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BLM Activists Interrupt Hillary at Private Event in South Carolina

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Ploid 3.0

I'm getting the vibe that Bernie has no chance. Well I really hope Hillary is a good president, and that she doesn't lose to Trump, or Ted (ugh).


I am talking about the Reddit style comments and posts of the Protest culture of shouting down

look at all the insults and smears. Even if they are not true, the smears stick.
The Right are masters of smearing, now the Far-Left are doing the same on Hillary and it's just as bad as when the Right does it on her

If the canvas is ripe, then paint should be applied.


Am I missing something? The girl was clearly in the wrong here. Why did she take Hillary's speech from back then about gang members out of context? I don't recall Hillary ever saying anything about race in that speech. A gang member is a gang member.

I also appreciate that Hillary is not going to be a push over to disruptions and twisted accusations.


She did. And the mother of Trayvon Martin endorsed her.


Look at the video and see how this wonderful woman carries herself. She actually lost her own son and then lost the battle for justice for her son. And yet she is sitting there composed and gets her message out in a cohesive way. If anything, she has the right to be angrier than the girl in the video. Yet she handles herself with grace and actually worked with Clinton to do something about it.

i'm getting "mad black woman" vibes from you
i feel stupid for berating blm's somewhat cunty antics. I get it now, and I like it.

Am I missing something? The girl was clearly in the wrong here. Why did she take Hillary's speech from back then about gang members out of context? I don't recall Hillary ever saying anything about race in that speech. A gang member is a gang member.

I also appreciate that Hillary is not going to be a push over to disruptions and twisted accusations.

Again, super predator was very specific code language for minorities. You still see that code language thrown around now, except instead of "super predator" you hear "thug".
Am I missing something? The girl was clearly in the wrong here. Why did she take Hillary's speech from back then about gang members out of context? I don't recall Hillary ever saying anything about race in that speech. A gang member is a gang member.

I also appreciate that Hillary is not going to be a push over to disruptions and twisted accusations.

It's coded language.

When you talk about 'Urban gangs', or Urban at all, you're talking about poor people. Urban implying that it's either brown or black people. That isn't to say there isn't white people that live in Urban areas, but the first thing that comes to mind when talking about Urban communities is that they tend to be minority communities. Superpredator serves the same purpose as it's about these urban gangs, and the 90's stereotype is that the prevalent gangs were either hispanic or black.
Am I missing something? The girl was clearly in the wrong here. Why did she take Hillary's speech from back then about gang members out of context? I don't recall Hillary ever saying anything about race in that speech. A gang member is a gang member.

I also appreciate that Hillary is not going to be a push over to disruptions and twisted accusations.

You're missing the fact that the "this WAR" must be "FOUGHT" with the "SUPER PREDATORS" type, Last stand, go get 'em boys rhetoric is part of the reason we have this failing war on drugs and gangs where police only see enemies in their vision when it comes to minorities, rather than citizens. No consideration of where they came from, why they might turn to gangs, why they live in such conditions, but find them and "bring them to heel".
She did. And the mother of Trayvon Martin endorsed her.


Look at the video and see how this wonderful woman carries herself. She actually lost her own son and then lost the battle for justice for her son. And yet she is sitting there composed and gets her message out in a cohesive way. If anything, she has the right to be angrier than the girl in the video. Yet she handles herself with grace and actually worked with Clinton to do something about it.
So the point of distinction between a "wonderful woman" and a "stupid girl" is whether or not you, SlimySnake, approve of the way they conduct themselves around Hillary Clinton. Sounds pretty paternalistic to me.


I'm calling BS.

I just found a New York Times article,referring to the term and how 20 years ago it would have referred to "feral youths devoid of impulse control or remorse."

Take a look at the incidents mentioned in that article and the race and/or ethnicity of the teenagers in question.

The implication is clear: young black and Hispanic males.
I'm calling BS.

I just found a New York Times article,referring to the term and how 20 years ago it would have referred to "feral youths devoid of impulse control or remorse."

So you ask a question of how it's coded language, and then respond with 'Nah your explanation is bullshit' despite more than one person telling you it's coded language?

Yes, 20 years ago it would have referred to "feral youths devoid of impulse control or remorse.", which again is heavily slanted towards minorities.
I'm calling BS.

I just found a New York Times article,referring to the term and how 20 years ago it would have referred to "feral youths devoid of impulse control or remorse."
Umm, that same article says:
Inescapably, superpredator dread had a racial component. What the doomsayers focused on, in the main, were young male African-Americans. For Steven A. Drizin, a law professor at Northwestern University writing for The Huffington Post last September, the deep-seated fear that any black teenager in a hoodie must be up to no good was essentially what got Trayvon Martin killed in Florida two years ago.


