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Biggest Fuckup at Work?

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Hmm. Nothing to compare with most of these...

I did once get my supervisor so drunk we had to call an ambulance.
Proof reading a game box artwork and I missed that the UPC code/barcode was wrong. It went to print and the mistake unnoticed. The company Reworked and reprinted all the boxes.

Nose Master

Tore an electrical line out of the wall. It was one of those metal shielded ones in warehouses. Two pallets were stacked with about an inch of clearance under it. :mad:
Slavik81 said:

Well, could be worse. Hope this wasn't your friend.
rm -rf /usr /lib/nvidia-current/xorg/xorg

Oh god! I can so relate to that GIF!

Hilarious yet true... happens sometimes in an Agile environment... what can I say... ???!?!?!? ...
Except there was basically no way to get the data off this fucking thing. It had no network card, no CD burner and no drivers for USB storage devices. I decided probably the easiest way would be to install some USB storage drivers, so I got some off a reputable site I knew, burned them to a CD and installed them.
You could've just plugged the hard drive on another PC. : /
I put NaCl in a syringe for a patient who got her arteries checked out via x-rays. Dumb thing was that you couldn't see anything, because NaCl is not radiopaque and I should have used contrast agent.
Thank God that this has been the worst. No meds or patients mixed up, yet.
Making phone-calls for the next day's delivery. Get through about 80-90 calls, see an extra window open. Somehow I closed the window that had all the delivery info, but since I thought I was closing the extra window, when prompted to save, I clicked 'don't save'.
I had to redo every call and claim "our system went down" or some crap like that to every person I re-called. It was sooo embarrassing and time-consuming.
I now save after every single call.
This one wasn't me.. but one of our new support techs deleted HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft from the registry on a customer's server..

He later deleted another LOCAL_MACHINE registry key later instead of the one in current user...

After that, we gave him the nickname Reg. Bundy... I was pulling for "Reg Rapist" but that wasn't deemed work-safe enough.

The biggest mistake I've made was truncating a table I wasn't supposed to in SQL.. thankfully it was late in the day and most of their users had gone home.. and I know enough about our data structure to determine which items needed to be re-added to the table.. so I ran another query and got that list and did the necessary insert statements to put the rows back.

The customer wasn't upset, as it wasn't a mission critical table and we were able to put the relevant data back into it. (Things are meant to be deleted from the table.. just not all of them at once..) Needless to say I let customers pull the trigger on my SQL statements now.. I won't be left holding the smoking gun anymore after that little scare.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Pooped in a toilet before realising it was out of order.

I'm so sorry cleaner man/lady.


A few years back I worked at a small carpentry company. I was initially hired to help manage work efficiency but then some months down the line I proposed the directors to start doing contracts instead of relying on the same four clients to make ends meet.

The first few contracts I brought were medium-sized projects, producing all wood works for, say, apartment complexes, a couple villas and a public library. Yearly profits skyrocketed, we bought the disused factory next to ours, refurbished it, and hired more people to work on even bigger projects and I even got promoted to assistant general manager.

At the same time all that was happening a friend of mine working at the department of information told me they were going to issue a tender for the restoration of one of the island's forts built by the knights in the 18th century. She offered me the documentation before it was made public.

I jumped at the chance, advised the directors and chose a team of five to inspect the site, and take all measurements. I worked out the materials we needed, the manpower required, etc., a process which took close to a month. Two weeks before the official deadline for submission I had everything we needed and began drafting the proposal.

It was then that I realised my mistake. I had worked on the wrong part of the site and the fort I had made the proposal for was the wrong one. I visited the site again, found the right fort and discovered it was considerably smaller than the one we worked on. We worked 16 hours a day for the next two weeks, even getting a special permit to stay at the site overnight, but we did it. The right project was valued at €750,000 and the wrong one at €2.5mil.

After it was all done I apologised for my mistake and handed in my resignation. I never felt so humiliated in my life. On my own initiative I then contacted the agency responsible for the restoration, told them about my mistake and gave them the proposal for the wrong fort, so should they ever plan to restore that one too, they'd have a complete proposal already.

A year later I receive a phone call from the general manager saying he just learned they got both contracts. He wanted to know whether I was available to help with the projects but I declined since I had opened up my own business in the meantime.


