out there about him staying Independent for 2018, I'll say kudos to him for finally joining.

I think you're just confused about something he said in July. In July he said he would be an independent in the Senate for two more years. That's what he was when elected, so he will continue to be listed as an independent senator until his term is up. I remember some people freaking out and spinning it into him going back on his word and not being a real Democrat.
Why not Bernie for President and Tulsi as VP? People know him now, and it sounds like she'd be a worthy VP if he dies in office.

The party will be much more open to accepting Bernie and his ideas, but the forcing of the likes of Tulsi Gabbard isn't going to happen


The 2020 Democratic Nominee should be somebody almost none of us know about already. We need somebody charismatic with youthful energy. That is what wins national elections. And don't let this person be a self-proclaimed socialist and/or atheist, the GOP will tear them apart with their fearmongering. We needs somebody who inspires voters to come to the polls, somebody who brings out the inner hopes in people and channels optimism into a goal of building a bright future.

Get Bernie on the campaign trail with him/her and let him help with policy but don't make him the candidate. Let him be Gandalf, not Aragorn.


This narrative always rubbed me wrong way. Is there any data on Sander's supporters not showing up to vote? Before you say that a lot of millennials didn't show up you should also prove that those millennials were also his supporters.

I don't have the actual data handy, but I think millenials overwhelmingly voted for Bernie over all other candidates in both primaries, but also that overall mellenial turnout was estimated to be down. Maybe someone can find actual numbers.
trump won't be young either

Assuming Trump runs for re-election, of course. It's hard to get a handle on what he actually wants out of this and it wouldn't really surprise me if he didn't want to go through a second term (and the Republican Party leadership might well be happy with that).


If it was Bernie vs Trump, Trump would have made a huge deal of how old Bernie was and the media would have gone along with it.


As a 79 year old in 2020 he has zero chance.


This narrative always rubbed me wrong way. Is there any data on Sander's supporters not showing up to vote? Before you say that a lot of millennials didn't show up you should also prove that those millennials were also his supporters.

Well I'm not saying nobody showed up, but if Clinton is one of the most hated candidates we could have run and Sanders had an overwhelming and undeniable groundswell of support, then that support did not show up to the primary elections.

Because he lost them.

Some part of this narrative doesn't add up. Like in terms of actual math.


Bernie said:
You cannot be a party which on one hand says we're in favor of working people, we're in favor of the needs of young people but we don't quite have the courage to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class,” he continued telling the news agency. “People do not believe that. You've got to decide which side you're on."

So true. That centrist lie doesn't work anymore.
He'll be old as hell, but if he still has that fire, that drive and that vim and vigor, then I'm all for it. If anything I hope he's at least behind some of the other younger progressive democrats.

Booker/Warren pairing. Or maybe even try to get Tulsi to run with Booker as the VP. I like all 4 of these people a lot :).


Not to be racist. But a muslim DNC Chair is the worst thing the DNC could do right now. The next 4 years are going to be full of terrible racist rhetoric, and the DNC need someone who is going to be able to cut through the noise. Someone who can dispel the fear that will be riled by the GOP.

The next DNP candidate and Chair need to be a white political outsider who the mainstream rust belt voter can relate to. (ideally with a non white spouse) they need to be a shield for the hatred to target. Because only then will typical midwest voters question the hatred and vitriol they are spewing.

They should then be paired with a white female VP who is also young and energetic. Who women actually like.


Well I'm not saying nobody showed up, but if Clinton is one of the most hated candidates we could have run and Sanders had an overwhelming and undeniable groundswell of support, then that support did not show up to the primary elections.

Because he lost them.

Some part of this narrative doesn't add up. Like in terms of actual math.
The narrative I think is that democrats were overly comfortable with the establishment.

It's fair to say that even with Bernie's surge the DNC majority wanted a more safe and establishment candidate to follow up Obama. The majority of democrats cared more about that.

A grievous mistake.
You know what, after doing a bit of research, it's good to see that we have some definitely legit and able democrats that can run next election :).
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