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BioShock Infinite PC Performance Thread


Stunned this is still an issue. I've never experienced this with a PC game. Steam reports 4 hours of Bioshock Infinite at this point, last played 4/9. I'm not going back in until I can experience it the right way the first time.

At this point I'm beginning to wonder if they're not going to just do some insurance company math and figure the loss of customer loyalty will ultimately cost them less than fixing the engine.


I'm really surprised no-one from the gaming media has run with it. Normally issues like these that are long-running and wide-ranging tend to get at least a *little* coverage.


BTW people I am working on building a website about this issue and plan to send it out to the gaming media detailing what exactly we are going through to see if they can assist with the push of getting this resolved.

I am a little confused by the TOS. Can I post the link here without being banned? I am not building the site to get hits, but to spread the word about the stuttering.


It would actually be very helpful to me if someone can round up all the links the youtube videos showing the stuttering and post it in one post so I can easily reference it to post it on the site. Can someone do that for me?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I am a little confused by the TOS. Can I post the link here without being banned? I am not building the site to get hits, but to spread the word about the stuttering.

You shouldn't get banned for posting a link to what's essentially a digital pamphlet, the intent of which isn't to spur action that will tangibly benefit you -- just, to state the obvious, don't go spamming it throughout various threads. If you want to be on the super-safe side, though, PM a mod.

Edit: D'oh, I said "won't" when I meant "shouldn't". This is why you don't post on the internet at 1am. :p

It would actually be very helpful to me if someone can round up all the links the youtube videos showing the stuttering and post it in one post so I can easily reference it to post it on the site. Can someone do that for me?

Do you really need all of them? ;) Here are 15:




So the site is done. At this point the mod I contacted was cautioning me against posting the link at it would be frowned upon. Keep in mind this is a simple site created wanting to get the word out.

For anyone who wants the link for now please just PM me and I will send you the link until I get the mods blessing.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So the site is done. At this point the mod I contacted was cautioning me against posting the link at it would be frowned upon. Keep in mind this is a simple site created wanting to get the word out.

That's a little odd, though I suppose the line is blurred considering it is your own website. Really, though, I don't see the harm in posting the link provided the site is set up strictly as an informational piece and you don't benefit from the page views (e.g. no donation button or ad revenue), in which case it's practically no different to, say, asking for GAF's help on the Dark Souls PC petition. Just the A-OK for a single post in this thread saying you've set the website up is all you need.


That's a little odd, though I suppose the line is blurred considering it is your own website. Really, though, I don't see the harm in posting the link provided the site is set up strictly as an informational piece and you don't benefit from the page views (e.g. no donation button or ad revenue), in which case it's practically no different to, say, asking for GAF's help on the Dark Souls PC petition. Just the A-OK for a single post in this thread saying you've set the website up is all you need.

Per the mod I contacted I am contacting Evilore directly about this to get his blessing. Anyone who gets the link from me in PM if you post it here that is on you. I don't want to get anyone banned.
Anyway to fix freezing? My drivers are upto date.. Every time I try to open the door to Monument Tower the music during the loading screen stops and it just never loads.
Nnnnnoooo. Shame on you for bumping the thread when they haven't fixed anything. I was all excited.

...I can't answer your question, sorry.
I just went ahead and completed the game yesterday even with the stuttering. It wasn't too bad but still annoying especially when you are aware of it. I had recently reinstalled Windows and upgraded to a 7870 and that made no difference. The game has these like loading areas that when you walk though them back and forth, the framerate drops.


The Everyman
I just went ahead and completed the game yesterday even with the stuttering. It wasn't too bad but still annoying especially when you are aware of it. I had recently reinstalled Windows and upgraded to a 7870 and that made no difference. The game has these like loading areas that when you walk though them back and forth, the framerate drops.

thank god i beat the game before i saw this thread :X
thank god i beat the game before i saw this thread :X

Admittedly, I like to be made aware of things that may hamper my experience and before I even knew much about the stuttering online, I knew something was up when the game just kept stuttering completely all over the place.
This is the one I've been having the issue with since the game launched. Any word on fixes to this one?

I forced myself to play through the game with a controller. Oddly enough, I decided to boot up the first Bioshock and it had the same issue. Loaded up Portal 2 and Half Life 2 and they had no issue, so it's definitely not a mouse issue.


I am suprised nobody posted this yet. Per twitter:

2K Support @2KSupport14 May
@UnluckyForUs Hi there. Progress is being made on this and there should be more news sometime this week.

So it appears we will at least have some news about the stuttering this week!


So it appears we will at least have some news about the stuttering this week!
"This week" is rapidly running out.

Must admit, I'm quite pleased with the shitstorm this created on the official Irrational forums. What is it... 700 posts now?
Just wanted to toss this in the mix:

Amd x4 970BE
7950 3GB
16GB 1033

Silky smooth all around, with (for some weird reason) instances where the game semi-takes control of the camera.

Is radeon pro going to make a difference?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
To play Devil's Advocate for a moment, "should" isn't a guarantee.

I just hope something is in order by the time the first piece of DLC hits.