At work I deal with gasoline trucks. Putting suppliers on each load might seem trivial, but the differences really add up if you dont follow what the customers want. I think I have cost the company about $1,500 in misloads because of bad suppliers. Drivers and other dispatchers have cost them much, much more though. Another way to blow a lot of money quickly is with a mix, although the drivers are most often at fault for that. Pumping out the mixed tanks requires two trucks, many hours of time diverted away from other loads, as well as paying for a replacement load of fuel. In very large tanks this can cost tens of thousands of dollars. I can't imagine being on the hook for multiple millions of dollars though. Holy shit.


I once ordered 2.000 DVDs for a client in Belgium, but misplaced the french title.

So I ordered 2.000 x Secondhand Lions instead of House of Flying Daggers.
Years later we destroyed the 2.000 Secondhand Lions as this title was never ordered anymore.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
On a 4 day shoot, had two locations (scheduled for the two final days) back off on the second day of shooting.

Found a clumsy replacement for one, convinced the second to go ahead with it but they were so disgruntled they kept pestering the crew while we were there.

Got my name removed from the credits and these guys will never hire me again.


Not really a great story, but I downed the network across two sites for a few hours after reorganising the central comm rack but forgetting to plug it all back in to the router. No internet or external phone access as everything was VOIP. I didn't notice until my boss in a bit of a sweat showed up and even then didn't realise exactly what the problem was until knocked me over the head with a rolled up paper.

(The "two sites" is more of a technicality, as they were effectively one site from the network side of things)
Well It's not really a fuckup, more a funny anecdote. With 15 I worked as a blacksmith apprentice at a small company. We were about to install a new guard railing on top of a very steep hill. I was about finished cleaning the welding joints with nitro thinner and had put the bucket full of thinner right next to me. I started noticing some overstanding parts on one of the joints. It was just half a centimeter, but enough to pose a problem while welding, so I got out my angle grinder and fired it up....
well yeah, the sparks and the falling glowing parts of the railing caused the bucket with thinner to catch on fire, and so did the spots that landed on my trousers.^^
Well when I noticed I had a brainfart and kicked that bucket down the hill. Can you imagine the wall of fire that created^^ Luckily my boss at the time was allready about getting drunk with the customer so no one ever noticed^^

I guess the last one was failing to set up that stupid IPad to display on the overhead projector this week when the professor needed it for the presentation. Plug and Play my Ass. The 6 year old laptop from our institute worked instantly though.


is now taking requests
So i used to have a job where i would copy data to a disk and mail it to customers. The disk contained credit information on all our customers customers.

With one of the biggest customers we had a special clause - if we lost that customers disk we'd have to pay a 200.000 dollar fine.

So of course, out of our 200 customers with that product i sent one disk to the wrong customer and that disk was the one customer we'd have to reimburse for a fuckup like that...

Luckily we managed to cover that fuckup up so we never did have to pay the fine. My job wasn't on the line or anything, but still.

My colleauge did even worse though, she managed to crash the entire Stockholm stock exchange for a whole day.


Midas said:
I didn't check something carefully enough so we lost around $30K. I guess things like that happens.

Wikipedia said:
Midas or King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This was called the Golden touch, or the Midas touch

So, when we transition clients to Production we remove "hidden" items from DB from training. Problem is we recently switched the DB Structure for multi-tenant

DELETE FROM Items WHERE HiddenItem = 1 or FreeFormItem = 1

DELETE FROM Items WHERE HiddenItem=1 OR FreeFormItem = 1 AND Tenant_ID = 2

Basically it ended up deleting items for Tenants already in Production. Thankfully it was 4:30 AM so we were able to restore DB using last night's backup. But then I had to migrate the new tenant all over again.

Another SQL Fuckup (nobody knows about this), forgot the WHERE Clause in an UPDATE Statement and went,

UPDATE SystemSettings SET VarText = 'whatever'

Thankfully I was able to restore settings to from training and update them. And since the new settings only take into effect when you "reset" the system, nobody came to know even though I did this during business hours.


Put the wrong shipment in a shipping container and only worked it out when the container was already two days into it's voyage heading to the wrong port.


I haven't been working for long, so nothing horrible has happened, but I felt pretty bad when I knocked a big box full of plastic lids on the ground and had to pick them up in the middle of a busy kitchen.


On my 3rd day on the job I caused an outage for a customer. We had a clause in the contract that if we caused an outage we had to pay the customer $30K. So yea, they called me "The $30K Man" for a while.

My boss said he was surprised I didn't get the boot.

I rose up in the company and became a senior engineer, and wound up getting a good offer with my current company because of my work.

So yea, now I double check all my work, it actually probably helped me become the engineer who I am today as I rarely make mistakes.