It's either a jab at poor urban minorities or just calling certain people subhuman. I mean pick your poison I guess.

in the same article

Take a look at the incidents mentioned in that article and the race and/or ethnicity of the teenagers in question.

The implication is clear: young black and Hispanic males.

It reads to me like a label for a certain type of behavior, regardless of the color of skin of the person carrying out the act. The context is crystal clear that it was about fighting the growing gang problem.

I feel like the accusation is taking it out of context and making it only about the color of one's skin. Again, I admit I may be missing something (apparently I am).

Do you not know what code words or Dog Whistling means?

Sorry, I don't.


BLM needs to be centralize so they can speak as united and if someone goes off the rails can decry them. A group where there is no central authority will have the same impact as occupy wall street. It will make a lot of noise then go away.

The tactics some of their members are using are extremely stupid and childish. It is not that different from what the conservatives use.

What made other civil rights leaders effective, was their ability to come across as better than their enemies. BLM has that problem, it is just bad terrible in their tactics as their enemies.

Nope they are doing well and this is no OWS.

'Centralizing' themselves means leadership and that means that specific people can be targeted and taken down or co opted by politicians for their own ends.

I don't think I need to tell you some of the previous civil right leaders and their fates. Their effectiveness were their deaths by assassination, some would say by very powerful interests. For all the carting out of MLK and Malcom X do you think certain people would be so happy to bring them up as a bulwark against blacks protesting in the 'wrong way', if they were still alive and still firebrands raging against the system and people like Hilary? Or would they be painted as old bitter 'race baiters'?

In this modern age any BLM leader or set of leadership would be on Fox news and their ilk constantly having their past combed over and undermined, this shit isn't new here. The tactics used to dismiss and undermine these kind of messages are in the establishment playbook. And I'm happy to see modern black activists aren't that stupid to fall for it.

Is it good that they interrupt these sort of events? debatable. But it forces people like Hilary to have to answer for past comments and positions at some point or another.
Sorry, I don't.

A dog whistle is political language that appears to the mainstream to mean one thing but has a more specific resonance for a target group of people. "Thugs, welfare queens, etc" The idea is addressed in this quote from Lee Atwater:

"You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968, you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."

— Lee Atwater, Republican Party strategist in an anonymous interview in 1981
It is good that she tried to hold Hillary accountable and shine a light on her past, but I don't think this changes anything. Hillary's primary supporters are already comfortable with her inconsistencies, and she didn't really do anyone a disservice in the way she handled the disruption.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Sorry, I don't.

Code Words and Dog Whistling are used to say something publicly about someone or a group of people negatively without using the real word they want to say which they know will get them in trouble, because usually it's racist. It's called Dog Whistling in the same way a dog whistle can only be heard by dogs, dog whistling is said by the person saying a hateful thing which other hateful people "hear" what they are really talking about.


A dog whistle is political language that appears to the mainstream to mean one thing but has a more specific resonance for a target group of people. "Thugs, welfare queens, etc" The idea is addressed in this quote from Lee Atwater:

Thanks for the info.

I still don't agree that the term "superpredator" was targeted at all black people. The context in which it was communicated is unmistakably about confronting gangs and gang violence.

Code Words and Dog Whistling are used to say something publicly about someone or a group of people negatively without using the real word they want to say which they know will get them in trouble, because usually it's racist. It's called Dog Whistling in the same way a dog whistle can only be heard by dogs, dog whistling is said by the person saying a hateful thing which other hateful people "hear" what they are really talking about.

In the context it was given, doesn't that apply to a person engaged in gangs and gang violence?

EDIT: I am often accused of being too literal, so this conversation may be lost on me.
Thanks for the info.

I still don't agree that the term "superpredator" was targeted at all black people. The context in which it was communicated is unmistakably about confronting gangs and gang violence.

In the context it was given, doesn't that apply to a person engaged in gangs and gang violence?

And what kind of people had a tendency to be in gangs? It was usually poor urban people who were minorities..
I still don't agree that the term "superpredator" was targeted at all black people.

It's not about targeting every single black person, it's about creating this dehumanized, monstrous image that in the mind of mainstream America is invariably black/brown/anything other than white. It's the exact kind of stereotype that makes mainstream America tacitly approve when a black man is unjustly killed by the police.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Damn right.


This is probably the absolute best video i've come across on just a few of Hillary and the Clinton family's racial transgressions, many of which they continue.

If people want to dismiss her neoliberal corporatist class warfare attitude that she continues till this day, that's fine, but there's tons of skeletons in her closet, including direct black and racial consequences for everything she and her husband were wrong on and had to 'apologize' for later.

