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Big Time Games Producer Gives Shocking Insider Info On Wii


You know, I kind of wonder how many developers think just like he does.

Given the general game releases on the Wii lately, even if his comments have absolutely no basis in reality, it would explain a lot.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
shuri said:
* cue the parade of professional forum posters who have no tech skills or no actual industry experience trashing someone who speaks up and has actual hands-on experience with the hardware and the business side of things

I would be with you on this aside from this little gem:

- MadWorld must sell 2-3 million copies to make a profit.

So....either Sega are getting 50p and a packet of skittles per sale, or Madworld costed $25Million to make....


Nintendo and Ubi are not the only ones to be making money out of Wii, EA are getting it, Capcom...even with their port happy nature are starting to make money on Wii and I'm sure Sega (Sonic & Secret Rings/Unleashes/BK, MadWorld, HOTD 2/3 & overkill, M&S AT THE FUCKING OLYMPIC GAMES) have made money out of Wii.

In fact yes, Sega disproves this crackpot in one fell swoop, Mario and Sonic has sold... too many copies to count now, I've gave up, it probably has made Sega more money than any other game in its history, how can this "industry insider" ignore this?

Ah, because it doesn't suit his argument. Just because someone is a game designer, doesn't mean they are right, and certainly doesn't mean they can't be just like any other stupid troll like we find on GAF or any other message board.

Honestly, comments like this guys are quite baseless ramblings at best and infantile at worst.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
You would be surprised by how many folks in the industry still have this opinion of the Wii.


any industry insider who says something bad is automatically wrong, even if it's the same thing you've been saying for the past 6 months....

typical GAF:lol
v1cious said:
any industry insider who says something bad is automatically wrong, even if it's the same thing you've been saying for the past 6 months....

typical GAF:lol

He certainly isn't automatically right, especially when his arguments can be disproved.


Stop It said:
I would be with you on this aside from this little gem:

- MadWorld must sell 2-3 million copies to make a profit.

So....either Sega are getting 50p and a packet of skittles per sale, or Madworld costed $25Million to make....


Nintendo and Ubi are not the only ones to be making money out of Wii, EA are getting it, Capcom...even with their port happy nature are starting to make money on Wii and I'm sure Sega (Sonic & Secret Rings/Unleashes/BK, MadWorld, HOTD 2/3 & overkill, M&S AT THE FUCKING OLYMPIC GAMES) have made money out of Wii.

In fact yes, Sega disproves this crackpot in one fell swoop, Mario and Sonic has sold... too many copies to count now, I've gave up, it probably has made Sega more money than any other game in its history, how can this "industry insider" ignore this?

Ah, because it doesn't suit his argument. Just because someone is a game designer, doesn't mean they are right, and certainly doesn't mean they can't be just like any other stupid troll like we find on GAF or any other message board.

Honestly, comments like this guys are quite baseless ramblings at best and infantile at worst.

uhh... what does any of this have to with Madworld?
Stop It said:
I would be with you on this aside from this little gem:

- MadWorld must sell 2-3 million copies to make a profit.

I think he meant that it has to sell 2-3 million to prove that it's worth it for developers to make hardcore titles for the system.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Zerodoppler said:
I think he meant that it has to sell 2-3 million to prove that it's worth it for developers to make hardcore titles for the system.

Only slightly less stupid
It wouldnt be GDC without a loud mouthed dev having to publicly apologise for slamming the Wii. Start the countdown now, chaps!

I'm sure the guy has a legitamate point, and I think everyones looking at Madworld to do very well to put some faith back into wii development, but on the show he seems pretty stupid at getting any sort of mature point across.


v1cious said:
uhh... what does any of this have to with Madworld?
The developer said that Madworld would have to sell 2-3 Million copies to prove that its worth making games on the Wii other than shovelware.

How about reading the posts or actually listening to it instead of making dumb comments next time.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Guy seems like an utter tool, and utterly clueless at that. Being a dev doesn't magically lend you real insight if you have no business sense to begin with. Or you're a fanboi-type wanker. Whatever credibility this guy MIGHT have had for being an "insider" is totally shot by the pure stupidity spewing out of his face hole.
Zerodoppler said:
I think he meant that it has to sell 2-3 million to prove that it's worth it for developers to make hardcore titles for the system.

Which STILL doesn't make sense.
How many new IPs hit 3 million on the 360/PS3?
I bet I could count them on one hand.
And most of the ones that do have multimillion dollar marketing campaigns behind them.
v1cious said:
any industry insider who says something bad is automatically wrong, even if it's the same thing you've been saying for the past 6 months....

typical GAF:lol
Yeah this place is so biased for the Wii its ridiculous. This guy obviously knows what hes talking about even if facts state otherwise. Bunch of biased fanboys the lot of ya.



good credit (by proxy)
Dude, OP, you didn't really listen to what he was saying.

You can develop a 360, ps3, and PC game without a whole ton of extra work. Meaning that you can get get extra money from doing it on multiple platforms almost for free.

Madworld doesn't need to sell 2-3 million to make a profit, it needs to sell that much to show that big budgets games that aren't made by nintendo are viable on the platform, and not a huge risk. Wii games are cheaper at retail, might have more licensing fees, wii has a lower attach rate, plus the attach rate is heavily skewed towards nintendo games.

The OP is overly sensationalistic.


Pete Wanat is an idiot and it's shocking to see someone like him work in the games industry. Very unprofessional Pete, very unprofessional.


Chumly said:
The developer said that Madworld would have to sell 2-3 Million copies to prove that its worth making games on the Wii other than shovelware.