Unconfirmed Member
Biggest fuck up for me, in past sense, was updating one of our HP pro curve switches with a firmware update that would fix this overheated issue we was having at the school. I didn't find out that the switch was actually faulty hardware wise and this caused one third of the school's IT computers to go down without a connection for a week and a half (Science, Maths, Design), after the updated install failed and corrupted the whole console, breaking it.

I never felt so shitted up in my life because the backup we had wasn't working so had to start again (didn't take that much time thankfully as we had a lot of the information we needed via a spreadsheet). It sucked thinking I was the catalyst for this to happen but it felt good when the network manager said it wasn't really my fault due to the switch's hardware fault. Got to love IT.
The Outsider said:
I work as a projectionist, and I dropped a print of the newest Harry Potter as I was trying to move it around. It took about three hours to put back together, and fortunately, it happened after all showings were ran so I was just there until 3 in the morning fixing it. Found out the next day that one of the reels I put back on trying to fix it was upside down, so we had a few unhappy customers during the first show the next morning. Someone else fixed it pretty easily though, fortunately.

I also accidentally scratched a print of Cowboys and Aliens. We had to order another print, which ran us a couple grand, I think. I didn't have to pay anything for it myself, they just kinda made me feel bad about it. Movie sucked anyway, so I still say I was doing a favor to everyone.

Oh the joys of dropping a print... of course nobody drops a print on purpose, it's gravity's fault. I remember the day clearly when i got a call to come to booth 7 to assist with a little problem.. My boss decided to move Pulp Fiction by himself and successfully dropped it on the floor and turned it into a giant knot. This was three hours before the first preview. Fun times.

Another co-worker scratched Spider-Man.

It didn't help that around the time of Lord of the rings the distributors were releasing prints to cinemas as late as possible to combat piracy (damn you pirates making my job harder!), so anyway, one night 5 copies of rings turns up at around 7 pm with the first show being the following day. I had a press show as well at 10am so i needed to get as many of the prints put together as fast as possible. I managed to get 3 prints assembled before i left work that night. Next morning i'm excited as everyone else to see the Fellowship of the Ring, all the local press and staff are there. Film is running fine until the end of reel 2 which is about 30 minutes into the film, then reel 3 starts. Backwards. FUUUUUUUUUU... takes about 10 mins to sort but i spent the rest of the film feeling sick waiting for something else to go wrong.

Best one though, The Time Traveler's Wife. I put reels 3 and 4 the wrong way round. played for a week in a packed screen before someone came out and said it wasn't right. She had read the book...


When I was 18 working at Wal-Mart for a summer job I went home for lunch and went to sleep (I worked night shift)... they didn't know where I was. Had a nervous laugh about that afterwards, and the assistant manager on duty at the time said I couldn't go home for lunch anymore.

Fucked up the count at a prison, caused a 45 minute delay in schedule or so. An inmate was at a hospital and was supposed to be on my out-count. His bunk was empty of all mattress and sheets. To be fair, the paperwork I had on the inmate in/out count was all fucked up, but that's always the case.
Kubricks Ghost said:
Best one though, The Time Traveler's Wife. I put reels 3 and 4 the wrong way round. played for a week in a packed screen before someone came out and said it wasn't right. She had read the book...

Holy shit haha
I went to work one day for a 24 hour shift (paramedic) and we got put on 3 different ambulances throughout the day. Well late that night we ran a cardiac arrest. I didn't check the third truck off, and neither did my partner. We got on scene and our larygnoscope was dead, and we had no extra batteries, so we had no light to tube. The suction was broken on the truck, so we had no way to suck up all the secretions. Neither one of us could get an IV either. We got to the hospital doing basic CPR. Patient was dead of course. Even though the patient was likely to die anyways, 88 year old cancer patient, our company covered for us.

Will never happen again. Every truck I get on gets checked off right away.


I let my boss handle some vbs we execute through scheduled tasks to update some prices on a website, it's a crappy solution someone though of and we've been using it since he did it. It's awful but we have to work with that crap, so everytime a new range of prices is added we have to change something here and there.

My boss told me he didn't like the way I did it (search & replace of a few strings twice a year), and dropped a few harsh words I didn't like, so I said: 'OK, do it yourself so I can learn, tell me when you're done'. And that was my biggest fuckup, because the fucking idiot had lost more than 12k euros by the time I got to the office the next day as the website was offering everything on certain dates at 0 €. I fixed it asap, without an apology, a thank you or anything, the idiot wasn't fired and we had suffer a huge cut on our spendings for the next year.