This is not about attacking Hillary Clinton or supporting Bernie Sanders, but correcting the record on what she has not done for us lately and why she should definitely not be enjoying a blind ride from low info voters and the black establishment who have jumped on her bandwagon.

Seeing my people get locked up by the democratic establishment like cattle is just horrible to witness.

It's not about targeting every single black person, it's about creating this dehumanized, monstrous image that in the mind of mainstream America is invariably black/brown/anything other than white. It's the exact kind of stereotype that makes mainstream America tacitly approve when a black man is unjustly killed by the police.

"Super predator wasn't JUST black people!"

And "welfare queens" was not targeted at black people! Just poor people in general! Please...i'm glad you guys are correcting the record.


Hillary supporters should just take the L here and move on. It's unseemly, the amount of spin.

conflating Hillary about her comments on Drug Cartels and Streets Gangs 20 years ago then putting words in her mouth that she never said discredits BLM in my opinion

Hillary never talked bad about Blacks, this protester is accusing Hillary ''why are you saying that about black people?''

okay, putting words in her mouth that she never said.

BLM needs maturity and communication skills imporvement

Dog-whistle "super predator" BS is talking bad about black people, man. We're not stupid, we knew that was directed at us. The "tough on crime" policies of the 80's and 90's were meant in large part to destabilize the black community. Yes, crack and violence were a real problem, but instead of going at the root causes, they just decided to revive chain gangs. I'm old enough to remember and it was absolute garbage, in which the Clintons were entirely complicit.

As for the rest, you're just saying "protest, but do it in a way that's acceptable to me". Nah, no thanks.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Thanks for the info.

I still don't agree that the term "superpredator" was targeted at all black people. The context in which it was communicated is unmistakably about confronting gangs and gang violence.

In the context it was given, doesn't that apply to a person engaged in gangs and gang violence?

EDIT: I am often accused of being too literal, so this conversation may be lost on me.

A fantastical example.

Mutants are persecuted in the Marvel universe. If an anti-mutant politician went on air they would say something like :

"We are combatting crime. We are going to stop these street walking freaks that are trying to undermine America! We are going to stop these misfits that are trying to harm real American families!"

Freaks and Misfits are the dog whistle.
Yeah it's hard to dismiss that as not being racially charged.

But I do think it's worth noting the context in which she used it.
It seems that she was trying to make a compelling case about using public resources in order to stop pervasive gang violence.

She wasn't looking to make the human connection here and talk about how to dissipate gang violence through community outreach and anti-poverty programs. In this particular instance, she seemed interested in addressing the violence specifically. With so much violence happening, a strong police presence was still necessary to protect the citizenry.
She says, "We can talk about why they ended up that way" meaning that we do need to have a discussion about reducing gang violence through forward thinking means. But that was not simply the place.

That being said, I'm not exactly sure what adjectives she could have used to describe specifically the individuals who have past the point where they no longer express empathy. In this context, painting them as victims of the system isn't exactly appropriate when looking to appropriate resources to stop gang violence.


A fantastical example.

Mutants are persecuted in the Marvel universe. If an anti-mutant politician went on air they would say something like :

"We are combatting crime. We are going to stop these street walking freaks that are trying to undermine America! We are going to stop these misfits that are trying to harm real American families!"

Freaks and Misfits are the dog whistle.

Your example is of a politician who believed that everyone of a certain genetic disposition was dangerous.

I don't think there was even a subtext to the term superpredator that meant all non-whites were dangerous. It was explicitly used to target a certain type of behavior.

Your anti-mutant politician wanted all mutants incarcerated. A politician against gang violence wants people who engage in gang violence incarcerated.


I don't see how what I said is so terrible. People vote for politicians that don't represent their interest all the time (most of the time), whether it's minorities or poor people or union members or whoever.

I'm not black but I'm not poor either, does that mean I can't speak for the poor republican voters?


I don't see how what I said is so terrible. People vote for politicians that don't represent their interest all the time (most of the time), whether it's minorities or poor people or union members or whoever.

I mean, no they don't? As a general rule, people vote for politicians they think will advance their interests. You might disagree with them on what their interests are or which of their interests are more important than others, but, you know, that doesn't mean you're right!
I don't see how what I said is so terrible. People vote for politicians that don't represent their interest all the time (most of the time), whether it's minorities or poor people or union members or whoever.

I'm not black but I'm not poor either, does that mean I can't speak for the poor republican voters?
You imply that you know what's better for people than they do for themselves.

It's one thing to say people are kept purposely uninformed by their political leaders looking to take advantage of them. It's another to suggest that you or someone else knows what's better for them than they do.
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