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Big Twitch streamer: "Lurking in the chat is the same as pirating movies."

Permanently A

Junior Member
I"m new to the whole streaming thing and mostly just browse on PS4, but the streams that try to be too "professional" are the ones I find the most annoying. The entire time all you hear is:
"CornyDog445 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys just hit that sub button"
"What's up QuailManX99?"
"Hit that sub button if you want to be entered to win a $100 PSN gift card"
"AnalQueen77 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys hit that sub button we're having the drawing once we hit 1000 followers"

It's caused me to purposely seek out streams that have like 5 or 6 viewers because they are usually people actually just streaming and talking about the game and not trying to start up some "NASTY RON NATION" subscription service or whatever other bullshit you see from people trying to make a living out of this.

One of the BEST streams I used to watch back when I played Hearthstone was this dude called Lifecoach. Lifecoach is fucking LOADED and refused to partner his channel, so he had no subscription features. He also answered questions pertinent to the gameplay and I don't ever recall seeing him talk about himself and his life. Great stream, and only 200 streamers max making for optimal chat.
I"m new to the whole streaming thing and mostly just browse on PS4, but the streams that try to be too "professional" are the ones I find the most annoying. The entire time all you hear is:
"CornyDog445 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys just hit that sub button"
"What's up QuailManX99?"
"Hit that sub button if you want to be entered to win a $100 PSN gift card"
"AnalQueen77 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys hit that sub button we're having the drawing once we hit 1000 followers"

It's caused me to purposely seek out streams that have like 5 or 6 viewers because they are usually people actually just streaming and talking about the game and not trying to start up some "NASTY RON NATION" subscription service or whatever other bullshit you see from people trying to make a living out of this.

It has become this annoying and weird thing, and like you, when I bother to watch anything from there, it's a smaller stream that doesn't have all that nonsense tied directly into it.
I really don't get the twitch stream culture...it's just gotten so over my head at this point. I appreciated stuff like the endurance runs on giantbomb because I legitimately find those guys funny, and it's all about the game when they do videos...but every friggin time I go on twitch and just wanna watch some gameplay...the popular ones are so obnoxious, all I hear is self promotion, and "oh hey so and so, thanks for subscribing!" every 5 seconds or them talking with the chat about random BS. Meanwhile the game they're playing is like an after thought.


Being awesome is a real job.



Unconfirmed Member
Couldn't you ask the same about people that like to watch football? Or any other sport?
They do it because it's entertaining, for any number of reasons.
I like to watch DOTA 2 streams of people that are way better than me. I also like to watch football games of people that are way better than me.

I also like to watch people streaming if they're funny/entertaining. If there was a football player that had some "gimmick" to show while playing, I'd enjoy to watch that player too.

Fair enough, but again that is akin to the fighting game comparison I was making. My post was aimed towards let's plays who are exactly like playing the game first-hand. Something you could do yourself if you wanted to pick up a controller.


Summit is so boring to watch. I can't believe he gets so many viewers. I like watching CS:GO tournaments, so it's not like I dislike watching the game. I've tried tuning into pirating his channel a few times now and I can't stand it for more than a few minutes. It's just a dude complaining every time he dies.


I microwave steaks.
what a clown, I am thankful for my viewers who bother tuning in to my streams, even if they don't interact, that's fine.


I really don't get the twitch stream culture...it's just gotten so over my head at this point. I appreciated stuff like the endurance runs on giantbomb because I legitimately find those guys funny, and it's all about the game when they do videos...but every friggin time I go on twitch and just wanna watch some gameplay...the popular ones are so obnoxious, all I hear is self promotion, and "oh hey so and so, thanks for subscribing!" every 5 seconds or them talking with the chat about random BS. Meanwhile the game they're playing is like an after thought.

It's at the point where the streamer has a monologue with the title screen in the background to fish out as many donations as possible

"Hey streamers nice day today. So, what I wanted to say was..."
*donation pops up* "Oh hey thanks for the 5 bucks! Now I lost my train of thought. Uh let's see.....what I was gonna say was errr uh..."
*donation, sub* "Whoa thanks for the 10 bucks and for subbing!"

And goes on and on for a good half hour


If donating is an obligation now then put your stream behind a pay wall otherwise accept the fact that there will be lurkers who you won't see a cent from.

Personally I don't watch many streamer as all that donating shit is fucking annoying as all hell and distracts from the real reason I go to them the gameplay. It doesn't help that most of them are also annoying as all hell.
It was the first I heard of it, too. There's actually quite a few videos on YT of fake donations worth thousands of dollars.

