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BLM Activists Interrupt Hillary at Private Event in South Carolina

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
It's not the first time a Bernie supporter claims minorities don't know what's good for them and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Is he actually a supporter though or is he trying to troll people here? Only time I've seen him mentioned Bernie was in a Kanye thread saying they should run together.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Holy shit. Thank you for posting what is, in my opinion, a thread-worthy video.

Something people have to understand is that when we talk about the Clinton administration and Hillary Clinton...it was never the case that Hillary was just some first lady who didn't sign off on anything her husband did.

She was COMPLICIT in almost all of the major bills and controversies of that administration and personally pushed and advocated full throatily using horrible logic and Reaganite language and viewpoints against almost everything progressive against blacks, against minorities, against the working poor and the entire concept of a sufficient role to play of government in ensuring the welfare of those folks.

She was basically the anti white liberal on poverty and racial justice. And while her rhetoric may have changed, a lot of her viewpoints and her backers mirror everything we know to be true about her and the Clinton dynasty, to the detriment of the lower classes and certain racial groups.


I mean, no they don't? As a general rule, people vote for politicians they think will advance their interests. You might disagree with them on what their interests are or which of their interests are more important than others, but, you know, that doesn't mean you're right!

You imply that you know what's better for people than they do for themselves.

It's one thing to say people are kept purposely uninformed by their political leaders looking to take advantage of them. It's another to suggest that you or someone else knows what's better for them than they do.

Fair enough, sounds like we're talking past each other but I do think when people are being taken advantage of by the politicians then they dont know whats good for them and theres nothing wrong with pointing that out, no matter what group it is


Your example is of a politician who believed that everyone of a certain genetic disposition was dangerous.

I don't think there was even a subtext to the term superpredator that meant all non-whites were dangerous. It was explicitly used to target a certain type of behavior.

Your anti-mutant politician wanted all mutants incarcerated. A politician against gang violence wants people who engage in gang violence incarcerated.

HRC wasnt a politician when she deemed black youth "super preditors" and the mass incarceration of black youth "super preditors" have not cured gang violence and it never will.

Unfortunately now she comes off as a white politician who regressed into whitesplaining the issues surrounding the black community at her plantation style fundraising dinner filled with predominantly rich white people that felt compelled to hiss and moan because their pay to play meet and greet was tarnished with the irrelevance of minorities.

Sadly the room, judging by the response, was filed with white people who believed everyone with a certain genetic disposition are meaningless, which is even more dangerous.

So many people seem to forget that the 2008 Hillary campaign regressed into a racist dogwhistle campaign as it became clear Obama was the nominee.

Fuck Usain Bolt in Rio 2016, HRC is gonna be the fastest human in the world when she runs away from progressives after the convention in August. Hoping that appealing to centrists will get her enough votes to overcome the youth and progressives she has dismissed and betrayed so that SHE can become the first female president.
It's not the first time a Bernie supporter claims minorities don't know what's good for them and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Actually, KingKong is claiming that most people don't know what's good for them, not just minorities.

It's one thing to say people are kept purposely uninformed by their political leaders looking to take advantage of them. It's another to suggest that you or someone else knows what's better for them than they do.

The one implies the other, actually. It seems you are taking issue with how it was phrased.

The youtube quotes alone are enough to show you the audience that video was made for:

Shitty youtube comments as evidence, that's real strong.


Holy shit. Thank you for posting what is, in my opinion, a thread-worthy video.

Yeah no, that's a shit video. Trying to point out Hillary's politics as a 15 year old girl and splicing Goldwater's speeches as a reason to hate her, lol. And then cutting up and splicing a bunch of quotes as "aha!" moments through out the rest?

The youtube quotes alone are enough to show you the audience that video was made for:

"blacks need to wake the fuck up, shame on sc and Nevada blacks that support shillary clinton"

"What a howlin' thundercunt she is."

"I wish every black person could see this."

"I honestly can't believe this woman's the front runner I genuinely don't understand it. I meet absolutely none of her supporters. And lastly I hate this snake but young Hilary could get this dick."

Shitty youtube comments as evidence, that's real strong.

Compliments the shitty video pretty well.
So in other words the now famous "But Bernie
" defense.

No votes should be taken for granted and certainly both democratic candidates need to continue to build on their platforms for addressing deeply ingrained issues that cause death, imprisonment, poverty, drug addiction and suppress the progress of minorities. While also seeming authentic with their platforms and winning over voters - making them enthusiastic about this election and the substantial shifts that need to be made.

Are you disagreeing with what I said? I think we both agree that Bernie and Hillary each need to address these issues.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Yeah no, that's a shit video. Trying to point out Hillary's politics as a 15 year old girl and splicing Goldwater's speeches as a reason to hate her, lol. And then cutting up and splicing a bunch of quotes as "aha!" moments through out the rest?