It's really strange that I've played it so many times and didn't notice anything after I changed some settings on the config file. BUt that was on the first week of launch and were tips made on this very topic. In-game, all maxed out, only disabled the shining objects. This is something I don't think all PCs are having.


It's really strange that I've played it so many times and didn't notice anything after I changed some settings on the config file. BUt that was on the first week of launch and were tips made on this very topic. In-game, all maxed out, only disabled the shining objects. This is something I don't think all PCs are having.

If you aren't having it please post a video and make sure you are running something like FRAPS to capture your FPS.


If you aren't having it please post a video and make sure you are running something like FRAPS to capture your FPS.

Is there any specific area that happens more than others? Or just... how long should I play it to notice any noticiable frame drops?


Is there any specific area that happens more than others? Or just... how long should I play it to notice any noticiable frame drops?

You would see it in the beginning
right after the baptism when you get into the city and you end up outside for the first time.
Go up the stairs, keep walking straight. If you are expencing it the FPS will dip down and then go back up. You can walk back to where you started the area and go back to the same spot and it will happen every time.


You would see it in the beginning
right after the baptism when you get into the city and you end up outside for the first time.
Go up the stairs, keep walking straight. If you are expencing it the FPS will dip down and then go back up. You can walk back to where you started the area and go back to the same spot and it will happen every time.

I did notice it now. But only with Fraps. Before I changed the config file, it was worse, to the point that even without Fraps I noticed it. It goes from 60 to 30 and then 60 in less than 5 seconds. It's nothing like the first video from above, it's more like the second one, but that goes from 70 to 25. Mine is only from 60 to 30. Never less.

If I go back only a few steps and then go forward again, it's 60 constant. But if I go down the stairs and back up, it drops. So, I'm pretty sure it's something about the streaming.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just curious: What are the most demanding graphical options in the game? I wanna turn down as many settings as I can without losing too much graphical fidelity.


I did notice it now. But only with Fraps. Before I changed the config file, it was worse, to the point that even without Fraps I noticed it. It goes from 60 to 30 and then 60 in less than 5 seconds. It's nothing like the first video from above, it's more like the second one, but that goes from 70 to 25. Mine is only from 60 to 30. Never less.

If I go back only a few steps and then go forward again, it's 60 constant. But if I go down the stairs and back up, it drops. So, I'm pretty sure it's something about the streaming.

Exactly. It happens on all pcs.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Just curious: What are the most demanding graphical options in the game? I wanna turn down as many settings as I can without losing too much graphical fidelity.

DOF and Ambient Occlusion, and I'd also consider disabling Light Shafts since they're rather low-res and ugly, anyway. You could probably get away with taking down Object LOD and Dynamic Shadows a peg or two, too.


I don't think this will ever be fixed, it's probably due to the pci-e bus not handling streaming textures well. And it's going to get worse with next gen games. Fixes would be new versions of pci-e and brute force it, a new standard altogether, or a lot more ram on video cards and forcing this game engines to load all the textures for the level into ram at the beginning of the level. Was less of an issue with previous unreal engine games due the game being less demanding and lower res textures.


I don't think this will ever be fixed, it's probably due to the pci-e bus not handling streaming textures well. And it's going to get worse with next gen games. Fixes would be new versions of pci-e and brute force it, a new standard altogether, or a lot more ram on video cards and forcing this game engines to load all the textures for the level into ram at the beginning of the level. Was less of an issue with previous unreal engine games due the game being less demanding and lower res textures.

Other Unreal based games don't have this problem. I don't buy it can't be fixed.


Other Unreal based games don't have this problem. I don't buy it can't be fixed.

I stated why it is a less of a problem in other games. I have seen it in other unreal engine games, but not recently since my PC was overkill for a while. I remember Gears of War 1 for PC having the same problem (and Mass Effect 1 for PC).


I absolutely cannot believe they have not patched this yet.

It's well past absurdity.

as some of us hinted earlier in this thread it seems to be a problem of the engine, UE3 and streaming on PC is not optimized at all, seems like some added plugin to decompress assets mid-level is even making things worse, so basically they should use a new engine to avoid the 1-2 split seconds stutter when playing @50+ fps, cap it at 30 and you won't notice anything, after all that was the aim for consoles and the PC version is a port, with the bonus of much prettier textures, filters and resolution, but still a port.


I can confirm they FIXED THE ISSUE! FINALLY! I can finally play this game! I am still not happy about how we were treated or the fact it took 8 weeks (which I think we should be given some sort of token of apprication), but its FINALLY FIXED! Words cannot describe how validated I feel right now! All the hard work was worth it guys!


I can confirm they FIXED THE ISSUE! FINALLY! I can finally play this game! I am still not happy about how we were treated or the fact it took 8 weeks (which I think we should be given some sort of token of apprication), but its FINALLY FIXED! Words cannot describe how validated I feel right now! All the hard work was worth it guys!

is that with the ini tweaks still on ?

Great news though. Personally I wasn't extremely bothered by it myself, but I held off my second play through for the hell of it.


Ah I see. Jeez its been so long I forget the tweaks that I even made. I'm not sure if the patch overwrote them or not. Either way I'll have to check the OP out again to jog my memory.
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