Yeah, I'd heard of other stories of it happening to people but also heard stories of people actually getting the money. Didn't hear anything beyond the first night so assumed that the money had been cleared. That does suck.
It's at the point where the streamer has a monologue with the title screen in the background to fish out as many donations as possible

"Hey streamers nice day today. So, what I wanted to say was..."
*donation pops up* "Oh hey thanks for the 5 bucks! Now I lost my train of thought. Uh let's see.....what I was gonna say was errr uh..."
*donation, sub* "Whoa thanks for the 10 bucks and for subbing!"

And goes on and on for a good half hour

yes! this is exactly what I'm talking about lol, sorry if anyone here is a streamer or likes some of these channels, but fuck that noise. I would never waste my time watching or paying money to any of those types of channels, it's just boring.

I think part of it too is I'm an introvert, and socializing with large chat rooms that have dozens, maybe hundreds of people in them is the last thing I enjoy doing lol


Was he joking (can't get VOD on mobile)? I'm not a follower or sub but usually Summit is a chill dude. He's also a smart ass who fucks with his chat. I can't se him seriously saying that. Also, dude makes $20k a month just on subs. Don't think he'd be begging for money,

Yeah, but if those Pirates would subscribe, he could make more!


I did only once. And it was to watch to watch that little autistic kid in the Wizard play SMB3.

It was worth it. I mean, he knew where all of the warp whistles were and it was his first time playing! Plus, he got 50,000 on Double Dragon.


I've never even understood why people think it's fun to watch some obnoxious guy play video games.

It's just never appealed to me.


To the people saying you should just focus on the game and not pay much mind to the chat: I started streaming back in 2011 and I have never gotten more and a few viewers, but when you're streaming it IS important to acknowledge the people watching you. You want to make them feel welcome, so you say hello to them by name, you ask them how they are and what they've been playing. The trick is to not interrupt the game too much when you're doing this. It requires multi-tasking but you want to always try to at least keep moving forward in the game. But the bottom line is if you're not going to be interacting with people... why are you live streaming? If someone takes the time out of their day to come and watch my stream for whatever reason and talks to me via the chat, I AM going to acknowledge them and it is ridiculious to me that someone wouldn't.

Now, what streams have turned into... I definitely disagree with. It should never have been more than the game and your voice. But now you got face-cam (I don't mind face-cam if it is small and not taking up a lot of the game and that there's actual reason for it to be there, like playing a scary game), overlays, notifications, and even the actual game itself taking up the least amount of screen space. That is stupid. You're streaming video games, not yourself.
yes! this is exactly what I'm talking about lol, sorry if anyone here is a streamer or likes some of these channels, but fuck that noise. I would never waste my time watching or paying money to any of those types of channels, it's just boring.

I think part of it too is I'm an introvert, and socializing with large chat rooms that have dozens, maybe hundreds of people in them is the last thing I enjoy doing lol

That's the thing: Twitch chat is barely even considered communicating unless its on sub mode, and even then it can just be incoherent at times. Public twitch chat on a stream with more than 1k viewers is basically just spam that you can barely read


fun story (well, not really)

Couple weeks ago here in Vancouver, a friend of mine brought up the idea of going to this Mario Kart 64 tournament being held at this bar on a Saturday. Apparently it's some Twitch charity thing for the Children's Hospital, sounded fun. Found out Greg Miller was attending, figured "this might be funny, sure."

So we go, and man oh man... this thing was flooded with Twitch personalities and oh my god, this was the most insufferable bunch of people... I don't mean everyone who went. There were a lot of people just showing up just because, some who entered in teams just because, ran into some people I knew. But the actual Twitch guests? Talk about ego-stroking... Couldn't go 10 minutes without talking about their fucking subscriber numbers. That whole side of 'internet celebritydom' just leaves a gross taste in my mouth.
One of the BEST streams I used to watch back when I played Hearthstone was this dude called Lifecoach. Lifecoach is fucking LOADED and refused to partner his channel, so he had no subscription features. He also answered questions pertinent to the gameplay and I don't ever recall seeing him talk about himself and his life. Great stream, and only 200 streamers max making for optimal chat.

He also has a lot of time to interact with his viewers since he ropes every turn. Ho ho ho, sorry. There's quite a few good HS streamers though, especially the pro/semi pro players who get viewers for being good at the game and don't care too much about the streaming money.


Why would you want to watch someone else play a game silently?