The youtube quotes alone are enough to show you the audience that video was made for:

"blacks need to wake the fuck up, shame on sc and Nevada blacks that support shillary clinton"

"What a howlin' thundercunt she is."

"I wish every black person could see this."

"I honestly can't believe this woman's the front runner I genuinely don't understand it. I meet absolutely none of her supporters. And lastly I hate this snake but young Hilary could get this dick."

Yeah, people don't like her on youtube. Yeah, they don't think she is honest.. Your going to get comments like that on the internet from any supporter of anything.

Yeah, she was a goldwater girl. Maybe you should actually look at the actual points made in the video which are all true and fact verified.

Of course you probably just watched 5 seconds and then went down to the comments section and tried to dismiss what the video is trying to tell you.

Its a shame, and i hope you go back and watch it for real.


Yeah, people don't like her on youtube. Yeah, they don't think she is honest.. Your going to get comments like that.

Yeah, she was a goldwater girl. Maybe you should actually look at the actual points made in the video which are all true and fact verified.

Of course you probably just watched 5 seconds and then went down to the comments section and tried to dismiss what people are trying to tell you.

Its a shame, and i hope you go back and watch it for real.

I watched the full thing, it's disingenuous. At one point it uses a half comment and then spams her saying "bring them to heel" about 15x over images of dead black victims of police brutality. Yeah, really informative and not manipulative at all....

Oh, and then accuses her of invoking an assassination of Obama. Seriously?
Assuming Trump wins the Republican nomination, it is extremely likely he is going to get the majority of the white vote in the upcoming election. I wager to say at least 90% of the posters in this thread believe this would be disastrous for the country. Is this not in essence saying that most white people don't know what's good for them?

She kicked a minority activist out of one of her rallies that was bringing up an important topic on race. And she didn't even address Williams' concern.

How she should have handled it -

"You know what? I'm sorry. You're right. I regret ever saying that - and I can promise you I'm going to do everything I can to fix this."

Extends arm out. "Come here".

Wraps arm around the shoulders of Williams. "We're going to fix this."

Crowd claps, and it's all on video. That would have shown empathy and actual concern.

Instead, she talked condescendingly towards Ashley ("You wanna hear the facts, or do you just wanna talk?"), ignored her concern, and did nothing as the Secret Service kicked her out.

Generally protesters/activists do not wish to lend themselves as political props for campaigns.

What you're describing would never ever ever ever happen.
You imply that you know what's better for people than they do for themselves.

It's one thing to say people are kept purposely uninformed by their political leaders looking to take advantage of them. It's another to suggest that you or someone else knows what's better for them than they do.

Wasn't that the whole idea behind the electoral college in the first place? Making sure we plebs don't fuck things up?


They apparently paid $500 a ticket for that event. Jesus.

EDIT: Apparently most/all of her fundraiser events are $500 a ticket.
Your right that there is no "best way" to react in this situation, but the way she did act was really horrible. Especially the end, saying "Now back to the issues, on the issues that I think are important."

I remember Sanders got shit just for standing in the background and letting them get their message out. It was his supporters in that situation that did wrong.

Here both her supporters and her completely botch the situation.


It's coded language.

When you talk about 'Urban gangs', or Urban at all, you're talking about poor people. Urban implying that it's either brown or black people. That isn't to say there isn't white people that live in Urban areas, but the first thing that comes to mind when talking about Urban communities is that they tend to be minority communities. Superpredator serves the same purpose as it's about these urban gangs, and the 90's stereotype is that the prevalent gangs were either hispanic or black.

How politically correct are we going to become? I don't think Hillary was blowing any dog whistle here other than calling criminals bad people.

Do we need to sanitize our language to the point where you can't even refer to violent sociopaths in a negative way. Should we just start calling urban gang members "troubled citizens of higher than average population density areas "?


Are you disagreeing with what I said? I think we both agree that Bernie and Hillary each need to address these issues.

Im agreeing with what you said, I just am pointing out that "But Hillary" which a lot of posters have been saying Sanders supporters use, is indeed something very normal in a primary. I always found it funny when people used it to discredit any opinion that included "But Hillary" themes.
How politically correct are we going to become? I don't think Hillary was blowing any dog whistle here other than calling criminals bad people.

Do we need to sanitize our language to the point where you can't even refer to violent sociopaths in a negative way. Should we just start calling urban gang members "troubled citizens of higher than average population density areas "?

Why not just say gang violence? The term superpredator is not just inflammatory, it's dehumanizing, and it's part of a long lineage of characterizing minorities, particularly black people as these brutal savages who must be "brought to heel".
Your right that there is no "best way" to react in this situation, but the way she did act was really horrible. Especially the end, saying "Now back to the issues, on the issues that I think are important."

I remember Sanders got shit just for standing in the background and letting them get their message out. It was his supporters in that situation that did wrong.

Here both her supporters and her completely botch the situation.