I have a bit of habit of not paying attention and drifting off in team meetings. One day I was in a meeting with a couple of colleagues, including an extremely attractive blonde girl named Angela. I spent the meeting doodling and writing things without really thinking on my notepad like always, when an important phone call came in from the head office that I had to take, so I left all my shit in the meeting room.

I was still on the phone when the meeting finished, and I noticed that Angela was looking at me a bit weird as she left the meeting, but didn't really think anything of it. Once my phone call finished, my boss sent me an e-mail telling me to come to his office immediately. When I got there, I noticed that my notepad from the meeting was on his desk.

Apparently while randomly doodling, I had scrawled "ANGELA HAS NICE TITS!" on the page of my notepad. She had picked it up when the meeting finished, noticed it and immediately complained to my boss. His response was "It's okay to think these things, but probably not a good idea to write team down."

Couldn't look the girl in the eyes after though, so fucking awkward and embarrassing. In my defence though, she did have nice boobs!
The biggest one i can recall was back during my first stint at Gamestop out of High School.

It was during the holiday season and I was a 3rd key, which is basically the lowest rung on the management ladder. Back then only management could handle returns and trade-ins and every customer had to fill out information in this annoying book due to pawn shop laws and all of that. So being that it was right after Christmas people were returning and trading anything and everything. I had just recently been promoted and was completely flustered by the line that was at least 20 customers deep and wrapping around the entire store. I returned everyone's crap and managed the line relatively well and was eventually relieved by the ASM and clocked out for the day and left.

Later in the day I get a call from the store but didn't feel like dealing with it so I let it go to voicemail. I check the message a minute or two later and I hear what is basically a distress call of extreme panic from my ASM;

"Dude... the book... you didn't have over 20 customers fill out the book... oh my god... I'm gonna kill you dude..."

Yeah, not what I wanted to hear. I called back and he was actually pretty cool about it. He handled it better than I thought he would, he just told me I owed him a coke for making him have to handle all the crap that needed done because of my error.


Maturity, bitches.
I volunteer at a community centre as IT support. They have an IT suite to give lessons and in order to prevent the students fucking up the system they have a program called Deep Freeze in place which basically restores the system to a fixed point once the machine is turned off. After updating a lot of machines I must have forgotten to turn Deep Freeze back on on one of the machines and sure enough a virus popped up on it. Luckily I'm such an important person at the company no one gave me any flack and I eventually sorted out the problem. Of course while this machine was out of order the education department was at our backs because they were short on machines.

I've probably made a few mistakes while I've been at the reception desk but since I had to basically learn everyone on my own I think I have coped well. They still ask me to do it so I assume nothing disastrous has happened.

Nothing too big, but most of my time is spent browsing the web so I haven't really got much opportunity to fuck up.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I work by myself in a control booth, so when I mess up, I'm usually the first to know, which allows me to 'put out the fire' without management ever knowing. It's the days I'm not there when all hell breaks loose.

I've been offered a job at one of DC's top law firms just last week. Before I got the offer, I had to get prior year copies of my bi-annual evaluations from my immediate supervisor. He eventually asked me what I needed them for. I fibbed and said it was for 'part time' employment. I had a feeling that would come back to haunt me.

Following day I mentioned to one of our clients that I got a new position. He was sad to see me go, which I expected. What I didn't expect was for him to go to a staff meeting and tell his entire staff (many of whom I've known for years and are quite fond of) of my departure. 90% women too!

Needless to say, the cat was out the bag and I was getting calls left and right that Friday, the day I had intended to let management know. At COB, I emailed my resignation letter. My immediate supervisor responded with the following:


I understand, but I feel like I've been taken advantage of. You used me as a referral (and I provided a glowing response) and then weren't truthful when I asked about it. We all use jobs as stepping stones but I at least thought you would be honest with me about your decisions. If I wanted to prevent you from leaving I would have said you were unreliable and your integrity was in question. Oh well, it is what it is and everyone is replaceable. I just thought there was some degree of friendship there.

I found that to be rather insulting having been here for 8 years with a stellar record. At the same time, had I been totally honest, he probably would not have given me a good recommendation. I didn't want to have to use him as a reference, but the law firm required that I did.

Oh well, regardless... I'm out and with a much better salary to boot! Next Friday is my last day.
We produced 1.5 million packages wrong(70k what the billing was for). Not our fault but it was ridiculous when we found out. Everyone was walking around saying fuck(insert rest of sentence) here for the next 2 weeks.