People's ability to play video games which require you to pay attention to what's going on deteriorates drastically when they talk while playing. They'll go "this is stupid, what am I supposed to do now" shortly after an NPC has spelled it out for them, or more egregiously, while there is text on screen describing the exact steps to follow to proceed in the game. This is sometimes known as the Giant Bomb Quick Look Syndrome, but they basically all do it. Best Friends, Grumps, you name it.

Also if you've ever played a single player game by yourself, you may have noticed that you weren't really talking to yourself much, unless you were having a mental breakdown at the time. That's not weird. That's normal.
I have literally watched thousands of hours of mega64's podcasts/twitch streams/video game streams/etc.. I have never paid them one cent and they have never complained about it. This guy has a very skewed view and just comes off as only doing it for the money.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
im so glad that the game i watch almost exclusively on twitch attracts 100 viewers max on the most successful channels so i dont have to deal with donation bagging, follower notification, stupid fucking overlays and all this bullshit.

also i dont understand why i should pay someone to play a game.
If you need money to ploay it, you propably shouldnt play it at all.


I"m new to the whole streaming thing and mostly just browse on PS4, but the streams that try to be too "professional" are the ones I find the most annoying. The entire time all you hear is:
"CornyDog445 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys just hit that sub button"
"What's up QuailManX99?"
"Hit that sub button if you want to be entered to win a $100 PSN gift card"
"AnalQueen77 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys hit that sub button we're having the drawing once we hit 1000 followers"

It's caused me to purposely seek out streams that have like 5 or 6 viewers because they are usually people actually just streaming and talking about the game and not trying to start up some "NASTY RON NATION" subscription service or whatever other bullshit you see from people trying to make a living out of this.
Those quotes got me in tears lol.


Time for me to get the 18yo daughter of my ex to front a stream of her "playing" games on my ps4 while making random comments and lots noises and split the money 50/50.


Contributing to channels makes them less and less attractive. I'm perfectly okay with people making a career out of streaming games on a theoretical level but I've never seen a person not gradually developing an attitude I find revolting. The atmosphere of a strip club you reluctantly go to on a stag night starts to permeate these channels; you just feel sorry for yourself and the entertainment you're witnessing. It can be difficult to find small good channels, but they're absolutely still out there; and while that may seem unfair, I secretly wish for them to have no ambitions to grow big so I actually can and want to chat and interact.


It's like giving money to the homeless person on the corner. Don't just stare, give. Then they will never leave.
Time for me to get the 18yo daughter of my ex to front a stream of her "playing" games on my ps4 while making random comments and lots noises and split the money 50/50.

I'm beginning to think lots of guys are using their wives/girlfriends like this. It is easy money. Never seen such desperation from men/boys than when there is a girl on a stream. She doesn't even have to be overly attractive.


I"m new to the whole streaming thing and mostly just browse on PS4, but the streams that try to be too "professional" are the ones I find the most annoying. The entire time all you hear is:
"CornyDog445 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys just hit that sub button"
"What's up QuailManX99?"
"Hit that sub button if you want to be entered to win a $100 PSN gift card"
"AnalQueen77 thanks for the follow man"
"Remember guys hit that sub button we're having the drawing once we hit 1000 followers"

It's caused me to purposely seek out streams that have like 5 or 6 viewers because they are usually people actually just streaming and talking about the game and not trying to start up some "NASTY RON NATION" subscription service or whatever other bullshit you see from people trying to make a living out of this.

Sums up the state of twitch. Its fucking really bad.
http://www.twitch.tv/summit1g/v/3890361?t=6015s What frustrates me is how this started to affect almost every stream. Even the smaller channels with 10 viewers have their "sub goal" displayed. Oh and annoying pop ups, sounds and all that. Don't get me wrong. People being able to live from streaming is a very cool thing and I'm not taking their time for granted. I subbed/donated here and there to support both some smaller channels and twich in the past, but finding those channels is getting more and more rare by the day - at least for me.

For some kinds of streams the thank yous and sounds and all that jazz are part of the show, at least in the eyes of some viewers and broadcasters. They view their chat and traditions as a small in-group and that drives community. I'm not saying I love it always, but I can see the appeal and the logic behind it. Lethal Frag is a great streamer who does this stuff, and I have often enjoyed watching him.

I do think it's annoying that all twitch streamers seem to view streaming as a future career though. Listen, most of you aren't going to be Kripp or whoever else you idolize. Just move on.


Thanks for reading my thread guys. Please donate before you post again! You'll get special privileges like posting in caps and the ability to edit your post!
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