Well, the issue with Bernie is that allowing protesters to storm your stage and stepping back while they take the mic from you shows a complete loss of control of the situation on the candidate's part and doesn't look Presidential.

There is no fine balance in these types of situations. Presidential candidate's have to be in control of their own message and have to take charge during their political events. Whether or not people agree with the message is another debate entirely.

Well, the issue with Bernie is that allowing protesters to storm your stage and stepping back while they take the mic from you shows a complete loss of control of the situation on the candidate's part and doesn't look Presidential.

There is no fine balance in these types of situations. Presidential candidate's have to be in control of their own message and have to take charge during their political events. Whether or not people agree with the message is another debate entirely.

I agree, but I also think Sanders did it out of respect for their cause. he gave them the mic willingly and didn't have people come usher them out within seconds. Protesters never really want a dialogue (not that they should), its about getting the message out.

I guess there should be a good medium for the situation and maybe the party can learn from it.

Without that said, at least neither of the Dem candidates said they would punch them...


Why not just say gang violence? The term superpredator is not just inflammatory, it's dehumanizing, and it's part of a long lineage of characterizing minorities, particularly black people as these brutal savages who must be "brought to heel".

Do gang members who randomly shoot at a house and kill young children deserve to be humanized? Like 9-yr old Tyshawn Lee, who was gunned down by gang violence back in November in Chicago. Do the shitheads who killed him deserve to be treated like humans? Were I his parents I'd want the killers "brought to heel".
Im agreeing with what you said, I just am pointing out that "But Hillary" which a lot of posters have been saying Sanders supporters use, is indeed something very normal in a primary. I always found it funny when people used it to discredit any opinion that included "But Hillary" themes.

Sorry, I'm getting overloaded in the political threads today.
Do gang members who randomly shoot at a house and kill young children deserve to be humanized? Like 9-yr old Tyshawn Lee, who was gunned down by gang violence back in November in Chicago. Do the shitheads who killed him deserve to be treated like humans? Were I his parents I'd want the killers "brought to heel".

Except of course that the policies you champion in order to combat this menace affect vastly more people than the examples you name.
Do gang members who randomly shoot at a house and kill young children deserve to be humanized? Like 9-yr old Tyshawn Lee, who was gunned down by gang violence back in November in Chicago. Do the shitheads who killed him deserve to be treated like humans? Were I his parents I'd want the killers "brought to heel".
This has nothing to do with calling gang violence "gang violence," which is what the poster you're responding to suggested.


Do gang members who randomly shoot at a house and kill young children deserve to be humanized? Like 9-yr old Tyshawn Lee, who was gunned down by gang violence back in November in Chicago. Do the shitheads who killed him deserve to be treated like humans? Were I his parents I'd want the killers "brought to heel".

Yes? Are you arguing for more punishment based vengeance as a "justice" system?


I don't see how what I said is so terrible. People vote for politicians that don't represent their interest all the time (most of the time), whether it's minorities or poor people or union members or whoever.

I'm not black but I'm not poor either, does that mean I can't speak for the poor republican voters?

I don't agree with the common sentiment that people vote against their interest out of ignorance, but what you said should not be considered terrible considering it's perfectly fine and dandy to say that sort of stuff here about poor people who vote republican as other people have pointed out. Also, it is downright shameful people are digging through your post history over it.
What policy am I championing?

I did not mean you specifically, rather, the policies one champions. But just to use your post as an example, you are using essentially these horrible anecdotes to justify treating or thinking of certain criminals (in reality, certain types of suspect) as subhuman.

If someone lured my son into an alley and shot him, then I'd want that person's head on a pike on my lawn.

What is your point?

The point is that the justice system does not and should not work that way. You are demonstrating exactly how this kind of rhetoric can be used to undermine civil and constitutional rights.

We've seen time and time again the failings of our justice system especially when it comes to the poor and minorities. The last thing we need to do is exacerbate those failings.
If someone lured my son into an alley and shot him, then I'd want that person's head on a pike on my lawn.

What is your point?

That you are only thinking on an individual, emotion minded response. Why not make that person contribute to society after rehabilitation or to a charity of your own chosing? Why does killing that person make society better? Besides, enacting vengeance doesn't even make you feel better in the long term.


This was at a q and a session. Hillary's protestor was inside someone's home for a private fundraiser. It's not the same thing at all.

He's done this a number of times at different venues (not just this Q&A) if you want to look it up. Letting protesters talk is kind of one of his things.


That doesn't mean society is well-served by delivering you that head.

Then they can sit in prison. I don't believe in wholesale jailing of petty criminals like we have done for drugs and other stupid crap to keep minorities locked up for the past 30 years, but for murderers? There are some crimes that if you commit you lose your humanity and chance to be reformed.
Good on her. That took some courage to do in a setting like that in front of people that who she knew would look down at her and hsss at and shit like they did.
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