I also produced about 400 shirts with the wrong size logo at another job. They approved the size but reneged on it later. We all got awesome athletic grade sweat wicking shirts and jackets and pants like 2 pair for everyone at the company because of it.


is now taking requests
Acidote said:
I let my boss handle some vbs we execute through scheduled tasks to update some prices on a website, it's a crappy solution someone though of and we've been using it since he did it. It's awful but we have to work with that crap, so everytime a new range of prices is added we have to change something here and there.

My boss told me he didn't like the way I did it (search & replace of a few strings twice a year), and dropped a few harsh words I didn't like, so I said: 'OK, do it yourself so I can learn, tell me when you're done'. And that was my biggest fuckup, because the fucking idiot had lost more than 12k euros by the time I got to the office the next day as the website was offering everything on certain dates at 0 €. I fixed it asap, without an apology, a thank you or anything, the idiot wasn't fired and we had suffer a huge cut on our spendings for the next year.

Who is the boss of who, really?
Even though i live in union friendly zone #1 - i'd never tell my boss to do a job himself, and then ask him to let me know when he is done.
I mean wtf :p


Working in a wine export firm, we tend to have labels tailored to each customers needs, I glued about 10 boxes in until my boss realized that I switched the labels. Wasted another hour just gently removing all the labels.

The only other major incident is when I dropped a bottle by accident and it broke. We were cleaning up a couple of 2005 wine bottles that were going to be shipped soon, the bottleneck slipped from my hand and it cracked. Pretty bummed out.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
This wasn't mine. This was a co-workers, well, ex-coworkers.

To a black coworker, "Hey, what's up with black people and the color purple? No, the actualy color. Why are you getting mad at me? Stop acting like a silverback gorilla."

Stunned silence.
Working with a Mac with bootcamp Windows XP and was planning to format a external HDD to FAT32, I formatted the wrong partition as they were similarly named. I formatted the Mac OSX, I pretty much wiped all the files on the Mac side, which included alot of Final Cut Pro files and video files that were edited. Has been a few years now.


At my hospital one of my fellow x-rays techs injected Lidocaine directly into a patient's IV (Lidocaine is local anesthetic). Not my fuck up, but I was scared for that patient as he was rushed to the ER and monitored.

And while I was in x-ray school, one of my fellow students was getting ready to "tip" a female patient for a barium enema. She stuck said tip in the wrong hole, doctor came in, proceeded with the exam and then everyone realized the tip wasn't in her bum.

Worst thing I ever did was x-ray the wrong hand. Stupid mistake to be sure, but in my defense I asked the patient which hand was the affected one and they held it up. Figures it was the wrong hand. Now I double check the docs order. (Thankfully that's about the worse I can do on my job, is give someone a bit of extra radiation. Certainly not a good thing, but no worse than standing outside in the sun for 30 minutes.)


Well I am still delaying one or two payment applications to my d*** boss.
I guess shit storm imminent gif would be appropriate.
I will resolve that to the end of month.

But still...
Implemented a error reporting feature into a client application we wrote that effectively would DDOS us every time if the server application failed or went down, effectively bringing down both this application and all of our web hosting customers who were on the same network.

To be fair, everybody involved knew about the feature was and no one else thought it would be problematic either.


Laughing about everybody panicking about their boxes being $3 or $20 or whatever short. When I was taking bets at the race track my box was $500 short at the end of one day. Luckily they were able to find it (when I was changing bills at the minidealer I gave her $500 more. Luckily I was working with one of the rare honest people at the track because she could have easily just pocketed it and nobody would have known).

This is especially scary because unlike most jobs, if you were short at the track I was working at it came out of your check. That $500 would have been immediate termination plus wiping out all the work I had done over the summer so far.


Bernbaum said:

Climate statistics.

Nothing laugh-out-loud wrong, but unforgivable. The multimedia package which shipped after it (a sort of interactive rendering of the data layouts) had corrected figures.


I once despatched a train under a red signal. That's the sort of thing you would instantly be sacked for. Thankfully my driver had better common sense than me.


I worked as a web developer for a co-op term. One of the scripts I wrote could be put into an infinite loop, but I never realized it during testing. About a week after it went live, it crashed the server. I got a negative review from my supervisor for that term, and the company hasn't hired another co-op student since. Sorry guys :\


As a young private in the Army National Guard I was working a night fire rifle qualification range with my unit as other units from the area would come through and do their night qualification.

A soldier from one of these units that was qualifying failed to follow our instructions and ended up shooting one of my buddies in the neck and killed him.

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