How about reading the posts or actually listening to it instead of making dumb comments next time.

shitee.. you mean i have to know how to read to discuss things?


AniHawk said:
Did you at least read the first post? Apparently the guy said MadWorld will need to sell 2-3m to make a profit.

yes i'm aware, but we're not talking about other games, we're talking about Madworld.


AceBandage said:
Which STILL doesn't make sense.
How many new IPs hit 3 million on the 360/PS3?
I bet I could count them on one hand.
And most of the ones that do have multimillion dollar marketing campaigns behind them.
The other guys on the show were just laughing at him. They even mentioned the fact that they could count them on their hands. He just ignored them.


sorry, more specifically he mentioned "other games". i don't see how that means this particular game will profit


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
v1cious said:
any industry insider who says something bad is automatically wrong, even if it's the same thing you've been saying for the past 6 months....

typical GAF:lol

Typical v1cious.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Stop It said:
In fact yes, Sega disproves this crackpot in one fell swoop, Mario and Sonic has sold... too many copies to count now, I've gave up, it probably has made Sega more money than any other game in its history, how can this "industry insider" ignore this?

It's certainly sold a ton, but they split that dough with Nintendo. Nintendo was also the publisher in Japan, they also had to buy the IOC license. They made bank, no question, but I wouldn't surprised if Nintendo made out much better than Sega did on that deal. If there were no Nintendo characters involved, the game would have tanked (Sonic and his Shitty Friends at the Olympic Games!).


Chumly, did you really need 400 lol smiley's in your post? Jeez.

In any case, those saying they are inclined to believe this person just because he's a developer, this is the very definition of the inverse ad hominem. I would have believed him if he had made a compelling argument, but most of what he said was baseless conjecture.

Xav said:
Pete Wanat is an idiot and it's shocking to see someone like him work in the games industry. Very unprofessional Pete, very unprofessional.
Don't take it so personally.


You know, this stuff would be so much easier to debunk and we could put these stupid things to rest quickly if we knew how much it actually cost on average to make a wii game. I have a hard time believing that it would take 2-3 million copies sold to make a profit with Madworld. This is so unbelievably off-the-mark it's laughable!


This clearly demonstrates why developers are developers and not publishers.

EDIT - To be clear, it's unfair to call him an idiot for thinking this, since it really isn't his job to know those things or perhaps even care about those things. He *is* an idiot for publicly talking about things he has no knowledge of.
I'd be a lot more interested in the Wii if it was a Genesis. Then it would have Shadowrun.
even though it was the lesser of the two Shadowrun games that gen.


jred250 said:
You know, this stuff would be so much easier to debunk and we could put these stupid things to rest quickly if we knew how much it actually cost on average to make a wii game. I have a hard time believing that it would take 2-3 million copies sold to make a profit with Madworld. This is so unbelievably off-the-mark it's laughable!
That's not what he said, though. They were talking about how many sales it would take to make it compelling for other third-parties to jump in.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
gregor7777 said:
I'd be a lot more interested in the Wii if it was a Genesis. Then it would have Shadowrun.
even though it was the lesser of the two Shadowrun games that gen.

SNES Shadowrun ftw

I'd love to see someone like Obsidian get their hands on the IP.

But there is a MS in the way
You know how every time Tom Cruise has a movie come out he goes on Oprah's show and jumps on her couch like a raving lunatic?

Wanted has gotten your attention, Mission Accomplished.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Jocchan said:
You would be surprised by how many folks in the industry still have this opinion of the Wii.
I honestly am not surprised, I wouldn't be shocked if this was the norm at many dev houses, actually.

So many people bet the farm on the HD consoles stealing the cake and leaving Nintendo and the Wii floundering, and the fact that that is not the case scares them, frankly.

I still recall companies like Epic saying that "Wii is a fad" and that creating anything for it would be a waste of time. Now I know the UE3 engine is nice and all and probably has made them a few bob, but I'm pretty damn sure that a EU3 Wii edition would have probably earned them megabucks, but hey, there's always developer integrity, that always works, even with thousands losing their jobs every year...oh wait.

So many people, especially inside the industry, seem to see the Wii as a joke, like they saw the DS compared to PSP, and stupid pride has costed them dearly. I can only imagine the difference it would have made to the industry is the Wii got the good will that PS2 got, only imagine the jobs that could have been saved had the industry stopped naval gazing and tried to expand their scope to beyond the same few million gamers over and over again.

The collective industry thought that the only way to move forwards as an industry is BIGGER, BADDER, HD! BIG BUDGET! has costed so many jobs, and when people like this use complete horse shit to try to cover it up, it is frankly shocking.

I wish someone asked him if Wii development was so bad (and presumably 360/PS3 development was much rosier) that aside from Blizz/Valve/Epic, that most western publishers with a focus mainly on HD gaming are losing money like there is no tomorrow, that jobs are dwindling faster than recent memory and that HD game developers seem to be 1 flop away from being closed?

Kintaro said:
It's certainly sold a ton, but they split that dough with Nintendo. Nintendo was also the publisher in Japan, they also had to buy the IOC license. They made bank, no question, but I wouldn't surprised if Nintendo made out much better than Sega did on that deal. If there were no Nintendo characters involved, the game would have tanked (Sonic and his Shitty Friends at the Olympic Games!).

I would say the game made more money for Sega than Nintendo (Although of course Ninty made a pretty penny too), after all, aside from the character use, that game was a Sega production from start to finish.
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