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Best Blu-Ray transfers

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Future proofing, ironically. Warner's been making 8K (8192x4320) digital masters of classic movies shot in the 30s, whereas a movie shot digitally is always going to be that resolution. Hell, there are major blockbusters from less than a decade ago that were only shot in 1080p.
Isn't it true that Episode II was shot at 720P? :p


But why would that necessitate 8K, rather than 4K or 5K?
Negatives allow for higher resolution scans than prints do. 8k is chosen rather than 4k because it means that they won't need to make new scans for a long time by going that route.

It was inexcusable of Cameron, yes. Pushes all this technology and then goes and does a Lucas.
Avatar is a special case though. I think that the digital cameras at the time were limited to 2k for 3D, so I don't think Cameron explicitly chose to shoot at a lower resolution rather decided that 3D was more important.


Negatives allow for higher resolution scans than prints do. 8k is chosen rather than 4k because it means that they won't need to make new scans for a long time by going that route.
But film people are talking about scanning negatives when they say 4 or 5K is where the usable resolution of 35mm caps out. 8K is typical for 70mm film, not 35mm. As far as my (minimal, so I could be wrong) research goes, using 8K on a 35mm negative is just wasting resolution. There's not really any more usable visual information being stored.
For the longest time I was a proponent of film always being superior to digital, but as new technologies emerge I find that a lot of the reasons I was a proponent are starting to erode. Digital cameras are now matching film in dynamic range and resolution (at least standard 35mm film resolution). The workflow is faster and the RAW files have an incredible amount of latitude to play with in post. My friends and I have been shooting short films on Epics and Alexas for almost a year now and it's crazy to think that these advancements in technology have democratized the filmmaking process to the degree that they have. While our films won't look as visually stunning as Drive or TSN, a lot of that is because there's still a canyon between what we can afford to do in post and what Hollywood can. Still, there's headway being made in the game.

I think it's great to still have film as an option for those that still choose to use it, but I find that a lot of the "film look" that was always a big argument in absolute favor of film is becoming more and more achievable with digital. The fact that many respected DPs like Deakins are starting to migrate is just proof of this IMO.


I think it's great to still have film as an option for those that still choose to use it, but I find that a lot of the "film look" that was always a big argument in absolute favor of film is becoming more and more achievable with digital. The fact that many respected DPs like Deakins are starting to migrate is just proof of this IMO.
Couldnt they just add a grain filter to digital movies.. or is that not ideal?

Personally, anything Disney/Pixar looks and sounds fantastic. Crank looks and sounds fantastic, Mission impossible 3 looks and sounds fantastic, the bridge scene is the scene i always show to show off surround sound. Black Hawk Dawn, while having grain, which personally doesnt bother me, sounds great and looks pretty good.
The Prestige is very well done.
drawing a blank on the rest of my collection though.
Woah only mentioned once in this thread.
Unfortunately these jpeg images of Crank 2 are the only pictures I could find.
Couldnt they just add a grain filter to digital movies.. or is that not ideal?

I'm not sure, to be honest, of what filters exist or how natural they look. I guess by "film look" I meant more in regards to the softness (non-digital-looking) of the image as well as the color space. I've heard great things about the Alexa especially in that regard. A couple of my friends prefer to use it over the Epic (despite it being lower resolution) because the image is a little softer. I've never shot with it, though.


After catching Harry Potter on HBO last night, I've been interested in picking them up on Blu ray. Are any of the box sets worth picking up? Are the transfers even good? Should I wait for another release of the series?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
well then there's a discrepancy as he was complaining it wasn't good because it was grainy...

Personally, anything Disney/Pixar looks and sounds fantastic. Crank looks and sounds fantastic, Mission impossible 3 looks and sounds fantastic, the bridge scene is the scene i always show to show off surround sound. Black Hawk Dawn, while having grain, which personally doesnt bother me, sounds great and looks pretty good.
The Prestige is very well done.
drawing a blank on the rest of my collection though.

Couldnt they just add a grain filter to digital movies.. or is that not ideal?

Woah only mentioned once in this thread.
Unfortunately these jpeg images of Crank 2 are the only pictures I could find.
http://i.imgur.com/w5awi.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]crank is awesome on bluray.

since my last post in the thread, i now have a 105" screen with a epson 5020. blu-rays look amazing.
I did have to downgrade to 5.1 from my old house, but its still a fantastic experience. I now have a HTPC running XBMC off my NAS with 240+ blu-rays on it.

As mentioned before anything pixar looks amazing.
+1 for the 100th anniversary of Jaws, thats a 5/5 in my book, given its age etc. (im not nearly as picky as some of those people on AVS)
The Dark Knight
Cas Away
3:10 to Yuma
Casino Royale
Crazy Heart
Full Metal Jacket I recall looking pretty good.
Lord of War
Both National Treasures
O Brother Where Art Thou
Pulp Fiction
The Shawshank Redemption
Raiders of the lost Ark hasnt aged well, but The Last Crusade looked pretty good.

I cold go on and on, but these i've all watched recently on my huge screen.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Try Watchmen or Sucker Punch, both reference quality transfers and the "maximum movie" integration is fantastic. Even if you aren't a fan of Snyder the man makes very good looking stuff, and these really are the best "making of" supplements I've ever seen.


A lot of the obvious ones were already mentioned, but Watchmen was good to watch in 1080p. I also enjoyed the Criterion transfers of Videodrome , The Red Shoes and Solaris, though I'm sure that collection has better Blu-ray discs to offer. The Dark Knight Trilogy was alright, too. I also hear good if not great things of Coraline and ParaNorman, but I haven't gotten to those yet.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Isn't it true that Episode II was shot at 720P? :p

No. It was shot with 1080p cameras.
The improvement made for the next movie was shooting with full resolution in the color difference channels. If Episode II isn't 1080p, then neither is Blu-ray.

Man, single frames of this really reveal the digital-ness of the art. That's some straight up default Photoshop brushes.

What, the darker parts of the lion? You're way off.
It's a separate pencil drawing that was colored and then composited on top. They just blurred the edge with a filter.


formerly "chigiri"
I want to add Life of Pi to the mix here. That one is spectacular.
Do all versions of Blade Runner, 2001 and the Alien Saga look the same? I always hold off buying Blu-Rays because I read that some versions of some films suck.

I would also like to +1 for Speed Racer

Been wanting to know this as well. Which version of Blade Runner is recommended?

For Blade Runner, any edition that has The Final Cut is the best one. That's the restored version.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
just watched Flight, with Denzel. Pretty good movie, the PQ was excellent. Really as it should be, any movie that was filmed recently should look good as long as someone wasn't asleep at the wheel during some point.

End of Watch pretty good as well, though not the "handy cam" parts.
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